Assess how feeling career stuck is impacting you across ten areas of life - in 30 minutes. Then, decide what you want to do about it.
This week's joy at work experiment is a simple yet transformational two-minute mental shift. It takes just the tiniest bit of imagination and I'll guide you through it.
In the next few minutes, we're going to delete one specific work irritation, annoyance, or little piece of stress from your brain.
Not forever, of course, that will be silly, but just for a tiny minute.
Let's see what happens when that weight lifts, even briefly.
[00:30] This Week's Experiment: A Mental Shift on One Irritation
[01:08] Step 1: Choose Your Irritation - Be Specific
[02:18] Step 2: Imagine Waking Up Irritation-Free
[04:13] Step 3: Walk Through Your Day
[06:15] Step 4: Reflect on the Ripple Effect
[07:09] Conclusion and Further Resources
Get all of the details in our show notes.
You're busy, yeah?
Lucia Knight:There's never enough time to focus on your future work happiness.
Lucia Knight:But if you don't focus on it, things just stay the same, don't they?
Lucia Knight:In these short episodes, I wanna give you some tiny ideas, some mini experiments
Lucia Knight:to try out this week to either dial down a pain point for you at work or
Lucia Knight:dial up your potential for joy at work.
Lucia Knight:Let's dive in.
Lucia Knight:This week's joy at work experiment is a simple yet transformational
Lucia Knight:two minute mental shift.
Lucia Knight:It takes just the tiniest bit of imagination and I'll guide you through it.
Lucia Knight:In the next few minutes, we're going to delete one specific work
Lucia Knight:irritation, annoyance, or little piece of stress from your brain.
Lucia Knight:Not forever.
Lucia Knight:Of course that will be silly, but just for a tiny minute.
Lucia Knight:Let's see what happens when that weight lifts, even briefly.
Lucia Knight:Here we go.
Lucia Knight:Step 1.
Lucia Knight:Choose your irritation.
Lucia Knight:To begin with, pick one specific nugget of irritation, a tiny annoyance, or a small
Lucia Knight:element of stress from your work life.
Lucia Knight:Choose one that you'd just love to make disappear.
Lucia Knight:It can be anything.
Lucia Knight:As long as its it's specific.
Lucia Knight:We need a concrete idea to anchor our experiment.
Lucia Knight:So let me give you some examples.
Lucia Knight:Maybe it's your boss.
Lucia Knight:That annoying person who just is getting right under your
Lucia Knight:skin at this moment in time.
Lucia Knight:The monthly report.
Lucia Knight:That no one seems to read or care about.
Lucia Knight:That meeting where everyone talks over each other.
Lucia Knight:Or that other meeting where no one says anything at all.
Lucia Knight:Take a moment to select one particular irritation that you'd be thrilled
Lucia Knight:to erase from your next workday.
Lucia Knight:If you need more time, press pause.
Lucia Knight:Step 2.
Lucia Knight:Imagine waking up irritation free.
Lucia Knight:Once you've selected your chosen irritation or annoyance, fast forward
Lucia Knight:to first thing tomorrow morning.
Lucia Knight:Picture those delicious few moments before you've even opened your eyes.
Lucia Knight:You know, the lovely seconds when you're not fully awake,
Lucia Knight:but Neither are you asleep.
Lucia Knight:Your breathing is slow and deep.
Lucia Knight:And you're fry.
Lucia Knight:No, your brow is unfurrowed.
Lucia Knight:And you've slept so well you feel refreshed, like you're
Lucia Knight:returning from a two week holiday.
Lucia Knight:As you begin to stretch and wriggle your toes and maybe yawn, a little
Lucia Knight:thought drifts into your mind.
Lucia Knight:Something's different.
Lucia Knight:Something's changed.
Lucia Knight:That irritation you chose It's somehow gone, vanished, not in some
Lucia Knight:wave of the magic wand kind of way.
Lucia Knight:Your chosen irritation or annoyance still exists.
Lucia Knight:You know this, but inside here, inside your head, something has shifted.
Lucia Knight:Everything on the outside is the same, but this inner shift feels seismic.
Lucia Knight:You absolutely know the irritation is still out there, but today
Lucia Knight:you're impervious to it.
Lucia Knight:You have this feeling, more than a feeling.
Lucia Knight:You know that for one full day, The negative emotions tied to your
Lucia Knight:specific irritation can't touch you.
Lucia Knight:Tomorrow, sure, it'll probably return to irk you, but today,
Lucia Knight:it simply doesn't exist.
Lucia Knight:Step 3.
Lucia Knight:Walk through your day.
Lucia Knight:Let's walk through this different, lighter day together.
Lucia Knight:A day when there is an absence of irritation and
Lucia Knight:annoyance about that one thing.
Lucia Knight:As you start your workday, notice what specifically feels different.
Lucia Knight:How do you approach your tasks, knowing that your specific
Lucia Knight:irritation cannot irritate you today.
Lucia Knight:As you tackle your first task, What's changed?
Lucia Knight:With that mental space freed up, what difference does it make to
Lucia Knight:your focus, to your energy, and to your optimism for the day ahead?
Lucia Knight:How about in your first meeting?
Lucia Knight:Marvel at your lighter mood.
Lucia Knight:What difference does the absence of annoyance make in how you greet
Lucia Knight:others, in your posture, in your words, your facial expressions?
Lucia Knight:How, does it affect your ability to connect deeply with those around you?
Lucia Knight:How about at lunchtime?
Lucia Knight:Notice how your choices shift.
Lucia Knight:What impact does this freer mental space have on what you choose to eat,
Lucia Knight:where you eat your lunch, and with whom?
Lucia Knight:As the afternoon unfolds, observe how this mental lightness affects
Lucia Knight:your interactions with colleagues.
Lucia Knight:Does it change the pace and effectiveness of your work?
Lucia Knight:How does it influence what you choose to focus on and what
Lucia Knight:you leave for a different day?
Lucia Knight:What difference does this change make to the attention you
Lucia Knight:give to the humans around you?
Lucia Knight:Step four, reflect on the ripple effect.
Lucia Knight:Finally, I want you to consider this.
Lucia Knight:What would others notice about you on this lighter day?
Lucia Knight:This version of you that's unburdened by this one thing.
Lucia Knight:annoying irritation.
Lucia Knight:How might others react differently to that version of you?
Lucia Knight:What would their reactions be?
Lucia Knight:How would their words be different?
Lucia Knight:And how would their energy reflect to you?
Lucia Knight:And lastly, how might this lighter version of you change the way you re enter your
Lucia Knight:home life at the end of your workday?
Lucia Knight:If you enjoyed this, you might also enjoy my Life Satisfaction Assessment.
Lucia Knight:It's a 30 minute program where I guide you through a deep dive into 10 areas
Lucia Knight:of your life to assess what's bringing you joy and what's bringing you down.
Lucia Knight:I call it Derailed.
Lucia Knight:It's a fabulous place to begin a joy at work redesign.