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LinkedIn: How To Build Your EDU Brand Through Professional Networking?
Episode 631st January 2020 • The Jeff Bradbury Show • Jeffrey Bradbury
00:00:00 00:50:04

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Are you looking to Build Your EDU Brand? Of course, you are!

You probably engage in Twitter chats, are very active in Facebook groups and spend most of your time pinning and repinning others ... ya know ... pins. But are you missing out on the most popular and active Social Media platform that is designed for professionals such as yourself?

I first signed up for LinkedIn in 2011. I added my information, tried to look as professional as possible, and then forgot about it for several years until it was time for me to start a new career search.

Suddenly everything on the platform became much more important.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Today, LinkedIn is not just for people searching for new jobs. It is the epicenter for professional networking, blogging, and yes... video production.

But what works for some might not work for you. This is why you need to have an expert on your side to help you navigate through the LinkedIn platform.

Enter my good friend Karen Yankovich, a LinkedIn coach, podcaster, and amazing presenter who is here today to help set the record straight and help us all Build our EDU Brands through our LinkedIn Profiles.

In this episode, we speak with LinkedIn expert and branding mentor Karen Yankovich to learn how we can be leveraging LinkedIn to Build our EDU Brands.

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The TeacherCast 90-Day Email Marketing Challenge

At this moment, I'm guessing you might fit into one of these categories:

  1. You have a great idea that you would like to get noticed by the educational community
  2. You are looking to build a distinguishable brand for yourself to get noticed by edtech companies, professional learning conferences, or perhaps … employers.
  3. You are looking to take your current website, blog, podcast, book, and/or social media strategy to the next level

Join the TeacherCast 90-Day Email Marketing Challenge Today!

In this challenge, you are going to learn:

  • How to find and target your Avatar to grow your email list.
  • The importance of having a great looking website and how to build the one that attracts eyes on your brand and grows your email list.
  • How to grow a successful Social Media strategy that gets you noticed and grows your email list.
  • How to create a branded professional slide deck for your next conference that grows your email list.
  • How to fight the war on the inbox and what it means for your unopened emails.
  • How to improve your email open rates so that the work you put into your emails gets noticed clicked on.
  • and much more …

5 Ways To Grow Your Brand Through LinkedIn

  • Optimize Your Profile
  • Use LinkedIn as a Writing Platform
  • Take Advantage of Video
  • LinkedIn Pages / Groups
  • Building Relationships

About Our Guest: Karen Yankovich

Karen Yankovich is CEO of Uplevel Media, a LinkedIn marketing firm delivering profitable cutting-edge digital strategies, and host of the popular podcast “Good Girls Get Rich”. Karen is an internationally recognized LinkedIn Expert and Consultant who is a genius at helping businesses use LinkedIn and a range of other social spaces profitably.

A popular trainer and international speaker, Karen’s social media advice and expertise can be found in guest contributions to Costco Connection, Huffington Post, Social Media Examiner and Career Talk Radio on Sirius XM Radio . 

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