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How to grow past your triggers
Episode 1322nd December 2023 • Fierce Woman Rising • Claire Markwick
00:00:00 00:25:29

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Its not uncommon for things to trigger the shit out of me...

I'll see something someone has posted on social media, listen to something someone says, or watch the way someone acts - and my instinctual reaction is to judge... this isn't because I'm a bitch... it's because there is something about that person, how they feel about themselves and what they're up to, that triggers me...

It triggers me because deep down I WANT what they have...

Their confidence, their clarity, their certainty.

Old me, would have found a bunch of people "on my level" to make myself feel safer for not reaching for the stars - new me doesn't buy into that shit... come along on the journey as I share my story on a recent revelation and learn how to get out of your own way, and move closer to the life you're striving for!

I trust this lands with whoever needs to hear it and if you've been sitting on the fence unsure when the "right time" to explore this business opportunity might be, consider THIS, IT!

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Claire Markwick:

Every story starts with a dream. A dream of someone wanting more. A dream of a life that might feel so unrealistic right now yet you know deep down in your soul you're destined for. My name is Claire Markwick. Accountant, business coach, affiliate marketer, mom, wife and woman with a dream. A fierce dream rising up within me. A dream that fires my soul and a dream I am committed to making a reality. Based woman rising is a podcast that celebrates those with a dream. Those courageous enough to think outside their current reality and make what's in your heart come true. If I've learned one thing over the years, is that the only surefire way of staying stuck in a stale mediocre life is believing that's all you're capable of. Believing your own bullshit excuses and not finding the strength to stretch beyond them. I held myself back, I played safe I stayed where I was for far too long, but not anymore. I want a life of passion. Have fun adventure, laughter love. I want deep conversations belly laughs health, strength, balance. I want confidence, sexiness, fulfillment and the money to do as we please without limitation. I want the life of my dreams. So I'm here creating it. And I want that for you too. So welcome my friend, to fierce woman rising, the show that awakens your mind and kickstarts your action to creating the life you love. Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to another episode of the fierce woman rising podcast. My name is Claire Markwick. And today you have another solo episode, I'm going to be sharing a bit of a juicy story of a recent revelation that I have had, because I feel that in sharing my journey to become this fierce woman arising this woman who is living the life that she loves, by sharing my challenges and my struggles and the ways that I've overcome them and the realizations that I've had along the way that inspires you, that gives you the the confidence that you can get through them too. And something that I have really been

Claire Markwick:

feeling a lot lately is rebellion, like rebelling, rebellion has been something that has always come up for me. I always my husband has pointed this out to me many many a time. Like I get to a point of success. And then I will find something wrong with where I'm at. And I will find an excuse to rebel against it. I will sabotage essentially the hell out of progressing beyond that point. And I will come back to safety. And I have always always poo pooed him and argued against him when he is pointed out that I'm doing that again. And it has you know through conversation, it's come out that that was that was one of the major things that was his issue. When I presented the my logic opportunity to him when I was like I'm gonna do this, this is going to be the thing that I did immediately what came up for him was fairly rare. Here we go, she's doing it again, she's she's found the next shiny thing. And she's gonna sabotage where she's currently at. And how long is she gonna keep going with that for until the next shiny thing comes along. And she sabotages the hell out of that as well. And I didn't fully appreciate like I am I am fully putting my hand up, I did not fully appreciate the impact on him. Each time I did that, because we are we are a unit, our finances that are combined. And all the stuff that goes through my head doesn't always come out of my mouth and doesn't get communicated to him. And so all of the all of the inner work that I do all of the processing all of the realizations, all of the learning all of the growth, some of that is in my head, and he doesn't get to see the other side of that. So all he sees is his wife, investing in something, doing it for a bit getting to a point, then getting distracted by the next shiny thing investing in something else getting to a point yada yada. And I realized that I can feel that pattern coming up again. So I want to share a little bit about that and what I have realized from that In the aim of helping

Claire Markwick:

anyone listening to this episode, who might have issues with shiny object syndrome and getting distracted by the next thing, and not staying consistent and not following through with something. So what I have discovered with the help of my amazing mentor and sponsor in this business, so it was I was, so essentially, let me backtrack, you will know from following me on my socials and from listening to this podcast that this time last year, I decided to embark on an affiliate marketing journey with Enagic. And so I now have a, I now have an online business where I affiliate with Japanese company called Enagic. And I help everyday parents essentially create the life they love through sharing this business opportunity. And I essentially how how this business works is that essentially, I affiliate with two different people, two different companies, I affiliate with Enagic, which is the product that money, which is the company that manufactures the product, which gets sold, which is what we earn Commission's on on the sale of those products. And then I also partner with a training and education and sales platform. So it is an is an online platform that provides all of our back end sales, processing administration, helping anyone interested in joining us with with finance and all their paperwork, and all the distribution, and all of all that background sales admin stuff, I pay someone essentially a monthly fee to do that. For me. That platform also houses a massive library of training, and education, on everything that I own every skill that I might need to learn to be successful in this business, as well as a whole raft of of marketing resources and product information and all that kind of stuff. So I pay a monthly fee to be a part of this platform, this community, this business group of everybody, everybody in within this platform, most people within this platform have Enagic businesses as well. And what I noticed was happening was that I was

Claire Markwick:

starting to pull away from this community. I was like I don't and my justification in my head was I don't like their vibe right now. I don't like what they're what they're pushing. I don't like how they're pushing it. I don't like the energy that's coming out of the community right now. And I was so so close, so close to canceling my subscription, I was like, I don't need, I don't need this platform, I can do it myself. I can process my own sales, I can put my own paperwork through. I can I can organize the distribution of my own products, I can train my own team, I can create my own marketing resources, I don't need, I don't need this community anymore. I can do it all on my own. And I was so close, I was so close to canceling my membership and doing that. And I thought, You know what, I'm just going to run this decision past Sally. And notice, notice who I said I was going to run this decision past, I'm running this decision past my mentor, the person who is 18 months ahead of me in in growing this as her business, a person who is like 10 steps further along the journey than I am. I was not running it past. Terry, my husband, I was not running it past and neighbor, a friend, my parents, I was not running it past anyone who hasn't got what I am trying what I am working towards. So I chose the person to go to that is ahead of me in the game

Claire Markwick:

that can offer me advice based on where she was because she would have gone through this too. And that's what I love about working in a team with people who are ahead of us. They might trigger the hell out of us at times because they've got through something that we are yet to face. And when when someone triggers us this is just a little side when someone triggers us. This the thing on by trigger. I mean because I realized I realized the other day when I was hanging washing out I was like, Yeah, wonderful. It's a jogger. word I wonder if people actually understand what I mean when I say trigger, because I say it a lot. Essentially, if you see someone do something, post something, say something. And your instant reaction is Oh my God, Who do they think they are, or you go and bitching whinge about them, or you go and moan about them, or in your head, you judge them. That's you, that's you being triggered by them. So something that I have noticed is that when people are further along a journey than me, typically, they will trigger the shit out of me. And that is because I haven't reached that point yet where I have to overcome that thing that I'm being triggered on. I hope that's, I'm just going to keep talking. I trust this is making sense. In the past, what I have done when I've reached that point, when I've reached that trigger point where I feeling like okay, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not feeling this anymore, the person I have gone to to talk about it has been someone who is behind me, someone who I know is a safe bet someone who I know, I can go and have a bit of a whinge. And I can say this is how I'm feeling and that person is going to go here, you're right, you're right, you probably should back away, you probably should save that money, you probably you don't need to be around people like that, who do they think they are? And that would validate my that would validate my decision. And I would, you know, if we're using this example, I would leave

Claire Markwick:

I would cancel my membership. And that is a way that we there's a protection mechanism, that is us keeping ourselves safe. That would be me keeping myself safe. Because the person that I wanted to bounce this with, with someone who hasn't pushed through that yet was someone who is sort of either at the same level as me, or below me how many times how many times in a work environment? Have you reached a challenge, and you've have gone to a colleague on the same level, as you and bitched and moaned about that situation. Just to validate how uncomfortable you're feeling, how many times have you done that be really honest, because I frickin do it a lot, I can see huge, a huge number of examples of me doing this in my past, I reach a point where I reach a level of success, and then something will start to trigger me. And instead of looking for ways of how I can learn and how I can grow and how I can stretch and how I can push through that I have gone back to people on my level. And I have I have bitched and moaned, or I have validated my reason to stay where I am, and just come back into my shell. And just to stay here to stay safe. That is a protection mechanism. That is purely us keeping ourselves safe. That is our ego. Our ego is the thing that controls everything. And it is really, really important to a point, you know, our ego is the thing that says, Hmm, do you really want to take that shortcut down this dark alleyway when you could just keep doing the longer route round, a nice, like well traveled lit where there's other people route, you know, it keeps us safe in those situations. And we want it to be that little voice in our air at that point. But there comes a time where if we are going to be one of the like small percentage of people that actually push past mediocre, we have to be able to switch that off, we have to be able to say thank you. I know that you're trying to keep me safe, but you know what, I'm going to be okay. And I'm going to

Claire Markwick:

keep going. And that is where it is vital, vital to have people around us who have gone before us to have people that we can turn to who have done what we're going through because partners haven't had parents haven't met. Maybe they have. And if they have, you're the exception to this, but generally speaking, our partners haven't done the work we're doing. parents haven't done the work we're doing. They don't have the they don't have the same goals as us our best mates, our friends at school pickup, whatever it might be. If they haven't done what we're trying to achieve, if they're not on that journey, if they're not one step ahead of us, then they are not the right people to go through to help us get through this stage. So that was a bit of that was a bit of a sidetrack. So last weekend, last week, I went to Sally and I said this is what I'm feeling. This is what I'm feeling. And this is what I'm going to do. I just wanted To give you an update kind of thing, and God love her, I, I absolutely I absolutely love having having Sally as a mentor and someone I can turn to she, she, she gave me an instant sort of validation that I've heard you. And she said, I'm going to come back to you on this. Because she was literally just walking out the door and didn't want didn't want to rush. And she came back to me. And what she helped me realize was that this was my survival mechanism. This was my have gotten my reoccurring pattern of keeping me at the level that I currently believe I'm worthy of. And in breaking through that ceiling, you know, I'm literally in my head right now, I am imagining the Willy Wonka movie where the glass elevator where the elevator just powers through the glass ceiling, to power through that glass ceiling to power, beyond our current level of reality, we have to break the pattern, we have to break that recurring pattern. So for me, that pattern of elevating to a level of success, feeling triggered, and then finding the validation as to why I should

Claire Markwick:

stay where I am, like I had to break that pattern. And previously, that would, you know, that was where the shiny thing came in, you know, I'd reach a point where it started to get hard where it started to get tricky. And then there's another course I could do over here, or, Oh, here's another program or, or here's a quick way I could earn some extra money. And I would just keep darting around all over the place, and never actually getting. So you know, for those who can see on the screen, you know, this, this is where I was at, and I just be darting around this level, you know, this same level, just darting around, left, right, middle, whatever I never elevated, because I never faced the thing that that was always distracting me. So this time, this time, I am choosing to lean in, I am feeling triggered by a lot of the talk in my business community right now, because we have a massive event coming up next year in June, in Japan, it is the 50 year anniversary of Enagic. And it is going to be an amazing event. And people at a certain level in the commission structure six and above are going to get awards on stage. And so there is a huge push in our community to be buying tickets to Japan to be committed to being there to be all in on elevating ourselves to six A and the commission structure before that event. And I have realized that that is triggering me because I don't believe deep down. I don't believe I can do that. I don't believe I'm worthy of that. You know, I'm like June, that's a really bad time of year for an accountant to be asking for time off. And we've got so much other stuff that's going on around that time of year and we need our money for this and we need our money for that. And even if my business is at this point by that, you know, Mike, my logical brain is trying to give me all of the validation as to why I can't be in Japan. Why I'm not worthy of being in Japan. Why I'm not going to be one of the ones getting an award on stage. Why

Claire Markwick:

I can't do it. My brain is giving me all these reasons of why that is. And so for me, it is for old me it is safer to go you know what? Yeah, yeah, you're right. Let's just pull away let's pull away from these people. You don't need to hear all this rah rah shit just pull away and just keep doing what you're doing. You'll be okay. But what I'm now choosing to do instead is leaning in facing those triggers asking the question so reaching out to Sally what is going on what is going on for me here. And to be very fair to her she didn't tell me to she didn't tell me I had to stay the course and buy my jacket Japan ticket and do this and do that she she very, very

Claire Markwick:

calmly, was like you do what you got to do. If you've got to pull away, pull away. But come back. You know, find what you need to find out there. Then realize you need to come back. I mean, if you want to short track that whole process and fast track that whole process, just stay. Just stay and have faith that you are going to push through whatever the hell you're going through right now. And you're going to come out the other side. So I am leaning in. I am facing the triggers. I am not running away and I want to encourage you to do the same. I want to encourage you to find people. When you when you find you get triggered by something, maybe I'm triggering you. And maybe I trigger the shit out of you right now I probably do. Because I know Sally triggered the shit out of me for a really long time. I unfriended and unfollowed. Her for ages, because the stuff she was saying, really got to me. And now what I realized is, it really got to me because deep down I wanted what she had, but I didn't, I could not see how I was capable of achieving it. And so I it was safer for me to poopoo her to pull away from her to unfriend her to unfollow her to judge her than to lean in and ask questions and find out what she was doing and upskill myself and educate myself and move myself along that journey, it was easier for me to judge and pull away. And I'm not doing that anymore. I am not doing that anymore. And and this is my this is my commitment to myself, This is my commitment to my team. Because to elevate the people that that are on my team, I need to be constantly elevating myself, you know, so I need to be to them what so is to me, and I need to be the leader, I need to be the example so that they become the leaders and the example to the people that come into their businesses under them as well. And so I want to encourage everybody listening to this, when something triggers you, instead of pulling away, and judging and staying safe. I want to invite you to

Claire Markwick:

lean in, to lean in, to face it to ask yourself questions as to what it is about that person, what is it about what they're saying the vibe, you're getting? The energy, what is it about them that is triggering you? And what therefore can you do about it? What therefore do you need to do about it, to push through it, because my friends, that is the only way that we are going to grow that is the only way that I am going to push past and I'm going to be my willy wonka elevator busting through the glass ceiling is to lean in and face the hardship if we are constantly constantly seeking validation of, of how it's not going to work, how we're not cut out for it how, and talking to people who we know are going to be against what we're doing, just so we can validate not doing it. That is the surefire way of staying stuck and staying mediocre and staying safe. And I don't know about you, but I don't want that anymore. I don't want that anymore, we have so much exciting stuff that we want to do as a family. And we're not going to do that. By constantly making safe decisions, we have to make decisions that fly in the face of logic, we have to make decisions that make us want to vomit. We have to make decisions that are big and that are going to cause us to grow and are going to cause us to move forward. And to do that we need to challenge the shit out of our beliefs and our bullshit excuses. And that requires us to lean into the uncomfortable to lean into those things that trigger the shit out of us. And to get really curious about what it is about them that that is causing us so much discomfort, because that is then going to allow us the freedom to move beyond that. I trust that makes sense. That is where I'm going to leave it for for this episode. It is about facing a trigger, realizing a trigger leaning into it surrendering to all the emotion and everything that comes from leaning into it sit in that mess for as long as it takes and have the faith that

Claire Markwick:

we're going to come through the other side, the next elevated version of ourselves. And then we're going to look back and we're going to look down and we're going to be like oh my gosh, I did it like I came through the wormhole. And I'm on the other side of that now and I feel even more freaking amazing. I've been doing that this last year and this decision is another hour is another elevation it is another push forward and I'm just so excited for what that means for me for my family, for my relationship for my team and for my business as a whole going into 2024 and beyond because I am super, super excited for what is to come bring on the growth. Alrighty guys, I am going to leave it there. Thank you so much for lending me your ears. As usual. If you have loved this episode, let me know what you have loved. Share it with someone in your network that you think needs to hear it and And if there is anything about anything that I have said in this episode that is making you curious to understand about what partnering with Enagic and what affiliate marketing could look like for you then just get in touch. There's a button in the show notes of this episode. Get in touch. Let's have a conversation and let's see if you're the next person to join the fearless woman rising team. All righty. I will be back in New York next week and until then, bye bye




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