It's a week of WINNERS and you get to choose who will be the victor of BeLive!
This week's picks:
Appy Hour by Anh Nguyen & Angelica Mata of #MobileChat (Rachel's pick) and
Eddie Garrison of Clover Media Consulting - Reviews, Vlogs and more (Ross' pick)
Join Ross Brand and Rachel Moore and vote for your favorite BeLive broadcast this Tuesday at 5pm PT / 8pm ET. This is the Super Bowl of livestreaming, folks! (OK, well, minus the expensive ads, the halftime show, the refs...)
Type WINNERS below if you, dear friend, want to wield the power of deciding who is this week's best broadcaster.
See you and our WINNERS on Best of BeLive!
Guests: Eddie Garrison and Appy Hour's Anh Nguyen & Angela Mata
Hosts: Ross Brand and Rachel Moore
Sponsor: BeLive TV
Originally broadcast on the BeLive TV Facebook Page (434views, 72 comments)