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In "A Changed Mind," our host David Bayer tackles the pervasive limiting belief of feeling "not enough," which hinders personal growth and fulfillment. Through a blend of neuroscience, spirituality, and personal anecdotes, David guides listeners on a transformative journey to dismantle this belief. He emphasizes the innate worthiness of every individual, drawing parallels with nature and loved ones to illustrate that worthiness is inherent, not earned.
This episode offers practical insights and exercises to help listeners break free from self-doubt and embrace their true potential. Join David as he provides tools and wisdom to inspire lasting change, encouraging a mindset of abundance and self-acceptance.
00:30 Breaking the Habit of Feeling Unworthy
06:00 Understanding Limiting Beliefs
"The biggest limiting belief, the most crippling one, is the idea that we are not enough. It prevents us from having financial prosperity and abundance, and from seeing clearly the purpose we are meant to fulfill in this life."
"Think about nature for a minute. Are some trees or squirrels worthier than others? Everything out there is worthy, is good enough. So what about you? Are you good enough? Yes, of course you are."
"You've always been enough. You are right now, aren't you? There's nothing we could add to you, nothing we could take away. Every time you forget, it's because when you remember, you're strengthening that belief inside of you that you are worthy."
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The idea that you are not enough or that you aren't worthy is no longer going to make any sense to you. Now, I'll repeat that in the next few minutes. I'm going to help you not just see, but actually experience that the idea that you aren't good enough makes absolutely no sense. And this limiting belief is by far the most devastating. Limiting belief because feeling like we aren't enough or that we aren't worthy prevents us from having financial prosperity and abundance. It prevents us from attracting and being in healthy, intimate relationships. It prevents us from welcoming in health and well being into our lives and keeps us in sickness and chronic disease. It even prevents us from seeing clearly the purpose that we are meant to fulfill in this life. Because the brain is a goal achieving machine. And as long as you believe that you aren't enough, then all of the things that you want in your life will keep just far enough out of your reach so that when you look at your life, you'll say, see, I knew it. I'm not enough. So there's nothing you need to do in this process. That's why it's so powerful. All you need to do is listen to what I'm sharing with you and to play along in your head. Okay? I'm going to ask you some questions, ask you to bring some things to mind. And all you have to do is be willing to go along with it. It's that simple. So I want you to start by telling me what you mean by not enough or what you mean by not being worthy. All right? What does that mean to you? I want you to pretend that I'm from another planet and I came here to Earth and you were explaining to me how it works here on Earth and explaining to me that you aren't worthy or that you aren't enough. Okay? What do you mean? Go ahead, explain it to me. Is it that you don't have more money? Is it that you aren't as successful as you should be? Or that other people are more successful than you? Is it that you should be further along than where you are? Is it that you didn't graduate with a college degree? I'm going to be quiet for just a second and you explain to me why you aren't enough or why you aren't worthy? Go ahead. Okay. Now I want you to explain to me what it means to be worthy or what it means to be enough. Okay? This is your definition. Remember I came down here from Mars. We don't have this thing called Unworthy or not enough on my planet? So I'm fascinated by this. What do you need to do in order to be worthy? Or in order to be enough? Okay, go ahead. I'm listening. Do you need to have some fame? Do you have to have a certain number of social media followers? Do you need to get paid more money in your job? Is that worthy and enough? Maybe have more revenue in your business or have your own business? Do you need to drink less or do less drugs? Is that what makes you worthy or good enough? Do you have to be a perfect person? Maybe a better husband or a better wife or a better partner? Or do you need to have a partner? So explain to me how this good enough thing, this worthiness works according to you? Okay, I'll wait. Really, explain it to me. This is important. Okay? This is the only thing you need to do to play the game with me in your head. Explain to me what you need to do in order to become worthy or good enough. Okay, got it. So maybe there's more, but so far that's your definition of enough or being worthy. Okay, so let me ask you a question. Do you have a son or a daughter? Okay, if yes, bring them to mind. And if no, do you have a pet? Or have you ever had a pet that you loved? Okay, if so, bring them to mind. And no child, no pet, no problem. I want you to think about someone that is so amazing in your life, okay? A friend, a mentor, a co worker, a boss, someone from church, yoga class, whatever. Bring them to mind. Someone who you just think is fantastic. Okay? You holding that image of this person or this furry friend. Cool. So let me ask you a question. Are they worthy? Are they good enough? Do they matter? Are they enough? Yes, of course they are. It's almost a silly question, isn't it? Your kid, your furry friend, your real world friend. Of course they're good enough. Okay, so let me ask you another question. Is there anything that you could add to them or that they could do to make themselves more good enough? Like, can they get even better, even more worthy? Like if they had more money or more success or more fame or they were smarter or more athletic or they had more skills? If they were skinnier or prettier, would they be more good enough? More worthy? I know, it's a silly question, right? Of course not. They're just worthy. They are enough. Okay, Got it. But what if you took something away from them? What if they had less money, worse grades, less friends, less smart, less skinny, less cute? Would they be less Enough? Would they become not enough? Or would they become less worthy? I want you to think about it for a second. No, they wouldn't become less worthy, would they? Why? Because they're just worthy. They're just worthy because. Well, because they are. I want you to think about nature for a minute. Just bring nature to mind. The trees, the squirrels, the rivers, the mountains. Are some of them worthier than others? Are some of them more than one? Another? One squirrel better than another? Is the oak tree better than the squirrel? One more worthy, one less worthy? Well, this is interesting, isn't it? Seems like everything out there is worthy, is good enough. Does needing to be good enough kick in at a certain age? Like you're good enough until you're 18, but now you're an adult, so not enough kicks in and you have to prove your worthiness. Play by a different set of rules? No, of course not. That's ridiculous. So what about you? Tell me again how you're not worthy. Tell me again how you're not enough. Go on, explain it to me. Help me understand how it makes sense. Dave from Mars. Tell me again how not enough works on your planet. That's so interesting, isn't it? So what about you? Are you good enough? Are you worthy? Yes, of course you are. You always have been. Someone somewhere came up with this idea that they weren't, and they taught it to you. But it's a silly idea. You've always been enough. And you are right now, aren't you? There's nothing we could add to you, nothing we could take away. So here's the deal. Right now, you get it. But you'll forget. Because not enough is a habit. Not worthy, it's a habit. But habits can change. And it doesn't have to be hard. So the next time you notice yourself telling yourself that you aren't worthy or you aren't enough, just stop. Think about that person or that pet. Take a look at the trees and the flowers and the birds. Just take a moment to break the habit and reconnect with what's real. That you've always been enough. You are enough. And you'll always be enough. Nothing we can add, nothing we can take away. Every time you forget, it's because when you remember, you're strengthening that belief inside of you that you are worthy. And nobody and nothing can ever take that away from you. I love you. And I'll see you in the next episode. Hey, it's David. One more thing. If you want to go even deeper on everything we've talked about on today's episode. Don't forget to jump over to wwidbair.com you can find the link in the show notes and subscribe to our new newsletter. A couple of times a week, I'm going to be sending you the latest episodes that we've released, along with additional free trainings. You'll get immediate access to my free Mind Hack ebook and go even deeper into all the tools, the technologies, and the frameworks that have helped tens of thousands of people establish a changed mind. Don't forget to jump on over to the site and I will see you in the next episode.