1) Okie dokie, little campers and buckaroos. It’s time for our Friday Devotional Diamonds of the Day with Dr. Dave. We have some real gems today as we explore God’s word together. First up is a DDDDD titled "Enjoying It." Many aspects of Christianity require growth and present challenges in our lives, but often, the joy of the process seems to be missing. So, we will examine the early church’s wisdom on finding favor in life with the Lord.
2) Roslyn calls in with a phenomenal testimony from the ministry she received from the praying audience. Last week, she called in after making a decision for her and Robert, but very discouraged. Since that time, the Lord has moved her forward and allowed her to be restored in his joy. She credits and acknowledges her moving forward with the prayers of the people and the gracious answer for our awesome God. Prayer changes people's lives!
3) Perhaps the most pointed teaching of the day will come towards the show's end. It’s titled "No Sacrifice Unnoticed." Let’s be honest—many of us have given up things for the Kingdom of God in different ways, shapes, and forms. It’s not the same for everyone because each person is unique. But the level of our sacrifice is important. We can have confidence knowing that no sacrifice goes unnoticed by God, which should comfort us all.