Artwork for podcast The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers
Chris Grosse: Penn State Assistant Athletic Director for Marketing – Work In Sports Podcast
16th October 2019 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:38:52

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Chris Grosse, Penn State Assistant Athletic Director for Marketing joins host Brian Clapp on the Work In Sports podcastHey everybody it’s Brian -- are you considering getting your Master's degree? Georgetown offers a part-time Master's in Sports Industry Management that prepares you to excel in the global sports industry. Ideal for working professionals, the program offers flexible options to take classes online, on campus, or through a combination of both—so you don't have to interrupt your career to earn your degree. You'll leave the program with the communication, business, and leadership strategies that position you for success.To learn more about the program, you’re invited to attend an upcoming webinar on Tuesday, October 29, at noon Eastern Time. Visit to RSVP.And the Work In Sports podcast is brought to you by the Work in Sports academy -- our four online courses teach you the skills you won’t learn in the classroom - but will make the difference on whether you get hired for jobs in the sports industry or not. Learn how to network, build your personal brand, interview for jobs and internships, and create a strategy for gaining the experience the industry needs. Make yourself more employable -- check out the Work in Sports academy classes today! They are taught by me -- so get in there. let’s start the countdown…Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp, VP of content and engaged learning at and this is the Work In Sports podcast…There is something magical about college sports. I’ll be the first to admit, growing up in the Boston area, there isn’t a huge college sports component, it’s all pro sports. I always thought of college sports as the minor leagues to the pros, and therefore less important. In my world view the pro game was the pinnacle and everything else was just a pathway. But really, this is the wrong lens to look through. This perspective changed for me, when I was in my late 20’s. I travelled to England to watch a few premier league soccer games -- I saw a game at Arsenal, and another at Chelsea - and these were experience I had never had in sports.The fans were different, the stadium experience was different, the vibe was different. I remembered returning, and going back to work, which was at CNN/Sports Illustrated at the time and telling anyone who would listen.. Oh my gosh, I feel like a different sports fan with different expectations. One of my co-workers said to me… have you ever been to a game at UGA? Well, no. Another -- have you been to a game at Tennessee? (this is when Peyton was huge) And then my boss a Michigan grad said ..dude “what about the Big house?” you been?It wasn’t until I started experiencing these sports cathedrals that I realized mine was the skewed perspective. That the real passion and enthusiasm and maniacal fandom was in college sports. That booming of 106,000 people chanting so loud your chest felt like it was compressing. That’s the magic you want from sports. And as my journey has continued, as I’ve interviewed associate athletic directors from Ohio State, Purdue and Michigan… you realize how much goes into operating a department representing sometimes 30+ teams, not just one. The effort and coordination it takes to maximize the experience of thousands of student athletes across a department...and to draw fans not just to football saturdays, but mid-week soccer games, and water polo and baseball. The challenge is real, and it’s exciting.I’m in awe, and for that reason I watch, listen and learn from those friends I have created in college athletics to better understand their world. A new friend in the mix, this weeks guest Chris Grosse -- Penn State Assistant Athletic Director for Marketing.Here’s Chris…Questions for Chris Grosse, Penn State Assistant Athletics Director for Marketing 1: Before we get into sports marketing in athletics, and life at a major university like Penn State – I want to go back to...




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