In this episode, Tara explores using AI (tools like chatGPT, etc) to speed up the online program creation and sales process. She will provide a roadmap for when to use it and how to leverage your existing roadmap/methodology.
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Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
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Episode 308- Curious how AI can slash time to create more efficiency in your online course business?
[:As we sort of unpack, like how do you use it? When do you use it? And when do you not use it? So, what I've been seeing a lot of, and of course everyone's talking about this right now, right? And I've been seeing a lot of, well hey, you know, use AI, Use chat GBT To just like magically sell your course super fast and get it out there in the world.
So I wanna talk a little bit [:But that's not actually the case, and it's not going to be the case, it's not going to be any different if you use a tool like ChatGBT and try and just use it to completely create your course, right? And I just want to unpack why, and what you actually can use it for, and how it will completely change the game for you in terms of saving you time, making you more efficient, helping you really dial in some of the language, the messaging, and just articulate perhaps some of the, um, the, the language.
the titles [:And you can do it with images, you can do it with voice, you can do it with video. Um, one really kind of big sidebar, but really powerful tool is if you're the type of person who doesn't like getting on video, there are so many options for you. There always have been a lot of options, but even more now.
werful tool to be using, um, [:If you've heard me, um, on this podcast at all or in anything else that we've done, the number one thing I'm going to tell you is tactics without a strategy is not going to actually get you anywhere, right? So the problem with starting with a tool like Like chat, GBT or anything else that's out there is, it's only as good as the inputs that you're putting into it.
So if you are asking it to, you know, write something or, or, um, give you ideas about something, it's only as good as where you are starting from. And so it's a tool just like everything else is a tool in your toolbox, but it's not the end all. Kind of be all you like, this is gonna completely change the trajectory of your entire future.
ke sure that you are working [:Um, and of course you need to have a product roadmap or a signature framework that is your unique methodology that you bring out to the world. What ChatGBT is really great at doing is help, helping you articulate the parts and pieces of some of those things. Give, um, kind of examples of how you can use the, the messaging, how you can use different terms.
all of that ahead of time in [:Um, and I'm gonna tell you, the people who are saying, Hey, you can sell a course really quickly, are the same ones who are putting out a bunch of information on topics that they're not. Uh, experts in and, um, it's more information, right? Like there's no reason why you need to buy a course, it's just giving you a bunch of information, um, even if it's packaged in, you know, kind of a step-by-step, uh, modular format, right?
able to see it ahead of time.[:They're able to help you with that map and give you kind of, uh, the, the, you know, the exact path that you need to take, but they're also going to be able to help you overcome obstacles and hurdles along the way. And I'm telling you right now that an information based course, something that's just sort of, um, you know, put together in a topic format, uh, written by ChatGPT and put out there as an evergreen option.
is not necessarily going to do an awesome job of helping you overcome your own personal hurdles and obstacles that you're going to encounter along the path. Some of them are, right? So one of the things that I teach is I teach people how to automate that process of anticipating when people are going to run into problems and hurdles and then building that in in terms of activities or specific touch points along the path.
But [:There's this, um, transition or transformation that people go through and, um, and that's the piece, that's the layer that most of the time when someone is just like, you can build and sell a course as fast as possible and get it out there and it's going to be great. Most of the time, those are, uh, are missing, right?
on this topic, they're gonna [:Put them in the right order. You know, what's the industry standard for these nine steps, right? Um, but, At the end of the day, there is a unique way that you show up, uh, in your expertise, in something that you're passionate about. And so, you have to make sure that that's what you're leading with when you're going out and helping people.
te a sales page or something.[:Um, you know, create a headline that includes, um, you know, a time based podcast. Um, outcome and a result, right? It, it, what it's gonna do is it's gonna help give you some language or some, some ways to think about and brainstorm how you wanna articulate the messaging, the, um, kind of the way to put it together in your program.
You could have it, um, you know, give you, um, ideas for social media. It could give you ideas for workbooks. It could give you ideas for all sorts of different things, but you own the frame, right? Like you can't put it in there and say, you know, create the frame for me. And then just go with that, right? It's, it does.
t how something can connect, [:This is what I'm trying to communicate. You know, write an email that communicates X, Y, and Z, and, um, you know, primarily for this audience. And then I have something I can work with. I can edit it. I can look at it. I can, um, you know, change it up. Same thing with like a blog post or something like that. And so what it does is once you have your, your strategy, once you have your methodology, it's a great tool to use to help you, uh, fast track the, the other things that you're doing, right?
copy it, and put it in your [:So, anyway, uh, there's a couple of examples that I gave you in this episode on how to create more ease and efficiency in your business, how to use it as a tool, um, just like you use all the other tools that are available to you to maximize your effectiveness. So hopefully this episode just gave you a little bit of a taste of how to use it, how to make it more effective, and how to leverage your time as you're using AI.
r your thoughts, how you are [:Alright, there you go. Have a great afternoon.