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Max Wojcik - The Ultimate Life Formula for Happiness
Episode 247th June 2022 • Bulls, Bears, and Bourbon • James Vermillion
00:00:00 01:46:31

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The Ultimate Life Formula = Happiness = Wealth + Health + Happiness

Max Wojcik joins Bulls, Bears, and Bourbon to guide us through his ultimate life formula. Our discussion breaks down the 24 variables Max has identified as contributing to our happiness. Max’s formulaic, mathematical, and logical approach to defining happiness is intriguing and leads us to a wide-ranging discussion on topics like the importance of a personal brand, stoic philosophy, eating natural foods, and the power of compounding in investing and life.

Max is an engineer, by degree, with an emphasis on biomedical technologies and entrepreneurship. He owns an online publishing company that helps content creators combine and repurpose their content into books - expanding their audiences. He authored the first TikTok-content-based book titled ‘What To Risk.’ He’s a content creator himself and can be found on most major social channels by the handle MaximustoHimself.

[01:22] – Introducing Maxwell Wojcik

[5:20] – Daily Routine:

Journaling – “before you go to sleep at night, write down a question, and then when you wake up in the morning, answer that question.”

[19:05] – The Origin of the Ultimate Life Formula: “thinking ahead while at the same time being able to maintain a present-focused mindset – both of those are extremely important to the decisions we make on a daily basis and our overall happiness in life.”


[22:40] – Personal Brand: “all the power is going to people with brands.”

[27:25] – Platform: cross-promotions partnerships, direct customers, media contacts

[31:40] – The Risk You’ve Taken in Public: proof of good judgment

[35:30] – Capital: “how much money your either have on hand or how much money you have the potential of raising.” “No matter who you are today, there is at least $100,000 in your network that you could raise.”

[37:05] – People: “people leverage is the most competed over type of leverage in human history.”

[41:30] – Intellectual Property: “apps, books, videos, films, bots…anything that exists that you can create on your own time. You don’t need someone’s permission to post a video online. You don’t need someone’s permission to write a piece of code.”

[43:05] – How You Productize Yourself: “what do you do that society struggles to either learn how to do or do on their own that is fun for you to do.”

[45:17] – Compounding Interest: “not only in your money but compound interest in your relationships and in your habits.” “Staying in the game long enough is crucial to acquiring wealth.”

[48:40] – Valuation

[49:25] – Margin of Safety: “the difference between what you make and what you actually need to survive.”


[50:35] – High Resistance Training: “lifting weights is an important part of your biology because you lose strength quicker than anything else.”

[52:30] – Playing Sports: “not only does it help you stay active, but there is a community behind sports. And there is a competitiveness that we all need.”

[55:40] – Recovery: “if you don’t take the time to recover, you’re not able to maximize your focus and energy.”

[56:40] – Natural Foods: “avoiding anything that is packaged, you don’t know where it came from, was shipped from very far away.”

[57:40] – Intermittent Fasting: “choosing a window of when you are going to eat every day, and there is a certain number of hours when you don’t eat.” “We were meant to fast; we weren’t meant to eat all the time.”

[1:00:10] – Eat More Plants

[1:01:48] – Sleep

Deep Relationships:

[1:13:40] – Regular Contact: “I don’t just mean sending a text – I mean how often do you see them, how often do you facetime them, how often do you hear their voice.”

[1:14:50] – Communities: “groups online, in your neighborhood, gyms, clubs at school…I’m a part of a tribe. ”Being a contributing member is also really important.”

[1:15:40] – Key Partnerships: “Allies. People who are going to talk you up to their friends, share what you’re working on, post about…because they care about you as a person. You don’t have to have a lot of them, but you have to have some of them.”

[1:20:00] – Stoicism: “what’s in my control, versus who am I comparing myself to.”

[1:21:10] – Love

[1:21:55] – Trust and Transparency


[1:30:28] – Book Recommendations:

Tools of Titans – Tim Ferriss

The War of Art –Steven Pressfield

Meditations – Marcus Aurelius

When Breath Becomes Air - Paul Kalanithi


People and Resources:

Ryan Holiday – The Daily Stoic, Courage is Calling

Aubrey Marcus - Own the Day, Own Your Life

Derek Sivers - Are you present-focused or future-focused?

Naval Ravikant

Peter Diamandis

Peter Attia – How to Train For the Centenarian Olympics

James Clear - Atomic Habits

The Power of Habit

Tim Ferris Podcast

**The information in this podcast is educational and general in nature and does not take into consideration the listener’s personal circumstances. Therefore, it is not intended to be a substitute for specific, individualized financial, legal, or tax advice. To determine which strategies or investments may be suitable for you, consult the appropriate qualified professional before making a final decision. Thanks for listening.




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