Join host Tessa as she discusses the nature of feminine energy and clears up misconceptions about it. Feminine energy is about expanding relationships and finding one's voice. It involves speaking from a connected and aligned place, creating space for enjoyment, and creating deep connections with others. By embracing feminine energy, one can experience greater authenticity, stronger relationships, and a sense of empowerment.
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* About the Host *
Tessa Lynne Alburn believes that every woman has the ability to learn to express their true voice, be heard, and fulfill their dreams.
As a Feminine Energy Coach and Soul Connection Mentor for women, Tessa supports you in having the freedom you crave and strong connections with others, as you live powerfully with joy and a sense of adventure.
Tessa’s Free Gift: If you want to be freer, happier and more courageous in life, get your free Soulful E-Guide here and Say YES to Your Soul!
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May You Say YES to Your Soul.
Tessa (00:02):
Okay, we're going to jump right in here to feminine
energy. And one of the questions that I get as I'm being interviewed on other
people's shows and doing speaking, it's, it's a question around the nature of
feminine energy. And so peoples do have misconceptions about it. So I
definitely wanna clear that up right now, and I want you to know what it's not
first. So first, it's not anything that resembles being a doormat, right? It's
nothing about keeping you small or limited. It's definitely not the 1950s. What
it is, is it's energy that's going to help you expand your relationships and
create the types of relationships that you really want and crave. Also, having
feminine energy will allow you to have your voice finally right, and your
freedom to be authentically you. And when I'm talking about having your voice,
I wanna be really clear about that. I'm not talking about like suddenly
shouting from the rooftops. Every little resentment you've ever had, that would
not be feminine energy, but it does mean being able to speak clearly from a
connected place inside of you, an aligned place in your heart, in your soul,
and speaking your truth. And having feminine energy is also gonna mean you're
gonna be creating more space in your life for enjoyment.
When I see women who aren't working with their own
feminine energy, they be either become
overly masculinized or they become a little shut down, a little numb down or
they're hiding out in some way and they're not living fully and they're not
enjoying their life as much as they could. There are some similar issues
between with that are shared with all these ladies. So they're not fully
connecting with people, right? They feel like they could be getting pushed
around, or maybe they've just been frustrated a lot with others, and so they're
like seeking refuge, or they don't want to have their feelings impact other
people. This is pretty, pretty big one actually. So they will keep to
themselves and rather than connect with the people who care about them because
feel bad about feeling the way that they feel, and other ladies may just not
feel quite so powerful.
Like they don't feel heard in the right ways in their,
whether it's in their relationships or in their work or in the world. They're
just not feeling powerful or heard. So today, I'm gonna give you a sense of the
main areas that I see that come together to form feminine energy in a powerful
way so that you are heard and seen and gotten. The first area is connection,
and I really mean creating connection. So it's an active verb. It's a Jaron. So
a feminine trait is the ability to create connection with others. It's causing
connection, and it's also creating connection to the universe, right? Like real
appreciation of everything that is here nurturing us, the earth, the planets,
the cosmos, and doing it in a healthy way without enmeshment or entanglements.
And I think that's where a lot of us went astray.
I certainly had, I I was pretty entangled actually with
someone who was not even living anymore because of my desire to feel that
connection. So it's definitely, connection is not something that's codependent,
right, or smothering. So if we're doing those things, we're not connecting. If
we're taking over like in a conversation or changing, we've got an agenda like
to, and it could be unconscious to change the dynamics or manipulate things in
some way, that none of that is feminine energy. So feminine energy is
definitely respectful. We need to know and respect ourselves and others in
order to create real connection. And I think something that can get in the way
of that is, let's say having a good girl identity, you know, always needing to
be good. The one that that does it, right? The one that you can always count on
or being the people pleaser, you know?
So the minute somebody else has a need jumping into to
take care of their need while overriding your own, these things can prevent you
from creating connection and intimacy also. So most women I know wanna create
deep connections with people that they care about, right? There's something
about relationships. You just want something juicy. You might call it intimacy,
right? We, we tend to think of love relationship when we were talking about
intimacy, but it's really not limited to that. We can have an intimate
conversation with someone who we're not lovers with. And it's that depth of
conversation. It's that depth of knowing one another and caring for one another
that makes it intimate. And also there's usually some vulnerability in there.
And so maybe you have one or two people in your life that you're doing that
with, and maybe not, or you're somebody who would love to have that depth of
connection with many people. And I want you to know that it is possible you can
create intimate relationships that are healthy and strong and vibrant, and that
have meaning where you feel seen and connected.
Being a good girl or a people pleaser is going to put you
under the framework of perfectionism. 'cause the only way you can be those
things is to be constantly monitoring how perfectly you're doing things. And
perfectionism is like I think of it like a defcon one wall to connection. It is
just a wall. It will not allow connection to penetrate it. Needing to be
perfect is all a big protection energy. And so what you need with connection is
a willingness to be seen with your flaws, right? A willingness to be seen in
your messiness and your mistakes. And maybe that's gonna start with you, like
allowing yourself to have mistakes and make messes of things and not get
everything right the first time you go to do it.
When you're not in that willingness, you create a clear
disconnect with others. They may not know it consciously, but they will sense
it on the subtle, energetic level. And the reason that you could be protecting
could be something like the fear of getting rejected or being criticized or
feeling judged. Also, sometimes you just don't want, like other people to worry
about you like you're trying to care, take somebody else's feelings about you.
And, all that creates disconnection. Now, one of the things we do well when we
connect is we can connect because we love to talk, but we can also overdo it.
We can overdo the talking. So we wanna bring in the balance of listening, the
not just be a fly on the wall, we wanna be participatory, and we also wanna
learn to be empathetic without overdoing that as well.
It's been recognized that overdoing empathy is an actual
problem where you start to feel drained and you lose your own energy. So I want
you to maintain your energy and have connection. Another way of creating
connection is certainly like some of the things that we were really familiar
with, like the giving of meals, right? Creating a dinner. And I was remembering
an episode of the Bear recently. I don't know if you've seen it, but there's an
episode, a Christmas episode where the mother is making this really
<laugh> intense menu for the dinner for the extended family and the whole
family. And she's just really driven and everybody's like moving around her and
making sure she's taken care of and stuff like that. And she's, you know, part
of what she's doing, she's trying to keep everything together like it was,
she's trying to keep things connected and by creating this perfect dinner, and
of course it just winds up being an enormous mess.
And so she doesn't create connection. She's hiding behind
her avoidance, and she's not really being open. She's not wanting people to
really see what she's going through, okay? And I'm not gonna spoil it for you
in case you haven't seen it, but it's super fun, very drama filled and pattern
filled <laugh>. So it's a great psychological fun. The second area of
feminine energy I think is important is collaboration. This is like having the
sense that the relationship is gonna be collaborative. It's not just about
intimacy. It's about being in partnership with people, right? Like a give and a
take and really working together and valuing one another. And so it has a lot
of we mentality versus the I mentality or me mentality. And so you might think
of this like kind of like being a team player, so to speak, but I think it's
more like interdependence, right?
You depend and the other person depends, but you're not
codependent, you're not fixing, but there's an interplay there. So you're both
equally dependent and you're choosing to be interdependent. It's inclusive, and
there's a desire to create something together, right? And maybe that's just a
deeper relationship. Collaboration does require elements of trust. And you
wanna begin with starting to trust yourself and then others by allowing them to
step up rather than taking over for them or fixing their stuff, right? And this
is not just workplace collaboration, this is within your relationships. So we
see collaboration out of balance in relationships where the woman never really
allows herself to receive fully, or when she does, she's very controlled about
it, right? There's a lot of rules and things have to be super precise or exact.
And that's not collaborative, like, that's not flowing with the other person's
And it's also not creating connection either. It might
feel like connection to the person who's creating those rules in the moment
because you think you're getting what you want, but it's not, it's actually a
disconnect for the other person, for sure. One of the top things I hear most
from women who are struggling with relationships is kind of this push pull over
receiving versus independence. All these women, they've had to work really,
really hard to get wherever it is they are in their life, and they could be
afraid of someone else taking over, right? Like, whether that's a friend, a
sibling, a family member, another family member, a boyfriend, a guy you just
barely met, like they're putting on this, I am independent hat, I can do it. I
don't need anyone, you know, I can hire this person, I can do that, or I can
jerry rig this.
Like, it could be as simple as somebody holding the
groceries for you, and it could show up in all kinds of ways. You might even
know some girlfriends who are like that, right? You try to give them something
and then they're like, I gotta give you something back. The tit for tat thing,
this all creates disconnect. And instead of creating connection, what comes
across as an energy of defensiveness, because it's almost like you're trying to
prove that you can do stuff and you're like on the alert, like, I can do it.
I'm independent. And so it could be hard for another person to be with you in
that if you're out to prove something. They will probably energetically, in
most cases, they're just gonna like back off a little bit. 'cause they're like,
okay, she's gotta do her thing. And so it's disconnecting for them though.
They don't feel like they're with you and they're not
collaborating with you on that. They're just like moving out of the way. So
you've got women who are trying to prove things and prove they can do stuff, do
stuff on their own. And, you know, they've got stories around all of that. And
there's another out of balancer that I'm gonna call being out of right
responsibility. This is a little bit deeper on like a soul level, but right
responsibility is knowing what your responsibilities are and what others are.
And this can be an area where women take on the burdens of others because for
many reasons, like they wanna prove something or they wanna martyr themselves,
or they might wanna just help somebody, like it's too much caretaking. But what
they're really doing is taking on the burden of the other person rather than
letting the person be responsible for themselves.