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Spiritual Growth Coach – Phoebe Upke
Episode 13878th November 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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Spiritual Growth Coach  Phoebe Upke

If you have been a believer for a while, or if you are new believe in Christ and want to go deeper, you need to pay attention to today’s interview. Amen!

For many people, some who have been in the Faith for years, they are still walking about in “spiritual diapers” (so to speak). They are not eating the “meat of the Word” by still trying to get by in “milk and baby food.” Amen! (Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good – amen)!

Let me ask you, are you living life from your TRUE identity in Christ?

Do you feel “stuck” in some area of your life?

Are you able to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice and recognize when He is speaking to you?

Well, if you answered “no” to any of those questions, you will definitely want to stay tuned for what our guest is about to share.

Today, I’m speaking with Phoebe Upke, a Bible teacher and Christian Spiritual growth coach from out in Los Angeles, California. She is passionate about equipping believers to flourish and walk out their life, being fruitful in the process, which God has ordained uniquely for them. Amen!

It’s not about how often you attend church or how much of the Bible you have memorized. That’s not it at all. A lot of people feel if they “check all the boxes” that they should be just fine. But what really matters is walking the path God has destined for YOU to walk. Amen!

To help us learn more on this, help me welcome to the program, Phoebe Upke!  Phoebe, thank you for taking the time to join us today! I do appreciate it.

First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Phoebe Upke?

How did you get started as a “Christian Spiritual Growth Coach?”

In your opinion, and based upon those you’ve helped, what is impeding the average church goer from growing up spiritually?

I referenced in the opening about people being spiritually babies, even years after becoming born again.  The Lord showed me an example one time, many years ago, in church.  There was a woman holding a new born about three rows in front of us. Everyone was saying how cute it was and things like that. Across the aisle, there was a 4 or 5 year old acting up and people were glancing over there – but did not have the same face as when they were admiring the new born.

The Lord spoke to my heart and gave me the example of the new born being a born again Christian, regardless of physical age…they were a newborn baby in the Spirit. If not taught and disciplined, they would not know how to act in life. Then He asked me, if you came here 20 years from now, and the mother was still holding that baby boy in her arms, even though he was a grown man physically, and trying to nurse him or feed him a bottle, would everyone still think it was cute?

And that is when I started to study spiritual growth. Newborns are all cute. New born Christians are all cute and they are motivated and they want to win the world for Christ. Everyone is like, “Amen, look at him go now that he found Jesus!” The problem is, they have not grown up enough yet to do that. They are running around trying to witness to people while they still wear dirty diapers and are feeding on baby food.

It’s the church’s job, as well as ministries such as ours and yours, to help them to “grow up” spiritually speaking. Don’t you think?

Why do you believe many believers just hit a plateau of sorts, in their Spiritual growth?

Can you share with us the different stages of Spiritual Growth and explain each one for us?

Share with us a little bit more about your Spiritual Growth Coaching Program?  What does it entail and what are the results someone will be able to experience and achieve?

For someone listening to us right now, they may be thinking, “How can I grow Spiritually?” What are some practical ways that person can begin to experience Spiritual Growth?

Phoebe, this has all been so interesting. You have a free eBook you like to offer our listeners as well, correct?

If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question or possibly sign up for your Spiritual Growth Program, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, as Phoebe Upke has been sharing, it is up to each one of US to grow up Spiritually after we’ve become born again. For some, just getting immersed in the Word of God will help. For many others though, having someone to come along side and help guide us is what is needed. If that sounds like you, then I highly recommend Phoebe Upke to you! Amen!

Just drop down in the show notes below and click the links right there. Reach out to her. Jump on a call. See if what she is offering to help you with is, well, basically, an “answer to your prayers.” Amen!  Do it right now, while you are thinking about. And be sure to download your FREE E-Book! Amen!

Phoebe, thank you for taking the time to come on the program today to share all about your coaching program and for helping believers to “grow up Spiritually in Christ” in these final days before our Lord’s return.  I do appreciate your time.

Folks, that is all the time we have for today. For Phoebe Upke and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!




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