Get your list of goals for this New Year to find out where you both want your ship to sail.
Quote for the episode: "So goals overall can be things to add to your happiness, or things that can also stop detracting from your happiness." (10:08)
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Welcome to the EnjoyMore30s Family Finance
Voiceover Audio:podcast. The only podcast dedicated to making life more
Voiceover Audio:enjoyable for young families by hitting on the financial topics
Voiceover Audio:that tend to weigh on us, stress us out, and distract our focus
Voiceover Audio:from simply enjoying life.
Joseph Okaly:Hello, and welcome to this next series that we've
Joseph Okaly:put together for you on the EnjoyMore30s Family Finance
Joseph Okaly:podcast. It's really exciting after a couple of weeks here to
Joseph Okaly:be back, to be able to bring you some new content hopefully be
Joseph Okaly:able to help you in a new way in a new year. And so you know,
Joseph Okaly:being a new year, this is the time where we all get kind of
Joseph Okaly:energized. You know, we have new beginnings, new improvements,
Joseph Okaly:new steps that we can take forward that we didn't quite get
Joseph Okaly:to maybe the year before. So we're going to help you focus
Joseph Okaly:all that energy in this series when it comes to your finances
Joseph Okaly:specifically, so you can get off to that great start in this new
Joseph Okaly:year.
Joseph Okaly:As always, if you do like what you're hearing, please make sure
Joseph Okaly:to subscribe, follow us on Apple podcast. Really wherever you
Joseph Okaly:listen, clicking that star, leaving the review, it really
Joseph Okaly:really helps us reach the quite literally millions of other
Joseph Okaly:young families out there just like you. If you want to hear a
Joseph Okaly:focus on finances related to your mindset, your parent's
Joseph Okaly:mindset or even helping your kids with their own mindsets
Joseph Okaly:growing up, then check out some of our past seasons that dive
Joseph Okaly:really deep into those various areas. This series though, like
Joseph Okaly:I said, is about getting off on the right foot for this new
Joseph Okaly:year, and is why we titled this series, Setting Your Compass For
Joseph Okaly:The New Year. We'll have lots of great nautical references and
Joseph Okaly:puns just to you know, try to tie that in as much as possible.
Joseph Okaly:And there will also be lots of exclamation points flying around
Joseph Okaly:in the titles to try and help leverage that energy, right?
Joseph Okaly:It's a new year, and we want to harness that energy to do good
Joseph Okaly:things. So we're going to cover how to set that financial
Joseph Okaly:compass for the new year, putting yourself first, using
Joseph Okaly:what we call a bucketing strategy to help organize and
Joseph Okaly:prioritize your goals and really much much more exclamation point
Joseph Okaly:on top of that.
Joseph Okaly:Today's title specifically is titled Goal Setting Is a Two
Joseph Okaly:Spouse Exercise!, where we're going to talk about the very
Joseph Okaly:first part in setting that compass, which is really
Joseph Okaly:figuring out where exactly you want to go, right? And really
Joseph Okaly:not only where you want to go, but more accurately where you
Joseph Okaly:both want to go. The goal for today's episode is for you to
Joseph Okaly:walk away with clear questions to get that list of goals for
Joseph Okaly:this new year, we need to know where that ship is sailing. So
Joseph Okaly:when you're married, you have one ship, you're two people, but
Joseph Okaly:you're floating on one ship. You may decide to have separate bank
Joseph Okaly:accounts, split up who's responsible for you know the
Joseph Okaly:electric bill versus paying the mortgage. But you cumulatively
Joseph Okaly:have one ship still. You're agreeing maybe to have separate
Joseph Okaly:chores to upkeep and separate closets even to keep all your
Joseph Okaly:tools in that you're going to do it with. But a ship can only
Joseph Okaly:sail in one direction at one time. It has one steering wheel
Joseph Okaly:that you and your spouse have to sit together and you know, over
Joseph Okaly:my almost 15 years of working with families, I've seen
Joseph Okaly:countless times that spouses kind of look awkwardly at each
Joseph Okaly:other, when we ask them about their goals, and their spouse
Joseph Okaly:gives maybe a totally different answer than what they expected.
Joseph Okaly:"You think I'm working til 65?! There's no way I'm going to do
Joseph Okaly:this for that long. I don't like my job!" So things like that. If
Joseph Okaly:you haven't had a goal conversation with your spouse,
Joseph Okaly:this means you're certainly not at all alone. But this is still
Joseph Okaly:the first step now where you may want your journey to take you
Joseph Okaly:determines on how you build and pack this ship to help take you
Joseph Okaly:there. To aid you in this conversation, I have a list of
Joseph Okaly:three different questions that I want to run through. And it's
Joseph Okaly:really a lot of the same questions I asked the families
Joseph Okaly:that we work with, to help them gain clarity on what actually
Joseph Okaly:would make them happy, what goals they should set. So that's
Joseph Okaly:a key point here that we want to make sure we don't forget too;
Joseph Okaly:goals are things that would make you happy, not what you think
Joseph Okaly:you need to do kind of goals. You don't have to retire early
Joseph Okaly:if you enjoy your job. Or if you'd rather just take more
Joseph Okaly:vacations and work longer, that's cool too. Or if retiring
Joseph Okaly:early is the only thing you think about then great, let's
Joseph Okaly:look 100% go for that. You don't have to move to say a bigger
Joseph Okaly:house and work really hard and more hours to help pay for that
Joseph Okaly:bigger house if you're happy in your current home. There's no
Joseph Okaly:right or wrong with any of this. There's just what would make you
Joseph Okaly:both happy and what wouldn't, so clear your mind of those
Joseph Okaly:supposed-to's as much as you can. The other point I'll give
Joseph Okaly:you ahead of time is that goals are not at all to make you feel
Joseph Okaly:like a failure. That's not the point of goals. They are to give
Joseph Okaly:you a better chance of achieving something more quickly than you
Joseph Okaly:otherwise would have without goals. So I've shared before how
Joseph Okaly:goals used to petrify me. I don't want to fail, right? But
Joseph Okaly:even the best goal setting gurus out there, they may hit 50 to
Joseph Okaly:60% of their annual goals in the best of years. So we all set
Joseph Okaly:tons of goals, we don't necessarily hit right away, but
Joseph Okaly:we hit way more than we would have without them.
Joseph Okaly:So last year, I wanted to travel as an example to five new
Joseph Okaly:places. Five places I've never seen before in my life, and I
Joseph Okaly:only traveled to two. However, if I didn't set that goal, I
Joseph Okaly:probably would have traveled to zero new places last year. So
Joseph Okaly:hopefully that helps you see what I mean here. I have a whole
Joseph Okaly:episode on this topic, if you really want to dive into it
Joseph Okaly:more. That's really how important I think goal setting
Joseph Okaly:can be for you, and how happy you can be in your life, how
Joseph Okaly:many things you can add to your happiness list that you
Joseph Okaly:accomplish. So check out Episode 4.4, Schedule Goals, Achieve
Joseph Okaly:Goals, if you really want the whole rundown.
Joseph Okaly:Alright, so now let's jump into some of those points that I
Joseph Okaly:promised you to get that goal conversation started. So number
Joseph Okaly:one, it's pretty easy. What makes each of you happy now?
Joseph Okaly:Now, this seems like an easy question. But it's a great point
Joseph Okaly:to kind of start at to help build off of the today. You
Joseph Okaly:know, what makes you happy today? Is it vacations? Is it
Joseph Okaly:being home with family? Is it coaching? Is it going to Disney
Joseph Okaly:World? Is it even just going to the park? So you know, for me,
Joseph Okaly:when I sat down and did this, it was kind of harder than I
Joseph Okaly:thought it was going to be. What actually makes me happy. And I'm
Joseph Okaly:so involved in the day to day and going to work what actually
Joseph Okaly:makes me happy today. And when I stopped and think thought about
Joseph Okaly:kind of like the last year, it was visiting and traveling to
Joseph Okaly:some new places. And you know, for my wife, Lauren, it was
Joseph Okaly:coaching was her favorite thing to do. At the time she was a
Joseph Okaly:teacher and going to Disney World, obviously. So you know,
Joseph Okaly:when you stop and kind of think what actually has been making me
Joseph Okaly:happy today, it may be a little bit of a harder exercise than
Joseph Okaly:you you would think, but it does really help gain some clarity to
Joseph Okaly:okay, if these things make me happy today, then obviously, you
Joseph Okaly:know, I'd probably want to do more of these things.
Joseph Okaly:The second question is, what would make you happier? So maybe
Joseph Okaly:things that you're not necessarily doing today, but
Joseph Okaly:things that if you could do them, it would make your life
Joseph Okaly:better? So it's kind of like a building off of that first
Joseph Okaly:question. So for Lauren, I had mentioned that she loved
Joseph Okaly:coaching, she was a teacher at the time. And she wound up
Joseph Okaly:getting an opportunity to make coaching and social media work
Joseph Okaly:as well off of the coaching her full time job. So doing
Joseph Okaly:something that she absolutely loved every day. She also set a
Joseph Okaly:goal of one day getting a pool, because when she was growing up,
Joseph Okaly:her parents had a pool and she just loved that as a kid. Those
Joseph Okaly:are like some of her best memories growing up, where you
Joseph Okaly:know, being in the pool and playing with friends. So she
Joseph Okaly:wants to give that experience to our kids as well. And so that's
Joseph Okaly:not something that we're doing right we had right now. But that
Joseph Okaly:was something that would make her happier kind of a thing. Now
Joseph Okaly:for me, it really made me think about what you know, what do I
Joseph Okaly:want my business to be that I want one that kind of just went
Joseph Okaly:you know, to maximize income? Or did I want one that really
Joseph Okaly:maximize more living? And again, there's no right or wrong with
Joseph Okaly:any of this. But for me, it was being home for dinner every
Joseph Okaly:night and available to coach you know, soccer on the weekends or
Joseph Okaly:softball, you know, all those things my kids would remember.
Joseph Okaly:So that's kind of what we came up with, with, you know,
Joseph Okaly:happier.
Joseph Okaly:So the last question is what keeps you up at night? For some,
Joseph Okaly:you know, it's really just not knowing what path they're on
Joseph Okaly:that can be scary, right? Unknowns are scary unknowns are
Joseph Okaly:scary. For others, it's a fear of saving enough for college.
Joseph Okaly:This albeit is not yet as much fun of a question as the happy
Joseph Okaly:question. But this can be keeping you back from feeling as
Joseph Okaly:happy as you could be feeling. If you have anxiety over you
Joseph Okaly:know what path you're on or anxiety that you aren't saving
Joseph Okaly:enough or anxiety of what would happen to your kids if you or
Joseph Okaly:your spouse died or became disabled or something like that,
Joseph Okaly:well then that is weighing on you probably every single day.
Joseph Okaly:And the great thing about this question is that these items can
Joseph Okaly:generally be addressed pretty quickly and easily, especially
Joseph Okaly:when you're young and healthy. Life or disability insurance for
Joseph Okaly:example, can you remove anxiety over your family being
Joseph Okaly:protected, just like that. Saving a little more every month
Joseph Okaly:has as long as you know 30 years to grow and make just a huge
Joseph Okaly:difference while you're young. So removing fears and sleeping
Joseph Okaly:better at night can really often be easier items to check off
Joseph Okaly:than you know some of the happier items that like for my
Joseph Okaly:instance like a pool, you may have to ya know work a couple
Joseph Okaly:years to go get that. Whereas life insurance, you could
Joseph Okaly:probably get in a couple of weeks, and completely get rid of
Joseph Okaly:that anxiety that's coming from it.
Joseph Okaly:So goals overall can be things to add to your happiness, or
Joseph Okaly:things that can also stop detracting from your happiness.
Joseph Okaly:But the end result for both is more overall happiness. When you
Joseph Okaly:have this list of goals, hang it up somewhere. That would be a
Joseph Okaly:one of the first recommendations I would have for it, so that you
Joseph Okaly:can look at it from time to time, I have my goal list right
Joseph Okaly:on my cork board in my office. So I don't look at it every day.
Joseph Okaly:But I see it, I glance at it now and then, and I check in with
Joseph Okaly:Lauren about it every few months or check in with your spouse
Joseph Okaly:about it every few months to kind of keep it in the front of
Joseph Okaly:both of your minds. The more that you have it on your mind,
Joseph Okaly:the greater chance again, of some of these goals being
Joseph Okaly:achieved. And remember, if you achieve even one of those
Joseph Okaly:things, I don't care if the list of goals is 10, or this list of
Joseph Okaly:goals is 50. If you achieve even one of those things that you
Joseph Okaly:hung up, now you're better than you were before. Your compass
Joseph Okaly:has more of a route, your ship more of a direction. As you go
Joseph Okaly:along the way, don't beat yourself up because they are
Joseph Okaly:going to be delays. Again, we're not expecting all of these goals
Joseph Okaly:to be completed in every year. So if you want to get a life
Joseph Okaly:insurance evaluation by March, and it doesn't happen, that's
Joseph Okaly:okay. Let's shoot for April now, or May. At least you have it on
Joseph Okaly:your mind, and you're still much much more likely to achieve it
Joseph Okaly:than before you set any goals at all.
Joseph Okaly:Thanks so much for tuning in today, as always, and join us
Joseph Okaly:for next week's episode called Pay Yourself First exclamation
Joseph Okaly:point where we're going to talk about how you can work towards
Joseph Okaly:having the funds to start achieving now some of these
Joseph Okaly:goals that we just set and how the biggest problem most people
Joseph Okaly:face is giving all their hard earned money away to other
Joseph Okaly:people. So overall, if you're able to implement what we cover
Joseph Okaly:today, that's fantastic. You have less to worry about than
Joseph Okaly:before and you can focus more on enjoying life. If you're wanting
Joseph Okaly:help with these things though or have any questions you need help
Joseph Okaly:in clarifying, check out the ASK JOE section on the show's
Joseph Okaly:website. That's Until
Joseph Okaly:next week. Thanks for joining me today and I look forward to
Joseph Okaly:connecting with you again soon.
Voiceover Audio:The conversations on this show are
Voiceover Audio:Joe's opinions and provided for general information purposes
Voiceover Audio:only. They do not constitute accounting, legal, tax, or other
Voiceover Audio:professional advice for your specific situation. You should
Voiceover Audio:always seek appropriate advice from a financial advisor,
Voiceover Audio:accountant, lawyer, or other professional before acting upon
Voiceover Audio:any content or information found here first. Joe is affiliated
Voiceover Audio:with New Horizons Wealth Management LLC, a branch office
Voiceover Audio:of TFS Securities, Inc., and TFS Advisory Services an SEC
Voiceover Audio:Registered Investment Advisor Member FINRA/SIPC.