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Paranormal Emotional Healing – Elisabeth Hoekstra
Episode 1519th March 2022 • Adventures in Mysticism • Leah Grant
00:00:00 00:31:39

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This AIM episode’s mystical adventure Elisabeth shares:

·      How she went from severely depressed and near-suicidal to healed in one visit from her deceased father

·      The in womb and birth regressions she experienced

·      What she felt in the Egyptian tunnels


Hear more from Elisabeth at Spiritually Architect the Future:


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About the Guest:

Elisabeth Hoekstra’s first career was in entertainment, where she drew upon her creativity. Elisabeth worked as a model and actor on nationally syndicated television programs, movies, music videos, and magazines. Elisabeth’s evolution as an on-camera talent continued to expand while attending Davenport College for business management and marketing administration. She then realized that her acumen for business development and building organizations was transferable to other industries.

Elisabeth parlayed her creativity into the culinary industry, starting at Schoolcraft College, where she received certification in baking and pastries. She expanded her skills as pastry chef at several prestigious entities in Michigan. Diving further into entrepreneurial development, she received her real estate license in 2017. In 2018 Elisabeth was named exclusive real estate agent for a statewide effort, in which she broke records for securing the most office sites in the shortest time.

Elisabeth has also contributed significantly to several charities, focusing on children’s health and education, both through hosting fundraisers and parlaying her political connections into advocacy. Throughout her various careers, she has seen how stress can take a toll on people’s physical and mental well-being, leading her to a major health and wellness center. There, she quickly advanced to President, learning extensively about mental health and holistic modalities supporting the mind and body.

Now, in Elisabeth’s latest venture, she is helping to grow the world-wide brand 4biddenknowledge as Director of Operations. 4BiddenKnowledge TV is a television app available for streaming via all major streaming sources The TV platform provides educational and informational content in the fields of ancient civilizations, financial literacy, esoteric wisdom, metaphysics, quantum physics, and spirituality. Elisabeth also co-hosts a new popular podcast “Bio-Hack Your Best Life,” alongside President/CEO of 4biddenknowledge Billy Carson. This podcast educates about how to optimize your mind, body, and spirit.

IG: @lishoekstra

Twitter: @elisabethihoekstra


About the Host:

Spiritual Guide Leah Grant has had some extraordinary experiences ranging from supernatural to paranormal and interdimensional to galactic. As she was going through these adventures, she focused on serving as an Executive Coach to service-based business owners while spending her personal time delving deeper and deeper into the esoteric and mystical. In 2014, Leah began shifting her business to step into her role guiding others on their spiritual journeys. Leah is a Master Certified Coach, a Certified Master Psychic, Master Medium and Medical Intuitive. She is the Creator of Ecstatic Meditation™ and Founder of Spiritually Architect the Future--a virtual two-day immersive for participants wishing to discover the high-frequency designer within them. She is also an International multi-published best-selling author.

You can access Leah’s latest offerings, including Spiritually Architect the Future, at

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AIM Intro/Outro:

You've entered into the world of alternate realities. Here, paradigms are shifted, minds are blown, and mills are lifted. Actual supernatural experiences are brought to live through storytelling by the people who experience them. Welcome to Adventures in mysticism with Leah grant, where the esoteric is explored and consciousness is expanded, visit adventures and mysticism, calm to further your spiritual development through layers, latest offerings. And now we continue with this episode's mystical adventure.

Leah Grant:

Right Welcome to Adventures in mysticism. Our guest today is the gorgeous Elisabeth Hoekstra, who is the author of recipe for expanded consciousness and a big part of forbidden knowledge TV actually has, and she's so multi dimensional view read her bio, which and we're going to give her a chance to tell us a little bit more about herself. She has had many lives in this life. And I'm sure she's gonna share more about that with us today. I'm so happy to have you here with us, Elisabeth.

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Thank you so much. I appreciate that introduction. And yes, yes, you're absolutely right. I've had a million lives.

Leah Grant:

A little bit about yourself.

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Yeah. So basically, I was adopted. And so you know, my life kind of started off a little bit strange in that avenue because, um, you know, it caused a lot of trauma as a young child, for me, which I was a little bit unconscious, because I didn't know why I had these issues, right. So just that alone kind of led me into a kind of negative spiral that the beginning of my life. So you know, the beginning, you know, ages 910 1112 13, all the way until about mid 20s was a little rough, just because I feel like maybe I came into this dimension, not in the right energy. So I attracted, you know, a lot of negative circumstances. And, you know, I always look to self soothe in negative ways. So, you know, I that, that caused a lot of drama, but at the same time, um, you know, my life has been about hustle. You know, I've always been a hustler. So no matter you know, what mental health issues I was having, or no matter, you know, the, the drugs and alcohol that I got involved with, you know, I still had the parallel of the success from, you know, outer world looking in, you know, I looked very successful. I'm successful meaning in career, you know, I've done a lot of things. Let's see here, I was a model and actress for a long time, I lived in LA in Hollywood, and was on red carpets and been on movies and, you know, covers a magazine so that life was was really fun. I wouldn't trade it for anybody. You know, it was a lot of fun, a lot of drugs and alcohol, though, a lot of self soothing. But I did get to meet a ton of people through that career. And then, you know, I slowed down a little bit, because I wanted to really create some stability in my life, which I didn't have. The entertainment industry doesn't really provide too much of that. So. So um, I decided to go back to school and get my culinary degree. So then I became a chef. I was a pastry chef for about five, six years, and I hated my life. It was awful. I really like to create beautiful desserts and tasty desserts. But the industry crushed it for me. It was It was awful that see, the culinary industry is very abusive. I mean, and and I don't even think that necessarily that chefs realize it because they're so in it, right? It's it's, I mean, it's long, hard work hours, no breaks, no sitting down. I mean, it's just, it's a lot. It's a lot to handle. So, you know, I had a newborn baby at that time, so I hardly ever got to see my son. So it was Ross. So finally I had the guts to walk away from that industry. And then I got my real estate license, and I started a real estate license, real estate team. It was called The pretty girl team. I was recruiting women. And that was pretty successful. You know, I got hired by a political party in Michigan to help them get their campaign offices and which I got the most campaign offices for them in the shortest amount of time and broke all records, which was dope.

Leah Grant:


Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Hey, thanks. I liked real estate, but I found that I really enjoy just the business side of management of really, you know, creating new things, not necessarily closing deals, you know, I found that I really enjoy Just working with people and, you know, just coming up with new ideas and making those ideas happen. So I got sick of real estate Long story short, and then I started working actually at a mental health gym, it was a Wellness Center. And I became the company's president pretty quickly, because of all the connections that I have kept from entertainment. And you know, real estate and culinary, I was just mixing it all together to, you know, create an adult different atmosphere for this Wellness Center, which is kind of how I met Billy, Billy Carson, and forbidden knowledge. And then he Long story short, he basically recruited me, and now I'm working for forbidden knowledge. I'm the director of operations for, you know, for better knowledge, Inc, which is an exciting, exciting place to be. I love what we do. And I love the intent of the company, and just everything that it's about. So I'm really, really walking in my best shoes right now, I think. And then yeah, just on my own, I created the brand biohack your best life. And I did, you know, we just put my book out the recipe to elevated consciousness. So I mean, we're doing a lot of cool things. And yeah, I mean, that's just, you know, kind of, kind of where I'm at right now. No, that

Leah Grant:

is super exciting. And I can completely feel like your fire and your energy and, and just your love for what you're doing right now. And how it's taking all those pieces of things that you had done in the past and really gelling them together. So you can really live your highest purpose. Yes, yes.

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Yeah, it's great. I mean, it's a, it's a great life. Throughout, you know, my, my life of ups and downs, you know, really, after my son was born, it was really like, you know, time to get your stuff together, time to wake up and really, really, you know, do things the correct way, because I, you know, now now I'm responsible for another human. So, you know, the awakening process, for me has been really amazing, really, really amazing. And, you know, I just, I'm in competition with only myself, you know, I just want to be better every single day. So

Leah Grant:

that's an awesome way to look at it to to not compete against other people. And, you know, it's funny, I can relate to you. And in many ways, because I've been very multi dimensional myself, but I'm also adopted.

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Wow, that's amazing. Yeah.

Leah Grant:

And I spent 18 days in the hospital right after birth. So there's some things that have come. And I didn't learn that until recently, because I was having different issues, like connection issues and things like that. And, and I was like, Where's this coming from? Like, because my adoptive parents were really awesome, right? And then I find out oh, but you were we didn't get you until you're 20 days old. Because you had to spend 1818 days in the hospital with like, nobody coming to see you. Nobody like cuddling, you know, right. And it's like, oh, well, da,

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

that, that that really affects you. And I don't think people realize it probably had all type of abandonment issues, you probably felt like you were gonna die if people walked away from you or something, you know, and it's hard.

Leah Grant:

I can tell you, I've stayed in some relationships way longer than I should have for that reason.

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Yeah. Right. Right. And you know, what, it's so hard to really, you know, that those triggers, right. So like, throughout my consciousness life, I really dug into the triggers that I have. And I was like, Why do I get So it literally feels like I'm physically dying. When someone walks away from me or when I'm feeling abandoned? You know, they were they never left me. They, they only wanted to help me. So I'm like, why is this? You know, why am I feeling these ways? You know, it really, really impacts you. It really impacts you. So it's great that you you figured out what that was, was about, you know, a lot of people don't,

Leah Grant:

right? Well, those formative years, zero to seven are so important. And even what happens in the womb, that's why I say zero to seven. And a lot of people don't realize that part. They're like, Well, I had a normal childhood. And it's like, Yeah, but what happened? Like before you even came out, so Exactly. Alright, so we could go down this rabbit hole, but I want to get to your juicy stories, your adventures in mysticism so to speak. So can you share with us like what was your first supernatural or paranormal or kind of galactic experience that you remember?

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

See, this is so wild, because you know, I don't I haven't talked about this online or anything yet. But it's the craziest thing. And it's, it's the realest thing that I've ever experienced or been through the real it's not like me and you sitting here is, you know, talking, this is real, but this experience that I had was realer than than this back and forth. So um, so basically, when I was 19 years old, I was You know, an awful, awful teenager, I was going through a lot, I was addicted to drugs. I was disrespectful. You know, my dad and I were really butting heads just all the time. And we had this big blowout fight. And I said to him, You better calm down and stop yelling at me before you get a heart attack and die. And he was like, I hate you. I was like, I hate you too. And that's the last thing we ever said to each other. Because a month later, he went in for knee surgery. And he had complications from that knee surgery. Afterwards, I didn't think he was gonna die, you know, but I was refusing to talk to him because I'm like, you know, you hate me. So whatever. Um, so after he died, you know, that, that amount of guilt on my shoulders, I went into a deep depression, I couldn't even get out of bed for about two weeks, I wouldn't get up I went in, I hardly drink water. You know, it was really, really, I was just in a dark place. I didn't want to live anymore. It was one of the darkest, darkest places I've ever been in my life. And, um, you know, just that, that carrying of guilt is just, you know, not something that that anyone, anyone, you know, could probably bear, you know, for long periods of time. So, I mean, I was really contemplating suicide at that time. It was just it was very, very, I was in a dark place. Um, so

Leah Grant:

what did he die of a heart attack?

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

He died of, I think it was fluid in his lungs, which put him into cardiac arrest. So, yeah, I think I think it was,

Leah Grant:

I think it was I'm so sorry. That is That is crazy. But you know what

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

I feel? I feel okay. Because of this because of what happened. So, okay. i After about two weeks, right. I'm sleeping in my best friend's recipes. Tyrone Childs. I was sleeping in my best friend's basement. And I was just in such a dark place. I wasn't talking to anybody. But I went to sleep. And all of a sudden, I was his dream state. And I was on the floor. And it was this huge, there was just a white room. And it was endless. There was it was just space, right. And I was on my knees. And I was in my head in my hands. And I'm bawling and crying. And I'm just, I'm just, you know, bawling, bawling. And all of a sudden, I see my dad, right. But he's not walking like a human right? I could see his face. But he was in a white robe. It was like he was gliding to me, right. And so I saw him glide towards me, come towards me. And he put his hand on my shoulder. Right. And he didn't say anything, but I could hear his words in my head. And it was clear as day. I mean, he didn't say anything to me, but I could literally hear all of him and everything he was trying to say to me, you know, he was like, I'm so sorry. You know, we know we love each other. I only want the best for you. You know that last conversation was not our life together. You know, it was just all of these beautiful, forgiving words apologizing to me and explaining to me how much he loved me. And you know how that last conversation wasn't, wasn't it? You know, and I just remember after he was done giving me this message, he took his hand off my shoulder and glided away. And I was trying to grab for him. I'm like, Come back. Come back. And what basically, I mean, he just disappeared, right? So I woke up the next morning, and literally, it was like that the the weight of the guilt was completely lifted. It was completely gone. I had zero sense of guilt anymore. And I told my best friend, I'm like, let's go, you know, we should go work out. I'm starving. You know, like, he was like, What the hell is wrong with you? I was like, Listen, I'm good. You know. So it was it was night and day. It was night and day how everything, you know, happened like that. So I know that was him. Which is why I told you the beginning of the story. Like it was the realest experience that I've ever had, in my whole life. It was realer than than life itself. So I know that was him. And if he didn't do that, I would not be the person I am today. I probably would have asked myself a long time ago. So I mean, he needed to come to me, you know, so that that right there was live chain, but

Leah Grant:

what a phenomenal gift for him to give you from the other side. Yes, yes. Then as you were telling that story, I was getting chills. I was like, I just kept getting them because sometimes I'll get like one chill, but I kept getting them. I was like, Ooh, this was an intense experience.

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Yeah, it was it was real. It was it was major. And

Leah Grant:

so what do I have to change after that?

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Um, to be very and completely transparent with you. Um, I didn't too much changed much. I mean, I would say that, you know, at 19 That's when I first experienced my first you know, biohacking thing, my first holistic modality. And that really kind of shifted my perspective and gave me some hope that I didn't have to do drugs and alcohol all the time to feel good, you know, but honestly, I didn't really take that that giant leap of change and really implement change until my son came So, um, that experience it just it really took the guilt off my shoulders really?

Leah Grant:

Which is phenomenal because guilt is one of the lowest vibration emotions, and and it will destroy the body over time if you hold on to it. Yes,

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

absolutely, absolutely. Yeah. Wow.

Leah Grant:

Okay, so, so share with us I know you've had more than just that experience so. So can you share with us like, what was the most impactful or kind of like, extraordinary supernatural experience you've had?

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Um, well, I don't know. That's to say, well, I guess you could say it is. I had some regression work, I did some regression work. And I actually regressed back into my mother's womb, which is interesting that you, you talked about this earlier, I regress back into our warm up halfway through pregnancy, stress hormones can cross the placenta. So the baby starts feeling the mother's emotions halfway through pregnancy, so I regressed back. And I think it was during a time, I don't know, I think it was halfway through pregnancy because I could feel everything that she was feeling. And she was not happy. But she was just stressed out upset and depressed. And it was just, it wasn't good, you know, which actually, that healed a lot for me, because it made me understand myself better, you know, it got to the root of these triggers that I always had, that I never understood why, you know, and then I had another regression session where I actually experienced my birth all over again, coming out the womb. And, you know, I knew I never saw my mom, I never saw her eyes, she never held me, I just got taken right away by the nurses. And, you know, like you, I was kind of left alone and just, you know, whatever monitored for the next three months of my life. So that was very healing for me and very impactful, because it connected a conscious memory to the reason why my trigger of abandonment was so grand throughout my whole life. So that really healed you know, I still get these feelings sometimes, but at least now I know where they stem from. So it was really, really impactful.

Leah Grant:

Now, did you go into those regression hypnotherapy knowing that you wanted to go back into the womb and back into birth? Or did they just take you there based on trying to heal the trigger?

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

So one of them the one when I regressed back to my mother's womb? I was so was super unexpected. I was I was getting bodywork done, actually. And the my body worker had put, you know her hand somewhere where my cells had remembered that that memory that I had to process, right, because your cells remember everything all the time. And they hold on to things just you know, it's a fractal of our big cells, you know, so you got to be able to your cells need to process information as well. So yeah, I guess she put a her hands on my body in a place where, you know, my cells needed to process that that memory. So it just came rushing up to my head, like, you know, I was like, Oh, crap, this is crazy. But the other one, I did go in with the intent. It was actually a regressive regression session. So it was hypnotherapy. And I did go back with that intent of, you know, really experiencing that again, because I knew I needed to connect something from my birth to figure out you know, who I am?

Leah Grant:

Well, that speaks to how intuitive that you were though, to know, like, I need to go back to this moment of my birth. Because that's where it feels like something got disconnected or something got upset or distorted.

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Mm hmm. Yeah, yeah. Yep. That was it. That was it. You know, I had a friend that always told me that my abandonment issues were because I was adopted, and it's a huge trauma. And I literally walked around my whole entire life until probably about five years ago, like is nothing you know, it's not a trauma. It's not a big deal. My parents and my parents, they're awesome, you know. But it was the biggest, you know, probably the biggest

Leah Grant:

Oh, and I say that to like, my, you know, in the past, I have said that to where it's like, I love my parents, I had a great family. So grateful for that. And yet, there's these little pieces that will show up. And I resist calling them trauma, because like, I don't recall them, right. And of course, I think of trauma as being something like, you know, somebody getting hit by a car or parent beating them. And, you know, in this case, the parent made the best choice that they had available to them in that moment. Yeah, yeah. You know, and so like, logically I know that but you know, that little fetus and that little baby doesn't know that.

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Exactly, exactly. That little baby, then that's what gets stuck in your physical body and your emotions, you know, whatever that baby's feeling at that time. So, you know, it can really, really impact you in ways.

Leah Grant:

Definitely. Now I know you've all also gone on some trips to Egypt and to some of these, you know, ancient lands, have you had any experiences at those that, you know, have kind of made you go? Wow, okay, there's something here.

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Yeah, yeah, really interesting, actually. So there's tunnels in Saqqara in Egypt, and huge, huge massive tombs, I'm talking like 1000s of tons of, you know, granite in these, these tunnels. And it was a really interesting feeling, actually, the mental health gym or the Wellness Center, where I used to work at had this machine called the magnetosphere, and as to very, very large copper rings, and you basically sit in the center of it, and it lends you a very low magnetic frequency, but it stimulates your vagus nerve, so it shifts you out of sympathetic into parasympathetic, you know, so it just down regulates you basically. And you kind of can feel the, the waves of, I don't know, I just feel waves whenever I was in that, that that modality. So when I was in Egypt, walking through these tunnels, and Sakara, it was like, Holy crap, like, I felt the exact same, you know, waves like energy through my body. And I was like, this is different. That makes so much sense because I really feel that those tunnels in Saqqara, you know, those are the Halls of Amenti. I really feel like it and that's what you know, you know, Billy forbidden knowledge had had thought the same thing. And that would not surprise me, because, you know, in the Halls of Amenti, they have these rejuvenation chambers, right, which reminded me of those tombs. We actually Billy actually got inside one of those tombs. And I bet inside those tombs, the resonance in there is, you know, even more crazy than even just going through the tunnels. So, I mean, there's something different. There's definitely something different out there. The energy is definitely different.

Leah Grant:

So I'm curious, are there is there copper in those tunnels? I have not been in them?

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

No, no, I don't think there is there's granite though. magnetize, granite. All those those tombs. They said that they are tombs for cattle. So that's what the you know, media says that there are tombs for cattle. Um, but those those tombs are magnetized granite,

Leah Grant:

so Wow, okay. Yeah, I can imagine that would be really interesting.

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Yeah. Yeah. Really crazy. Um, yeah, yeah, really crazy. I just, you know, you can just honestly feel, it just feels different. You know, even when I'm in Michigan, I live between Michigan and Florida. When I'm in Michigan, it feels different here than it feels in Florida. You know, I think just that's just how life kind of works, you know, and there's different places that carry, you know, a different vibration, depending on where you're at, you know, and I feel like Egypt is especially different, because, you know, there are pyramids all over this earth. And they're basically built on top of these energetic fields. So of course, you know, the energy over there is going to feel way different. Because, you know, back in ancient days, I mean, they decided to build these massive structures there for a reason.

Leah Grant:

So, yeah, no, absolutely. And there's, there's a whole system of astrology called Astro locality, and our Astro location, and it's based on like, especially like, what is your best positioning on the earth. So like, two, you can put two people in Detroit or two people in Florida, and they're going to have a different energetic frequency with that space based on how their own energy aligns with it. You know, I have a for example, I have whenever I go to Costa Rica, I end up having these giant like breakthroughs. And they're either really amazing, or they're really difficult. And I found out that Costa Rica is on my Pluto line. So Pluto can be a hard line to live on. But it can also be like a very big illumination line. Right?

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Yeah. Wow. That's interesting.

Leah Grant:

Yeah, so it makes total sense what you're talking about that it feels so different in different places?

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Yeah. Yeah, it does. It really, really does. If you just you know, if people could settle down a little bit and just take a second, you know, just to breathe and live and become present. They would realize a lot more, you know, a lot more detail about this, this interesting life. We live here.

Leah Grant:

Right, right. So I ordered your book, and it's arriving today. Unfortunately, it's not here, so I can hold it up. But you had it so you could hold it up? Yeah, yes. So what do you really focus on in the recipe for expanded consciousness?

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

So I basically the first half of the book is an interview, I was actually interviewed by Regina Meredith, and it's an interview on my life story. So to be able to extract that, you know, all that information, you know, we thought it was kind of a different and cool idea. Got to get interviewed and to put the interview straight in the book. So the first half of the book is that interview. And then the second half of the book, I think I have 46 modalities in that book that I use to elevate my consciousness. So that, you know, that's why I call it the recipe to elevated consciousness. Because I really use these tools and tricks and to get myself out of addiction, to get myself out of depression, to get myself out of anxiety, and to really start living a sober life aligned with my divine nature, you know, and like, all of these things that I wrote in the book, literally got me there, it's my recipe. So, you know, the second half of the book is all the modalities, and I put in research and links, so people can do their own research, I find that it's so important for people to really come to their own conclusion about things and not just follow the leader, you know, they really need to do their own research, you know, because if the mind, I don't know, the mind is a powerful thing, you know, it's a very, very powerful thing, if you believe you can, or you can't, you know, that's, that's what it's gonna be. So I always recommend people to do their own research, which is why I put in those links. And then I have a couple QR codes, if, you know, people are interested in finding the products that I use to really help help me get better. Um, and then yeah, that's, that's pretty much it. That's pretty much it.

Leah Grant:

That's awesome. I love the title of your book, because when I read your bio, and then I was looking at that, I was like, Oh, she was a chef, and she's got the recipe. I'm like, I like how you mesh those together as well. It's perfect. So you're going to be one of the guides, along with Billy is going to join you at spiritually architect the future on March 24, and 25th. And you all are focusing on the topic of transformation, and you're going to share some of these transformational tools from the book, do you want to give a little taster to the listeners of what they have in store for them?

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Yes, yes. So I won't go deep into it, because I know that we need to save some content for the day. But now will we be talking about grounding. And grounding is so so important, and it's not grounding as in I'm going to ground myself, no, it's literally the scientific, you know, it's the actual transfer of electrons from the Earth's surface into your body. So we're going to be talking about that, and the benefits of it, it will change your life, it will literally anybody that has ever followed my direction, and gotten these products and done, you know, gone outside barefoot, and you know, they, they've, their lives have changed, I get messages literally every single day. So, um, you know, my, one of my main goals in this whole, this whole thing, especially with forbidden knowledge, I want to be able to ground more than a million people and the next year, so just because it's so important, and it's a highly missed factor that's just so easy and free and that, you know, everybody should be doing it. So we'll be diving deep, deep into grounding. And then, you know, I was thinking about doing a couple things working your lymphatic system, as well as emotional freedom technique. So I'll be running people through, you know, EFT tapping, which is very, you know, that was a huge thing. You know, that changed my life as well. So

Leah Grant:

phenomenal. Well, we are so looking. I'm so looking forward to having you all on the events. And so, you know, earthing is an amazing thing. I think it's so where we need to be right now because we've been so pulled up into our heads. Like, if you look at what we're doing now, it's you know, we're on the phone up here, we're putting the VR on up here, we're getting into the multi verse up here. And it's almost like I've even seen some of those multi verses, they don't even have a bottom half of the body. They're like these little rounded beings, right. And so there's that loss of that connection with the earth that I think is so important, you know, as above so below, but we want to connect on both poles both polarities.

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

Yes, yes, you're absolutely right. Absolutely. as above so below.

Leah Grant:

I'm really excited to have you all on and so we're going to have information on where you can get Elisabeth's book down in the show notes. But Elisabeth, do you want to say for the people that may be listening on Spotify, Apple podcasts and other places where to go?

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

It is on Amazon, so now we just have to send them out there so it's available on Corbett? Calm with the number four as well as my website, Elisabeth spelled with an S. Elisabeth I Hoekstra, Hoekstra, spelled H O E k s t r So it's available on our websites and it's Also available now on Amazon. So yeah, you guys can find it on Amazon as well. And then if you guys want to look me up my Instagram is Elisabeth I, Hoekstra. Elisabeth again, spelled with an S

Leah Grant:

antastic. And we'll have that information in the show notes for everyone. And is there anything else you'd like to say the listeners today before we close? Yeah, and I'm just

Elisabeth Hoekstra:

I'm really looking forward to speaking and, you know, guiding people. I'm really, really just sharing the knowledge that that I have in my head and you know, thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it. And yeah, I just, I just want this whatever's in here to get out. You know, I want the knowledge to be widespread and I really want to make biohacking a household term. So

Leah Grant:

fabulous. That's beautiful. And you have such a big heart. You're talking about getting this out there but like you have such a big heart. I think it's more like kind of this out there right. Thank you. Yes. Nominal. Well thank you everybody for tuning in. today. We will have another episode for you on Tuesday and fun till then, enjoy your supernatural life.




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