Israel and the Nations
TS Wright
Today, our guest is TS Wright. He is coming back on to discuss what we are seeing, right now, and how it all relates to what the Bible says will be happening in the last days – just before Jesus returns. Scott Wright is the author of the “God Centered Concept Journal” and has a unique insight into prophecy and the end times.
I want to get right into our discussion today, so help me welcome back our good friend, Scott Wright.
We have seen Iran increase its attacks on US assets in the mid-east. So far, the US response has been “limited” - but how do you see this proceeding?
It seems the resistance from other Muslim nations to join the battle has limited Iran’s ability to spread the conflict.
What can the United States do to limit Iran without “attacking” Islam in general (and spreading the conflict)?
Do you think other nations will impose economic sanctions on Israel in trying to force them to stop the war with Hamas?
Let’s look at what happens AFTER this war is over. It will cost billions upon billions of dollars to rebuild the Gaza Strip. Who is going to pay for this going forward?
Will that lead to the rebuilding of the area with a multi-nation coalition lead to the Israel agree to this – only IF they are allowed to rebuild the Third Temple?
How can someone get in touch with you if they have a question or would like more information?
Folks, I want to remind you that in these days and times in which we live, we are reminded to “Look up – for our redemption IS drawing near!” Amen!

Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on Amazon
Podcast: The God Centered Concept
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