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Journey To Success – Dr. Melvin Futrell
Episode 149115th April 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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Journey To Success

Dr. Melvin Futrell

Do you want to be a “winner” in life?  I hope you said “YES and AMEN” to that question. Amen!

Of course, to be a winner, you have to live like a winner. Too many people today are living defeated. Too many people today believe that, maybe, someday, they may win… but not right now.  Still others are “win a few, lose a few.” If that sounds like your life, you are about to find out just what it will take to turn that around. Amen!

Our guest today is the founder of the “Winners Way” on Facebook, Dr. Melvin Futrell. Dr. Melvin is also the Bishop, founder and senior pastor of “Proceeding Word Church” in Chesapeake, Virginia. And he is the author of a great book, “The Journey to Success: How to Face Life Challenges, Setbacks and WIN.”

He is a much sought after speaker and, through his work, he actively contributes to the growth and the impact of the Kingdom of God on this society – not only for this present generation, but for generations to come! And we are blessed to have him join us today! Amen!

Help me welcome to the program, Dr. Melvin Futrell. Dr. Melvin, thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to join us today!

The first question I always start with is this… Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Dr. Melvin Futrell?”

Your background, you were destined for Division 1 football… but instead, opted for a stint in the Marine Corps. To that I want to say, “Thank you for your service.” I try to do that for every veteran I have on the program. I did 12+ years in the Army as well. 

On your website, you say, “Prepare to be uncomfortable.” Can you explain that for our listeners?

As a ministry leader, share with us what it is like to be “uncomfortable” in stretching your followers to accomplish great goals that is outside their day to day “normal.”

Let’s talk about your book, “The Journey to Success: How to Face Life Challenges, Setbacks and WIN,” a bit.

First, why did you write this book and why publish it now?

In your book, you share there are two ways you can learn important life lessons. Can you share those two ways with our listeners?

Does someone have to be in business to have a mentor?

How do you help those who choose option number two?

Explain for us about the “Winners Way?”  How do you help people with that?

What are the process if someone wants to get in touch with you and see about working with you?  How can someone get in touch with you and receive more information?

Your book, “The Journey to Success,” how can someone obtain a copy? Is it on Amazon?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, life is not living according to what others say you should do or what others say you should have. It is not something that should be defined by your circumstances alone. It should not be a life where you only play small and try to play it safe.

True living is living a life that YOU design. A life where YOU make the decisions, not somebody else. A life where YOU determine the circumstances and YOU don’t have to play it safe – you just need to play it smart! Amen!

Of course, the most important part is knowing Christ as your Savior. That is foremost the first step to living a successful and meaningful life. Securing your eternal destiny is paramount. But, even then, as Bishop will testify to and myself as well – it still takes a decision on YOUR part to change the natural circumstances in your favor. You are the only one who can make the determination to take the steps right now to change your path. 

As Bishop says on his website, you do not need a “Life spent playing small and never knowing what could have been.”  

I urge you to drop down into the show notes right now and reach out to Dr. Futrell. Click the links. Ask your question. Order his book!  Praise God… this book would be a great first step to get you on the path to success. Amen!

Drop down into the shown notes, click the links, ask your questions and see how Dr. Melvin can help you achieve all that God has destined for you. Amen!

Bishop, thank you for taking the time to come on the program and sharing about all that you do for the Body of Christ and to help folks achieve even greater things for themselves and the Kingdom. I do appreciate your time today.

Folks, that is all the time we have for today. For Bishop and Dr. Melvin Futrell and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!





FREE COPY of:  “The Journey to Success: How to Face Life Challenges, Setbacks and WIN.”  

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