Kim Woods, Intuitive Leader and Transformation Expert, helps business leaders achieve personal, professional and financial success through her revolutionary Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself™ Process. Named one of the Top Female Entrepreneurs Disrupting the Business World by Entrepreneur magazine, Kim has helped over 425 business leaders, influenced 300,000 team members and overseen $65M+ in sales. She’s been featured on ABC, NBC, USA Today, Reader’s Digest, Forbes, Inc. and yahoo!.
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If you'd like to move from self-loathing to self-love, as Beverly did, stay tuned for today's episode that is Sure to help you take on the world. And now here is Beverly. Enjoy the show.
[:Most women struggle with their self image and self confidence. Her self expression provides knowledge, support, and insight to help women on their journey to self-empowerment on the inside and out so they can take on the world. Today, I have these questions for you to ponder. Do you know yourself? Do you like yourself?
Do you trust yourself? Well, my guest today is Kim Woods. I feel so privileged to have her as I admire her so much. Kim's going to help us today with how to know, like, and trust ourselves. Kim is an intuitive leader and transformation expert. She will walk us through her revolutionary, " do you know, like, and trust yourself" process.
We will discover the keys to making better and faster decisions, tapping into our power and aligning with our financial success. She helps business leaders achieve personal, professional and financial success through her revolutionary. Do you know, like, and trust yourself process. Named the top female entrepreneurs disrupting the Business World by Entrepreneur Magazine.
Kim has helped over 425 business leaders influence 300,000 team members and overseeing 65 million in sales. She's been featured on abc, nbc, USA Today, Readers Digest, Forbes, and Yahoo, and now her self express. If you want to feel empowered, confident, and excited about your potential, listen to our conversation.
Hi Kim. Thanks so much for being my guest today. It's so good to have you here.
[: [: [:It's not the forefront of your. And so for me, I thought I really knew like, and trusted myself until my son was born. He was my first child. And as any parent knows that when you have a child, your world is going to change . I didn't realize how significantly mine was gonna change though. Right? Absolutely.
So he was born with significant developmental issues and the doctors were telling me that he wasn't gonna be able to throw and catch a. He wasn't gonna have a normal social life. He wasn't gonna have a sense of humor. You know, basically his quality of life was gonna be less than I had wanted. And so, you know, you reel from that obviously, and you do some very practical shifting and you change some things in your life.
But what ended up happening is I said, absolutely not. Absolutely not, not in my watch. I'm going to go to the ends of the earth to figure out what we need to do in order for him to not just have solutions or skill set, you know, building for him to be able to navigate, but for him to be able to actually have a normal life.
And so I've realized that I needed to know myself enough to be able to develop that strategy and make those. I needed to like myself enough in order to be able to pursue lots of different disparate, you know, ancient wisdom, eastern practices, western methods, and I needed to be able to trust myself for eight long years before we saw transformative results.
[: [:Oh, male. That's such a
[: [: [: [:Way too much, and way too often we really succumb basically to being swept up with maybe societal norms or familial expectations, and we're not really turning the lens back on ourselves to say, Wait a minute, what about me? What about what I want? What's satisfies me? Do you ever realize, like you, you ask a woman what makes you, what makes her happy?
And so few can actually answer the.
[: [:Because I, my husband wants to That's patently untrue most of the time, by the way, the husbands have it, no idea that the, that the, you know, the person sitting in front of me is saying these things. It just gives the woman permission to be able to say a number that she feels is audacious. Yes. Well, I think the more audacious the number, I think it's fabulous.
I think you'd wanna make money just cook, just cuz you wanna make money think it's perfect, .
[: [:The mind is going to run amok with that, right? So whether you have someone else's tape running through your head or you've got, you know, some conditioning that you've even undergone, that you've assumed is now, you know, your now become your tape. The, mind is trying to protect you, and the mind is trying to keep you safe by, by saying, Don't worry about it, Beverly.
You don't need to go make $3 million this year. You're fine. Just the way you are right now, that $40,000 a month is absolutely perfect. Who are you to think that you would wanna make more? You know, whatever. Right? You then need to work too hard, do too many things. It would feel too risky and the mind will literally keep you harnessed to your seat.
Mm-hmm. . That is true. Right? If you.
[: [:But with our research, what we found is there's different types of imposter syndrome. There's the imposter syndrome, we, and we framed it around, no, like trust. So I'll just bear with me for a moment. So around the knowing or the lack of knowing, that's where the mind games come in and those types are people who are wanting to position themselves as S experts.
Or as you know, like kinda that natural flow of genius and ideas. And yet their mind will then will say, You don't have enough credentialing. You, you need to get another degree. You know, you're not nearly as qualified as the person you're sitting across wrote, You know, that's, those are the mind games that can happen.
And those are the two types. Gotcha. The imposter syndrome, that, and that's the knowing yourself, the liking yourself is around, is around power plays and it's around people Plea. You know, some, some women are the, we don't just gonna please everybody. And then there are others that are just such overachiever.
If I just prove myself, maybe it's to yourself or maybe it's to others, but if I just, if I just win this, if I get to that next level, if I, if I strive to do this, if I'm seen, you know, in this venue then, and it's always a, then, then I will have made it, you know, Then I will be worthy. Mm.
[: [:Exactly. Yep. Overperforming, it's usually an overperformance and so there, there needs to be that win. So, and those types are really susceptible to fomo. So the fear of missing out and also to. Because, you know, they're, they're the types that will get into a Zoom room and kinda like get the lay of the land.
Who's here, who's my competition and let me position myself as the winner. And it's only because that person feels that they're not worthy to be in that room for some reason. Gotcha. And of course they are worthy, right? Of course they
[: [:It's either the people are gonna be over controlling and they're perfectionists where every die you know, I has to be dotted or t has to be crossed. Everything has to be absolutely perfect. It's just not good enough yet for me to put it out into the marketplace. It's not ready. Like that's the type of energy that, that will come.
Mm-hmm. or the person who's the soloist. If I just do it by myself, then I'll be able to hide any flaws that I have or, or you know, any, No one will notice. It's kind of like that no one will notice. I'll just be over here in the corner doing my own thing, and I'll come into the group, but not really that often.
Pretty consistently. And so those are the, those are the six types around the knowing, liking, and trusting. And so who's most prone? Is that, is that where, that the
[: [:And so they're getting that gratification reflected back to them. The people who are most prone to seek help are the ones that are Like questioning, doubting their own expertise. And so they're, they're cuz they know, like deep down in their heart, in their belly, they know that they're made for more, They know that they can position themselves differently.
They just don't know how to do it. So those are the types of people we see coming in most often. The ones that I always consider my biggest wins are the people pleasers because when I can start having them, like choose themselves and do things for themselves, we basically have a. Yeah,
[:So how does this affect a woman's role in business?
[:Think about and there, where could there be, There could be as a sales call, there could be in the board move. There could be, you know, at a conference, there could be on a podcast like this. Knowing full well that she can show up and be herself and have a lovely conversation or, you know, interject in the boardroom with good ideas or make the sale or not make or choose not to make the sale.
That's the difference between having a series of successes and having a series of maybe minor wins.
[: [:And that seems ridiculous for me to point this self Beverly, but it's, it's literally we say yes and then we say, but after a lot. We say, Yes, I would love to be on that podcast, but I don't have any time. Yes, I would love to sign up for that mastermind, but I don't have any money. So I would call it the yes.
But if, If you're going to say yes, say yes and commit to it. If you're going to say no, don't say yes, but you're gaslighting yourself, say. There's a reason. If you wanted to be on that podcast, you would, If you wanted to be, you know, investing in that mastermind, you'd find a way you there. There's always a way.
So own your yes and own your no. Okay? And this leads in this, and that's around knowing yourself, around liking yourself. Okay? This is where discernment comes in. This is where trusting like, like that instinct, that intuition, that nudge that you're getting, right? So someone comes up and asks. A question about who knows what.
Like you could be in that boardroom and they're looking for volunteers, or you could be on this podcast and you can ask me for something and you know it, it's up to me for whether I wanna say yes or not. Right? Okay. So I always, I always have this, when someone asks me a question, I always run it through my, what am I willing to do and what am I not willing to do?
Cause it's. It can change depending on how busy I am. It could change depending on who the person is. It obviously changes based on the ask, but if you have the ability to assess very quickly, is this in my wheelhouse? Is it something I'm interested in? Is there is what's in it for me? Asking yourself those questions, then it's okay.
It's a. And maybe I'm willing to do, you know, something to this level, but maybe not the complete ask, just knowing it. Okay. And then for that trusting uhhuh , allow your the questions to be more important than the answers. Interesting. Interesting. Isn't that really interesting? So think about this, think about, think about, you know, now opportunity presents itself.
Say someone, someone comes by and, and you're thinking of hiring somebody to do SEO analytics and, and you meet somebody and you're, you kind of like, Hmm, I, I wonder if this is the right person. Allow yourself to sit with it for a little bit. Go for a walk. Maybe you walk in the dog or emptying the dishwash or doing something pretty mundane, right?
Or working out. And just kind of let it flow and don't let your mind get attached to it. And just see what questions arise, and allow those questions to help lead you to your answer. And
[: [: [: [:Talk about, I mean, you're, you are the power queen. Yeah. Right. You are the one in the woman that has the confidence. You're the one that people seek. You are the one that people will, you know, ask questions of. You're the one that will be you know, kind of at the, in the catbird seat. That's it's life.
It's actually life changing. Yes.
[: [:There we have a quiz that can answer the question. How, you know, like, and trust yourself. We have six archetype. And the quiz is available there. If you wanna go directly to the quiz, it's know your life We're across all social channels. Kim Woods's channel in certain Facebook and Kim May Woods at LinkedIn.
We have a LinkedIn newsletter. We have a free Facebook group. We do, We do so many things and I say we cuz there's a team of seven of us now. So I have intuitive leadership. And we are doing reels on TikTok. Now, Beverly, that's the new thing they've got me doing. Oh my goodness. It's hilarious. . It's hilarious.
You stay
[: [:To know when you wanna speak and be really comfortable in what you say and to not have that mind going, Yeah, but what if Did I say the right thing? And never question yourself when you leave the event, when you leave the presence because you said what you wanted to say. You said it the way you wanted to say it, and you listened intently with full presence.
Oh, that's
[:Thank you for being with Kim and myself on this episode of her Self-expression. I hope you can see the direct connection between confidence and empowerment. I love connecting you with women that can provide actionable steps for you to. To gain support for your journey, join me at her self-expression sisterhood Facebook group where you can find the knowledge, support, and insight to help you on your journey to self-empowerment and give the gift of a wonderful community so you don't have to go it alone.
I want to carry this message of empowerment to all women wherever they are. Please help me by spreading the word. Please subscribe where you listen to your podcast and leave us a review so we can help other. Look for our future episodes released every week on Mondays and Thursdays, and stay tuned for our next episode with more actionable tips for your journey.
The more you express yourself, the better you feel. Remember, self-expression doesn't have to be a mystery. It's your key to confidence and self-empowerment, both inside and out. But most importantly, remember, you don't have to do it. I'm here to help. So visit us at and join us today.
Thank you and take care.
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