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Networking at a Large Sports Event – Work in Sports Podcast e139
10th December 2018 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:14:45

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Each year there are hundreds of sports conferences around the globe which make for great learning and networking opportunities. How do you make the most out of these large scale sports events? We explain on this podcast!Hi everybody I’m Brian Clapp Director of Content for and this is the Work in Sports podcast.Last week we had our first Facebook live broadcast and it was pretty incredible, lots of engagement, great questions, and some fun interaction with all of you. If you were in there… thank you, I had a ton of fun, if you weren’t… well guess what, we are doing it again this Thursday!To start I’m going to go once a week on Thursday nights at 7:30 EST. In the future we may go every other Thursday, but I’m kind of into the idea of going full bore at the start, work the kinks out and improve on the delivery.We can always scale back if it’s too much… but knowing myself, I’m chomping at the bit to improve…right after I finished the first one, I wanted to go live again the next day and improve on some things I thought I could have done better.So long story short – we will be live this Thursday 7:30 PM eastern, from our main facebook page. Not the Work in Sports podcast group, the main Work in Sports facebook page!Here’s why, I found out our tools that help me interact with all of you during the live only work on facebook pages, not groups. So please, if you are a member of our work in sports podcast private group…make sure to come over to our facebook page for the live. Cool?One of the topics that came up during the live event was networking at a major event like the Baseballl Winter Meetings. For those of you that don’t know, the baseball winter meetings are a huge event and hundreds of baseball teams in Minors and Majors hire staff for the upcoming season. But with any huge event, you can’t afford to sit in the background and wait for thing to come to you… you need to go after it.Now, I’m a transparent dude, I’m not the type to fake things or provide fake advice. I’m not great at this. I know what you are supposed to do, I know what works…but I am not a natural networker. I have to work at it.It’s like my kids – one is like a math savant, can do anything math related, but he has to work harder at his writing skills. My daughter on the other hand can write like no tomorrow…but has to work harder at math.We all have weaknesses, and it’s important to acknowledge them and work towards improving them. Other things come naturally so I don’t have to work as hard at them, networking is less comfortable. But we can’t avoid what is hard, you can’t ignore it, you have to work at it.What I have learned personally is the more uncomfortable I am in a situation, the more I need a well laid out plan and strategy. I need an executable structure.So here goes – here’s my approach to networking at larger events.1: Research – I do as much research as I can into the people, teams and organizations that will be at the event. From this I create my target list. Rather than trying to approach 1,000 sports businesses and go the speed dating route, I try to narrow down the field. Who is in an area I might want to be? Who has a product I am genuinely interested in? Who has made it pretty clear they are hiring?Narrow the funnel. You can’t possibly see and talk with everyone well, so make your target list and do some research. Find out about their structure –who is in chargewho runs the businesswhat were their attendance numberswhat were some of their big marketing campaignsIf it’s a product, who are their investorsOnce you have some of these pieces in line, you can gain confidence in your upcoming conversations. I don’t know about you, but when I feel smart, I exude confidence. When I an unprepared, I know I am winging it and it’s obvious. So do your research and make a target list.2: Now you are at the event. I like to get myself comfortable first… some people will tell you to rush to people you want to speak with first so you’ll be mem...




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