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Reclaim Your Life: Meet the Compassionate Attorneys Behind a New Podcast Offering Hope
26th February 2024 • Unshackled: Reclaim Your Life • Bill Steffens
00:00:00 00:13:29

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Get ready to reclaim your life with the compassionate attorneys behind the Unshackled: Reclaim Your Life Podcast. In this introductory episode, I sit down with Attorneys Bill Steffans and Jay Schrecengost to learn more about their mission to offer hope and support to those seeking to break free from the chains of legal troubles. 

With their extensive experience and genuine care for their clients, these attorneys are here to guide you through the toughest of times and help you find a path toward a brighter future. Tune in to this empowering episode and discover how you can reclaim your life today.


Bill Steffens: [:

Jay Schrecengost: So yeah, my name is Jay Schreckengast. I'm originally from California. I'm an attorney licensed in two states, California and Nebraska.

I spend the majority of my time here at Steffens Law serving clients throughout Nebraska and the Midwest. We help seriously injured clients reclaim their life through a combination of large settlement, negotiating their medical expenses, counseling, and a friendly approach to helping them get back on their feet, back to their life with their family, their friends, professionally, and otherwise toward the end of just being somehow better than themselves even before the accident.

On each episode, they'll be [:

We hope you'll be inspired and empowered by the journeys of our guests. Now let's get started.

Richard Matthews: Hello and welcome to the introduction to the Unshackled Reclaim Your Life

Reclaiming Your Life

Matthews. I'm doing a

My name's Richard



Bill Steffens and Jay Schrecengost


you guys both there, Bill and Jay?


Bill Steffens: Yeah, we sure are.

Jay Schrecengost: Yeah,

I'm here

Bill Steffens: good afternoon.

Richard Matthews: Awesome. Glad to have you guys here. And this is just going to be a short intro episode for


of your audience who may be, you know, just new subscribers to your show. And we're going to talk a little bit about who you guys are, what this podcast is about, and. We'll just dive right into it. So first question is let's talk about who you guys are you know, individually, and then what you guys company does

guys company

Bill Steffens: [:

I'm Bill Steffens. We have six offices across the state. I spend most of my time in the Broken Bow office. Jay spends most of his time in the Lincoln office. And we're personal injury attorneys here at Steffens



Jay Schrecengost: So yeah. My name is Jay Schrecengost and I'm originally from California. I'm an attorney licensed in two states, California and Nebraska. I spend the majority of my time here at Steffens Law serving clients throughout Nebraska in the Midwest. We help seriously injured clients reclaim their life.

Through a combination of large settlement, negotiating their medical expenses, counseling, and a friendly approach to helping them get back on their feet and back to their life with their family, their friends, professionally and otherwise, toward the end of just,

being somehow better than themselves even before the accident.

ot on this episode, that you [:

And it's because you guys help with more than just the legal case, but also, you know, like you said, counseling and helping them get their life back counseling

Bill Steffens: Right. And, you know, we've done this for a long time. The law office is now in its 30th year. We specialized in this for the last 25 years. And with all that experience, we have ideas for clients and the concepts that we feel really can help them move forward and, as Jay said, reclaim their life.

Going all the way back to just helping them make many decisions along that journey back, including medical providers. Sometimes clients don't know where to start or who to begin with. So we help them do that. And then as Jay says, we go through that entire journey until we can reach

d then help them get back on [:

And as Jay says, sometimes better,

Richard Matthews: Wonderful. Do you have any follow up to that, Jay?


Jay Schrecengost: No, I think Bill said it best. I, I guess maybe I would just add that you know, I think a lot of people when they call us, they know part of what they need. They need a fighter, they need an advocate. They need someone who can navigate the world of insurance toward the end of getting them across the line.

But what maybe they don't know. Is they need a friend. You know, oftentimes I'm coming away with great friendships outta the clients that we forced to get them the highest value for their case, but also the best medical attention. And sometimes that's taking a call in the middle of the night, early in the morning or picking 'em up for a medical appointment.

Or helping them pick out their next car or choosing between, like Bill said, different medical providers. A lot of people call us, they don't know the difference between an occupational therapist or a physical therapist or a neuropathy therapist. So, we're both experts in adept in the medical field obviously with insurance.

we pride ourselves on being [:

Bill Steffens: We,

we've discovered over the years that we can advocate those. Best for those people that we've really gotten to know and we know their story. And

Jay is, wouldn't say this




an excellent demand writer







a demand and talk about exactly what they've been through because he's talked with them about it and they've shared it with him.

And he shared that as well with them. So it's we found it to be really a great practice that Enjoy very much and it's been very successful for clients.

Richard Matthews: Wonderful. So what I want to get into next then is let's talk a little bit about this actual podcast. It's the Unshackled Reclaim Your Life

Reclaim Your Life

what is your guys goal with this

why you

and why


s resource together for your [:

Bill Steffens: Sure. So in thinking about what we do in our approach to this, it did occur to us that one of the things that we're trying to do for our clients is to bring them hope. They come to us, they're broken physically and oftentimes emotionally and they need help in, all those areas. And we thought, you know, what if we put together a podcast with some other experts that we've gotten to know, that we've worked with and perhaps even other clients, if they're willing to share their stories and those stories that Jay

and I would have. What If we

to bring those kinds of stories out and those kind of personalities into a podcast that would talk about how you reclaim your life after a serious injury?

omething that they plan for, [:

So you guys are looking at building this community resource to help people both understand what that process looks like and maybe, you know, take some of the fear away from people who might have to go through some of these experiences.


Steffens Law Offices. Reclaim your life after an accident.

Richard Matthews: Jay, how do you see this podcast

how do you see this

your community?

and People

Jay Schrecengost: I appreciate the question. You know, it's I think there's a lot of attorneys out throughout, throughout Nebraska.

fices throughout Nebraska is [:

That these aren't just clients with a file and a number that need a big chunk of money at the end of this, these are people that are best served by being a friend, a compatriot, a resource for them, however they need it. Whenever they need it, wherever they need it. And you know, that's proven out through the fact that our business model is that when someone is hurt themselves or through the negligence of another, become hurt, we'll come to them, we'll come to them in their home or wherever they feel comfortable and meet with them without any ex expectation of them becoming a client.

We just wanna get to know them and see if our culture matches their own lifestyle and it's a good fit together. Because we truly work with a team approach. And at the end of this, it's not just about the money. I mean, that's part of it, but it's not just about the money. It's about getting these people back to where they were before, where they were before the accident.

And that means their health, [:

Richard Matthews: Awesome. And I know I've had a little bit of a preview because I've talked to you guys before on what the kind of content that you guys are going to be putting out. But you guys are going to be bringing in stories and you guys are going to be doing educational content on some of the legal aspects that go, through here.

So I know you guys have a lot of cool stuff planned for this podcast. How often do you guys expect to be releasing new content on your show?

Bill Steffens: I think we'd,

we'd like to do the. show at least




We'll see how this goes But You know We have a

number of guests in mind that we think could be really helpful to clients in the future and clients that we have in the past that are still working. Towards reclaiming their lives. I think, you know,

Jay Schrecengost: excuse me.

Bill Steffens: no, I was just gonna say, Jay, that as you talk,

I do [:

appreciate the

that our


goes out Into

the community and meets directly with clients and it's, not all over the phone or over a zoom call.

We like to meet particularly the first time to get to know them in person. And Jay's very good at that. I certainly enjoy it myself as well. it's something that

means a lot to


I think if we're really Starts and

sets the

the stage well with clients. and gets Us both

started on the right path together.

And hopefully this podcast is another piece to help.

Richard Matthews: Awesome. And you were gonna say something Jay.

Jay Schrecengost: Oh no, I'm just we're, we plan on putting out content weekly. We may record less often, but uh, we're gonna put out some type of content, I think weekly as often as we can. And, I think you know, I know Bill is from Central Nebraska. I'm originally from California, but we're both fond of the saying, you know, get back in the saddle.

in the saddle and hold those [:

Richard Matthews: Awesome. So last thing that I want to just

Bill Steffens: It's very, it's a very satisfying part of what we do. Very satisfying part of what we do is, is to see that transition

From the severely injured client that comes to us broken to getting the right medical care, getting a settlement that. it's really satisfies them and it's fair and just

and then getting as Jay says,


in the saddle in life and

it's very gratifying as attorneys and

Richard Matthews: Yeah. Hence

Bill Steffens: it's great

Richard Matthews: have an

opportunity the unshackled reclaim your life, right? I love that. It's very, it was a very picturesque name for the podcast and what you guys are planning on doing. Last thing I just want to cover on this episode is where people can go to find your

podcast FindPodcast

the, it's going to be your website.

So [:

slash We're gonna

um, We're going to make sure that your,

really make sure

that to all of uh, the platforms that they might be interested in. So there'll be links to YouTube. There'll be links to Apple podcasts. There'll be links to mean, a Spotify, wherever you like to listen to your podcasts or watch your podcasts, all the links will be available there.

And then to the the content you guys will have the, the weekly episodes coming out. And then if you guys are following. Stephan's law on any of the

social Steffens They will have content coming out, short clips of these, the stories that they're sharing on all their social media as well.

So if you're not already subscribed to Stephan's law on Facebook or on Tik TOK

or any Facebook that on.

Tiktok Or any of with the businesses in your community, make sure you guys follow Stephan's law. And I, with that, thank you guys so much for coming on and putting together this resource for your community.

Do you have any uh, final thoughts, either of you before we this intro episode and get people onto real content in episode one.


Bill Steffens: We're anxious to do that. We appreciate the opportunity and thank you for your help on Richard.

Richard Matthews: Absolutely.

Jay Schrecengost: Absolutely.

And if you guys are watching [:

Unshackled Narrator: Thank you for joining us on Unshackled Reclaim Your Life. Please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you listen to podcasts. You can also visit stephenslaw. com to download the free book Crash Course, Seven Strategies for a Successful Injury Claim and connect with us on social media. We look forward to having you with us again next time for more uplifting stories and practical advice to help you reclaim your life.





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