27:30 When will the last week's episode be on YouTube?
34:23 When will Balls be back in stock?
35:11 What were your thoughts on The Shop Ashburn?
46:27 Hack squat with reverse band tension or without?
47:02 ABC Pineapple Strawberry or Australian Gummy Snakes?
47:15 Ribeye or filet?
47:37 Dumbbells or barbells?
47:52 Mountains or beach?
48:05 Hotel or camp?
49:36 What is your favorite meat to mix with pasta or spaghetti?
50:35 Will you ever put a sleeveless hoodie out for the summer?
52:11 What do you think is the most underrated leg exercise?
55:42 Thoughts on GDAs?
58:45 Have you ever lost motivation to be a great drug-free lifter while in a subculture based around PEDs?
59:41 Have you ever tried low volume approach and what do you think of it?
1:01:36 Which Core protein for people who have digestive issues with whey?
1:03:04 How long have you been mining?
1:03:17 Is it okay to use Thermo while taking a 4-week break from Core Burn?
1:03:57 What is the best supplement stack for increasing libido?