Welcome to Cyber Inspiration Podcast, you may be familiar with me as Co-host of the Security Architecture Podcast, which I started with Dmitry Raidman CTO of Cybeats in 2020.
From the Episode:
- It's very easy to explain if you think about a company, doesn't matter the size of the company, 50 employees, 500 to 5,000. In order for them to run a business, they adopt and use a lot of SaaS applications.
- You need to make sure that you have a good team surrounding you. It's very hard to do it solo. I think it's very hard to do it with two people. I think three is a good format that you have, like, balances and checks, because you always have someone that can break the 50-50.
- I think for new people, people that want to start new companies, at the end of the day, you need to make sure that you have a good team surrounding you
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