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Unleash Your Creativity with Eva Vecchio l S1E034
Episode 3412th September 2023 • A Call For LOVE • Linda Orsini
00:00:00 00:29:47

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Meet Eva Vecchio, the beautiful and creative soul behind my new vibrant branding and logos. 

Eva's message is clear: we're all inherently creative, and creativity takes various forms. Whether it's in the kitchen, the garden, makeup, hair, painting, writing, or any other pursuit, Eva's inspiring journey will ignite your own creative spark.

Discover how to unleash your creativity:

  • Creative Dates: Explore art galleries, museums, or festivals solo. These outings ignite imagination and foster a state of creative flow.
  • Music and Movement: Harness the power of music to stimulate creativity; it's the "perfect medicine" for inspiration.
  • Embrace Imperfection: Remember, perfection is the enemy of creativity.

Watch the episode on YouTube to feel and see the vibrance of our conversation. 

Linda's Website with new branding and logo

Ayurveda Healing Retreat Feb. 25 - Mar. 3, 2024

Nourish Your Body, Nurture Your Spirit Retreat on Friday, September 25, 2023, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm

About the Guest:

Eva Vecchio, originally from Poland, began her journey in the fashion world. She started as a model but soon discovered her love for makeup artistry. Eva then explored various creative roles in fashion magazines, TV, and movies. 

Yet, it was Italy's beauty and culture that stole her heart, and she now calls it home. Here, she pours her passion into creating beautiful fine art. Besides her art, Eva also helps others nurture their creativity as a coach.

Eva's art is all about celebrating the beauty of nature and femininity and has merged her love for art and coaching to empower others, especially women entrepreneurs, to unleash their creativity.


Instagram: E V A O (@art_evao) • Instagram photos and videos

FB Group: Creative Soul Embrace

About Linda:

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact. 

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.  

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else? Join a call for love. 

Website - Global Wellness Education


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Linda Orsini:

Hello and welcome to a call for love. I believe the most powerful gift you can offer yourself is to give and receive love more freely. I'm your host Linda Orsini meditation guidance spiritual coach. Everyone has the desire to be seen, heard, respected and loved. The journey to becoming more connected to your greater purpose lies within the ability to live from the deep source of love within you. Let's begin.

Linda Orsini:

Welcome, everybody. Welcome to call for love. And today is going to be a joy fest because I'm talking to my dear friend Eva. And she's going to share with us all the joy she has for life because her friends say she can squeeze and find joy anywhere. So this is a really great occasion to introduce her, not only because of all her talent, but also because she is the brilliant essence behind my new logo and all my new branding. Eva Orszagh Vecchio was born in Poland and started her career in the fashion industry first and modeling but quickly fell in love with the art of makeup and began working for fashion magazines. She was on TV, movie sets, and even a creative director collaborating with top photographers. And she's lived all over the world but truly fell in love with the majestic and magnificence of Italy, and currently lives there to share her artistry and her creative brilliance in her creativity coaching so I am so happy to welcome you to a call for love.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Thank you, Linda. And hello, everyone. This is such a wonderful invitation. And I'm definitely overflowing with the joy to be here. Thank you so much for your invitation.

Linda Orsini:

I'm so grateful we met you know I find that I'm meeting people just beautifully you know friend of a friend Oh, you have to meet so and so. And so when I was looking for to rebrand. And I had met you first I was attracted to your vibrancy and your energy because really you do vibrate not only joy, but I think love as well. And we had a really, really deep connection right from the get go. But you are a creativity coach, and you live it like looking at you now as we are on this face to face. I can see all the beautiful colors, all your beautiful art behind you. you radiate color. So what is a creativity coach?

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Oh, thank you for this question in that so yes, so I'm not only an artist, but also creativity coach. So since I was very young, I noticed that I had my creativity channel open and so many patients and just all I wanted to be creative. And I explored it through art. Now I see that many people they don't feel creative enough and I just feel so called that this is my mission, to unblock the creative channel in people to help them realize how much more joy and beauty of their self expression they can actually bring it to life. Because the truth is that we don't know that we are all creative. Not all of us can be an artist but creativity is for everyone. So I found it really really beautiful to share this message with the world.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, it's true because you know, I think they say you're a born artist. You know some people say that but I feel that sometimes it's something you grow into and you really empower yourself to be which is not always the case for instance, when I would began global wellness education, you know, it's where I was it was fine and I had my tree the tree of life as my logo and I brought it to you and we talked and you you said Linda, we need to really up level this we need to add life add color I said yes yes that's what I want. So your creativity, you certainly brought it into this essence.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Yes, I did and I feel so honored and so grateful because it bringing actually extracting creative visuals out of the essence which is your that it's been a not such a difficult Ask because as you know, as we've met, I've been so grateful because I just found the absolutely dream person to actually extract the vision and light out of her. You know, you emanate with beauty love colors and kindness. So you will, we will just a perfect, perfect match.

Linda Orsini:

I know your every time we talked, it was like I love you ever and you just have I love you, too, because I really we really loved each other's energy. And I'm coming to visit you on day in Italy, I know you're gonna find me one day on your doorstep.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Absolutely, the doors are open, and you know, here in Italy, are you going to enjoy it so much.

Linda Orsini:

It's so beautiful. But I want it really I'd like the listeners to share the process of finding that creativity because I think it took us several weeks to really come up with the new logo for global wellness education. And my vision was, I am a yoga teacher. And I believe in the tree of life, the tree of knowledge as an educator. So blending those two, the tree really made sense to me, as well as my husband's last name is woods. So I really have an affiliation with trees. But the podcasts a call for love and global wellness education, weren't really blending so much together. So can you share with the listeners, how you use your creativity to blend those two platforms into one?

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Well, okay, let's go back. And that it's not going to be a simple thing to explain as read the process. It's not it's, it's beautiful and easy to look and see step by step, but not so easy to explain. But let's start from this the what is happening in the process of creating me as creating your brand, being an artist and creative person interacting together. What's beautiful that this process is a process of alchemy, and we're creating this together. So as I propose defense rough ideas, and of course, in the first stage of every creative process, you need to go through some crap, excuse me, but it's true, you gotta make better designs, you got to make better art actually to reach the gym to reach the diamond to reach something beautiful. And what I loved about our collaboration, that with every session, and with every design, we will actually growing together and this creativity was actually evolving through our interactions through looking through through your perspective, my perspective, and blending all those elements together. So the beauty of the samples, what is important to you, that is the tree of life and all the meaning behind it. And then at the beginning, it was not there. But some somehow were through the alchemy of the creative process. They got blended together as there was just it was already there in the essence in the energy, if you are open to creativity, and you'll lead the ideas and this because it's also spiritual force, let it go through the beauty and the magic is always on the other side.

Linda Orsini:

It's so true, because it's a process, it was definitely a process. And we really came together to share what my vision was. And not only did you really know how I was trying to express myself, but you could put it onto paper. And then through our dialogue and our sharing. It really did evolve and it was beautiful. I wish we could I don't know if I even kept the evolution of the logo. But it was very, very interesting how it evolved because creativity is like a flower blossoming Correct.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Yes, it's like flower blossoming and there is one important element you see you need to surrender to the unknown at the but we could not know at the beginning. I mean the expectation is there. Of course it has to be the beautiful of the combination of my my art and your personality. But then this element of our know we let it go and then something beautiful is going to emerge.

Linda Orsini:

It's true. I love it. And I thank you my new website which is also the colors that you had chose the really vibrant and rich yellow which is of course if you follow the chakras, it's the solar plexus, the center of personal power, and then the purple which is I think of Amethyst, and the amethyst which is inviting your Higher Self you're in intuition. I feel like there's such a powerful blend when visually opening up my new website. So I thank you for those colors.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Well, absolutely. So let's just repeat for a moment because the energy of colors, it's very, very important. First of all, we have one of the most powerful combination from all colors, which exists because we have the yellow and the purple, which are complementary colors. But I would say, the yellow, which is the color of the light, and happiness and warmth and energy, the color yellow, it's actually for me, it's a color of your smile, because of your smile. And it's always something which I was looking forward every time I saw you that your beautiful smile, just open up and lighten up the whole space. So as the warm which is just you know, beaconing from, and then the purple is the color of enlightenment, enlightenment and spirituality and wisdom. It's very deep. And I think we all subconscious, we all are drawn to the to the royalty and the richness of the color purple. So yes, I must, I must tell you that we've got we've got the most beautiful and powerful combination, and your website as we speak and has just emerged with a new design is absolutely beautiful, very energetic and very powerful. So I'm really, really so grateful that I could be the creator and the collaborator for this beautiful branding to emerge.

Linda Orsini:

I really thank you ever because I feel that they say as you evolve, your business evolves, and really my business is serving others, as you have served me so graciously, and we don't do things alone, right? We do them with others. I feel like this is my one vision. But you help me there's so many people that helped to lift up an idea. And that's where, really the higher vibration comes. That's where the energy comes when we're working together in a place of loving kindness.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Absolutely, I agree. And I couldn't even agree more. It was a part of my even conversation this week with my friend that we not meant to do things alone. It's and there is this interconnectedness in your tree of life, which is reminding us about this, that we are all connected, we are all one and we meant to support and exchange energy one with the other. And we not meant to be brilliant and complete on our own. So that is the most beautiful part of this working together. Yes.

Linda Orsini:

And it's a trees that communicate with each other. They can communicate with each other. I just I just remembered that essence. I really love that sentiment. So thank you for really affirming that we do not do things alone. We work together. You know, many hands light work.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Absolutely. Absolutely. I agree.

Linda Orsini:

I would like to ask you. I've always wondered, how does the creativity that you are working with now in your life? Because you have traveled many, many places and had a very rich life? How does your creativity enhance the lives of ourselves and others through expression?

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Okay, so yes, very good question. And I've been thinking about it a lot. And seeing that we now start to really recognize that creativity is actually the number one skill which we need right now. People need to really open up let me just come back a little bit totally. So for myself, as I've been always a creative, I believe that I just simply remained for life, just my inner child and I use my artists brain much more than I use the logic brain. And well, sometimes it's not so good. But since I realized that we not meant to do things together, I figured out that I can be brilliant in my artist brain and just get the help on the on the other side the launch. Party if you think about it, so when we are kids, when we are children, we are always creative and we are always so leave with the wonder when we are present. We don't mind about things and what's happening with us. We are actually through life we learn to be uncreative, we are forced by the society to lead to to rely on our logic on our ambitions and what is decreed Thinking to get started to build a gang like this just creative artistic fluff around the line, which is not important. Now we are actually start to realize that creativity is simply a joy being present, it's a stream of energy, which is connecting us to the higher power. So actually, in essence, creativity is a spiritual practice. Because as someone really wise said, one time that art is actually a collaboration between God and the artist. And the less the artist does, actually the weather. So creativity, help us with so many things, help us be more mindful, develop better focus and concentration, connect us to ourselves, develop self awareness, and help us to express ourselves, we need this element, it's so vital, it's so vital to have joy and to feel happiness from what we do from any activity is like living itself. It's a force of our life of our existence.

Linda Orsini:

I love what you're saying, as a school teacher, I do feel that we come into this world with a lot more creativity than we as and as we get older, we kind of lose it unless we invite it in. I know I host retreats, and I always do an Art section in it. And many people will say to me, Oh, I'm not I'm not artistic. And I said, you know, it's just about opening up to the creativity. And when you're in a group, it really is more inspirational. But I love how you say that we lose it. And creativity can come into many ways. You know, you do your beautiful painting, I actually paint too, and I really love it. But creativity can be in the written word, it can be creativity, in drama, and acting, and makeup and hair. There's so many ways to be creative.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Even in the kitchen, you know, just ask me I live in Italian, you know, and I can tell you that well, Italians definitely are very creative about foods, but I was thinking about it the other day, you know, creativity in the kitchen, you put beautiful colors, the customer, this is when creative flow you and John Locke is nothing else than putting your love and passion into your activity, whatever it is, you can you know, you can ride your bicycle in a creative way. And you can do actually anything in a creative way. It's just a matter of your your state of your of your mind and your soul.

Linda Orsini:

And doesn't that change over lifetimes that certain times of your life, you may connect with greater creativity in a certain area because I love what you're saying about cooking, cooking is an art.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Absolutely. The art which you can taste. And actually you can pay if it's love, and it's being done in creative way.

Linda Orsini:

That's a beautiful addition to really focus on the art of cooking and really colors, right the arrangement of colors. You can even have colors in your home, I suppose a splash of this color or a splash of that color.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Absolutely. So colors have this healing energy potential, which we definitely underestimate, if we if we will start to pay attention to our feelings and our emotions when we interact with the energy of colors. And you actually you can tell even more about it because I know how much you love to have beautiful colors in your wardrobe and change of colors and they give you positive vibes and positive energy, right?

Linda Orsini:

It's true. There was a book when I was teaching it was called my many color days by Dr. Seuss. But I know people who would set out their clothes at night for the next day. And I would say I don't know what color I feel like today. How can I how can I predict what I'm going to feel tomorrow? And really, when I wake up in the morning, I literally say What color do I feel like today?

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Oh, wow, I love it. I love it. This is so beautiful. This is like opening over time being available to receive the energy to receive the energy of the goodness which is available for us in our surroundings

Linda Orsini:

is beautiful. I love your energy. And I love your color. Really I was so drawn to it, I think possibly because I have Italian in me but I really love it and it's very, very magnetic and your creativity. So as a creativity coach, I would imagine that one of your roles would be to help unblock creativity with your clients. So what would that look Like, like, what are some tips that you would would offer your clients?

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Okay, perfect, wonderful question. Thank you. So when it comes to if someone is actually committed to do serious work, it does take a little bit of time, it is the time it's a process. It's a process where we actually recovering, it's more of even recovering your creativity, your safety, your sense of power, going back and realizing that this creative essence is inside of you. But to be really practical now, and just mentioned things which can unblock us in daily life, there is there's couple of them very beautiful and very easy is the is the body movement, the body movement connected with the music, this is like perfect medicine for lead your juices and the energy flowing, then you get all those happy, you know, molecules and all of this. So this is beautiful, it's cleaning actually demand. Another thing writing, stream of consciousness writing, I love to do this on the morning without any idea what is going to be, but just to clean your mind and see what what is there. That is very good. It is definitely help you flow your creative thinking. I would say that nurturing and finding inspiration for your creative soul, that is something really important. So when you decide that for example, once a week, you take yourself for a date, and you go to see beautiful places you don't take actually anyone with you just go on your own, you go to see art gallery, you go to see the museum, or maybe there's some festival or some whatever it is, which is going to enhance your imagination, and put you in the state of play and flow. So no rushing and giving yourself inspiration to your mind and the food. It's like we need the food as a fuel, your creativity needs also fuel. And plus all the other practices which keep which help you stay present, because creativity flows in the presence. So clearing your mind, moving your mind through stream of consciousness writing, moving your body, which is so connected with the creative channel, nourishing and inspiring yourself, taking yourself for a beautiful walk for a beautiful artist date. Those are the things which I believe on the weekly basis, they are definitely so beneficial. And they can help us so much to generate more innovation and ideas, whether it's in our business or in everyday life. I love

Linda Orsini:

those suggestions. I think they're very, very powerful and really underrated. You know, if you want to have more something in your life, how are you going to create it. And those are real, tangible and practical action steps that people can take to really release their creativity. I thank you so much for sharing those of I love them. I think morning pages and writing. And being outside in nature and going to art my Son took me to the Van Gogh, the virtual Van Gogh exhibit we had here last year. And it is very inspirational just to be around the art and to feel the movement and colors. Really powerful.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Absolutely, I would say it's more we don't we really underestimate this. It's not even being around art. But you as a viewer, you participate in the greater creation of beauty because this is so powerful. you enhance your senses, you absorb it, you don't even recognize it on the other level on the level of your soul. This is going to come back for back to you in the form of beautiful ideas or even your list of the mood, whatever it's going to be. So yes, I'm so glad that you will recognize that this is so powerful and that we need it our soul is actually craving for this interaction with the world of creativity, art and beauty and bring more beauty in our everyday lives.

Linda Orsini:

And just now as we're talking I look outside it's a very beautiful day out gardening. Gardening is a form of art or lose a form of creativity. My goodness, some of the gardens are just spectacular. They are truly inspiration No works of art.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Absolutely. And hear that we mentioned this because I also I love my garden and I do a lot of activities in the garden. One thing is to remember that the very big obstacle for creativity is a perfectionist when to do the garden. Do not ever make it perfect. Leave the sun moving into some stuff which is unfinished because it's the wise man said the perfectionism is a big enemy of creativity, you block yourself. So leave things a little bit messy, unfinished, and don't worry about just enjoying the process. That is the most important thing.

Linda Orsini:

Don't they say? Perfection paralysis? I know that I get that sometimes. I

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: do. I do. And I'm I'm learning this I'm under knew this.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, we have to get out of our own way. I have to share a story with you. I bead mala beads together. So it's hand knotting between the mala beads, and I was selling them and I made a beautiful Amethyst Mala. And the my friend Beth was purchasing it. And all of a sudden, I noticed I had forgotten to tie one knot between two beads, like all of the other beads had a beautiful not between them. But there was one night forgotten. And I said sure on so sorry. I don't think I can I can sell you this. I have to share with you that I forgot one. Not not I don't know how it happened. But but it's there. And you know what she said to me? Yeah, that's the mala necklace I want. Because it's not perfect. And life isn't perfect.

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Exactly. Wonderful and very wise friend of yours who saw immediately the quality in imperfection.

Linda Orsini:

I I think it's really something that I work on. And I know others do we just being willing to take that chance to just allow your creativity to flow from your heart and not from your mind? What do you think?

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Absolutely. Yes, absolutely. Yes. That's the essence, let it flow from your heart, not from your mind, your mind is going to tell you it's got must be perfect. It needs to be good. It needs to be this last last little Lucy now I cannot even sell it. That's the talk of the mind. Instead of the heart made it with a pure joy and passion.

Linda Orsini:

And I want to thank you for really coming into my life. You just are such a ray of love and joy to me. I can't wait to meet you in person. But if people want to work with you, where can they find you? I will put the links in the show notes. But where can people find you?

Linda Orsini:

Eva Orszagh Vecchio: Thank you. So there is a website, which I provide. And there's also wonderful if someone who would love to actually check and see some tips about the unlocking creativity. I just started the wonderful Facebook group creative soul embrace, which is meant to really nurture the creative side of our lives. So I invite everyone there. And I want to tell you that feeling is mutual. And thank you so much for coming to my life because I love you so much. You have such a beautiful, wonderful and warm, loving person. So I can't wait to host you here in Italy and let's get creative here with Italian food. What can I say?

Linda Orsini:

Oh my goodness, I'll be on the next flight. Thank you everyone for listening to a call for love. I hope you find the inspiration to find and tap into your creativity because guess what? Everyone is creative. You're born creative. Just find your genre. Just find your vehicle to express it because it's there. So for my heart to yours. Namaste.

Linda Orsini:

Thank you for listening. It would mean so much to me. If you could share this episode with someone you feel could benefit from its message and subscribe to a call for love podcast. To receive new weekly episodes every Tuesday. Head over to global wellness To learn more




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