Signs of the Times – Tom Donnan pt 1
Tom Donnan is back with us today as we discuss Bible prophecy in relation to current events – and do we have some current events happening right now that definitely relate to Bible Prophecy. Amen!
Tom, we will get to the war in Israel in a moment, but let’s kind of “set the stage” a little bit with some pre-cursors that indicate the day and time in which we live.
We know that God gives you some unique dreams and insights, so I’ll start there. You mentioned the name, “Jessica” to me. Let’s just start with that…
- So I have been looking into the meaning of the name and the most common response “God Beholds.”
- We have multiple opinions
Let’s talk about ISRAEL. You put together an outline of major events for us:
- Prophesied to be restored as a nation. “Behold, a work of God’s hands.”
- May 14th 1948, a people were displaced. By God’s design and the birth of conflict.
- Good and evil warring over the souls of men.
- Throughout time, evil has planned in destroying God’s planned future of Jesus return.
- An ungodly hatred of Jews is the result.
Conflict over Israel will not be over until Jesus returns. Until then we will see conflicts, wars and escalations.
Amazing Bible Prophecy That Came True: The Nation of Israel Reborn - YouTube
Never ending Conflict until Jesus returns and puts down Israel’s enemies forever.
Bible prophecy is being setup for the final Act.
I was interviewing another Prophecy expert and he said that man looks at Bible Prophecy as a game of checkers. But God is playing Chess. What we are seeing right now is simply pawns being moved into position for the “final move” to happen.
In chess – the “final move” is when your king cannot move anywhere – “checkmate!” Is God preparing to call “Check-Mate” on the human race?
Sweden saying immigration has brought about serious crime. Why is that?
Which brings us to the next point:
Israel-Hamas conflict: The complex history of the Gaza Strip - YouTube
Hundreds of millions of dollars have been funneled into Gaza. However it was not used to make life better for them but to arm the conflict.
Are these Biblical Events we are witnessing right now “the setup” for the End Times?
The War in Israel: Are We Watching Bible Prophecy Unfold? - YouTube
Tom, this has been so interesting. How can someone reach out to you to ask a question or get more information?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, our discussion today was not to instill fear – but Faith. Faith in the Name of Jesus. Faith in the Bible. Faith in Biblical Prophecy. Faith that NONE OF THIS is happening by happenstance. None of this is taking God by surprise.
But ALL OF THIS is leading to what are called, “The End Times.”
If you prayed that prayer with Tom Donnan, reach out and let him know. Go to church. Walk by Faith and not by sight. Don’t be moved by what you see or hear – be moved by the Word of God. Amen!
Tom Donnan
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