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The David Spoon Experience 8-8-24 part 1
8th August 2024 • The David Spoon Experience • The David Spoon Experience
00:00:00 00:29:55

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A) Returning to the Book of Revelation, we find ourselves in Chapter 1, Verse 4. John is now sending his letter to the seven churches in Asia. As previously mentioned, this represents a circuit in the sense that one would travel from one city to the next, completing a journey.

B) The rest of Verse 4 states, "Grace to you and peace from Him who is, and was, and is to come." We could spend centuries contemplating this. In this passage, you'll see the Trinity, but this immediate reference is to the Father. In regards to the Father, "He is" signifies the present tense, "He was" the past tense, and "is to come" the future tense. Shortly, we'll see that this is not Jesus, but the Father. What's amazing is that God is an interlinear being.

C) Next, we have the Holy Spirit. The verse says, "And from the seven spirits who are before His throne." As we've mentioned before, the number seven is repetitive throughout the Book of Revelation. Most often, seven signifies perfection or completeness, much like the seven days that complete a week. The Holy Spirit is before the throne, with the Father and the Son, acknowledged so at the beginning of this book. Let's not diminish His position and bring blasphemy to the Trinity.

D) Finally, we see Jesus Christ identified in this way: "And from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, the ruler over the kings of the Earth." There are three significant definitions here. Jesus was faithful in His witness and declaration of who God is. Jesus is the firstborn from the dead, never to die again. And Jesus is the ruler over the kings of the earth. So, every time you think a kingdom is usurping authority beyond God's comprehension or control, you would be mistaken.



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