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Episode 115 Redemption, Restoration and Recovery – Holly Ashley.mp3
6th September 2017 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:26:40

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Episode 115 Show Notes for Holly Ashley Interview

On today’s program, I want to introduce you to someone who has such a dramatic past, it defies belief…but my guest today will show you how things “are not always what they appear to be” – but more than that – how God can turn things around and lead you in a way that will bring success, not only for yourself, but others as well.

Holly Ashley will be discussing not only her testimony, but how she and her husband David have founded an organization that equips others to overcome domestic abuse. In their R3 Program, “Redemption, Restoration and Recovery program, they teach others how to take back control over their lives…but – before I get off into that subject…let me tell you about Holly…I’m not going to go into her “past” – I will let her tell that story on her own…but…

Holly T. Ashley is a published author, accomplished Christian speaker and equips both the sinners and the saints with Christian Domestic Violence resources and teaching her court-approved Christian Domestic Violence curriculum to those mandated by the courts, DHS, DCS, CPS and other referring agencies.

Holly also consults churches and ministries in setting up Biblical counseling/resource centers and Domestic Violence/Legal-lay counselor programs at their ministry and church locations.

Holly has been involved as a grass-roots advocate in the field of abuse for thirty years. Her initial outline that was presented to the Arizona Governor’s office before there was ever even a law against abuse, serves as much of the foundation that you see to day in the domestic violence field. (You can read about that here)

Holly went on to become a certified counselor, educator, policy maker, teacher, writer, consultant, expert witness, jury profiler  – even assisting local prosecutors with mock-trials and voir dire (vor dare) in high-profile violence cases.

Holly, Thank you for agreeing to join us today…I’m blessed to be able to help you get the word out about this very important topic…

Tell us, in your own words, “Who is Holly Ashley?”

Tell us about your R3 Program, how it works, etc.

Now, this program is for BOTH, victims and offenders, correct? How does that work?

Your ultimate goal is to have an R3 program and mentor in every state, city and ultimately every church, correct? How is that progressing?

What, looking back now…what led up to you – someone who, on the outside, appeared to “have it all together” – what led you into being caught in the web of domestic violence and everything that you went through, the drugs, the dancing and all of that… – you were the “success” model on the outside, at least in the beginning..?

You say the “Church” is the one that needs to make a difference in domestic violence…how can the Church itself, as you say, “take up the cross” for this epidemic?

You advocate for “the church” to be the ones who discipline domestic violence offenders… you are talking here about “church discipline” – not legal, correct? What do you mean by that?

Tell us the statistics…and this is going to surprise many of our listeners…about Violence against MEN – it’s not always against women…correct?





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