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Podcast# 243 Crazy, Idiotic or Both? Welcome to The United States of Mexico, Would you Like a Taco?
Episode 24331st July 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:34:43

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Welcome to the United States of Mexico

Hello there, I'm Earnest Mann, and in this podcast episode, we dive into a fascinating topic: the United States of Mexico. It's a concept that might sound crazy, even idiotic to some, but it's a conversation worth having.

The Idiosyncrasies of the Concept

In this episode, we explore the idiosyncrasies of this concept, discussing the cultural, political, and societal implications. We delve into the hypotheticals, the what-ifs, and the potential outcomes of such a scenario.

The Taco Metaphor

And yes, we talk about tacos. But it's not just about the food. The taco serves as a metaphor in our discussion, representing the blending of cultures, the fusion of traditions, and the potential for unity in diversity.

The Crazy, the Idiotic, or Both

Is the idea of the United States of Mexico crazy? Is it idiotic? Or is it both? We delve into these questions, challenging our preconceptions and encouraging our listeners to do the same.

Join the Conversation

So, join us in this thought-provoking journey. Let's explore the crazy, the idiotic, and the potentially brilliant ideas that can emerge when we dare to think outside the box.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:01 well hello folks and good Monday thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 243 crazy idiotic or both welcome to the United States of Mexico would you like a taco I am going to be talking about this serious subject of the invasion from the south which is exactly make no doubt about it let's not mince words here it's an invasion and there are some things that I feel that need to be said to put the naysayers and non-believers and woke alarmist um in in their place on this um I would like to start with a

01:06 analogy which just happens to be true [Music] um I have known a woman for sometime one of my several friends and in her case what happened was she had a a son who uh let's just say wasn't very friendly Cooperative or nice um yeah he was a Lech he was an absolute parasite um just uh a Lech you know trash just nothing nothing to do with the way she raised him or anything like that some men who are rich and who succeed they say the phrase used to be that they are a self-made man well he is a self-made Lich make no mistake about it and so

02:13 because I have so much to go over with this subject I'm just going to be moving right along and so um very long story short and this was not this was not the first time this happened but while I tell you this story I would like for you whoever you may be to honestly think to honestly consider um if you yourself have either experienced this or if you've known someone who has because it's extremely upsetting and unpleasant and um so but I just wanted to preface that so she has a son who um unfortunately

03:06 she loves dearly and I say that unfortunately because she is the victim of her own unrequited love and so on multiple occasions um she lets this guy into her home and you know the fact is as I believe in the case of most parents anything can happen in people's lives legitimate things legitimate things can happen company goes goes out of business they lose their job I mean you know every one of us in life has had to deal with and it's and it's good um you know we have friends and family to help us through I have no problem

03:55 with that whatsoever um that's something actually we should do but there's a difference between that and dealing with a latch because Lech has never had anything going on in their life has absolutely no plans to have anything going on with their life at all other than to parasitically exist off of others but without going in into this um too deeply this latch um you know they come in but it's a whole lot harder to get them out than they get in you know so they say whatever they have to say to get in and after that you know after a

04:43 few well depending on the person and the circumstances it can be anything from a few days possibly a few weeks depending maybe a few months but at some point they change and uh they get really nasty and uh you know this one from everything to going in her pocketbook and stealing her money out of her um purse and then she couldn't put any money in her purse because she had to worry about it him stealing it and and I'm just listening to this then she had to put locks on her bedroom door because he was coming in and stealing her

05:24 jewelry and at some point you know she's telling me all this and I I just couldn't contain myself anymore and I said would you listen to yourself what the are you doing if this was anybody else not your son what would you do oh well I I I would have called the police and and had them out of there okay duh yeah but Tommy you know Tommy has issues and Tommy has problems and listening and I'm listening and it's like yeah okay long story short let me condense this nothing's going to change because that is the relationship you

06:15 want with Tommy your son that's why you want it and that's what you're willing to accept and that's it and there's nothing more to be said so don't come crying to me when he steals all your jewelry to go out and buy drugs don't you know the list is going on and on and on and on in other words if you're if you absolutely refuse if you are in that much denial of something you deserve your fate I know I know I sure as hell I wouldn't have had him if I had my choice I wouldn't have had him within a thousand

06:52 miles of my home but that's me I know of course you can get accused of the thing well there you know he wasn't your son and she was his mom and yeah I've heard that before too and but I've also experienced moms that pretty much approach this just like I did and the very moment um their son or daughter started this kind of abhorrent Behavior their their ass was out of the house and never got a chance to come back in never um you know you you steal or hurt your from your from your family you're you're

07:45 just you're just trash there are very few things that can be forgiven and that's one of them if a person do that they're willing to do just about anything and that's not the kind of people I want to associate with okay and I don't think any normal rational person would either but imagine this because the problem here like I'm trying to tell you is then this creature Tommy he had the audacity to his own mother you know to basically fold his hands and saying I'm not going anywhere you can't make me

08:33 and she actually capitulated you know in other words again this would not have been my action um but that's what um certain people do okay now that was that was a son so imagine now put this in perspective imagine if you have groups of people like this an endless endless endless and I mean endless and you know it is an endless parade of these people that are taking up the Sun the resources of your home you see for some reason a lot of people

09:38 a lot of mothers who claim they love baby so much well yeah your baby what if it comes down to your baby your white just happens to be a white baby your white baby doesn't get fed or doesn't get housed or doesn't get this because they're being uh the father is being out competed in the workforce from people that will virtually work for just about anything because that's what in case you don't know this that's why the term as an invasive species what it means they out compete for resources the natives

10:29 and although you know granted okay it's not a separate species but the outcome is still the same and then when they know they're not needed or want it anymore pardon me and they keep coming and keep coming and basically say you we don't care about your security we don't care about the fact that you have 10 million more of us that you even than you even want we don't give a you we keep coming now if there's a single functioning brain cell in any you people and he awoke people and you liberal people is there can't you make any

11:30 connection of what I'm saying without going into act a bunch of academic if you're even possible and capable of doing that and see it for what it is because like I understand that your people you know Common People decent people get the hint they get the hint when you have to put it mildly and say okay well you know I'm really sorry but the parties full up you know basically you have to go decent people will say oh okay maybe next time yeah and you're just smiling and turn them away and they go away

12:14 but that's not these people and they don't understand these things or understand it or not they don't give a so you're being out competed for everything so when I hear when I hear you bitching and complaining about why your husband or you don't have any work or you don't have any use in Pay tell you what why don't you try this one time just try this actually try this if you have a um a cons you know a building a construction um you know for a housing complex going on where you live or something you drive

13:01 by on a regular basis take the time maybe uh you know Saturday Saturday is a perfect day to do it only take you about an hour but if they're putting in you know a subdivision or something you know a lot of construction going on homes I'm saying home construction for for that's just for an example but go there because you can go there and you can just walk through you don't have to stare at anything just walk you could walk or slowly drive or walk whatever you're comfortable with and go through

13:36 one of these things and chances are more than likely probably eight out of ten at least of the workers that are doing the construction that are on the roofs that are doing all this are Mexicans okay okay and there's this uh falcian bargain and for those of you who don't know the term falcian bargain is when you basically make a deal with the Devil um you get a little something that you want but when it comes time to pay you know the payback is a that's what we've done with our society so the contractors for the time being

14:24 because they're in on this thing too they they love that Mexican labor that's why all the are up there on the roof building houses and the Mexicans know it they're not stupid it's a fausian bargain oftentimes they don't have to worry about OSHA so much because it's sort of a nudge nudge wink wink deal um they don't have to pay the wages that the white guys wanted because they want to have a decent life for their wife and kids and all that because they don't give a either they just want the cheapest

15:06 labor there is so the deal is is that they get much cheaper per hour labor and if a lot of happens that normally would be covered under OSHA um they don't report it they don't report the accidents because they know for instance if they do that not only will they lose their job but maybe all their buddies on the whole crew will also lose their jobs so again it's very much a Faustian bargain but regardless of all that regardless of all that the point is is if you're complaining and bitching about rents

15:48 well those people have taken all those places and believe me um there in case you haven't noticed it they're really into let's just say making babies lots of them as quickly as him and possible especially when they're anchor babies they count on that too oh yeah um you put all these things together and then the flood is never ending and you're and you if you're on the left and you're going to talk about this in academic terms to me and you won't even fess up and have the and have the Integrity to have some

16:33 intellectual honesty and say yeah we're we're being invaded and the government is complicit yeah so you're damn right A lot of people are mad you're absolutely right and why is the government complicit I don't know it started 20 30 years ago not 100 certain all I know is I thought things were getting have you noticed this are you still listening to this have you noticed that just about every package for every product here in the U.

17:17 S is also bilingual in Spanish also all the telephone prompt calls um for businesses also bilingual in Spanish that happened I don't like 20 years ago or whatnot I didn't ask for this I thought it was weird I thought why are they putting Spanish on everything I don't live in Mexico what the why is it have to be in Spanish they could put it in Swahili they could put it in Chinese and put it in German why does it always have to be Mexican or Spanish you know same thing with everything that they've uh dunk like I said with all of the packaging is in

18:03 English and primarily Spanish here's the thing and I feel this is this is perhaps maybe the bigger point at some point a person has to ask themselves do I as an individual or if I want to you know say as a representative of my of my country of my nation you have to you have to look at the whole bigger picture especially if the government is doesn't appear to be on your side and ask yourself the question is this is this whole show worth it in other words do we stay in fight which would mean ironically having to

18:58 fight our own government I.E the mean Civil War um because they they are absolutely utterly totally and absolutely committed to kissing Mexico's ass the Department of Justice suing Governor Abbott in the state of Texas is is a is as a very clear message of that the Biden Administration loves to kiss Mexico's ass so the where who and why at this moment right now I could I could talk about a bunch of stuff but I'm not going to because this part of what I wanted to talk about is at a certain point the point becomes moot

19:52 the point becomes you look around as an individual and you say okay are we what few of us remain are we collectively actually going to regardless of the whatever the hell is going on with the government are we going to stand up and do something to defend the Republic or are we just going to say as the dude always did in The Big Lebowski it like we've apparently done to everything else we draw a line in the sand the Mexicans figured out that's a joke they they step over the line and then we draw another line they say you and they

20:34 keep going over that line it was a word from Mexico's president commenting on government on what governor Abbott did as far as those buoys that he put in the Rio Grande and he said that uh you know it's a governor Evan is uh being really irresponsible and that that is just that is just so I I can't wrap my head around how ridiculous and and insulting that is know if anything he's trying to be responsible when the government won't so yeah so to the president of El Presidente of Mexico I say you

21:29 you're the one that refuses you look the other way on purpose you refuse to reign in your own people from invading another country like I said some time ago and I understand that this is going to sound shocking and whatnot but if this were owned and directed by China this wouldn't have even existed at all the Chinese would have just installed a large caliber machine guns and just started shooting shooting these people right and left and right and left then suddenly they stopped crossing the border it may take I don't know

22:12 a few dozen or a few hundred but they'll get the message and then then we can what's the word negotiate there you go but as it stands right now we're you know I'm I'm watching this and uh I I just I I can't even comprehend it it is just beyond comprehension and what you know what's it going to take because as I tried to use and illustrate in that analogy earlier um and bear in mind and that that wasn't even relative strangers or foreign people this was a person's own son okay that invaded their home and that

23:05 they allowed this to continue and yet we as I say relative strangers to these Invaders still don't have the balls and still won't defend the Homeland and now of all things to let you know that somebody else controls this country somebody else controlled the Department of Justice is suing Abbott in Texas the Department of Justice should be giving him a medal that should tell you what's going on now at some point you have to ask yourself like I was speaking of earlier are you going to go in and try to save

23:56 the situation or for any number of reasons whether your age or your interest or your financial situation whatever it may may be because that's all personal on your end or do you just want to just want to fly the coop and get the out now if you want to do that if you basically want to abandon ship well of course that's going to mean that you have to have some money to do that and um but I will forewarn you also having some experience in this you can't it's not a situation you can't just at the last moment uh you decide

24:49 okay well I'm gonna get my Visa and I'm gonna and I'm just gonna bail and you know get the hell out of here I'll go to Canada or whatnot I'm trying to honestly tell you it doesn't work like that this requires um quite a bit more in-depth research uh than just that I mean technically yeah you can flee I mean and depending on your finances you'll be okay for a while again depending um but for most folks it it often more often than not it doesn't work out well I know all about it I that's something that I can

25:45 talk about at length if you wish so I thought I would tell you this because um you know this this thing that's going on involving involving this it's not going to go away it's not going to subside or go away as a matter of fact it's only going to intensify and get worse so now would be the time whether it be me or some other professional type involved in this or I don't I don't do Financial advice that is that is that is not my area of expertise

26:49 relocation and such is but not Financial so we can as far as I'm concerned we mostly leave that out of the equation but um yeah this this is not let's just say in its current incarnation it is not going to go away so it is either going to be resolved by the will of the people um which believe it or not and I'm talking in the USA and I am not kidding because this is what I do folks this is I predict things and I'm I'm not playing my own fiddle but I'm usually on the mark it may be a military coup

27:48 hello folks I just wanted to take a moment to give you this brief message as you know I don't accept any third party advertising I want you to be able to listen to any and all episodes to your heart's content without that nonsense and it really is nonsense unfortunately though I do need to keep the lights on here so I am asking for your support the best way to do that is if you're not here already go to the earnestmanshow.

28:24 com and you can either click on the put some food in the fridge tab or if you're interested in a little bit of merchandise it's the earnest stuff tab in either way by participating that you will be supporting the show and keeping it commercial free if you have donated already I just want to thank you sincerely that's it that's all I wanted to say and again thank you much it may take a military coup as Unthinkable here in the good old USA that that may be that may be the case because the the doj the Department of Justice

29:13 basically basically what they did was treason what they suggested to the governor of Texas that in and of itself was treasonous anytime you Aid in a bed a foreign entity and make no mistake they are relentless foreign entities because you know no matter what difficulties they're in Pleasant [Music] Pleasant uh non-harmful let's say people don't just endlessly keep coming and despite however bad things may be in Mexico it is not our fault nor is it our responsibility and it's not as though you know they're having a tyrannical uh

30:18 dictator like a Hitler who has gas Chambers and death camps there so we're not talking about masses and masses of polls checks Jews and all this that are fleeing for that reason no they say they just want a better life that is the clearing call that is the they just want a better life okay well when you work very very hard in your garden and you you do all this stuff to plant and you put in you know your lettuce and your you know whatever you you got a really great Garden going on and you're getting ready hopefully soon

31:08 to you know start reaping the produce while the bunny rabbits that come in to eat all of your labor they just want a better life we're just like the fox that somehow manages to get into your Hen House and you know kill us many chickens and as they can they just want a better life [Music] so that kind of you know that kind of uh psychology one-liners doesn't fly with me and I got a feeling it's no longer flying with you so if you're with me give this uh give this episode to a friend maybe a young person who uh let's just

32:12 say unceremoniously needs to be introduced to the harsh realities of life and existence because that is what needs to be done until next time take care why should you listen to the earnest Man Show because instead of hearing such servile cowardly and ball-less Reporting from corporate news sources delivering news such as I believe Senator show and so now you might be telling an untruth you want to hear what really needs to be said such as Senator is a paid corporate shill and if there is still any real law left in this country and if the judge is

33:17 in a good mood he should minimally be tarred and feathered with a subsequent 10-year sentence of hard labor with no possibility of parole we're stealing taxpayer money this is why you should listen because it clearly demonstrates your ability to see through such Mass corporate due to your greater perception and intelligence that's why you should listen to the Earnest Mann Show



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