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Nikki Burnett - Nutrition Consultant - Taste of Life Nutrition - Soulfull Conception
Episode 117th May 2023 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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Nikki is a Functional Nutritionist, Health Detective, Founder of Taste Life Nutrition, and creator of SoulFull Conception – PurposeFull Living for a Healthy Body, a Healthy Pregnancy, and a Healthy Baby 

She is also the host of Taste Life Nutrition Radio and Podcast which streams live every Thursday at 10am MT.

With nearly a decade in practice and 25 years of study, Nikki has helped hundreds of clients rediscover their health after suffering with complicated health conditions such as chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, autoimmune conditions, and fertility struggles – which is affected by all of these!

Nikki digs to find the root cause of dysfunction then addresses it step by step in manageable, strategic, methodical manner to allow for repair, balance, and the ability to thrive. When you’re thriving, life is next level!

Nikki cares about helping people live to the fullest expression of themselves and believes that when we are empowered by understanding the body and its needs, with freedom from debilitating symptoms, we can live the exceptional lives we are meant to live. 

Health is Wealth, as they say, and Nikki’s clients often undergo transformational experiences that contribute to lifelong health and wellness. There is a realization that we have an amazing amount of control over our health and our future, and we don’t have to succumb to our family history of disease. We DO have control over our genetic destiny!

For Nikki, after suffering from a 2-year headache that affected every part of her life and dealing with the frustration of feeling helpless with no answers, she decided to take her health into her own hands.

Over time and consistent research into many health modalities, Nikki became her own health detective and found the answers she so desperately needed. Today, Nikki lives that optimal, empowered, amazing life, which drives her to help others to dig deep and achieve their health goals. She works with her clients as their partner – taking the complicated and making it simple through baby steps and sustainable change. Food is Life – Taste Life!

 Taste Life Nutrition Radio Mission

To speak truth about health and wellness without fads and agendas. It is essential to understand that we are all unique and this show hopes to empower the listener to search for his or her own truth in health and empower them to find the answers without being dismissed. We hope to connect the listener with ideas, resources, and truths that help them optimize the beautiful life that we’ve been given.  

 You can reach Nikki -

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Transcript after the intro


Hello and welcome to the New World Order Showcase program.


Today, we're talking with the Nikki Burnett and she is a functional nutritionist.


Health Detective, founder of Taste, Life, Nutrition and creator of soulful conception, purposeful living for healthy body, a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.


treams live every Thursday at:


With nearly a decade in practice and 25 years of study, Nikki has helped hundreds of clients rediscover their health after suffering with complicated health conditions such as chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, autoimmune conditions and fertility struggles, which is affected by.


All of these.


Nicki digs to find the root cause of dysfunction and then addresses it in a step-by-step, manageable, strategic, methodical manner to allow for repair.


Balance and the ability to thrive when you're thriving.


Life is taken to the very next level.


Nikki cares about helping people live to the fullest expression of themselves and beliefs that when we are empowered by understanding the body and its needs with freedom from debilitating symptoms.


We can live the exceptional lives we were meant to live.


Health is.


Wealth, as they say, and Nikki's clients often undergo transformational experiences that contribute to lifelong health and Wellness. There is a realization that we have an amazing amount of control over our health and our future, and we don't have to come to our family history of disease. We do have.


Control over our genetic destiny.


For those seeking to have children, pre conception planning can create optimal health that contributes to the health of seven generations to come.


We have an amazing impact on the future of health for Nikki. After suffering from 2A2 year headache that affected every part of her life and dealing with the frustrations of feeling.


Helpless with no answers, she decided to take her health into her own hands.


Overtime and consistent research into mining health modalities, Nikki became her own health detective and found the answers she so desperately needed.


Today, Nikki lives with optimal, empowering, amazing life which drives her to help others to dig deep and achieve their health goals.


She works with her clients as their partners.


Taking the complicated and making it simple through the baby steps and sustainable changes, food is life.


Taste life with that.


Let's welcome Nikki Burnett.


All right, welcome to the You World Order Showcase program.


You are starting to get like right into it.


And I just, I just wanted to get it on record so.


I'm sorry.


You know I do.


Get I get.


A little rounded up.


About this stuff and.


I know I.


These guys.


Love the passion.


Well, first, thanks for having me.


I love what you're doing.


I love what you're about.


But what I was, what I was kind of.


Getting into was.


Was just that is that we speak.


The same language because before you started recording what you said was it's important to get out there.


What other what people don't know about because there's so much out there that people don't know about.


And you know, I say a lot that that's part of, you know, what I do too?


And what my show is about is the is people is getting people to think outside the conventional.


You know, when they, when they when something's going on, they're like, OK, I need to make.


An appointment with my doctor and.


My thought is OK, great, but what else is there?


What else might be able to be helpful for you?


Because there are so many.


People out there who are of service, who are doing amazing things that we don't know about, that the world doesn't know about, that the world needs to know about.


So thank you for what you're doing and for having me on and I'm we like I said, we speak the same language.


So where did you get started and why did you decide to do what you're doing and?


Just tell us.


All this stuff.


Because you do a lot of different things.


What's that?


All really important.


Well, thanks kind of, yes.


But they all sort of go together too, so.


I'm, you know, in my, you know, my bio.


I'll tell you what it says because you know it it's a little bit new for me, but it's I'm you know I'm a a functional nutritionist, health Detective, founder of taste life nutrition and creator of soulful conception, purposeful living for a healthy body, healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.


And so that's sort of in a nutshell who I am and what I do.


But historically, you know I my life has been in you know, a lot of the medical world, I I guess I started out in, in natural health and that's sort of what's what brought me to.


This I don't know 25 years ago or whatever it's been.


At this point, but.


Moved from that into the medical world, which was pharmaceuticals, it was surgical devices.


It was business development, you know, it was medical journals.


And, you know, all of these different areas of the medical world, which I'm grateful for.


But I knew that I wasn't a part of it.


Do you know what I mean?


It was, yeah.


And I'll say as much as I did.


Not like being in pharmaceuticals.


I loved being in surgical devices.


I mean, that was really cool to be.


In surgery and watch.


The amazing things that we have access to and that we can.


Do to help people.


Who are struggling and it was a lot of so is laparoscopic.


So it was a lot.


Of women's surgeries and the things that women deal with and the things you know these anyway.


I'll get sidetracked.


But it is it's.


It's beautiful what we can do.


In conventional medicine but.


Conventional medicine is so good at putting together broken pieces or or.


Fixing things that aren't.


Working quite right.


You know you break your bone.


You want to go to your.


After you have some weird ache and pain, you want to find a coach who's been through that and can help you figure out what's causing that pain.


Because you go to your doctor and he's going to tell you.


Here's some antidepressants.


You're seeing some pain pills.


Here's some antibiotics, you know.


And in a nutshell, it's.


Conventional care is amazing at acute care.


Less amazing, I believe at chronic care, and that's so much of what we see today is these chronic conditions that whether they have a name or a diagnosis or not, it's chronic.


It's the chronic brain fog, the chronic pain, the chronic bloating, the chronic heart.


Heartburn, you know, and all of these things are.


Here's a pill.


Here's a pill.


Here's a pill.


Here's a pill.


And it's not.


Let's uncover the reason why.


And so you know.


What I teach?


As often as I can, is always ask why.


If you think you have an answer, continue to ask why.


Keep digging and I continue to learn.


And you know my practice and in my world and you know, as I learn from my clients and from teachers that there's still deeper, you know, there's still more to know.


There's still more to learn.


There's still more to uncover.


About what could be going on that creates all of this dysfunction?


Ohh, it's you're. You're holistic.


That means of the whole.


It's not like, ohh my head hurts.


I'm need to take an aspirin.


Your head hurts for a reason.


And it might be because you know you did.


Something to your foot.


You don't put it together because you know we're not taught to do that.


And your doctor's certainly not going to do that because you're going to have enough time to figure it out.


That's true.


And that's the beautiful thing about what we do in.


The alternative world, if that's what you want to call it, which.


Shouldn't be alternative it?


Is the more traditional and the historical way of doing things, but.


We had the time to spend and we want to have the time to spend and.


It's our goal.


To learn and to listen.


And to help people to uncover, right?


So that's why we do what we do, because we want to be able to spend that time.


And baby steps.


You know, it's not like you're going to turn the fire hose.


On them and say, do all these things.


Because that doesn't work either.


It doesn't.


It doesn't work.


You know, I I have.


I have clients who are like, are you know so often.


Or you have to be so frustrated with me.


I'm like, no, I'm not.


You're fine.


You're doing great.


Let's just keep going.


Yeah, nobody's perfect.


You know, I'm certainly not perfect.


So anyway, so real quick the you know, as I moved into finally, you know, leaving you know the that that world and I just knew.


I knew that I was being LED, which is really interesting.


I knew that that there was something pulling me.


I'm a Christian, so I know.


I knew that God had a path for me and he was like.


OK, you've kind of been.


Going all wonky in here and there, but you've learned so much which I have, and I'm grateful for it because that's, you know, it's the hard stuff for the the great stuff and all of the things from the past that have brought me here today, which is really fun to look back and pay attention to all of that, but.


As I moved into nutrition school and kind of figuring out what I wanted to do, you know, I worked a lot with autoimmune condition conditions and GI dysfunction because everywhere is autoimmune conditions and GI dysfunction.


I mean what it is?


At the same time, though, I knew from you know from, you know, undergrad and grad school, I fell in love with reproductive Physiology, which is, you know, super Sciency.


But it's really about the miracle of birth.


It's about the miracle of creation.


It's about how we can come together and make little humans, I mean.


We have this miracle that happens.


Anymore special than that?


I know.


I know it's it's beautiful and we experience miracles every single day and outside of creation, I think we do.


I mean, you look outside at the trees that are blooming, it's a miracle.


It's beautiful, I.


Mean all of these perfect little things have to.


Happen in order for.


For everything to happen as it does.


And it's miraculous, yeah.


I totally agree.


So what I what I what I had.


Noticed was while working with people, specifically women.


Because they're like, you know, I have these things and I have this stuff going on and I don't know what to do about it.


And then one.


Day I want to get pregnant and I can't.


Get pregnant and have to deal with.


All of this stuff at the same time.


So it just sort of really again it's, you know, it's just that being led and.


And you know which I fully believe is is what is happening.


Is all of the beautiful things that I love about nutrition, about health, about Wellness, about creation, about epigenetics, which plays a huge role in this, and I'll jump on, but has all kind of come together in what I'm calling soulful conception and if, if I need to stop.


Please interrupt me because I know that I.


Just sort of go.


So it's this amazing thing, two amazing things that sort of changed my world in nutrition.


That I just.


Went holy smokes.


This is this is amazing.


One of those was the realization of what food actually is, right.


And so we see food.


We have this relationship with food and some of us love it.


And some of us hate it.


Some of us don't know why it hates us because we feel bad and we break out, or we, whatever the case may be, we don't understand food.


But you take all of that stuff away food.


And it's cool.


Or is a language right?


So it talks to our cells, it talks to our DNA and it literally tells our body what to do.


So if we're eating good, healthy food, the body's like I got this. Let's go. I know what I'm supposed to do. But if we eat food that is from the fast food or the, you know.


Your name space right this.


Not it's just edible.


Exactly, exactly.


It's it's.


Yeah, it's full of the preservatives and the chemicals and the toxins and the pesticides.


It will kill you it.


Is poison, but it might not happen tomorrow.


Overtime, overtime, exactly.


But it will.


And you know it what it's doing when we eat it is it just sends a really broken language, broken line of communication, right.


It's like.


Speaking Spanish, you know I don't speak Spanish, and so if you're speaking me in Spanish.


Like I don't know what you're telling me to do.


What are you trying to tell me to do?


And so I get confused and I get lost.


And then I get mad.




And so and that's what happens is the body just gets mad and it's like, all right, so I'm going to knock on your door right now, and I'm going to tell you that I you have this headache because I'm angry or you have this brain fog or this bloating because I'm angry and I need for you to pay attention to what's going on and stop taking pills.




The other thing that changed my world.


Is epigenetics and the understanding of epigenetics?


Which which most?


Of it really is way over my head, but the beautiful thing, and I think I feel like this is kind of where we connect is where.


So let me back up just a.


Little bit so.


genome was mapped out like in:


One or something.


And the thought was OK, that's who we are and that's what we are and that's all there is to it.


Then there is the discovery of the epigenome, so EPI meaning on top up.


So we have these locations on genes that turn on and off.


And the most amazing thing about it, as you know, is they turn off due to turn on and off due to lifestyle factors.


So they our genes express based on the.


Food we.


Eat the rest we get or don't get this trauma we deal with or don't deal with the stress we deal with or don't deal with.


The sleep.


All of these things.


We have so much control over, so it puts the accountability on us, it puts the accountability, it puts the power in our hands, which is even better.


So accountability can be scary, right?


It's oh, I'm accountable and it's it can be really hard and.


It it is, it's hard to be accountable.


But it is it's life, right?


But it is empowering.


It's the amazing amount of power that we have to control what we put in our body, what we put on our body and in our.


And then what?


His has all brought this together into soulful conception.


Is the health that we have today and.


Or at the.


Point that we get pregnant and this is.


Men and women.


It affects 7 generations down.


Talk about impactful and.


We're in a situation right now of crazy illnesses and fears, and all of these things, and we don't really understand it.


And that's disempowering.


We're sitting here going.


I don't know what to do about it.


When we do know what to do.


About it, we have the ability as each individual.


To create the health of the future, it's fascinating.


It is totally fascinating.


So it is really nurture and nature because you have control over it.


If you choose to take control over it and.


That's the key.


Take your power back by asking those silly questions like why?


Why is.


This hurting and.


What message AM?


I trying to be told.


Yes, we have.


We have forgotten how to listen to our bodies.


You know, historically as a as humans, you know, pre industrial revolution, right.


That's what we did.


Is we listened to our bodies.


And we ate.


Things that would control microbes.


And that we don't eat anymore and we would.


We would do something.


Seasonally and locally.


Yeah, exactly.


Exactly. And those aren't things.


That we do anymore, you know, food is picked way before it's supposed to be ripened and and so we're not getting the nutrient density on top of that, we're not getting the nutrient density because our soils are depleted.


I know that you know a lot of.


This year at homesteader.


Correct. I mean.


Yeah, yeah.


That's amazing.


So, you know, getting back to which is is a great thing.


You know, the oh, shoot the, the farming the what am I thinking the.


Where's my words?


Fixing the soil.


Fixing the soil, it's the it's the.


There's a word for the.


Farming methods that we're doing that are working with the soil, working with the ground, working with the environment, regenerative, regenerative.


There you go.


I hate it when that happens.


Yeah, it happens to me all the time, so you know.


That word.


I got the word.


On tip of my tongue.


It's there somewhere I got.


But you know it's the regenerative farming methods.


It's taking care of the soil.


It's taking care of the animals who are.


For you know, I I believe that and I say this a lot, but I truly believe that though that we're here to serve animals, we're here to take care of them, give them what they need.


Love on them.


Especially when it comes to those that feed us.


Because those that feed us.


They're giving back to us.


They're serving us.


There's a difference in taste in food now versus when I was younger, and I can give you 2 examples.


Chicken is 1 chicken taste vastly different today than it did when I was a teenager.


And the other is the case of the cow.


I and A friend of mine we raised.


A some cows.


Some cattle, some steers to butcher.


But there's cattle were left on pasture, and petted and played with, and I mean it got to the point where this friend of mine, she her foot was broken because the cow was trying to jump on her because he loved her.


So much.


And he just play with her and.


He broke her foot.


I mean, it's not amazing, but it's kind.


But they did get butchered, but the meat was so good because they they didn't watch the other one get killed, so it didn't have that adrenochrome rush that happens when animals are killed.


And the animals that we that we normally get in the grocery store.


The meat that we get in the grocery store, those animals have witnessed.


The death of everybody in front.


Of them.


And I also think that if people butcher their own meat, like I've butchered chickens and processed them, we would eat far less meat.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


And I agree with you.


And I think that you know, that's.


The that's the.


That's a hard thing.


For me, because I always tell my husband he's the hunter.


I'm the cooker because I'm like.


You hunt.


I don't want to do the killing, but but I I believe that that we are responsible for.


For their.


They're not they shouldn't suffer, right.


And that's our responsibility.


That they should not suffer.


No animals should suffer.


I mean it's it's awful.


What the conventional animal farming.


You know, the cafos do it's really disgusting and what we need to understand you know beyond.


The flavour of the meat and you know the yes, the hormones and the junk that happens when they go through this process.


But the animals that are conventionally farmed raised right.


They're not farmed, they're branched, I guess, but.


They're these conventional animals when they're taking off grass, it changes their biochemistry.


So all of the goodness that they're supposed to be giving to us, you know, the conjugated linoleic acid, the healthy Omega threes and the healthy Omega sixes.


But in the right ratio.


They're, they're.


Completely wonky.


So what does that do?


We are then eating inflammation or eating obesity, or we're eating the bad hormones we're eating.


Whatever else they're doing to the animals at that time, they're not supposed to eat corn.


They're not supposed to eat grain.


This is not.


Healthy for them.


So and you know a.


Lot of people like well, it doesn't really matter.


You're just eating the meat. Well, that meat has taken up. You know, it doesn't have the omega-3, so it has too much Omega.


Six, so it's an inflamed animal. It's an unhealthy animal. It's like, I think in two weeks, I think. And you may know this better than I. But the status they increase weight in two weeks by like 30% and so it's.


It's this amazing, inflammatory, obese animal, inflamed obese animal that we eat.


So we're eating.


Inflammation, which is going to create inflammation, right?


We're eating the Omega Six, which creates too much inflammation.


We don't get the conjugated linoleic acid, which doesn't allow for our bodies to be lean.




That's what UCLA does it.


It creates leanness of muscles, and that's what cows can give us if we allow them.


So it's


Yeah, it's sad what they do to.


Chickens is horrible what they do to.


Pigs is mind-blowing. So.


Pigs are really intelligent creatures too.


Yeah, yeah.


Which is.


Oh yeah. Yeah. And.


To think that it's OK to have them for the entirety of their lives, confined where they don't move, and to believe that that's a healthy animal, that we should eat.


Is sad and disgusting, and it's a matter of us standing up for one, having the knowledge right.


A lot of people just don't have the knowledge that that this is going on and that it really is biochemistry.


It really is eating these animals is creating dysfunctional.


Health for us.


But you know.


Standing up and I'm not talking about, you know, the crazies, but I just mean standing up and saying this is not OK.


This is not OK for us to treat animals this way.


It's not OK for us to eat them because we are losing years on our own lives because of this, and that's what people I think there's that there's a disconnect there.


And it that's kind of why it's important for people to shop local, know your food and you know, buy at the farmers market.


Even our fruits and vegetables are starting to get.


Tainted with stuff.


The GMO's and the.


About the label thing.


You know I.


Mean I don't.


Know what I believe about that but.


I'm certainly not interested in having it on.


The food that I'm.


Gonna eat?


Whether it's bad or not, it's.


It's like I just don't trust it anymore.


I I I don't trust the food system.


So no one of my favorite things.


You know, I'm not a I'm not a great gardener, but I do love gardening and I am, I think no, I still have one package of leftover so.


Like tomatoes and tomatillos that I put together from the end of the year last year, you know, in my freezer.


And it's really fun to.


Have from my garden.


That is as ripe as they.


Well, some of them are green, actually.


Because at the end of the year but to have your ripe food.


And I'm going to ask you this.


I keep asking this question because I can't find where I saw it.


And maybe you know.


It I don't know.


There is some kind of component molecule, something that is.


A fully ripe plant, fully ripe fruit or vegetable that is not there when it's not ripe and it's a super healthy something I don't even know what it is, but if we are not.


If we're not eating basically off of the vine, we're not getting this healthful component, and I can't.


I can't remember what it is.


I need to find it.


Do you have you heard anything about this?


I don't know what it is that you're talking about, but I do know that optimum nutrition and anything.


Fruits, vegetables.


Even animals, I mean, there's a cycle for everything and you should be eating it during the cycle when it's peak nutrition.


And you know, we shouldn't be eating the same thing all year long, like tomatoes are ripe.




You know when they get right.


Different areas and.


For different people, but at different times for different areas.


You just eat them during that time, and then the next thing becomes ripe, and that's what you eat.


And then the next thing, and then the next thing.


And so it you kind of go through the whole cycle and yeah, you can store some stuff for the winter, but?


In the winter, you're going to be eating a lot of meat.


But that's how it used to be.


Yeah, yeah.


You eat meat, you eat potatoes, you eat.


You know, winter squashes.


You know, those things that are Hardy and warming, right?


And if people did more of that, they would find that their health would improve.


Quite a bit.


Because they're not eating things out of season when they're not really giving your body the information that.


It needs to process it properly.


Yeah, I think that's true.


And you know another thing.


Is, you know when we?


Eat, eat a lot of people like why don't.


Eat a lot of vegetables, but I eat a lot of fruit.


OK, well, fruits great, but I think that that's a problem we're not meant to eat a lot of fruit.


Fruit is still sugar.


It's all the other great things too, right?


So I'm not saying fruit is bad and it also depends on the person.


If you're dealing with blood sugar imbalances, then maybe you need to avoid.


Fruit and have a few berries.


But you know, living in Colorado, which is where I live and eating pineapple and I do sometimes, but not very often, but it's delicious, but it's not really.


Intended, right?


And it's not intended, you know, because I'm in Colorado.


Another really interesting point that is sort of hard to work through, but I think about this, you know we I'm so I'm a genetically.


I'm a mutt, right?


And so I have, you know, all kinds of things in me.


When we were created.


We had the food that we were supposed to eat in that location, you know, based on who we are and our genetics and our makeup.


But now everybody, for the most part, everybody's a mutt.


And so it's super interesting to think of understanding your.


Your history, your genetic history.


Your ancestry and eating based on your ancestry, if possible, which I think is super cool and I have thought about trying that cause mine is like Irish and English and that kind of thing.


Which is a lot of really heavy food.


I wonder though, if it isn't a case of when you live someplace for a certain amount of time that your body is like temperature, your body acclimates to whatever temperature of the place that you're living.


Like I'm sure for you.


I know for me.


Absolutely going to Arizona in the summer time is like hell on Earth.


It is just so hot I'm I live in Idaho.


I've lived in Idaho for like 20 years now.


You have Adam.


And I lived in Colorado before that.


So there's similar temperatures.


You know it gets hot in the summer and it's cold in the winter, but you know hot for us is like 100 degrees hot there. It's like, you know, 120.


That's just like.


Close the oven door.


You're right.


But you get acclimated to it like the first few winters I.


Was here was really cold.


And people that come from Arizona, here in the winter time.


It's like unbearable when it gets to be 60, they're putting their.


Down coats on.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


We're laughing at him.


I follow you and I think that I think there is something to it, but it's, but our location doesn't change our genetics, right and so.


Well, I'm wondering if it.


The epigenetics thing doesn't kind of kick in.


Because epigenetics is, it's like layered on top of the DNA.


So you know, different switches in terms of what we should be eating for the environment that we're in.


It's. Yeah, it's.


Interesting and I don't fully know.


I love having the conversation because it's interesting and it's intriguing and makes me want to go do more digging.


I love researching and digging learning.


I'm standing right even if there's so much that I don't know and don't understand.


I'm like I.


Can sure try but.


Yeah, I'm just here to throw.


You out some questions.


Asking why.


No, I love it.


Yeah, ask me why.




Let's go find out.


So what is the one thing that you want everyone to know about?


I want to talk about your your radio show that you do, because I think it's really important.


I would listen to the last one that you.


Did was really fascinating, but.


Please don't quiz me about it.


I won't. I won't.


I listen to so much stuff that I.


Sometimes like.


Yeah, I get it.


Get off on track, but it's really what you're doing is really powerful and reaching a lot of people.


So tell us about that.


So it's interesting because you know, most people have podcasts and and this is, it does become a podcast, but it actually is Internet radio.


And so we stream it live every almost on Wednesday.


That's not right.


to come out every Thursday at:


And it's funny because.


You know, for so long, I was like, I should have a podcast.


Actually, I was afraid to have a podcast.


But what I know.


About me is if I had a podcast and it wasn't set in stone that I wouldn't do it.


You know, like what you're doing.


You're you've got it, and you're going and you're on top.


Of it, if I did not have a weekly appointment to.


Go into the studio to do the.


Radio show I would do other things.


maybe more at this point,:


We only get quarterly numbers I'm like.


Come on, I.


f the year that started it in:


And the truth of you know, people who are out there to serve the truth without gimmicks, without fads, without agendas, right.


And bring as much.


As I possibly know, I'm certainly not an expert in a lot of things, but I want people to know like you like we were talking about the amazing people who are out there, who are doing amazing things and health is of course, physical, mental and emotional.


But it's also relational and spiritual and financial.


And so I want to be as holistic right in my approach to bringing on and bringing into the studio these really amazing people.


And sometimes it's just me, like last week and this week it was just me, which is fun.


Get to just kind of talk about what I want to talk about.


But it's it really is.


My hope is to reach people in open minds or just allow them to.


Find what?


Maybe they don't know they're missing.


Maybe they don't know they need and that's.


That's what I hope for.


With this show and so.


Even just like 1%, just that one nugget that could change somebody's life or get them on the trajectory to.


To health.


Yeah, whatever it takes, whatever it takes.


Because we're in a we're in a pretty scary place right now.


And so yeah, it's whatever it takes to help in whatever manner, you know.


And if it's for me, great.


If it's from somebody else.


What I hope for?


And so with that, we then turn it into the taste Life, Nutrition podcast.


And so obviously you can find it on any where you find podcasts and you can find it on Facebook and you can find it on YouTube.


And I'm working on getting it all.


In Rumble and dig rumble. So yeah, it's been fun. It's been 3 1/2 years years now of.


Of going having some fun.


That's really impressive.


That's really impressive and we will put the links down below in the description so people can can TuneIn and do you have a website, do you offer consults they got going on there?


Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I have a website. It's just everything is taste like nutrition. So you'll find me taste life, nutrition everywhere. So that's the website,


Interestingly, what I learned yesterday is I had on the website and assessment.


It's a free assessment that anybody can go in and fill out and I reach out to you personally and we chat about it and if I can help, great.


If somebody else.


Can help.


That's great also for some.


Reason it's not.


So I need to get it.


Put back up.


So what happened to it?


I guess I don't know, but.


I've been wondering why, man, nobody's reaching on like, wait a minute.


There's nothing on the website so.


It will be there.


If it's not there today, check back tomorrow.


Check back next week, but feel free to fill it out.


It's in depth enough where it's looking at the different body functions to.


To gain some insight without, you know, actually going in and running labs and all the things that I I do with clients.


But it can, it can really give some insight as to what might be going on and how we might be able to address it, if whether it's big or little or you know whatever I try to do.


My best to meet people where they are in any situation.


So yeah.


And then I mean like it, the podcast tastes like nutrition in the show.


It tastes like nutrition.


I try to keep it pretty simple.


Because I need simplicity.


Yeah, yeah, don't we all?


Is there one thing that you really.


Hope people will take away from this conversation today.


The power is in your hands.


You people.


I I think that's that's really as simple as it is, is take to heart and know that literally you have.


I have you have so much power to make change to create health to to whatever it is.


That is your thing. You may be as healthy as you can possibly be and everything's perfect, but the the power is yours to keep it there. The power is yours to make it better. Whatever it.


Is we have it and.


If you don't feel it, if.


You don't know.


It the other thing that I like.


To tell people is to.


Find your team.


We all need a team of people to help us to build us up, to lift us up, because those who are building and lifting us up allow us then to reach down and help and to lift and to build.


And that's really what it's all about.


And so build your team of people around you who are.


There to support you.


Whether they're medical professionals, mental and emotional professionals, if it's, you know, your financial professionals, whatever.


It is.


You need your people who are there, who are true to you and have your best interest at heart.


And sometimes we find out that that's not the case and we have to move in different directions.


But you know, interview your practitioners and make sure that they are OK with, especially if you're dealing with something.


Like, make sure that that they're OK with consulting with and and Co managing and talking with whatever the case may be.


Other practitioners on your behalf, so you can all work together to get you where you need to be.


Sage advice sage advice for sure.


Thank you so much, Nikki, for joining us.


Thank you.


It was really fun.


I I.


I love this.


So I thank you for having me.



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