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Playing in the Quantum Realm Where Manifesting Anything is Possible
Episode 2218th June 2024 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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Stephanie Zito, psychic, akashic records guide, podcast host & author joins us to discuss how embracing the quantum realm can help you manifest the life of your dreams.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Stephanie Zito have been really excited for this interview because Stephanie is a psychic and intuitive soul coach and author and also a podcast host. She hosts the podcast, The This passionate life and she is the.


Author of wealth codes, Sacred strategies for abundance, and we're going to talk a lot about manifesting because we're both big fans of that.


Ohh yes, I can't wait.


So welcome to the show, Stephanie. It's great to have you here.


It's a pleasure to be here with you, Jill. Appreciate it.


So we were talking a little bit before we got started about manifesting, but.


Let me ask you a couple questions. One, what's your story? How did you realize that you were psychic and how did you get into all of this?


Well, I think thank you for asking. I think, I think I've always been intuitive psychic and I would used to read my mom's mind and she would get upset, really. And tell me not to tell her what she was think.


Thinking and I think you know for a lot of us who are energy sensitive or sensitive to emotions, it's not hard to pick up on what's really the undercurrent. So I think that's always been there. And then you know, really diving into it, I had my own block. I really wanted to start coaching, but I would always be doing something that was sort of like it.


Not really. Hanging my own shingle, but kind of liked it and sort of doing it. And then we had.


When was this? My my daughter was born. My son wasn't born yet and my husband got.




Off and I he wasn't asking me to work or anything. I was working part time, but still really at home with my daughter and our daughter. And I just knew. I knew that this was the opportunity to really start into the coaching world or I might just be getting some job.


9:00 to 5:00 that I really didn't want. That didn't suit me. And so synchronistically manifesting.


I had my the coach. I wound up hiring into my world. I I chose to go to this event. I wasn't really doing things like this. I almost didn't go. My husband was like, no, you should go, right? I was feeling guilty. I didn't want to go. I went. That's why I met the coach. I wound up hiring and he helped show me the path to.


Learn to market myself and even what to charge and how to kind of craft my my main talk and things like that. And there were so many moments along the way where I doubted myself, you know, I had to work through being visible like all these pieces of of personal growth that happened along that journey.


And along the way, Synchronistically I was coaching and I just I knew there was a way to get quicker to the heart of really what was blocking someone really. What would serve them really, what would help move the dial forward. And of course I connected with or found me. I found it an intuitive energy scan.


Training. And so I took that training and it was based on reading the chakras, right? The energy centers of the body and without going into great.


Retail I I had already gone through my yoga teacher training I had in that teacher training. I had a kundalini rising experience. If you're familiar with that at all, I see you nodding. OK. So for anyone who may be listening, who's like, well, I.


Don't know what she's.


Talking about, there's this idea that we have energy latent energy at the base of the spine.


They have these channels that run kind of like the spinal column, like the three oral spinal fluid. And when we sort of like unlock that we have, we can have this energy rise and it felt like.


I mean, if every part of your body could have its.


Own orgasm? It's kind of felt. Have you had one too? Have you had?


Yeah, I have. I I know exactly what you're talking about. I'd heard people talk about it before, but unless you've experienced it, it really.




It's just something that like you've never experienced before.


Exactly. So. So in that I knew I was like, OK, well, this is something. Not sure what I'm going to do with this. But then when I did the training, it all of course it made sense. How would.




Not so. I put my ego aside and I started doing these energy spans right and all this stuff would come up like the.


The way something the clearer senses the senses that are the intuitive senses, the way we see something, we hear something, we sense something.


And the people I was reading would say like, oh, a psychic has told me this already. I completely identify with this. This makes complete sense. I really had to let my ego go to the side because you think, well, what if I say it's wrong? What if I'm not correct? You know it. I mean, at least for me, that came up and.


I just said it anyway and it was just so fascinating to me how quickly we were just getting to the heart of the blocks or what was really going on so.


Now I think through being in that activity and then starting a group that I run to help deepen intuition, everything just helped me crack open my intuition. One thing after the other, and I remember, and in doing this and becoming really open to what I do and who I am, I.


Was able to connect and where I live locally with some amazing friendships.


That came out of the woodwork because I was being seen. I was showing myself as an intuitive and I had women like, hey, yeah, I'm into this too. And so for these friendships, I had a friend ask me, well, well, do you want to, are you going to dive in just like a medium ship? And I was like, no, I'm not going to do medium ship. You know, I have these, like these sort of boxes.


I think I was putting myself in a little bit and I was like, well, I'm really here for the highest purpose. I'm really whatever I'm doing. It's I don't mean this in in a demeaning way or anything. I just.


I had this sense sometimes if someone was coming to me to talk with a past loved one. Of course it's going to give comfort. Of course they're going to get information, but I think I just had this sort of idea that it it really had to be for like.


The highest purpose, right?


So in any case, when you are playing in the world of the psychic space.


The quantum field, guess what? It's all in there. It's all there. And so, of course, what starts to come through someone's past loved one, and I get the name of someone or I get a very specific experience that would just be for that person.


And doing these readings, doing them online, I don't see people. I just see their avatars going through. I don't know who they are. And so I'm like, guess what? I guess I am also playing in the space of mediumship because we can connect with all of it. There's no boundaries. And so that brings me to here where I.


And my my coaching really feels like the most I have ever been fully aligned with my purpose. I know what I'm doing now. I know there's going to be more in the future, but I feel relaxed. There was a time when I was like, oh, I'm just not there. I'm not. What am I supposed to be doing? It's not quite the right thing or I would. Like I said, put it into some other place.


And I just, I know, I know I'm guided. I know where spirit is guiding me for the next phase and I'm I'm just open and relaxed towards it because I know, I know I'm here and I know there's more to come.


And I really enjoy serving mostly women. Some men, too, who tend to be kind of like between 3540 to 60, who are looking for a shift, maybe they want to shift into their own gifts. They want to shift it into a different job. There's something that's out of alignment relationship wise, and they they want to get it into alignment.


It's not comfortable anymore. The comfortable is not comfortable anymore.


And pretty quickly we get right to the heart of what needs to shift what may be blocking. And now I also include the tools of hypnotherapy.


In a psychic space to help with some of these shifts, and I have clients will call me even literally like a day or two after we've met and they were maybe having a house for sale sitting in escrow for nine months. They get all cash offer. I've had several real estate people come to me where things like that.


Happened. They have spontaneous money come through.


They have the job offer come through right? They get to receive, they get. This is where, like, I think, the psychic in the manifesting sort of merge, right? They they find themselves receiving because they have shifted their frequency. And so now they're on the frequency where they can receive that which they say they desire. They're no longer blocking it. They're no longer afraid of it.


The success, the failure or whatever it is, and they're open to it so it can arrive.


I I like that that last part about being open to it.


It's so important we as humans, I think, want to.


Maybe not all of us, but I know I I have the propensity to want to know how something is going to happen and have it in my mind, this is how it's going to happen and.


Yeah, I'm going to say I'm manifesting this, but really, I know how I'm going to make it happen and the universe will laugh at you when you do that.


Yeah, I would.


Not me all the time, but.


I was just gonna pull out this piece of paper. As you were saying that, you know, we we we want to know how. And we sometimes people won't even we won't even take the next step until we know how. But the whole thing is we have to take the next step so we can get the next step.


Right. And if if we're blocked because we're still afraid of.


Of what you know, let's say we want to have $1,000,000 year in our business and yet if there's a block and I've I've worked with several people who have this block of success in it. What I've seen, it tends to be it can be around well, if I'm making that amount of money, I'm going to lose my.


Close friendships I'm going to lose these close relationships because now I'll be at this next level and those people will feel so different or they'll feel bad about themselves or you know, it's going to create this energy shift, right. And so it's blocking them from making this next level of.


Test going from their $50,000 a month to $100,000 a month. And so when we identify what that is, then we can help them walk forward not only feeling safe, but expansive and also recognizing the nature of relationships that those people who really let's see the truth, those people who really love you will be with you and celebrate.


Feel and those who can't who? Those who can't hold that frequency, right. If they do move aside, they are opening the space for others who can hold you for who you be, right, who you are. Showing yourself to be at your core.




Yeah, it's interesting how how self limiting you know we can be.


And I think just in terms of of how we hold the energy ourselves.


You know we.


We can say I I want to have $1,000,000 a year.


Which would make me.




A millionaire?


And a millionaire is supposed to be in this kind of a container, much like, you know you're talking about.


Wandering into the quantum field but only wanting to hold like certain spaces, it's just not possible. It's just the energy that is and having $1,000,000 a year is.




There's some technical things that you have to overcome to have a million dollar year in a business, but beyond that, it's just.


It's just energy. It's no different than having a $1.00 a year. You're still the same person. Ultimately, you may have expanded in some ways, but.




Do not even necessarily, I mean there's a lot of people that are millionaires that aren't all that expanded, they they screw up their lives in different ways because they haven't chosen to look at.


The other side of their life and.


Really get to know themselves.




Well, that's a really interesting conversation, right? Because, you know, if we can envision everything is frequency, everything we are a lot of different frequencies. Everything has a frequency. Money. Oh.




God OK, money is frequency. Think of the word currency, right. Currency. What does that come from current?


Right. We can think of flow. We can think of what is the nature of money, the nature of money is a currency, it's it's an end.


Energy it's it's a flow of energy, right. So you think of, you know, wanting to hold tight to something, or sometimes people will get all that money and they'll just blow it right away. Right. There's an energy to how not only the actual frequency of money, but then the frequency that we are bringing to that money. So.


There are people who kind of to your point, who?


Maybe they're not talking about psychic stuff. They're either just doing doing life, going home, watching a show. It's like no big deal, and they are beyond millionaires. It has nothing to do with how spiritual they are, how evolved someone is. It literally has to do with they're just on that train. They're on that frequency.


With money, that vibrational frequency with with those $1,000,000 it just.


Whatever it might even mean to them, it's the meaning we put on it. It's all the other stories we're bringing to it that are really influencing our experience with it. It is our experience with it.


Exactly. I I've known many millionaire. I continue to know millionaires in my life. They're just people. They just. And they may not even have had, like, spectacular huge windfalls. I think a lot of times we get in this mindset where we have to.


Have this huge.




Of money hit us instead of the incremental way that.


An accumulation of wealth happens.


And it it trickles in. It's like collecting a.




Pot of water.


It's got to get get through the flow for sometimes it's just a drop or two, sometimes the thoughts it gets. Yeah. Yeah, a little bit more and it and it flows more steadily. And in the meantime, you know, you're pulling water out to use that. It depends. And, you know, if your pots cracked, God forbid.


The current thing.






Then it's leaking.


Some of that water so.


Exactly right.


Yeah. And there's also this sense of, you know, the idea of wishful thinking, wishful thinking, like, oh, I'd be so great one day and I'm. I'm visioning. I see the Ferrari. I see the house. I see it all and.




With the dial moving forward and if it's not, it's.


Clearly, because there's also the strategy of it, right, the strategy for any given person with any given scenario that they're in, you know, whether it's in like a car sales or manufacturing a thing or coaching or or whatever. And so there's a bit of this sense of, you know, one might, one might say, like the masculine and the feminine.


So there is that sense of ohh I'm receiving in in the feminine and the receiving where things come to us, opportunities show up and we we're we're we're ready we're available because we're in that frequency we're in that current and then there's also going to be the strategy so there there can be a pathway you can lay out whether it's like real estate.


Investment or your other investments to to get yourself to that point. So there is, there is some work involved along with the visioning. I think if we're just staying in the visioning piece, we're probably missing out.


I agree, and more to my point is that.


Everyday life.


Happens the the currency is always flowing all around us. It doesn't.


It it doesn't have to be this huge. You don't have to win the lottery, OK?


Right, right.


But a lot of people either have that mentality where I've got to win the lottery, or I've got to. If I become a millionaire, then there's going to be Ferraris and big houses and all of this other stuff that actually can be terrifying to some people.


You know that responsibility of ohh Oh my God. What am I going to do?


With all this money.




And how is it going to affect my life? And you were talking about, you know, maybe my friends won't like me anymore. Well, it doesn't have to be like that. And and sometimes we need to, like, recognize that it.




It can just be.


Right. It doesn't have to be super complicated, right?


Yeah, we like to over complicate things and and it doesn't have to be even starting a business doesn't have to be super complicated and it.


Gather certain steps that you you will learn. You know, just get started.


Right. Yeah, exactly like the like. The road map, the strategy piece, you know, and I mean, I look at when I first started coaching and I I had that sort of road map for marketing and there were pieces that I wanted to read this because of the meaning that I brought to them or the the frequency that I was shifting out of, right.


Come to.




And I I think that that can show up pretty frequently for people and there's this sort of common themes around.


You know, maybe feeling shame or feeling guilt or feeling worth sense of worth, right? And at the end of the day, I feel like it all kind.


Of boils down.


To to me, the the real story of why we're here, which is which is love, which is self love, which if we have that, if we are an expression of the universe.


And the universe is expansive. If we can imagine the universe is universal love, and we are an aspect of that self. Love is love, it is it. It is the universe, loving us it is.


In the collective being love, so you know, sometimes I think there's some of these things, maybe we we grow up with it or it comes through the ancestry, that we're really just here to heal. And it it shows up. But when we kind of bump up against something, right, like resistance to a certain strategy that can help us make money, right.


You know, because that well, that's probably something something personal, something to chef. That's where I was mentioning the hypnosis that can be really helpful to help sort of pick out these these pieces that are just kind of.


Blocking or the energy or shifting the frequency.


Do you do you work?


With people one-on-one or in.


Groups. How does how does?


Actually working with you look.


So I have been pretty much just one-on-one and then very grateful I got very busy and so I started a group program. So now I think what I've seen is this sort of strategy.


That really works for people, for clients, and so now I've created sort of a curriculum and a group process. So we have like a 90 day journey together.


The Big vision accelerator and we worked through these three areas of manifesting the clear the clarity, that's a big one, just literally being clear is a big one and there's some strategies about how we do that in tandem with manifesting. And then typically once we have the.


Charity, which can't show up for people is the what? S and the butts. And they're going to knock up against the.


The limiting beliefs, and that's where we move into the clearing part. So clearing can look like hypnosis and within the group program, I still do offer one-on-one because the group program group experience can be very helpful. But to me, there's nothing like just getting very specific really nuanced for you as an individual.




We can do you know the clearing through the hypnosis and the physio and also through the Akashic records. So and it's interesting when I say Akashic Records, which is sort of like our.


Goals entire records for our entire existence. It's like all the information we might need. All the wisdom, all the downloads. I do, Akashic records journeys or way showing for clients. And I have found like the most profound healing information and wisdom come through by guiding.


Someone to experience their Akashic records and to be there as a way shower. Like I'm there. I can see all of it to help show them something. Maybe they're having a hard time knowing where to go next or what. What to see next or what's being shown to.


Them so those are some incredible ways to clear. And then we really are moving into the phase of that, the Co creation with the universe. Now what am I open to receiving and what am I how am I reverse engineering my goals? So I I know I can see where I'm at. I can see I want to write the book.


What am I doing? How is that? How is that getting done? I want to build the business. OK, well, how is that getting done? So then we have the support in there in that way. So yeah, the group program has all the elements that I've ever done with one-on-one and the experience of support within a small group collective.


That's so nice. Collectives are.


There's just like the gold lining on.


On any coaching program, because you make connections with people that you might not have come across and you're all in the same on the same part of the path together and you can chat and you know some of those people will stay your.


Friends for the rest of your life.


Yeah. And I've seen that. I've had some of these women because mostly women they've they've been in groups with me for probably like three years now and they keep coming back because they they enjoy the coaching and they enjoy the collective and like really close bonds, you know, very close.


Friendships are coming through and it.


It means a lot to me. I think, you know, I find especially with women I don't know about you, but I I hear women really wanting that really looking for that and also manifesting that through working with me. I've had clients who have been a big thing for them and now they're they're it's happening for them. They're kind of more in person.


Friendships like deep friendships that really just know each other.


Yeah. And when you're all kind of?


We all tuned to the same frequency when we're in community with each other and and the the ability for collaboration and networking in that kind of situation can only produce like amazing results.


Yeah, exactly right. It's what's really exciting about yeah, about doing it in, in the group program.


And and and the one-on-one. It's been really interesting because like, I think I mentioned we we work like if you're ready, you're ready. We work pretty quickly. I think I'm for all the modalities, all the therapies. I'm not trying to say something about one thing or another.


That way, however, what I have noticed is working through this sort of psychic realm through hypnosis, through the exotic records. The results that we get are just they're so.


Quick, right? Like the manifesting, is just like, oh, well, this is happening now and then.


I got this.


Job offer and this is coming into my world.


It's being able to recognize it too, to see it coming and and to because there's stuff always coming at us that we've wanted because we're always manifesting, we manifest the good and the bad, but being conscious of the idea of.


I am. I'm consciously manifesting X and and then watching as it.


As it materializes in front of you, it's like.


It's pretty fun.




Are really fun.


I have a story about that I actually I have this piece of paper from now. It's about a year and almost a year and a half ago, almost a year and a half ago, December of whatever. And I wrote on this piece of paper, the house that.


We were kind of wanting to manifest we we had, we were living in our home. We purchased in 2017.




Mean it was.


Just 1300 square feet. We live in Southern California, so very blessed to have that home. And with two kids that were getting older, felt like we were outgrowing it. My husband was working from home. I was working from home for me. I was like, constantly, like, moving my stuff around. My kids would try to have a sleepover and then be like.


In my face, I mean, it was just we were really feeling it. I mean, looked at expanding the House or this or that. I wrote this bigger house room with a view staying in the same school district, having an office yoga.


And then two weeks and then kind of forgot about it, right? Two weeks later, we weren't even talking about houses. We weren't really like, like looking at the housing websites or we just. I was just like, whatever. And my husband comes to me and says, you know what, there's this house I want us to go look at. So we come look at the house and.


We're like this could really fit our needs and we put an offer on it and Long story short, we are sitting in that home and.


Where we live this it's not completely unique, but I'll tell you the fact that I have an office. There's no closet in here. It's big enough for me to teach yoga online, right. I've got these double French doors behind me. I'm looking at a view. There's no one who lives behind me. It's not usual for Southern California to have.


The the the.


Way the house is is situated when you're downstairs, there's a room you can shut off. The kids can just make all the noise they want, have their sleepover stuff, and like, we can just we can actually operate together, but also have our own space.


And and so we manifested it. And the thing about this story is that and I'm going to say this because I know sometimes we can get in our own way and we did once we started to go down that path and it was so quick. We're like, wait a second. Should we be doing this? We have a great interest rate. We have a 3% interest rate.


Now it's like dead.


No, this is a bigger house. It's going to be more right. It's going to go into all the all the what ifs and the whys and the whatnots and overthink.


And I kept coming back to my one area of inner knowing my intuition, and I kept checking in and I kept feeling the clarity, even with the bumps in the roads and the hiccups. And I was backing away. I kept feeling it. And so it was a bit of a journey, but we did it. And and and this is the thing I could we couldn't know until we got here.


There was the idea being here would be expansive, right? It would be expensive for my business. It'd be expensive with the kids.


But we couldn't know it till we got here. But by saying yes and taking that leap, that's exactly what's happened. My business has expanded, the kids friendships has expanded, right, like everything that we were wanting that the house meant for us. It's being. It's being delivered. So it's just sort of a example of.


Leaning into that trust when you want to manifest something, you're given the thing you wanted.


And sometimes we can sabotage it, or we can say no to it. But one like having it not only be on your radar, right, but then saying yes to it and then surrendering to where it's it's leading you.


The process? Yeah. Like I was telling you about when I manifested my $54,000 have told the listeners this story before, but it's.






It happened I had set out in my head that I was going to make it happen in a certain way and I I could see all the steps that as as my my father-in-law passed relatively quickly. It was like within a period of a week, but it was also the period of the week that I was launching something.






That's how I.


Thought the money would come in in my head. Just, you know, I just like I had it all planned out and it didn't.




It didn't go that way at all. And then as as we ended up having to like look into doing Hospice and I had to remodel this whole room because it was.


It was really it needed paint and it need a floor. It needed, you know, lots of stuff. And I had a day to do it and and then he was coming in and that was like I was supposed to be focused on something else. But you just have to put all that stuff aside and just.






Step back and say I'm I'm not in control and I don't have to be in control.


I can just let the process unfold, however it's going to.




And it unfolded that way.


We didn't see it coming.


Right. Yeah. And that's what's so interesting is when you surrender to how you can even receive it, it's really true. We can, you know, yours was like kind of a a bigger one. But even in smaller things, like, I'll have my group just kind of play with something like just manifesting something.




Like just something random. I think we played with it one time recently and I was I was mine was a frog. I was going to see a frog. Someone else, a whale. And sure enough I we said that the next day I don't usually go in my daughters room to turn the lights off. I I don't know. I just get get her ready for school, get doing other stuff. I haven't done that in forever.


But I just felt compelled to go in her room and turn her lights off. And sure enough, right at the base of her lamp, with this little green frog that I.


Bought for her like.


Years ago, so there was my frog, right?


And someone else? She received. You know, her friend had gone to Mexico and came back and gave her a gift. And it was a beautifully painted whales tail. So she got the whale. Someone else wanted to get a Penguin. And this is where the well.


Is it?


Do I need a signy or sign? Did it show up the right way? Did it show up?




And I intended it to. It's said teaching us these smaller moments teach us for the bigger.


She got it in. I think she was on Pinterest and it was some some graphic that said like Penguin, like Penguin Random House. It was that it was Penguin. So it was Penguin. She got her Penguin, but it wasn't the way she expected to get it. And I think those exercises can remind us of exactly like what showed up for you.




Being open to the possibilities like talk about the quantum field, it is literally the field of pure possibility, so we can.


Receive those things.


That too, where I'm like, well, I have to make this money. I say I have to make it and then it will have.


Like this check come in.


Like well, it wouldn't cause it doesn't count it.


Doesn't count. Of course it counts, of course accounts. Everything counts. You find a penny on the street if you want to make $10,000 this month.


That's a penny less that you have to make because you know it all counts, it's.






Does drops turn into a trickle? Turns into like a steady flow?




Exactly. Yeah. Another thing I, I.


Was thinking about recently. It's interesting because my kids still have changed. They've got, like heavy piggy banks full of change. My son has a box full of change. It's heavy. And when I think again think of language, think of words. Think of that word change like, well, what is that? What is that like that?


That not only is it our currency, right, our energy, but it's meant for change. It's meant to be transmuted it. Money doesn't just it becomes this, this Starbucks Water Cup. It becomes this iPhone and it becomes this pen. It becomes that car. It becomes right. It becomes other things. It's meant to be changed. It's.


You think of it that way. Do you think the real, the relationship we can have with it, it can be really fun allowing it to change, allowing it to transmute?


And it's not just like the pen.


It becomes the pen, but the pen also represents the work of other people and the lives of other people who created the pen. I mean, somebody thought of it, somebody manufactured it, somebody built the building where it was manufactured somebody. And it's just like.




Nothing. It's just like, yeah, it is totally infinite.


The thing it is.


And and it's it's the words you write and it's the book that you write and it's the card deck that you created. Right. And then it and.


Then people who.


It's the feeling that you elicit from somebody who received the thank you note that you sent them.


Yes. And then how they feel and then that energetic import that they deliver to others around them and it just it keeps flowing.


Yeah, it's not just money, it's.




Nothing is just.




Just the thing, it's just it's just like a little snapshot of.




Of a bigger, more intricate design that's like.


So there's yeah, there's this, you know, back when I probably was dating my husband. I I remember I lived in Orange County and I was teaching more yoga than than I am now. And driving somewhere to teach yoga. And I had this song I had found. And I I'm like, I would like to find this song.


Yeah. So maybe someone knows what I'm talking.


Yeah, but it's like back back in the day when we had blockbusters and I would walk into that blockbuster and I'd have like a general idea of some movie that I wanted to get, I'd say, oh, there's this guy and he's got a box of chocolates and he's got these white shoes and they know it's Forrest Gump. Like, they would just know and.




That's kind of, uh, that's what I need. I need someone who knows what this song is just to bring it through.


But what I love about this song is that it's basically from Osho, right, this Zen master, and he talks about how there's this concept that, you know, we really are these aspects of the universe. We are the aspects of the universe, knowing itself, what is the universe that is?


Literally kind of a creator, it is, it is change, it is gas is becoming planet if.


If we are part of that right, not only are we part of creation, we are the Creator. We are an aspect of the universe as creator, as us being creator. And so if we think of like how we utilize money.


As creation has changed right, it is flowing through us for that change for that transmutation for that creation, for that expression, for that expression of the universe. It's it's all kind of like what you were saying. It's all part of it.


It's part of all things.






I sometimes will.


To run these little experiment things through my head and one of the things that I was thinking about, well, one of the things that I practice is laying in bed at night trying to imagine where my body ends and the atmosphere begins because we are not solid.




We are a chemical process and electrons transfer between shells. I mean, it's not like a molecule is always the same molecule, it's it's interchanging, they break out, the electrons break off and they reconnect and they they it. It's a constant process. So I lay there and try to feel that.


But I also was thinking about our bodies. Our bodies are a bunch of living organisms. Because a cell is a living Organism in and of itself. I don't know if it has a consciousness or not, or if it's just one of.


If it contributes to consciousness.


Just kind of thoughts I have sometimes that as as individual beings with all of these cells, we are like our own little universe is walking around in time in and then.






Community with all of these other universes, I I I sometimes wonder and imagine that we are just the cells inside of a larger being, a larger Organism.


Absolutely I could. I could literally be a liver cell in a larger Organism, and I I think I'm doing all this stuff and I'm doing all my things and I'm not just, but I am absolutely. I mean, I think, you know, this is the idea of.


Standing out.


Also, you were talking a little bit.


The the psychic realm and how we think we're sometimes. I think we think we're so separate from that and yet we literally live in it like we literally are in the quantum field. And so by virtue of being in the quantum field, we are we are we are part of the psychic field like we're we're part of.


We might think of a given timeline. Perhaps there are other timelines happening simultaneously when you, when you talk about staying awake at night and thinking about, like where you end and the universe begins.


That that is a practice. I don't know if you. You're probably familiar with Joe Dispenza. OK, so this is for sure. I was just reporting this for my manifesting group. We just did this together, tuning into new potential meditation. And one of the things that he really talked about. And again these concepts they exist in the quantum field.


I'm not saying that one person invented this. It is belongs to one person or he coined it. I'm just mentioning.




And when you talk about it, yeah. But the idea of of bringing in convergent and then divergent focus is really helpful to get us into that space of manifesting. It's this idea of I can bring my focus to my finger, and I can envision my finger is.


In on my body and I'm floating in space and then I can come back to the idea of the right inside my chest, right? I can bring it in. Then I can bring it back out. It's sort of just.


To me, it's sort of like the breadth of the universe in a sense, right of expansion and contraction of, of drawing. My idea out into the universe and then receiving it back in.


So it's it's I caught on.


I caught that when you were mentioning that.


Just in terms of that being part of a a manifestation practice.


Yeah, I actually, I've been doing it for a long time, but I saw a movie. It was a kind of a silly movie.


About superheroes and and the crazy woman, the crazy character, she practiced that confirmation. I must be on to something.


Oh well, it's funny because like I used to have thoughts like this when I was young. I mean, you and I are meant to have this conversation because I would. I would lie awake at night, like thinking about how my eyeballs are in my head. But I'm thinking, and what is what is this that I'm just thinking? And is it really?


Meet us in this body.


Used to look in the mirror and wonder what the world was like on the other side.


Yeah, right.


Because you know.


Right. All you kind of know is your own knowing your own consciousness.


Which is so interesting because I really do feel like.


It's just so important to remember that we are we are part of this quantum field where, you know, tapping in.


Psychically to things that we can't see. It's just so valuable, like tapping in with our our guides, our inner guidance, our highest self. Whatever you want to call it, you know, tapping into things that may have occurred in past lives or past iterations of our soul.


This is a lot of wisdom and guidance available to us and we kind of tap into that space.


And allow ourselves to just wander through it without having to have a thought about it just to exist in it.


Like, yeah, I know.




I've always had this fear of heights and and it's it's a visceral fear. It's not like a head fear like.




I go up high on a building and it it's only if I if I feel like I could fall off.




It it.


Like it, it happens and if I watch movies, you know, like the Mission Impossible movies where Tom Cruise is hanging off the building. I I physically want to throw up so.




And in doing a lot of this kind of journeying back into past lives experiences I I realized that I went off a Cliff on a horse at one point in my past and and that is why I'm afraid of.






Encumbered heights.




Unprotected heights.


Did knowing that help you with the fear?


I think it does help me with the fear. I I understand why I have it now, so I can say well, you know, this is not likely to happen again. I'm probably not going to go over the edge of this if I'm just standing here. And that was part of a different process and you know that was.








It was.


Meant to happen, I guess. Yes, they did.


Yeah. Yeah, you.


Can get those answers that you know rationally. Now you know. OK, well, that was from this past life. I know where that came from and that's what's so interesting about the the hypnotic space hypnosis. Because our subconscious carries memory not linearly.


It's like as if that thing that happened in your past life is now, you know, and that's why the reaction would be so visceral, because you have that body memory.


Of what it was actually like going over that edge, that did not end well for you. And so the other. Yeah. So the other piece is typically when the subconscious is working well and hopefully it's also going to want to preserve the body. So then it's going to do whatever it takes. Like, you're feeling that in your body is going to do whatever it takes to keep you away from that edge to preserve the.




Body yeah.


It is so weird to once once you start accepting some of these memories that you have as real and and recognizing that they're not from this life. They're from a different life. I I have other men.




I I recognize from other lives and I recognize how they intersect with this current life that they're just snapshot memories. They're not like I can't remember the whole experience that I went through. But I know kind of I can see the in my mind's eye the picture much like.








I have memories a lot of different memories of a lot of different places and a lot of different things in this.






That I don't. I can't tell you like in a in a long stream. Everything that's happened in my life.


Sure, sure.


Yeah, yeah, I don't. I mean, I'd be curious if anyone really would be, it'd be a.




I mean, I feel like if you think of the whole scope of, I mean, I look at it.


Sometimes the energy that we're clearing goes the whole way back to the beginning of all things, the beginning of energy is occurring, right. Some of the things that we carry are not even specific to us. They go way, way, way back. I I had a a past life regression that showed me something.


I mean, it's so funny because I do this work, but I can be.


Like the biggest.


Skeptic right so.


But my friends and I, we now I also, you know, do hypnosis, Akashic past life regression. It gets all part of it. But at this time I was receiving from a shaman a past life regression with some friends. And I did not believe I was going to go in. I did not believe I was. I thought I.


Was just going to be sitting there.


Right. I was like, that's OK. I'm just part of it. But sure enough, we went in, I went in and I saw something that I completely didn't expect it.


Just seeing myself as like and it's so vivid I can.


Still see it?




Know. Yeah, I know. You know, you know? And it's it was. I was a young indigenous child to the Americas and I was actually being taken by, like, white people. They had, like, one of these wagons and they like.


Took they took me and.


And The thing is is when I when I I didn't realize that that right then and there, but then it when it sort of paired with is that I've carried or had carried this fear of abandonment.


For a very for my whole life, really. And you know, I have very loving parents. I mean, there is a bit of back story within you know, my own birth and a bit of that which could also relate to the abandonment here. But it just felt so much bigger than right my current situation. And So what I realized in understanding that is that I I wasn't abandoned.


To take it, you know my family back then, they never didn't want me. They I was taken from them. And I I feel like understanding that was so healing. It just shifted a lot of it just helped me relax. It helped me relax into understanding.




You know me not being loved wasn't a thing. Like I was very loved. Right, like these things that you can kind of carry. It was just incredibly healing to go through that experience. And I think especially when you have some a scene like that that keeps showing up in different ways and you're not sure how to shake it. You maybe you don't know where it comes from. It's really worth looking at past lives to.


Perhaps better understand it.


Yeah, for sure. I the.


You wander into the woo and there's just, like, so much to play with.


All of it, everything I'm saying, everything.


All the things.


Yeah. So Stephanie?


I'm going to have to ask you the question cause we're coming up on an hour and I could talk to you literally all afternoon, so.


Oh, I love it. Me too.


How can people get in touch with you if they want to?


Just have another conversation with you.


Sure. Yeah, you can book a complimentary intuitive manifesting session with me to take a look very succinctly at perhaps your greatest block right now and the pathway forward and then explore if you're interested in taking that journey further, how that can look working with me.


You can find that on my website or I'm sure we'll drop a link as well and my website is just Stephanie.




Dot com and it pretty much has all the places where you can find me around the Internet.


Around field.


Yeah, yeah, yes. And what is the one thing that you hope the audience will take?


Away from this conversation.


I got good luck, OK.


I got. I got it, I got it.


Test test. When you get that nod, you get that inner knowing you get that nudge. You know it. You know it when you feel.


It just trust.


It just know that that happened. Know that that yes, that know whatever that was it it showed up for you it happened.


And then your brain's probably going to tell you all sorts of stuff and this story and that, but allow yourself to go back to that and understand that if that came through for you, that most likely that is for you to trust. And when you take that next step, it's like following the bread crumbs. The next step, the next step, will become available.


Are you on the path?


Thanks for joining me.


Thank you. It's been a pleasure, Jill.



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