Artwork for podcast Stories for the future: Exploring Transitions in Energy, Career & Society
In between and behind the scenes - Stumbling upon serendipity
Episode 3723rd February 2022 • Stories for the future: Exploring Transitions in Energy, Career & Society • Veslemoy Klavenes-Berge
00:00:00 00:10:07

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Have you heard about serendipity? And do you know the magic this beautiful word can bring to your life?
Listen and learn!

This word was elected elected Britains most favorite word in 2000, ahead of love, peace AND football! It's also on the list of the 10 most difficult words to translate into Norwegian....

Merriam-Webster defines it like this Serendipity — the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for.
If you google serendipity + entrepreneurship you get 6,860,000 hits.  And that is not surprising at all, if you look at history. 

Penicillin, X-ray and the microwave are all results of something starting as something completely different than what it ended up as - all because of coincidences and to some degree failures along the way.

I rediscovered my old blog a few weeks ago, and in one of the posts I write about serendipity and how I my path to a large degree has been affected by this phenomenon. I am sure you can see the same in your life if you look for it.

I learned something from this old blog post, and in this week's Behind the scenes, I am sharing this learning with you!

For Norwegian listeners, you can read my blogpost here:

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