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Anglican Adventures in Evangelism
2nd December 2021 • The Living Church Podcast • The Living Church
00:00:00 00:41:07

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Bold, confident, yet natural. No, we are not talking about makeup, furniture, or dating advice. We're talking about evangelism.

There's seems to be this golden combination of boldness, confidence, yet naturalness, humanity, humility, simplicity, that makes for really effective evangelism, no matter the personality type or tradition a Christian is formed in. This kind of evangelism does not require you to either have a degree in theology or to apply the kind of cringe-worthy strategies you wouldn't want to be on receiving end of.

So what makes for confident, bold, but really natural evangelism? The kind that doesn't require that you turn into someone else, but does require that, at least once in a while, you get out of your comfort zone?

And what's the difference between an evangelistic vocation and the witness all Christians are called to?

We'll hear more about all this today from two experts in the field:

Canon J John is a Church of England priest and evangelist with over 40 years' experience. J John runs an organization called Philo Trust, which equips and mentors Christians to be more effective evangelists from where they are.

Guiding the conversation is Canon Carrie Boren Headington. Carrie is canon for evangelism for the Diocese of Dallas and founder of the Good News Initiative. She is also consulting evangelist for revivals for the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church and adjunct professor of evangelism at Fuller Seminary.

Now sit back, relax, but definitely stay alert. You hear a challenge today. It's a good one.

Learn more about J John

Learn more about Carrie Headington

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