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Take A Moment to Bask in your Awesomeness: The Great Conquest
Episode 8816th October 2021 • The Becoming the Big Me Podcast • Djemilah Birnie
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In today's episode of the Becoming the Big Me Podcast Djemilah Birnie reads chapter four of her new book, Becoming the Big Me: The Great Conquest. This chapter is about YOU and your awesomeness. In this chapter it is Djemilah's hope to remind you of your own awesomeness and all of the things that you have come in your life!

To get out her new book visit

To Connect More with Djemilah Visit

>>Learn more about the Becoming the Big Me: The Great Conquest book visit 


Becoming the Big Me: The Great Conquest is a collection of empowering, motivating, and educational stories that will tug at your heart strings while empowering you to step into your own Big Me potential. From addiction, illness, lack of confidence, loss of loved ones, PTSD, and more the contributors of this book have walked through darkness and emerged victorious.

The Becoming the Big Me: The Great Conquest book has been brought to you by a collection of leaders paving the path of the future in their given fields. Within its pages you will find insight from Djemilah Birnie, Sharon Lechter, Nick Wingo, Dr. Frances Malone, Jenny Emerson, Russel Creed, Jennifer Aube, Valerie Fischer, Cory & JoJo Rankin, Peter Neilson, Kiki Rae, Tanya Milano-Snell, Dannah Macalinga-Pedrigal, and Kira Birnie.

This book was envisioned and brought together by Djemilah Birnie, the founder of Becoming the Big Me.

After overcoming many obstacles that could easily break a person, Djemilah has become passionate about helping others face their glass ceilings and break into the expansiveness of their potential.

Djemilah believes that we are all on a journey... There is never a point in which you have "Made It". Becoming the Big Me is about choosing to step into your greater potential each and every day. It is about learning and sometimes messing up but always getting back up.

This book has been compiled to showcase the journeys of overcoming. However, through this journey it becomes so much more. As each author told their story Djemilah noticed a common thread- something that made all of these amazing humans stand out even when faced with adversity.

Through the process of this book Djemilah discovered what she calls "the secret to overcoming obstacles and Becoming the Big Me." The greatest secret is the steps are simple and we have all heard them before.... the greatest secret is in the actual doing.

This book features; Djemilah Birnie the best selling author of Luna's Balloon: A Little Book About the Little Things, Sharon Lechter the author of Think and Grow Rich for Women, co author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, and an ambassador to the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Nick Wingo the founder behind building Grit, Dr. Frances Malone the founder of Malone Pediatrics and the Intuitive Parents Collective, Valerie Fischer the woman behind the trademark of Brain Science Selling, Peter Neilson the "Hybrid Guy", Jenny Emerson licensed therapist, Russell Creed the founder of Invictus Life, Tanya Milano-Snell who is on a mission to break generational trauma, Jennifer Aube best selling author of the book Naked Wealth, Kiki Rae the founder of Quantum Creatrix, Cory and JoJo Rankin founders of RFamilyStrong, Dannah Macolinga-Pedrigal VA and mother, and Kira Birnie the daughter of Djemilah Birnie and kid behind A Kid's Perspective.

To learn more about the book you can visit,


Hi! I am your host Djemilah Birnie the founder of Becoming the Big Me. I have been building businesses online since the age of 17. I am passionate about discovering the "secrets" of our world and what is the true difference maker. Why is it that some succeed and others do not? What is it that allows people to get back up and keep going even in the midst of hardships? What truly is the power of purpose? These are the questions that rattle my mind.

I love to write and have published some books, some of them have even hit some charts 😲 You can check them out here:

Ready to start playing BIG and step into your Big Me potential by harnessing the power of your mind? Then make sure you join the free Rewire challenge to get all the tools you need!

Do you want to fall asleep faster, rest deeper, and release the stress of the day? Then it's time for you to experience your best nights rest with the Dreamland Meditation Pack! Over 200 minutes of bedtime meditations to quiet your mind, connect your mind to your body, and bring you to your sleepy time bliss.

Don't forget to check out the little lady's podcast "A Kid's Perspective" where she answers your questions on all of life's most pressing issues, in her eyes, a kid! ‎

In addition to my online offerings I am extremely passionate about giving back to the local community while cultivating community growth. I am the organizer and host of the Wimberley Women's Circle , where we gather monthly to learn and heal from different community leaders.

I am also the visionary behind Wimberley Moonlight Farms, a small family owned farm and nursery located in Wimberley, Texas. This is a journey that will take many years as we continue to develop, follow along at

My partner and I have also put together a local directory for our town in the Texas Hill Country in which I have been having so much joy going to all of the local hot spots to photograph! Learn more at

Let's Connect! #allthelinks ⬇


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New Book: Becoming the Big Me: The Great Conquest Book: | A Collection of Empowering Stories | By Djemilah Birnie, Sharon Lechter, and Contributing Authors


Unknown Speaker 0:04

Hello, divine souls Djemilah Birnie here with becoming the big me. I'm so excited for this special segment of the becoming the big me podcast. This section of the podcast is dedicated towards sharing the stories of conquest for some incredible individuals. They are also featured in my latest book, becoming the big, the great conquest.

Unknown Speaker 0:35

In this section of the podcast, we will dive deep into each of their stories and their journeys and their hardships from addiction, PTSD, loss of loved ones and children.

Unknown Speaker 0:52

This segment of the podcast is dedicated towards sharing their stories and in sharing their journeys not only of the hardships, but sharing how they overcame.

Unknown Speaker 1:06

To learn more about the author's behind the stories that you're going to hear, go to the great And if you would like to purchase a copy of the great conquest book, you can go to slash great conquest. And without further ado, let's dive into the amazing journeys.

Unknown Speaker 1:36

Hello, my friends, it's me again. And On this episode, we are diving into chapter three of the becoming the big me the great conquest.

Unknown Speaker 1:53

Chapter Three, take a moment to bask in your awesomeness. Remember to pause and reflect on how far you have come.

Unknown Speaker 2:04

I know that there are moments in which you forget your greatness, you forget the immense power that you hold inside your very being. Don't get me wrong, I understand. It can be easy to allow yourself to become consumed in the present a problem that you forget the great strides that you have already made. just pause for a moment and take a second to reflect.

Unknown Speaker 2:30

Did you ever think that you would have made it as far as you have already, I know that there was a point in my life where I didn't even think that I would be alive to see 25 Not to mention speak on stages, published books, and have the opportunity to create and learn each and every day with some of the best humans. So reflect right now, today. In this moment. Just sit and reflect. Do not do it for me. Do it for yourself. Remember how far you have come. Remember all of the obstacles that you've already overcome. I mean, you are here alive, reading this book with me now. Take a moment to celebrate yourself, not just for all your wins, but for all of your accomplishments. But for all of the obstacles that you've overcome, for all of the times that you did not know how to move forward. But you did anyways.

Unknown Speaker 3:30

This was a quote from Sharon lechter, you may have had something that stopped you in your tracks most of us have, it could have been the death of a loved one like me. Or it could have been a divorce, financial setback or illness. But you're still here, you're still here for a reason. You have a message. And what you survived is powerful and can actually help others going through the same thing. And quote, Sharon lechter

Unknown Speaker 4:00

I know that this journey is not easy. And I'm proud of you. I really am. I think that you should be proud of yourself too. So before we dive into this book, and all the stories of conquest parts, and think about your own journey, think about that time that you got back up when all you want to do is give up, ponder upon the moment that you truly thought there was no way to move forward. Yet somehow you did. In these pockets of struggle that we all experiences where we have the opportunity to truly find out what it is that we are made of. in these moments of darkness and despair. We actually have this incredible opportunity to prove to ourselves who we are. We get to choose if we ever want to get back up and move forward or allow the weight of life's woes to stop us right in our tracks. give yourself credit for all

Unknown Speaker 5:00

Those times that you could have given up, but you didn't. During my conversation with Nick Wingo, the founder of building grit, who's passionate about spreading awareness about first responders, working related mental health conditions, he stressed how important both gratitude and meditation are to him. Beginning of the quote, one of my core values is to have gratitude every single day. The first thing I do when I wake up and open my eyes is I look at my wife and I think about how grateful I am for her. I look around and remind myself how grateful I am for the house that I am in the bed that I have my children, and more than anything grateful to be alive for another day. One of the other things that helps me is meditation and yoga. Yes, me and the ball. 230 pound tattooed dude with a beard doing yoga and meditation. I know, I don't look like the tight. yet. I'm all in. I have learned how important they are and how much they have helped me so I don't care. I'm about it. Meditation and chakra clearing have been huge for me as part of part of it is learning how to feel your emotions, how to actually feel where you're feeling an emotion. That was one of the things that I've struggled with my entire life. I don't want to feel my emotions. I felt like emotions were bullshit. And I want to sit down out, get through taking the time to pause and be with myself. I have learned, I've started to learn what my emotions truly feel like. Now I'm starting to recognize what I'm feeling and where I'm feeling it. And it has allowed me to know how to process it better, and quote, Nick Wingo.

Unknown Speaker 6:40

In order to truly feel our emotions, it is important that we give ourselves the space to feel them. Yeah, often we get so caught up in the hustle and the bustle of life, the mile on to do list and the needs of everyone else, that we forget to take this time to sit in gratitude for our own awesomeness. So pause. Remember who you are. Remember why you are here.

Unknown Speaker 7:07

Beginning quote, success is really how you feel about yourself. When you look in the mirror, and quote Sharon lechter it is true. It doesn't matter what your neighbor, cousin, sister, friend, or anyone else thinks about you. If you don't feel it in your heart, if you don't feel it for yourself, I'm sorry, but you're not successful. Too often you allow yourself to give up your power and your awesomeness because you get caught in the comparison trap. Every time that you find yourself shaming yourself for not being there faster, or looking upon others was a jealous eye, you are allowing yourself to fall into this trap. Every time that you do this, you're allowing yourself to fall back down the black hole of comparison. as Jennifer Avi stated, beginning quote, If everybody was meant to be a stay at home mom, or if everyone's meant to be a working mom, or everyone's meant to be a journalist, it'd be a pretty boring world. But we have been created for our own purposes. And I think all the shaming has got to go and quote, through the process of writing this book, shame kept coming up this strong emotion we have all felt at some point in our journey, this emotion that we put on ourselves for not measuring up to some picture perfect version of ourselves. The journey of becoming isn't about being perfect all the time. The journey of becoming is seeing ourselves as we are where we are and continuing to grow each and every day. while speaking with Jenny Emerson, she stated begin quote, I have a history of being very shame driven, that I'm not enough or that I haven't achieved enough or haven't done enough. So for me, coming out of this obstacle was grace, remembering that I'm doing the best I can with what I've got, where I'm at right now is quite all right. And well. So I guess what I'm trying to say, I just want you to know how awesome you are. And I want you to realize how powerful you are realizing how powerful you are is. I want you to see it for yourself. I know for me personally that if I do not take the time to intentionally recognize my own power, I can forget it. So pots. Take a moment in reflection for how far you have come. Pause, reflect on all you have done. pausing gratitude for your own self. You're doing so good. When I asked Dr. Francis Malone how she's able to get herself to show up. Even when faced with fear. She responded, well jameelah I have incorporated into my life, little places and little things that I do to show myself that I care about Francis, the things that remind myself of my own important, end quote. So before you continue with this book, take the time to sit in reflection, pull out a notebook and write down 10 rules.

Unknown Speaker:

Why you are awesome. Sit with that and take a moment of appreciation with yourself and truly reflect because you my friend, you're pretty darn amazing.

Unknown Speaker:

Thank you so much for tuning in to today's episode of The becoming the big money podcast.

Unknown Speaker:

I know that you found value in hearing this story today. And I would love if you could show your support by going and grabbing a copy of our book. And you can do so by going to slash great conquest. You can also go to WWW dot the great for more information about each of the individuals involved in this process. Thanks again for tuning in.




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