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Health, Wealth, & Transformation in Life & Business with Jennifer Joy Jiménez
Episode 3017th October 2024 • The Abundant Coach • Lauren Brollier Newton
00:00:00 01:03:22

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In this episode of The Abundant Coach, Lauren Brollier Newton welcomes Jennifer Joy Jiménez, co-founder of Brave Thinking Institute, to discuss the power of aligning your health, wealth, and purpose. Jennifer shares her personal journey from financial struggle to building a thriving coaching business and how the Brave Thinking principles transformed her life. Listen in for a heartfelt conversation about personal growth, breaking through barriers, and creating a life you love.

Listen in for an inspiring conversation about turning discontent into purpose, and discover how you, too, can create a life of joy, freedom, and fulfillment through coaching.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jennifer’s transformational journey: From financial struggle as a professional dancer to a thriving coaching business, Jennifer’s story highlights the power of Brave Thinking principles and life coach certification.
  • The power of TranscenDance: Jennifer’s unique movement modality helps clients release stuck energy and embody their dreams.
  • Life Coach Certification: A structured, proven system gave Jennifer the confidence to build a successful business and deliver consistent results for her clients.
  • Overcoming fear: Trusting your inner guidance and taking bold action, even without a clear plan, can lead to incredible personal and professional transformation.
  • Mentorship and community: Surrounding yourself with mentors and a supportive community is critical for long-term success in coaching.
  • Attracting clients: Authenticity, consistency, and confidence in your offer are key to building a sustainable coaching business.

To find out more about Jennifer and TranscenDance:

To explore more about coaching certification with the Brave Thinking Institute:

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00;00;03;23 - 00;00;32;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

Welcome to the abundant coach. I'm your host, Lauren Berlin. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business, while making a profound difference in the world. Each week, you'll discover insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients. Facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose with true freedom and fulfillment.

00;00;32;02 - 00;00;52;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

All right, welcome back to the Abundant Coach. I'm your host, Lauren Berlin Newton. And oh my gosh, do I have a good one for you today? Jennifer Joy Jimenez is the co-founder of Brave Thinking Institute. She's expert faculty and trainer. She's the founder of the Health and Wellbeing Division, and she's a highly sought after speaker, consultant, trainer and coach.

00;00;52;15 - 00;01;12;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

Through her transformational retreats, workshops and cutting edge coaching programs, which I myself have taken, by the way, Jennifer has coached thousands worldwide to become a confident, healthy, joyful, abundant and full of life. Hence, they feel fully empowered to make the difference they're in the world to make. And I know I get chills when I say that, and this is why I'm so thrilled to have her here.

00;01;12;17 - 00;01;42;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

Jennifer has been featured in publications like Self Shape, oxygen, and Women's World and on TV, Fox Business, NBC news, and more. In addition, she shared the stage with thought leaders like Marianne Williamson, Maya Angelou, Byron Katie, Bob Proctor, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and others. She's also the creator, and I want to talk about this more for sure of the highly acclaimed transformative movement modality transcendence, which helps people of all ages, all backgrounds move out of stuck energy and dance their dreams into reality.

00;01;42;25 - 00;01;47;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

So Jennifer, welcome and thank you so much for making the time to be on the Abundant Coach.

00;01;47;25 - 00;01;58;24

Jennifer Jimenez

I am so grateful for you, Lauren, for all that you do here with our Institute for this incredible podcast. And it's an honor to share and to be here with everyone today.

00;01;58;26 - 00;02;17;29

Lauren Brollier Newton

Gosh, my pleasure, Jennifer. And I just want to say, as I listen to your bio, I have chills and different parts of the bio and probably because we've done a lot of work together and are on a soul journey together for sure. But as I'm listening to your bio, I'm thinking to myself, is there a part of you that kind of wants to pinch yourself or go, oh my gosh, this is this is what I have the privilege of doing.

00;02;17;29 - 00;02;26;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

Like just tell me about life now and you know how it feels even to hear that bio through your coaching business and what the results that it's given you?

00;02;26;17 - 00;03;01;04

Jennifer Jimenez

Absolutely. I absolutely wake up some mornings and and I'm so grateful for the journey. I'm grateful for the teachings. You know, honestly, as is I, I know many people who listen to this podcast, but not everyone might know that my mother is the owner of our Brave Thinking Institute, the premier training center for transformational coaching, and the the principles, right, the awareness training, these these transformational spiritual principles really are my Northstar, which has guided me here.

00;03;01;04 - 00;03;29;04

Jennifer Jimenez

And then there have been other, other tools that have come to me, particularly for the way I'm wired. And you mentioned one of them conscious stance has also been a massive tool to really help me transform my life. You know, I, I often when I share my story, I talk about moving from being a penniless professional dancer. You know, the the mindset around starving artist was very real in my household.

00;03;29;11 - 00;03;51;25

Jennifer Jimenez

My husband's also an artist. He's an actor and a writer and producer. And we were very much when we were young and, still in love. But the young and in love and doing our art very, very much had very little, money whatsoever. I had, like, plastic dining room table and chairs like that. That was our, you know, that was our table.

00;03;51;25 - 00;04;17;27

Jennifer Jimenez

And I have, you know, my first dream was to be a professional dancer. So, I mean, I really did do dream building from a very early age. But then as I became a mother and the bohemian lifestyle really wasn't all that conducive to motherhood. And my husband's acting income was very roller coaster, to say the least. Or and usually the one that's the most worried about the money.

00;04;18;00 - 00;04;44;17

Jennifer Jimenez

We'll say, you know what? I'll I'll take it. I'll, I'll be the steady breadwinner and I, you know, allowed myself to really get sucked into the real world. So I found a sales job. My family has a big background in sales, so it's just something I could easily step into. I didn't graduate from college because I went for the dance, you know, and very quickly I became an award winning sales rep and sales leader.

00;04;44;19 - 00;05;09;04

Jennifer Jimenez

One sales person of the year for multiple organizations, which looks great on paper, but the reality of that was fluorescent lights, cubicles, long days, literally smiling and dialing and feeling like I was, you know, like my heart and my soul was dying every time. Not because I didn't love the people I was working with and those that I was serving.

00;05;09;04 - 00;05;33;03

Jennifer Jimenez

But I knew I was meant for more. And I can't tell you how many people I talked to that when we stopped just living one year, 90 times or going through the motions. And we get quiet enough and we are asked the questions that I know you as an incredible, you know, transformational coach have been trained and certified as well as I have to ask some of these questions.

00;05;33;06 - 00;05;50;04

Jennifer Jimenez

You know, most people aren't walking around asking what what I love if I could do if what if it were easy, if I could just wave a magic wand. We do the responsible thing. We suck it up, buttercup. Like, you know, I suck it up every day. I walk by my kids. And I ended up having three children.

00;05;50;04 - 00;06;21;18

Jennifer Jimenez

So, you know, it's a it's a busy life, and I'm. I can't even, you know, the words do not describe the gratitude I have for my mother's work in the world and for her being such a trailblazer and a you can hear the emotion in my voice because she she takes a stand for grief thinking, for dream building for all of us to not just suck it up to wake up, you know?

00;06;21;18 - 00;06;44;02

Jennifer Jimenez

And so she called me on a very busy day when I'm rushing around and I don't have much time. And she says, you know, and the the beautiful thing was, it wasn't like I had completely forgotten about my dream of doing dance and movement for healing and transformation, which was the next dream after dancing as a modern dancer.

00;06;44;04 - 00;07;06;15

Jennifer Jimenez

But I just couldn't figure out the financial model. I couldn't figure out how to make money doing it. Which money? Coaches, healers? You know, I kind of fall into the not the traditional coach or consultant. You know, I love to dance. I have been transformed through the healing power of the arts. So art, you know, not therapy. I didn't want to work in, you know, psychiatry.

00;07;06;15 - 00;07;39;14

Jennifer Jimenez

Right. But I wanted to work with, well, people, helping them thrive and become vibrant and joyful and releasing inner blocks through these transformational principles, but very specifically through the healing power of dance. And back then, you know, before zoom, before Skype, you know, before all of these video platforms that provide the ability to, you know, do this kind of work internationally like I do today, it was not easy to figure out how to like, package all of this together into some like DVD was still out there.

00;07;39;14 - 00;08;07;23

Jennifer Jimenez

My friends that that ages me like my product was a it was a movement DVD and it cost me $50,000, which you can now produce with your iPhone, which is just about yourself. How easy it is to do what we do today. It's never been cheaper. It's never, ever been easier coming from somebody who has, you know, spent the money producing one single thing that cost me no grand.

00;08;07;23 - 00;08;23;14

Jennifer Jimenez

I mean, just to put things into perspective. So my mother calls me and she says, you know, the women's retreats coming up, and I would love for you to come. I you really need this. And the women need you. They need to move and dance. Because I was I had done that over the years quite a bit, actually.

00;08;23;14 - 00;08;42;27

Jennifer Jimenez

How I codified my movement modality was really at her spiritual center. Again, in the women's retreat. She would invite me always to come and bring my work. She knew the power of it, and I just was one of those moments where I just said, I'm too busy. It's not convenient, it's not comfortable. This is not a good time.

00;08;43;04 - 00;08;48;21

Jennifer Jimenez

It isn't that when spirit always comes to us. I know in your school you learn to like it.

00;08;48;27 - 00;08;55;23

Lauren Brollier Newton

You're like, sometimes you just look up at the sky and you're like, really? That's what you want me to do? Like, come on, come on.

00;08;55;25 - 00;08;57;19

Jennifer Jimenez

Yeah. Oh not.

00;08;57;21 - 00;09;04;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

Really. Okay. So what was it like telling Mary Morrissey? I'm too busy. It's not convenient. It's not going to be easy, mom.

00;09;04;21 - 00;09;28;03

Jennifer Jimenez

Like, I'm so funny. They're like, what? What, what was it like having a hot leader, mother? As if we come out of the womb without any limiting beliefs or paradigms. We just are, like, inoculated. No, I mean, she you know, she was still my mom. She was still my host at the time, and and a mom that that wasn't willing to, you know, let the paradigm speak to too much.

00;09;28;03 - 00;09;46;19

Jennifer Jimenez

You know, she would certainly say, can I, would you be open would would you allow a corner of your mind open ability, you know, love exercising. It's so, so grateful. And so anyhow, long story short, my I was so miserable at home. I was taking it out on my husband and my kids that my husband was the one that said get out.

00;09;46;21 - 00;10;14;16

Jennifer Jimenez

Like literally pushed me out the door. Please. You know, you need a reset, right? So I go on this retreat and it couldn't be more opposite than my my day job. We're in Sedona. The earth is, you know, beckoning. The birds are singing and my mom is just so brilliant at, you know, this work and and she just has this way of bringing us all together through music, through, you know, we did chants with Reiki buyer back, buyers back with.

00;10;14;16 - 00;10;42;12

Jennifer Jimenez

And she put us in these small what we call family groups and little pods. And she literally her formula can be done whether it's a one on one phone call, whether it's a three day builder, live vision workshop, whether it's a, you know, just like, like I said, like a consultation or a three day retreat. So this was kind of like a three day dream builder, you know, live that we do now, but a much smaller, you know, version of it, right?

00;10;42;12 - 00;11;17;06

Jennifer Jimenez

Just for women. And as I'm sitting there, one of the things we do is an assessment. And so the assessment is the four quadrants of your life. So actually while I tell this story, it might be interesting for your listeners just to go along like as if you're sitting in the circle with me. Right. And the first question is, you know, how about your health and wellness on a scale from 1 to 5, one being, you know, we're in bed, you know, sick and not, you know, like totally out for the count and five being the most vibrant, healthy, radiant version of you.

00;11;17;09 - 00;11;39;09

Jennifer Jimenez

You know, what would what would you give yourself a score? In that time I was so neglecting myself. I at work like I'm a health and well-being buff. I was always the one running around the house telling my family we need to eat healthier. Three normal like being and at work. I would go in and grab a Diet Coke like toxic and a handful of M&Ms.

00;11;39;09 - 00;12;06;21

Jennifer Jimenez

Like that was my breakfast and lunch that far from my center. I had allowed myself to drift, so my health was definitely suffering. Location on a scale from 1 to 5. If you think about waking up in the morning, putting your feet on the ground and saying, like today, Lauren and I right before we hopped on this podcast, we say, this is work like about coaching and transforming lives today.

00;12;06;21 - 00;12;38;25

Jennifer Jimenez

Like, I bounced out of bed prior to this first thing in the morning, I do a 6 a.m. laser coaching Q&A for my clients. Now you can set the time whenever you want. That's just. Spirit told me to do it early in the morning, so it's only twice a month, by the way, and I love it. Like literally I wake up in the morning early and I come down and I have this group of 25 women from all over the world waiting for me on zoom, and we do guided visualization, and I'm like, I pinch myself like, that's my life.

00;12;38;25 - 00;12;57;08

Jennifer Jimenez

But not then. Oh no, no, I would say my vocation was a one like it. I just like I would get nauseous thinking, okay, I need to make a change terribly. I'm so unhappy. But my whole family is dependent on this steady, you know, income.

00;12;57;11 - 00;13;15;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

So let me ask you this, Jennifer, in this vocation quadrant, because so many of our listeners are experiencing the same thing. They're good at what they do. Like you were excellent at sales and like you said, you liked the team. You liked serving people. So in your case, were you on the scale of, I don't even let myself know that I hate it this much because it would be too painful?

00;13;15;25 - 00;13;19;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

Or did you acknowledge like, no, I hate going to work. Like, where were you?

00;13;19;27 - 00;13;53;19

Jennifer Jimenez

I was starting to wake up, so I had begun to. I had a dream, right? But again, my efforts to roll it forward, I was attracting opportunities. But they were all no, no pay, opportunities to do what I do. And so I had just lost hope. I was really in this kind of like the doldrums of hopelessness. So it wasn't that I didn't know how happy, unhappy I was, but I was I was stuffing it, I was stuffing it, and I was just going to work because I was like, I felt like I'd hit a wall.

00;13;53;19 - 00;14;14;06

Jennifer Jimenez

Like I didn't know where to turn. I didn't know how to reach things. And, I would cry myself to work. I would often cry myself home and then wipe those tears away and slap on a smile and just go through the motions of dinner. You know, homework with the kids, read them a story and shove them in bed, and then I'd literally crash.

00;14;14;08 - 00;14;18;11

Jennifer Jimenez

Or I'd be, yeah. Anyways, yeah, that was that was it?

00;14;18;13 - 00;14;42;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah. I get teary eyed thinking about that, Jennifer, because like, I know you now and I know the impact that you have and like the thought that you weren't able to express that. And maybe if you hadn't made this choice and never would have expressed that like, it's very it's very crazy to think about how many super talented, heart centered dreamers are right now experiencing that.

00;14;42;26 - 00;15;00;08

Lauren Brollier Newton

And I think this is why both of us are. So I don't want to interrupt the whole story about why we're so passionate about training and certifying coaches who have a transformational message, because you and I can have a massive impact, and yet we'll never touch every woman who's experiencing the things that we experienced. So super grateful that this change.

00;15;00;08 - 00;15;05;06

Lauren Brollier Newton

But let's go back to so health and well-being, low score, vocation, low score.

00;15;05;09 - 00;15;30;23

Jennifer Jimenez

It's important what we have found in our transformational work is really shining. The light of awareness on the lung. And there's two secrets from our higher self. And it is the longing, it is the discontent. And there's an opportunity to get in touch with the pain so that we can be pushed by the pain and yet by a vision.

00;15;30;26 - 00;15;59;05

Jennifer Jimenez

So in the area of relationship, you know, I relationships always seemed pretty good. But during this particular period, I was unhappy with myself and unhappy with my vocation that my marriage really was on the rocks. I mean, I were not this year, really considering leaving my husband and just it was really, really a tough time. I felt like if he would just get a regular job, I could then go live my dreams.

00;15;59;05 - 00;16;02;09

Jennifer Jimenez

And, you know, that's that's not the solution.

00;16;02;12 - 00;16;06;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

Right? If you just shove down your longing and discontent so I can let mine out and go live my.

00;16;06;16 - 00;16;12;18

Jennifer Jimenez

Dream, you know, in all transparency, I mean, that was my consciousness level at the.

00;16;12;18 - 00;16;23;02

Lauren Brollier Newton

Time. Yeah. And, and super, super, you know, quote unquote normal. I mean, I think that's what happens in a lot of relationships if you would just change and I could be happy. And then it goes back and forth like a ping pong like that.

00;16;23;05 - 00;16;24;26

Jennifer Jimenez

Yeah. For sure. For sure.

00;16;24;28 - 00;16;27;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

You're not alone in that experience for sure.

00;16;27;17 - 00;16;51;22

Jennifer Jimenez

Yeah. Then. So, you know, the first step is going around sharing, you know, and having that assessment and just really being willing to look at it square in that is is the first step. Like just that awareness and noticing it, seeing it, feeling it versus just this routine of shoving it down. Then we go through and we create a vision.

00;16;51;24 - 00;17;13;11

Jennifer Jimenez

And, you know, at first I was honestly a little pissed. And I'm just being brutally honest because I'm like, at this, I have an f ING vision, you know, like, and I'm, I know I'm being a little harsh, you know, here. Yeah. That's the truth. Like, I was like, you know what? I have a vision and I'm not seeing it happen.

00;17;13;11 - 00;17;40;12

Jennifer Jimenez

And I shove it down every day and I go to work and I don't. Okay, I'll create this great vision that I'm in love with again. And now what? You know, and I love my mom. She just. There's a very specific, tested and proven system. And I just wasn't actually working the full system that it was. I had fallen out of a structure of support and I was just living my busy, hectic life.

00;17;40;12 - 00;18;03;12

Jennifer Jimenez

Right. So inside of this weekend, where she's got me, you know, and she's got all of us and she's harnessed us, she says, puts. You don't have to figure out the how. The how is not your business. It is your opportunity to refresh the what. And I created this vision of my life where I'm somehow magically in Southern California, where real estate is insanely expensive.

00;18;03;15 - 00;18;27;26

Jennifer Jimenez

We have a dream home that we own. There's rooms for all the kids. I've left the corporate sales, you know, grind, and I've somehow managed to combine my love of health and well-being, my love of spiritual transformational principles, and my love of dance to transform women's lives. And I get a motion just like I had no idea how to do that.

00;18;27;26 - 00;18;50;08

Jennifer Jimenez

And I'm traveling the world. I'm, you know, in conferences and workshops and I'm leading retreats and I've got programs that somehow women can magically access no matter where they are in the world. And I'm in this part of my vision. I'm, you know, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars. I've completely replaced my corporate income and my my marriage is thriving.

00;18;50;08 - 00;19;11;12

Jennifer Jimenez

I did not want to get a divorce. I wanted that sparkly magic back in the bedroom and in the date nights and in the whole experience with him. And I wanted to be the playful mom that I knew that my kids deserved and I wasn't being. And, I wanted to feel healthy. I want to dance. Back in my life.

00;19;11;12 - 00;19;37;12

Jennifer Jimenez

I wasn't dancing, and I wanted a lot of things. And then that night when I opened the portal, right, and you speak the words. So we spoke them out loud to each other and something called Time Machine, where you merge and you stepped into a magical, invisible, imaginal time machine, and you are facing each other, and you speak as if it's that life, as if everything's transformed into that life.

00;19;37;12 - 00;20;01;29

Jennifer Jimenez

And, you know, first was the word right? So that that that energy gets sent far and wide in the end. And then things begin to change soon as you put a stake in the ground, right? And you put that energy out there. And I could not sleep. In this particular retreat, my mom and I were sharing a room, which we didn't do often, but my poor mother was like, turns on the light.

00;20;01;29 - 00;20;21;24

Jennifer Jimenez

She's like, what is going on? Like you're like, clearly cheap. Like, I wasn't talking, but I just was tossing and turning and I said, I, I'm hearing a message from God that I don't want to hear. And she's like, what is it? And I'm hearing that I need to quit my job, mom. But I don't have a plan.

00;20;21;27 - 00;20;40;19

Jennifer Jimenez

I literally don't have, oh, I don't know how to do this. And he, of course, coaches me through the moment I get on the phone and call my husband, hoping he'll talk me out of it. My husband, we could live in a box and he'd be like, you figure it out. I'm the one that's like, no, it's not okay to live in a box, you know?

00;20;40;26 - 00;20;59;03

Jennifer Jimenez

So he's like, we'll figure it out. And the next morning I'm like, just my I'm like, I can't take it. I'm I'm hearing the message. And I lean over to my mom and I'm like, the God is telling me to get on stage and declare it to everybody. And she's like, okay. And I ta shoves me up there.

00;20;59;03 - 00;21;18;09

Jennifer Jimenez

And I didn't think she was literally going to. I just got to be like, no, no, no, we've got our retreat. It's okay. You can tell me about it. So I get up on stage and I'm shaking. I mean, my I can't even barely like I'm crying the ugly tears and the snot is coming and I can barely get the words out.

00;21;18;09 - 00;21;53;06

Jennifer Jimenez

But as soon as I say the message. And that is something to the tune of I am not playing small anymore. I'm claiming and standing in my power. And I'm promising to God that I will go for the vision, and I will give the beautiful gift that I've been put on this planet to give. And as I said, the words all of the fear and the terror that was had me shaking palmed and I literally felt like a thousand beams of light shone out from my heart and the universe, and I aligned like I felt a literal like like a shift.

00;21;53;08 - 00;22;25;10

Jennifer Jimenez

Very much a transcendental spiritual experience. And the number one thing that I did that I would share with anybody listening, I didn't then just go home and quit my job and play Lone Ranger. What the next message was was to get support. And I knew that even though and part of the resistance for me with my mom is she's my mom, you know, so to have like, your mom and you're like, especially mother, like there's a whole that's a whole nother podcast.

00;22;25;13 - 00;22;49;22

Jennifer Jimenez

But at that age, in my mid 30s, willing to set aside my ego and any resistance I had and really just allow there to be a space where we could have a mother daughter relationship. And I know this is just unique to her and I. Right? But to choose a mentor and to fuze in to recognize I can't do this alone anymore, that's not going to work.

00;22;49;22 - 00;23;19;24

Jennifer Jimenez

And I got into the program she was offering at the time. She was offering transformational coaching. It was weekly, so I had a weekly touchpoint and I began to install a much more abundant money mindset. I began to really take ownership of my limiting beliefs, particularly around my ability to pursue my dreams and bring forth my healing gift and be an abundant be right and right.

00;23;19;24 - 00;23;54;27

Jennifer Jimenez

Around that time, my mother launched her coach certification division, who would later attract you, Lauren, which is how you got here. But at the time it didn't exist. And so we built it together. You know, I'm one of the co-founders of the institute. So I began to see very quickly things began to shift. My marriage got better. I became more playful with the kids within really 12 weeks, like 3 to 6 months, my life had done a 180, magically released 15 pounds without even trying, you know, and just because of the weight and the stress.

00;23;54;27 - 00;24;39;04

Jennifer Jimenez

And it wasn't sleeping right. So sleep helps too. But, you know, like things began to really open up. And I today fast forward, you know, about 15 years later, the dream that I dreamed at, that at that original retreat is a small portion of the multi-million dollar coaching business that I've built, the beautiful retreats. I take clients on, the Transcend Dance modality that I now sit here in my dream house, in my dream dance studio, getting to do this work and the the certification that we've created for anyone listening going, I would love to have the learning curve shortened for me.

00;24;39;04 - 00;25;11;03

Jennifer Jimenez

I don't have to reinvent the wheel. Is there, you know, a way to do that? And I think the thing that I also so the answer is yes, we've created it, it is now done and it is everything you could ever want. And more in marketing, sales, business and coaching curriculum. But the thing that I uniquely bring that is, I think, really important for the those that are listening, that are a little bit of outside of the box, you know, like they're the breathwork facilitators, they're the Reiki masters.

00;25;11;03 - 00;25;39;12

Jennifer Jimenez

They're the, you know, like you you have a specific healing modality or spiritual gifts, you know, like psychic type gifts or things of that nature that, you know, you're wondering, how do I bring? Do I have to leave all of that at the door? If I get certified with the Right Thinking Institute? And the answer is no. What I love about what we do is the framework for transformation.

00;25;39;12 - 00;26;05;01

Jennifer Jimenez

Probably the first thing that I really I was an unconscious competent because I was raised in this work. But what I got in the coaching that I did with my mother and then later literally getting certified by her early on, I sat there just like everybody else is a student, and went through the certification, one of the very first ones, probably, I think it was the second one we ever rolled out.

00;26;05;04 - 00;26;18;27

Jennifer Jimenez

So it was amazing. Is there is a there is this the tested and proven system for transformation? But there's so much space for you, for your gifts.

00;26;18;29 - 00;26;47;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah. That's the that's the brilliance. And you mentioned it very, very early when you said, you know, Mary has this codified this brilliant system is that when I look at the work that you've done, Jennifer, not only as a certified dream better coach, life mastery consultant, and then bringing, your wellness programs to the world and transcendence is these principles work for whatever it is that you're working on, whatever dream you're working on.

00;26;47;27 - 00;27;05;29

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so much of the reason why more traditional, I would say coaching can feel like, okay, we're just going to eat keto and that's going to be the diet program, or we're just going to knock on a hundred doors. If you're a real estate agent, is that that may or may not be right for your soul. Blueprint who you're becoming in the world.

00;27;05;29 - 00;27;37;08

Lauren Brollier Newton

And actually that there is a system where you can listen to what feels life giving to you and still achieve results. And that's what Mary codified. And I think the the greatest gift in the system that Mary's given us as coaches and that she's created and that you and I, both in our own ways, have expanded on and, you know, brought our own gifts and talents to is that I know for sure, with every fiber of my being, that if I lost everything right now, it would be okay, because I could build it all again.

00;27;37;08 - 00;28;00;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

Because I know how it works. I understand how results occur. So like the level of having like little fear about how things are going to turn out because, you know, if this doesn't turn out, there's this and there's this and there's this. It's like, that to me, is the greatest gift that I've been given by you and by the Institute and by Mary is just knowing that I could lose it all today and it would be okay.

00;28;01;00 - 00;28;28;04

Lauren Brollier Newton

Like I, I truly, on a spiritual level would be okay and probably even, expanded even more for it. So, it's just so powerful, so powerful. So, Jennifer, tell me a little bit about how you started building your coaching business, your dance integrations, like tell me how you took this certification and then just ran with it in the way that you've run with it now and have this global impact?

00;28;28;06 - 00;29;03;07

Jennifer Jimenez

Yeah. Well, so a couple of things that you said that are so important, though. I love what you said, that you could, you know, things could really shift in your life. And you know, how results work. So there's little fear. And what I would add to that, that I know you feel that so many people want, I would say especially my, you know, the community that tends to get attracted to the health and well-being division specifically is we all want confidence, unshakable confidence, yes, selves in our talents and our ability to speak our truth and shine our light and give our gifts.

00;29;03;07 - 00;29;29;24

Jennifer Jimenez

And having these tested and proven coaching programs that are literally a a business in a box, for lack of a better term allows for me. So, for example, when I first launch my coaching, I didn't have the Dream Builder program undergirding my work because it didn't exist yet. Literally, my mom was teaching it, but she hadn't codified it and put it into a package so that we could teach it yet.

00;29;29;26 - 00;29;50;27

Jennifer Jimenez

So I would just kind of wing it, you know, and when you get wing results and I would see shifts and I would definitely see women come home to their bodies and begin to transform and heal. But the bigger transformation that I knew was available for them just was taking longer than I could just feel it like my intuition was.

00;29;50;27 - 00;30;19;03

Jennifer Jimenez

There's something that isn't quite there, you know? And then so what's great about my story is I've done it both ways. Yeah, we have coached without the dream building tested, proven principles undergirding the work. And then when she finally released it and I'm like, oh, great. So I put together a little group of you know, women. And I did group through the traditional dream builder coaching program that we do.

00;30;19;06 - 00;30;39;20

Jennifer Jimenez

But what I sprinkled in was just the way I'm wired. I want to do a guided visualize ation at the beginning. I want the women up. I want to dance our dreams for 5 to 10 minutes. I want to shift our limiting beliefs not just through thinking about them and writing about them. I want to move them through our bodies.

00;30;39;20 - 00;31;09;28

Jennifer Jimenez

So part of my gift has been adding the mind body movement. It's an embodied coaching experience, which is totally available for really anybody who wants to do it that way, you know? And it was like putting Miracle-Gro on the garden. I can't even meaning adding the Dream Builder coaching to the embodiment work that, you know, into what I was already doing was, I mean, it was night and day, night and day.

00;31;09;28 - 00;31;38;03

Jennifer Jimenez

And we provide two ways of really helping people shift a quote unquote paradigm. A paradigm is just a system of beliefs and habits and actions that create the current result that we're looking at in the areas we talked about health, relationships, vocation and freedom. So wherever we're at, whether it's a good to great result or my story, which was not good at all to now great and continuing to expand, you know, is that there's to repetition is coaching right.

00;31;38;03 - 00;32;00;29

Jennifer Jimenez

Or weekly and coaching and immersion is like that three day women's retreat that I went on. So what I've done is created very similarly to my mother's coaching work is there is weekly programs that I roll out. So my clients have a weekly touchpoint because that repetition is so important that the world is screaming at us. Everybody like the news, the radio.

00;32;00;29 - 00;32;26;14

Jennifer Jimenez

You go to the grocery store, what's in the aisles like, what's the com? And conversely, if I walk out on my street, as much as I love my neighbors and they're amazing, the typical default conversation is not a brave thinking one to just out there and love them. You know, like, I am a coach, but the average coach that I meet out there is a system based directive coaching model.

00;32;26;17 - 00;32;54;02

Jennifer Jimenez

They're not asking me what what I love. They're not saying, what's the guidance that you're receiving from your higher power? It's not an evocative coaching model, which is what we teach. So it's just a very different system. It's a much slower pathway. You know, it's the difference between our left brain logical information and really connect to an infinite intelligence that knows all things, that has all the answers and really cultivating a relationship with that.

00;32;54;02 - 00;33;16;29

Jennifer Jimenez

So, I mean, I'm literally living what we teach have dreamed up this life where I get to teach, transcend dance, you know, on Saturdays and, and in a virtual studio using technology that streams me all over the world. 15 years ago, that was a pie in the sky dream.

00;33;17;02 - 00;33;39;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah. You would have had to have like you would have had to go to like, I don't know, your local news network and rent their studio. And, I mean, I actually wrote down before this podcast asking you the question about, like, the $50,000 transcendence, original DVD or whatever, because I think I think coaches, yes, I do agree with you that it's easier than it's ever been before.

00;33;39;03 - 00;34;00;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

You can reach anybody you want to reach with your iPhone, you know, like, and I think that sometimes coaches nowadays get the paradigm like, but everybody's doing it. So I'm not going to be successful because everybody can do it. And so I would love to hear you actually speak to the paradigm that, yeah, might I might not have to spend $50,000 to have a DVD made, but now I'm competing with all these other coaches online.

00;34;00;21 - 00;34;01;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

Like, what would you say to that?

00;34;02;03 - 00;34;30;20

Jennifer Jimenez

Oh, but you're not my friend. I mean, seriously, if you go online and really start to scroll and look we there is there is no question that there is enough to go around. There are billions of people I could not ever possibly coach. Everybody that is seeking us and is seeking you right now. Yeah. The way so I let's drown out the noise.

00;34;30;25 - 00;35;04;17

Jennifer Jimenez

Trust me. Let's drown out. We need to be louder than the rest of the world. That is screaming at all the people. I mean, think about all the teacher. Think about the people that aren't coaches. Think about those numbers. Not the numbers of coaches that are out there, which really are minuscule compared to the billions of people that are in business, that are in education, that are in government, that are in medicine, that need somebody supporting them, guiding them, being this, you know, this powerful believer in the power breathing them, that they are more capable.

00;35;04;17 - 00;35;25;01

Jennifer Jimenez

They're there, they're more powerful than any circumstance, situation or condition. And this is probably one of my greatest learnings, Lauren, because my, you know, I did have a paradigm around not having degrees. And, you know, I have earned lots of certifications and I feel very proud of the work that I did. But I didn't get the Masters and the PhD.

00;35;25;03 - 00;35;48;14

Jennifer Jimenez

And so when I was first starting out, when some really what I felt like big people came my way, like, there was this one producer who was really famous and, and somehow spirits sent him to be my client. And he's not at all my avatar. You know, my avatar is a middle income, you know? So I was like, do you want me to coach this guy?

00;35;48;20 - 00;36;10;29

Jennifer Jimenez

I'm not good. You know, the whole I'm not good enough beer rose up. Like, who am I to coach this guy? And yet who am I to not? If spirit is guiding you to do this work, then don't overthink it. You know the people will show up. That was probably the craziest thing, was those moments where I would just.

00;36;11;03 - 00;36;29;13

Jennifer Jimenez

And I met him at a conference and there was just this spark, almost like when you meet somebody, that there was no romance in this. It wasn't like a romantic spark. But like the client coach spark is is really real. There's that chemistry where you can feel it, that there's clearly we've bumped into each other for a reason.

00;36;29;13 - 00;36;51;13

Jennifer Jimenez

And I coached him. And then to check this out, craziest thing. His wife was in corporate but wanted to launch a movement modality like a I know, I know. So I start taking him through dream Builder and as it unfolds and the he doesn't know that I do this dance thing because I was still in the early stages of rolling it out.

00;36;51;20 - 00;37;12;22

Jennifer Jimenez

I'm like, does your wife want to join? I'm happy to have her join the calls. And all of a sudden she's got this big movement. No dream. And I went, oh my God, you just don't know. That's the thing. You can't you can't know. And then another woman who is a Disney executive person and I'm and she comes in and she becomes a client and still the same thing.

00;37;12;28 - 00;38;05;11

Jennifer Jimenez

But then I watch her and I watch her doing transcend dance. And she just like her whole strong, powerful producer persona, just melts. And then the real magic begins. And it's just those moments have taught me, just show up, Jennifer. Yeah, it means that you're meant to serve. Need it. They need these principles. They need. So like now, like if Oprah or I don't know, Michelle Obama or anybody would come in, come along my path, I know without a shadow of a doubt that what we have been trained in here, particularly at the Brave Thinking Institute, these transformational principles are worthy of the richest, most powerful.

00;38;05;11 - 00;38;25;19

Jennifer Jimenez

Yeah. The person on the street who doesn't have a home like any soul does want and needs and craves a mastery of the to your point, these spiritual principles to have that unshakable confidence and that relationship with the way the universe is wired and works to create the results that we would love.

00;38;25;22 - 00;38;57;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah, so, so many things, Jennifer, that you said, like just this idea that this unshakable confidence. If I feel like I have to gain confidence in myself first, that can seem like a very big, scary task. But one of the things that's so powerful about the principles themselves, or having a certification that's proven, is that I can stand on the shoulders of the curriculum of the fact that I know that it works, and I don't have to get that 100% confidence in myself before I start, because I know the principles work and it's like, okay, I'm a conduit.

00;38;58;00 - 00;39;16;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

Like I can be a conduit to the principals in the client, but I don't have to be the one thing that that client is depending on to get their results. And so you start with the confidence of, I'm standing on something that works and that I know is truth with a capital T, and then your confidence builds along with it and all different sorts of ways.

00;39;16;05 - 00;39;36;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

But I think to go back to this idea that, oh, it's oversaturated online and there's so many coaches think about scrolling through your Facebook feed and all the things you don't resonate with, like all the ads that come your way, that you don't resonate with, and all the things people are posting about the news or whatever. And then think about that one that you stop on that you do resonate with.

00;39;36;07 - 00;39;49;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

It's not necessarily because they're the most powerful, or they have the most money, or they have the most ad spend, or at the best of it. That's not how resonance works. And so how did I mean, if you think about it, like when I started my coaching business, I'm a school teacher. I'm literally living in my parents basement.

00;39;49;18 - 00;40;13;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

I didn't even use zoom back in those days. It wasn't that long ago going on seven years ago, but because I was in the basement, I had this, white pop up screen that I would put behind me so nobody could tell I was in the basement. And, it was like it was not as good as what they have now, but it was literally like this thing that would fold up into a circle, and then you'd open it and it would like pop up, and it was just this white like little ugly screen that would sit behind me.

00;40;13;23 - 00;40;33;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

But if you think about how did that version of me start to attract clients, there was even though I didn't know everything and I didn't know what I was doing, there was a resonance. And that comes from your pureness of heart and your want to help and the system. I couldn't have done it without the system having a system, but it really isn't about being the most popular.

00;40;33;26 - 00;40;50;20

Lauren Brollier Newton

One of my best clients that we're still great friends to this day. She stayed with me for the whole time. I had my own coaching business. She said the reason she enrolled with me was because on her enrollment call, I said I listen to everything she said. And then I said, very simple sentence. I can help you with this.

00;40;50;23 - 00;41;14;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

I can help you with this. So I can't overemphasize, Jennifer, what you're saying about you keep showing up. You showed up at a conference. You met the the person who would have a wife that was interested in a dance modality. Like, you keep showing up. And I love that prayer to yourself, Jennifer. Just keep showing up because we can trust that that resonance will it?

00;41;14;28 - 00;41;20;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

It really will sell our programs if we just get out of the way. So that we can help people for sure.

00;41;20;19 - 00;41;45;21

Jennifer Jimenez

Yeah. For sure. And what I would say is for everyone who showed up today, who is listening to this podcast, just giving yourself a pat on the back, you know, you could be listening to a lot of things right now. You could be doing a lot of things. There's a lot on Netflix that we can get to, and this is a really wonderful choice for yourself and hear from Lauren and myself.

00;41;45;21 - 00;42;14;26

Jennifer Jimenez

But as we really set an intention energetically for this podcast today, that it would reach the hearts and the minds of the souls that are really searching, not just for a solution that you would hear on this podcast, but let this be really an invitation from our heart to yours that there is a community here at the Brave Thinking Institute of the most incredible souls who are like minded.

00;42;15;03 - 00;42;44;03

Jennifer Jimenez

We believe that we're spiritual beings having a human experience. We believe in people. We know that we are far more powerful and contain more potential than any circumstance, situation, or condition. That if you're here, it's for a reason. That spirit, God, life, energy, the universe, whatever you want to call it has brought us together for a purpose. And I really would encourage you to not let this single listen of this podcast be where this ends.

00;42;44;03 - 00;43;12;02

Jennifer Jimenez

But there are some incredible free gifts that we've provided. I don't think you will find another training institute on the planet who is more generous than this great thinking institute with the gifts, the tools, the resources. Many of them are free. And then, of course, there's an opportunity to explore what we have to offer. You know, I was one of the very, very first, what we call now program experts with the Brave Thinking Institute.

00;43;12;03 - 00;43;40;18

Jennifer Jimenez

When I joined the institute, there wasn't a quote unquote sales team. And one of my gifts is helping inside of a conversation where we would explore what the next step for you would be is to remove any and all silliness. And this is the codified system that we actually train our coaches. And now it is a service based, dream building conversation.

00;43;40;26 - 00;44;11;01

Jennifer Jimenez

We're very much like in my story where I sat at that women's retreat with my mom. We talked about longing and discontent. We talked about vision and what happens when you're healthy and you're not just doing this on your own, but you're held and you're being asked very specific, evocative questions. Things will come to you. You will receive divine downloads of information, of guidance, of clarity around your purpose, your mission, your next steps.

00;44;11;03 - 00;44;32;25

Jennifer Jimenez

And then from there, this incredibly trained program expert is not taught or trained to sell you something. What they're taught to do is mirror back to you what you've just shared, and they will very honestly and point blank tell you whether or not we are a perfect fit for what it is that your soul is calling you into.

00;44;32;25 - 00;44;57;19

Jennifer Jimenez

And if we're not, they will train to point you in the direction of where you might find the solutions and the resources and the pathway to bring you out. Because we are all about a billion dreams achieved, not a billion people having to achieve their dreams with our resources. So I really encourage, if you're listening in, this feels like it would be an amazing next step to be held in this type of a dream building conversation.

00;44;57;19 - 00;45;09;17

Jennifer Jimenez

I know Lauren and the the show notes will share a link where you can very easily opt in for being held in this kind of complimentary consultation that I promise you will be life changing.

00;45;09;19 - 00;45;32;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah, I love it, I love it, Jennifer, and I love what you've set up at the Institute. I would love to hear a little bit about that. Let's do a little known institute secrets. And I know they've been they've been spoken about publicly, but I know when your, when you first started at the institute, one of your zones of genius was helping your mom realize that she could actually be, a heart centered salesperson.

00;45;32;19 - 00;45;52;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

And in so, so tell me, because I know I've, I've heard Marie speak at publicly before, so I don't think I'm saying anything that that isn't known. But tell me a little bit about what it was like coaching your your mentor, expanded her brilliance even more. I would love to just hear so many coaches feel like I can't sell myself.

00;45;52;29 - 00;46;07;20

Lauren Brollier Newton

Selling isn't spiritual, or I don't want to put myself out there because it's really not about me. I just want to help my clients, which are all like, in theory, lovely things. But we're not really helping someone if they're not getting a systematic way of changing their results. So I'd love to hear a little bit about that.

00;46;07;23 - 00;46;34;27

Jennifer Jimenez

Yeah, yeah. So, you know, the the good news, the blessing is when you become a coach and maybe some of you are already coaches. Just one of the things that I love to remind everybody is you don't leave your old life behind. You have all those skills, all of the training, whether it's people skills, whether it's listening skills, whether it's business skills, whether it's whatever it is, we all come in with this tool belt.

00;46;34;27 - 00;47;00;18

Jennifer Jimenez

And I think sometimes I've noticed having now coached coaches for over a decade is there's this somehow they forget, oh yeah, I'm sitting on all those years of whatever the previous career was. And those tools translate immediately into this beautiful coaching business. So one of those for me, of course, was that one on one enrollment conversation. That's how I put food on the table for my family.

00;47;00;18 - 00;47;20;29

Jennifer Jimenez

And I had codified a way to really talk to people in a heart centered way. So actually, one of the ways my mother and I bridged was as I was building my business, I was figuring things out, and she was building her business, her sales person and partner in the original. I mean, there were three people, by the way, in the business.

00;47;20;29 - 00;47;37;05

Jennifer Jimenez

There's over 100 employees now. So that gives you a sense of what things were like when I first started, the woman the way it worked. So my mother has this codified workshop. It's called the Vision Workshop. It can be done in an hour, can be delivered as a Ted talk, can be delivered in an afternoon for three hours.

00;47;37;05 - 00;48;00;22

Jennifer Jimenez

It can be created over a three day period. Right. So she would go and speak at a spiritual center usually. And then we would invite people to stay after for this three hour vision workshop. Originally she would do the spiritual teaching and then her partner would get up and give the offer, give the pitch, the sales pitch, which basically was like, isn't she amazing?

00;48;00;25 - 00;48;22;16

Jennifer Jimenez

We have a coaching program. If you'd love to enroll, come talk to me like it was just like, really point blank, you know? And and listen, this woman was a an award winning, MLM. She had an MLM business for Mary Kay. That was she was like the Cadillac driving whatever. You know what I mean? Like, so she's really skilled in that and really felt comfortable.

00;48;22;16 - 00;48;37;05

Jennifer Jimenez

So she ran the marketing in the sales and my mom did all the delivery of the, you know, she was the owner of the business and then did all the teaching. So when I first came in and we began to work together, I did a little bit of that for and this woman ended up, God bless her.

00;48;37;05 - 00;49;02;27

Jennifer Jimenez

And and she's with us today. Will she'll receive you know, spiritual signs. But she ended up getting stage four ovarian cancer. So she couldn't do that for my mother anymore. And it's like overnight things started to change. And I, my mother and I made an agreement that I would do some bridging with, with her in this role, and I would step in and do some of the sales calls and travel with her because, you know, this woman couldn't I remember the very first church.

00;49;02;27 - 00;49;24;24

Jennifer Jimenez

It was actually Unity of Houston. And she did. And there's and it's one of the largest new things is it's beautiful. She delivers this incredible talk. She invites everybody to the workshop we have, you know, I mean, at least 150 people in the workshop. She finishes. And I get up and these people have first and foremost, no relationship with me.

00;49;25;01 - 00;49;53;08

Jennifer Jimenez

They don't know. I mean, she says, my daughter, but they don't know who I am. They've just spent several hours with my mother and I give the invitation and and I'm really, you know, I'm very warm hearted and I, and I offer a very lovely invitation and we do really well. But as we're flying home, I just felt like spirit really just inspired me to say to my mother, you know, mom, they don't want to hear the invitation from anybody other than you.

00;49;53;10 - 00;50;15;27

Jennifer Jimenez

I mean, at the end of the day, you're the one they're going to be enrolling with as their coach. So I would love to invite you to shift this paradigm, you know, of somehow this other person being the one that makes the invitation. I actually think it's going to be way more effective if you do it. And really, Bob, you know, nobody really wants to hear that from their daughter.

00;50;15;27 - 00;50;34;19

Jennifer Jimenez

I mean, as much as she and she was very receptive. I mean, we have, you know, share with each other our own paradigms. And there's still that mother daughter, no relationship. So the, you know, the person that really kicked her into gear and kicked her butt around, this was Bob Proctor when he was still alive. They were very close friends and Bob was the one.

00;50;34;19 - 00;51;04;01

Jennifer Jimenez

So she was selling it just to put it into perspective. Everybody. Mary Morrissey. Now, for those of you that don't know, there are few people on the face of the planet that are still alive who've been studying the the quantum field, quantum physics, you know, transformational spiritual principles, the metaphysics of transformation longer than my mother, 50 years. So, you know, it would be Wayne Dyer, you know, Deepak, you know, Bob Proctor, Mary Moore.

00;51;04;01 - 00;51;27;24

Jennifer Jimenez

There's just very, very few people that it's 50 plus years and teaching it for 40. So even, you know, when she first launched her coaching career, this was 35 years into it, right? So she can certainly warrant a a healthy coaching or consulting fee. She was selling a six month program for $750.

00;51;27;26 - 00;51;31;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

I didn't know that. I didn't know that Jennifer did.

00;51;31;16 - 00;51;33;03

Jennifer Jimenez

But yeah.

00;51;33;05 - 00;51;37;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

I know. Yeah, I had no idea of her. So six months for $750?

00;51;37;15 - 00;51;42;22

Jennifer Jimenez

Yeah. Unknown. Unknown. Dirty secrets of.

00;51;42;25 - 00;52;04;00

Jennifer Jimenez

Bob. Now, this is before I came, but the very first version of her six month program. Yeah. The Bob Proctor sat my mother and her her partner down and said, you cannot do this. You are literally his words were you are a disgrace to the industry. Now, she's also shared this publicly. So I'm not yeah, I'm not airing out any dirty laundry here.

00;52;04;06 - 00;52;12;16

Jennifer Jimenez

But yeah, you said you have to stop this. If Mary Morrissey is charging this, we're all screwed. You know, like you here.

00;52;12;19 - 00;52;26;20

Lauren Brollier Newton

And also like, I'm just thinking about, like, okay, so you're basically charging, like, $100 a month or something. Like, at that point, you're not even covering your cost. Like, you're not making anything. You're just not even able to cover your costs at that point.

00;52;26;22 - 00;52;47;28

Jennifer Jimenez

Yeah. I mean, the model was a leveraged model, meaning that she had, you know, lots of people on a group call. So the math barely worked, but it did because it was a leveraged model. But your point there was I mean, like, it just that's the point. Bob was saying, this isn't this is not a, you know, this is not a sustainable model.

00;52;47;28 - 00;53;08;20

Jennifer Jimenez

And very quickly, she began to increase. I think when I came along, it was maybe like $2,500, you know what I mean? Like so it had grown. But yeah. No, I was with her through every and you know, it's just easier to have somebody outside of you look you in the eye and say, you are worthy. This work is worthy.

00;53;08;23 - 00;53;33;06

Jennifer Jimenez

And I do feel so blessed that time and time again, we as an institute have grown. And we're I mean, my mother's the kind of coach we're now, I mean, the equivalent type of platinum program that she delivers for most coaches, like the Tony Robbins that are haven't even been doing it as long as she has. You know, they're charging over $100,000 for high end masterminds.

00;53;33;06 - 00;53;51;13

Jennifer Jimenez

That's really normal. And she doesn't do that. And that's just she's never been in it for the money. She really is in it for the service and for the gift. And and yes, it is healthy for people to have the more skin in the game. They have this the truth is the more they will show up.

00;53;51;16 - 00;54;10;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

It's true. I will tell you, Jennifer, that that has shown time and time again. I've never told you this story, but I had a client who was in college and she paid for every program, and I was I was, you know, I, I, I was kind of like your mom in the beginning. I was a little bit afraid to charge a certain amount, but I mean, healthy amounts.

00;54;10;16 - 00;54;26;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

nd she's investing, you know,:

00;54;26;21 - 00;54;43;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

I'm going to give her a scholarship. So I give her the scholarship. She never showed up to class again. I've never seen a more stark like, universal message of like that was not helpful to her. She stopped showing up when she didn't have skin in the game.

00;54;43;16 - 00;54;47;10

Jennifer Jimenez

That's crazy. It's so. I've got lots of stories like that to you.

00;54;47;13 - 00;55;08;01

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yeah. So let's go back to this idea that we're talking about, that you said something so powerful for the coaches listening and for those who want to become coaches, they want to hear the invitation from you, Mary, because you're the coach and so many coaches ask us in our hiring programs and in our coaching certification, can I have somebody else do my marketing, someone else do my sales?

00;55;08;01 - 00;55;30;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

And of course, our style of coaching is anything that feels life giving to you. Of course you can explore that and invite all of us to stretch ourselves, stretch ourselves to step into. If you're a coach, spirit is calling you to talk to the people who want to be coached by you. Doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't have to be super streamlined, systematic.

00;55;30;18 - 00;55;48;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

You don't have to say the perfect words that you, from your heart to theirs, can make an invitation that you have. Something like I said to the client that I had the privilege of serving for almost seven years, I can help you. I can help you. So I love that. Jennifer. Thank you. Thank you for sharing that story.

00;55;48;00 - 00;56;17;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

ome back because I have about:

00;56;17;18 - 00;56;24;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

And you had to build a coaching business from scratch today. What would be your first move that you made?

00;56;25;00 - 00;56;29;15

Jennifer Jimenez

I would hire you as my coach. Lauren.

00;56;29;17 - 00;56;33;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

And sign the dotted line.

00;56;33;15 - 00;56;45;27

Jennifer Jimenez

Now, as the director, that's all I need. Just learn in my back pocket. Let's go, let's go. You know what I mean? I, I agree.

00;56;45;29 - 00;57;17;15

Jennifer Jimenez

But seriously, I, I, I mean it, you know, I, I have built an incredibly successful coaching business really too is you shared on the shoulders of giants, you know, with my mentor, my mother and truly the faculty that we have as an institute. We're all abs so important in my building of the business. So if I couldn't take anything but, you know, one thing, it would be this team.

00;57;17;17 - 00;57;41;05

Jennifer Jimenez

You know, it would be the awareness of, you know, our business and leadership. You know, founder and the CEO of our institute, John Boggs, has been in my ear for the last, you know, almost 15 years. You know, my brother Rich Boggs and I were the ones that he taught me. Pretty much everything I know about sales and then we combined forces and created our sales system.

00;57;41;05 - 00;58;02;05

Jennifer Jimenez

And I still have him, by the way, in my ear at times telling me, Jennifer, you need to increase your prices. Jennifer, you know, whatever those that those support people. My brother Matt I mean, I'll never forget Lauren when I first I mean, yeah, this goes as far back as the $50,000 DVD. And I've got the case and I'm trying to figure out how to quote unquote, market it.

00;58;02;05 - 00;58;20;22

Jennifer Jimenez

And I'm on the phone with my little. He doesn't like it when I say this, by the way, is my little brother, younger brother. He doesn't like the words little kids. Yeah. But my my younger brother, who's a badass, by the way, and amazing, and our executive director and the co-founder of our Koch Institute. And I'm trying to figure out how to market this.

00;58;20;22 - 00;58;43;09

Jennifer Jimenez

And he literally says to me, and this sentence has transformed the rest of my marketing for the rest of my life. This is why having people with a greater level of awareness than you, around you, the five people you're around most, right? Beat the results that you have. And he says, have you interviewed pregnant women now? I had just had three babies and we need to interview pregnant women.

00;58;43;10 - 00;59;03;26

Jennifer Jimenez

Women. I am my, you know, like I've got a little bit of a chip on my shoulder, you know? And I'm like, well, no, because I know what he was like, just trust me. Interview five pregnant moms and everything I had put on the box. They didn't know yet that they didn't know who. They don't know that they need it or want it.

00;59;03;26 - 00;59;30;06

Jennifer Jimenez

And I'm like, oh my God, you know? And yeah, changed my life. From that moment forward, I never went to create an email or a Facebook post, a whatever without interviewing the people that I'm supporting because they tell me how to talk to them. Big men want what they need. It is I mean, like from that, I mean, that's that just that one sentence.

00;59;30;09 - 01;00;02;20

Jennifer Jimenez

And then not to mention, I mean, if I could only choose one, of course it would be Mary Morrissey. It would be the awareness to you back circling back to your point, which is, I could lose it all today if I had to build a coaching business from scratch. Even without all the sales and marketing and all the tools that are literally and I'm not exaggerating, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of materials and tools and resources that waiting for you behind this doorway called a consultation with our institute.

01;00;02;20 - 01;00;28;15

Jennifer Jimenez

Right? Even without all of that, let's imagine that's not there available for me. Which, by the way, I still use like I literally plug into our portal and I'm like, let me pull up that email sequence. What's that Facebook like? I use these tools for my own work, even though I'm in the institute. So just for the record, but even without all of that, if there was one thing that I couldn't give up, it would be the awareness training.

01;00;28;15 - 01;00;38;11

Jennifer Jimenez

It would be the transformational spiritual tools. It would be the tested and proven dream building principles that I live into and pull from every single day.

01;00;38;13 - 01;01;02;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

Yes. Amen. That what I'm hearing you say, Jennifer, is you wouldn't go it alone. You wouldn't go it alone. And I think that is that is in your story. In my story. Like you can have dreams. You can even go on a research YouTube rabbit hole and try to find out how to build it and everything. But there are people who care about you, who care about your mission, who know how to do it already.

01;01;02;14 - 01;01;20;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

And of year two I same story years of going it alone myself, having dreams, not knowing how to achieve them. Plug into something and someone who cares about you and can show you how to do it. And it makes all the difference. So I'm hearing a pings. Our master coach, Kirsten. Well, would say if something pings you three times, listen to that.

01;01;20;19 - 01;01;39;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

And I argued with it. This whole interview, I've been like, no, that's not really the right thing to do because I'm doing it because I've heard it. I want everybody listening to this episode who has felt the resonance that Jennifer and I talked about. If you have, if you haven't, I'm super grateful that you came today. And I'm really hoping you take a gold nugget and run with it.

01;01;39;17 - 01;01;59;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

For those of you who did feel the resonance, I actually want you to just go to Brave Thinking I'm not going to give you any specific link you can listen to that. I'll try and get specific links, but I want you to go to Brave Thinking And I invite you to click around and let let your higher guidance, let your spirit guide you to what you want to opt into.

01;01;59;12 - 01;02;19;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

On Brave Thinking, you can look at Jennifer's health and wellbeing. You can look at our coach certification. I just want you to go there. Spend 5 or 10 minutes looking at Brave Thinking and click and download what feels most life giving to you. What's calling to you today? Because I know that your intuition will guide you to the perfect and right thing that our Institute can provide you with.

01;02;19;24 - 01;02;26;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

So Jennifer, please come back. I love you so much. Thank you for being here today and being on the Abundance Coach.

01;02;26;24 - 01;02;38;04

Jennifer Jimenez

It is such a pleasure. I love you Lauren and I love all these beautiful listeners. Thank you for listening to our stories. And until next time.

01;02;38;06 - 01;03;09;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

Thanks for joining me this week on The Abundant Coach. Visit our website at Brave Thinking Certification, where you can dive even deeper with additional resources and exciting opportunities. Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcast so you'll never miss an episode. And while you're at it, if you loved the show, please rate and review to find out how to jump start your abundant coaching career and more about my journey to seven figure coach, check out our free.

01;03;09;14 - 01;03;17;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

Meant to Be a Life Coach quiz available at quiz. I'll see you in the next episode.





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