In this two part episode (Podcast 12 and 13), Suzi talks about the 12 Universal Laws of success and how they apply to entrepreneurship.
This podcast focuses on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur when you have an inside out lense. Throughout the episodes (podcast 12 and 13), Suzi explains how these 12 laws work in an entrepreneurial context, energetics around business, how you can build the laws into your business life and then use them to uplevel in business. Once you do, your business journey will become a lot easier.
Links mentioned in the podcast:
The 12 Laws of Universal Success Snapshot:
Suzi's Blog post with the link to the Hidden Messages in Water book and the YouTube Video:
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Suzi's YouTube: If you want videos to help you with your inner journey, see Suzi's youtube channel.
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You're listening to the Inside Out Entrepreneur Podcast.
Suzy Belmont:Today I am Talking about the 12 laws of entrepreneurial success and why these are so important if you really want to start to feel successful.
Suzy Belmont:All right, buckle up, enjoy the ride.
Suzy Belmont:This is your time now.
Suzy Belmont:Okay, let's go.
Suzy Belmont:Hi, I'm Suzy Belmont, a multiple seven figure entrepreneur with 15 years experience building and selling businesses, as well as being a psychology expert, qualified coach and therapist.
Suzy Belmont:Think of this show as personal development for women like you who want to master your inner world in order to lead yourself to greater external success, whether that's in relationships, emotionally, in business, or financially.
Suzy Belmont:So pull up your chair and get ready to change your life and your business from the inside out.
Suzy Belmont:This is the Inside Out Entrepreneur podcast.
Suzy Belmont:Hi there, everyone, it's Suzie, back with you for a brand new show this week.
Suzy Belmont:And I want to really talk this week about some things that might impact the heart of your success.
Suzy Belmont:What can help you be more successful as an online entrepreneur, as a leader, or indeed just in life?
Suzy Belmont:You see, as you no doubt by now can conclude from the name of this podcast, the Inside Out Entrepreneur.
Suzy Belmont:Success starts on the inside.
Suzy Belmont:To be really successful, you want to start from the inside and then work outwards.
Suzy Belmont:Yet most people start on the outside and work in.
Suzy Belmont:What do I mean by that?
Suzy Belmont:Well, if I asked you what is one thing you really want to know about building a successful online business, what would you say?
Suzy Belmont:And I can tell you what most people would say.
Suzy Belmont:And I can tell you based on a real life survey I did, about 200 people completed this survey and one of the questions I asked was, if you were to have coffee with me, what two questions would you ask about building a business online or offline?
Suzy Belmont:And here are some of the answers I got back in that survey.
Suzy Belmont:These are all anonymized, so I'm not going to reveal anyone's name, but these were the things that people said.
Suzy Belmont:How do I build a website?
Suzy Belmont:Should I start a podcast?
Suzy Belmont:Should I be on all the social media pages or just one?
Suzy Belmont:Do you have to be on your website 247 to keep up with demand?
Suzy Belmont:How much will it cost me to build an online business?
Suzy Belmont:How do I get in front of my target audience?
Suzy Belmont:What color should my brand be?
Suzy Belmont:And so on.
Suzy Belmont:So those are real answers that people gave.
Suzy Belmont:Now, there is nothing wrong with any of these answers, of course, but what it showed me is something I think you all know that I'm very passionate about, and that is that you are not really taught how to be effective or successful as an Entrepreneur, or a leader for that matter.
Suzy Belmont:You're also not really taught in life how to be successful as an adult woman either.
Suzy Belmont:And so often these things collide, as many of the success strategies in entrepreneurship are actually very masculine strategies, and I'm talking about masculine energy here rather than male female.
Suzy Belmont:And so they directly conflict with the more feminine energy ways of doing business.
Suzy Belmont:But that is a topic for another podcast, going back to the list of things like what color your brand should be and things like that that people ask me.
Suzy Belmont:Non of these things are going to make you successful.
Suzy Belmont:Even if you had them all perfectly set up, that is not necessarily going to make much of a dent in how successful you are.
Suzy Belmont:They play parts, obviously, but they shouldn't really be the main focus when you're building a business.
Suzy Belmont:And this problem starts and then persists because school and life tend to focus on results, on statistics, on numbers, on stuff, on making stuff, scientific analysis, concrete proof, and so on.
Suzy Belmont:We value time and effort, doing things over results, over happiness and receiving things.
Suzy Belmont:And we're kind of raised to blame more than we're raised to take responsibility or to lead ourselves to greatness.
Suzy Belmont:And this means that for many people running their business, the natural way to do it is to look at the outside world and stuff that you need to do to build a business.
Suzy Belmont:And if it doesn't work, you then have something to blame.
Suzy Belmont:You can blame those things that you were trying to do and you can put fault somewhere, or you start to blame yourself and talk to yourself in a way that you would never talk to anyone else.
Suzy Belmont:Hostile, negative accusations and so on.
Suzy Belmont:But this is where entrepreneurial life can become so difficult.
Suzy Belmont:This is where leadership can become so difficult.
Suzy Belmont:If you go down that path, you see success absolutely 100% starts and lives on the inside.
Suzy Belmont:In fact, the entire premise from working on the inside or from the inside out is creating a kind of oneness in your business that generates ease, calm and results.
Suzy Belmont:Because you are removing a lot of the hustle mentality and the false beliefs that you may have implanted in the past deeply in your mind.
Suzy Belmont:And one of the ways I want to show you a little bit more about this is to walk through the 12 laws, as I call them, of entrepreneurial success, otherwise known or taken from the twelve laws of the universe.
Suzy Belmont:Before I go through these laws, I want to talk to you specifically.
Suzy Belmont:If this area is completely new to you, those of you who are more of the mindset that Darwin is king and hustle and hard work get you results, I urge you to do One thing today and that's just to remain coachable.
Suzy Belmont:Don't assume you know what I'm going to say and that you don't need to know this because I promise you that you won't think that by the end of this show.
Suzy Belmont:Of course it's up to you whether you listen or not, but if you don't, just remember that when you do find out that some of the stuff I'm talking about today really works, maybe in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years.
Suzy Belmont:Think of all the time you would have wasted struggling when you didn't need to if you just understood these more universal laws.
Suzy Belmont:And if you want an example of why I say that, well, I would hold my hand up here.
Suzy Belmont:I've spoken about this before.
Suzy Belmont:This is exactly what I used to do.
Suzy Belmont:I don't like having regrets but about 20 years ago I was in Waterstones or Blackworlds, I can't remember, in London and one of the books fell off the shelf.
Suzy Belmont:It literally fel the shelf on the floor by my foot and I didn't take that as meaning anything.
Suzy Belmont:Had I taken that as a sign that that was the book I needed right now in my life, particularly at that time, because my life was stress filled, anxiety inducing, I was a lawyer at that time.
Suzy Belmont:I would have saved myself years and years of struggles and difficulties because I didn't have the knowledge that I later learned.
Suzy Belmont:But I didn't see it at the time.
Suzy Belmont:I picked up the book, I looked at the back cover, I read it, I scoffed at the mumbo jumbo.
Suzy Belmont:You see, my parents had always taught me that all of the self help, all of the spir spiritual side, all of the woo woo side, all of that kind of less tangible, less measurable stuff was rubbish.
Suzy Belmont:And they still do this on courses today when I've gone through my masters in psychology, they really do talk a lot of the time about if you can't measure it, it's not there.
Suzy Belmont:And I just don't believe that.
Suzy Belmont:There are so many things that exist.
Suzy Belmont:Ultraviolet light, radio waves, energy.
Suzy Belmont:We can't see them but we know that they exist.
Suzy Belmont:Anyway, going back to my story as a 20 something, I used to think that the more spiritual quantum, the more woo woo world was not really my thing.
Suzy Belmont:That it was full of people who wore lots of bangle and were hippy ish and did yoga all the time whilst fasting for days on end.
Suzy Belmont:And that was really just my parents prejudices that had become mine.
Suzy Belmont:And I'm telling you that because I promised you the full Picture on this podcast, the warts and all version of my journey and my own limiting beliefs in the past meant that I didn't think a more spiritual or woo woo world could coexist with someone like me who has and continues to make money.
Suzy Belmont:I almost felt like I had to do one or the other.
Suzy Belmont:The two could not coexist.
Suzy Belmont:So I ran my career in the past in a very logical, no woo woo kind of way.
Suzy Belmont:And whilst I saw financial success, my inner world was slowly falling apart.
Suzy Belmont:As I spoke about in episode one of this season of the podcast, I was out of balance and I found a lot of negative things happened to me.
Suzy Belmont:I burned out.
Suzy Belmont:I attracted negative situations and often time and time again.
Suzy Belmont:I didn't know why then.
Suzy Belmont:I blamed people and circumstances for it, but I never really looked inwards.
Suzy Belmont:In fact, I probably would have been outraged back then, 20 years ago or so and 10 years ago or so at the suggestion that it had anything to do with my energy or my mindset or my inner world.
Suzy Belmont:I had self sabotaged.
Suzy Belmont:I had a list of fears so long that it would probably fill an entire book.
Suzy Belmont:It was only when I slammed the brakes on and said, this can't be it.
Suzy Belmont:This can't be the only part to this, this can't be the only way to do things, that I started to see massive quantum shifts in my life and in my business.
Suzy Belmont:Once I became aware of this other world, I saw huge and dramatic changes in how I was being, how I was showing up, and my results.
Suzy Belmont:As an effect of that, I found it easier to manage my time, my business, my life and my money.
Suzy Belmont:And money flowed to me a lot more easily with a lot less effort.
Suzy Belmont:It was like removing the hustle just by understanding a little bit more about this kind of universal side of entrepreneurship and business and mindset.
Suzy Belmont:And when I then started really leaning into the energetic work and I trained as an energetic leadership practitioner, even more light bulbs went off and I realized that I thought I knew so much, when in fact I really didn't.
Suzy Belmont:It was only in my later life, in my 40s, that I finally started to piece this all together and to really get it.
Suzy Belmont:And so all I want you to do today is open your mind up to what I'm saying instead of closing it down with preconceived beliefs.
Suzy Belmont:Now, for those of you who have never heard of the 12 universal laws, these laws are thought to be the unchanging laws of the entire universe.
Suzy Belmont:And as someone who studied Egyptology at university in my undergrad, I often saw that there seemed to be this kind of knowledge in that ancient world.
Suzy Belmont:They seemed to know a lot more than I think we think they did.
Suzy Belmont:We often put these ancient cultures in a box of mystery or magic.
Suzy Belmont:But it's my belief that thousands of years ago, they may well have been a lot more clued up on how the universe works than we are today.
Suzy Belmont:Our insistence today on a Darwinian world model where science is the one and only way of seeing the world, means it's really easy to live your entire life or run your entire business without realizing the power of this unseen world.
Suzy Belmont:The power of energy, the power of vibration.
Suzy Belmont:If you take health as an example, we focused almost entirely on science led health, despite the fact that there is undeniable and overwhelming evidence that running science alongside the more alternative methods works.
Suzy Belmont:There is just so, so much evidence.
Suzy Belmont:Yet, as I mentioned a moment ago, I know from my own master's degree and also from traveling the journey of liaising with psychiatrists for my mum's mental health, that there is a biomedical model belief that is really quite harmful when it's just used in isolation.
Suzy Belmont:What I mean by this is that much of psychiatry is so obsessed with drugs and medication that it completely disregards the question of what happened to you, what happened in your life.
Suzy Belmont:What other root causes might we need to assess before we pump this person full of pills?
Suzy Belmont:In my mum's case, the psychiatrist will happily give her 10 or more pills a day, but he has no idea what trauma she has, or what her past traumas might have been, or what might be the root cause of her suffering.
Suzy Belmont:It's just drugs or nothing.
Suzy Belmont:Those are the two polar opposites and there's nothing in between.
Suzy Belmont:Anyhow, I'm digressing.
Suzy Belmont:I am not saying that we should not have medicine, I am not saying that we should not follow science and things like that, but completely closing our minds to anything other than scientific methods, measuring medicines and discrediting everything that doesn't fall into those categories, that kind of starts to feel like it's just really great marketing by the big pharmaceutical companies, by the big science based companies.
Suzy Belmont:After all, if we all start to realize that other things work too, that will make a big dent in their profits.
Suzy Belmont:And so isn't it logical and better that they push hard on making sure that anything more woo woo is treated with suspicion and dismissed, and that we're educated when we're young to believe that too?
Suzy Belmont:And then we don't find our own solutions.
Suzy Belmont:We don't tap into these more universal laws because we don't believe in them.
Suzy Belmont:But actually, as I've just said, my journey was when I started to tap into those, it opened up new pathways and new areas which worked, which really worked.
Suzy Belmont:And I was like, why didn't I know all this stuff?
Suzy Belmont:So if you haven't had the education and if you haven't learned to open your mindset to this stuff, this can become a real problem if you want to be a successful entrepreneur.
Suzy Belmont:Because having walked the non spiritual and the more spiritual path, I can absolutely confirm that there is definitely a lot of real evidence that understanding this more woo woo spiritual side of entrepreneurship will move the needle just by using external strategy and positive mindset.
Suzy Belmont:That's not enough.
Suzy Belmont:Having a more rounded picture of all the things you might not be able to see and measure is going to help you you.
Suzy Belmont:So hopefully that explains where I'm coming from with this episode.
Suzy Belmont:Let's jump in and talk about the 12 laws of the universe and how you can harness them to improve your business and your life.
Suzy Belmont:Before I do, let me read out the review of the week, which this week comes from Andrea in Singapore, who shared a few of my episodes and tagged me on Instagram saying, thank you Susie, for this amazing podcast episode.
Suzy Belmont:It arrived just when I needed it and you turned my day around and lifted my spirits.
Suzy Belmont:I am so glad you are back back.
Suzy Belmont:And I just want to say thank you back, Andrea, for tagging me and sharing episodes on Instagram, which is my smallest social media channel.
Suzy Belmont:I do need to get around to building that one up.
Suzy Belmont:So do come and say hi to me on Instagram if you don't follow me there.
Suzy Belmont:I'm just over at Susie Belmont.
Suzy Belmont:Okay.
Suzy Belmont:There are 12 laws in total that I want to go through.
Suzy Belmont:But so this episode doesn't get crazy long, I'm going to deal with the first four in this episode and then I'm going to do a second episode for the next eight or the second eight so that it's split into two halves.
Suzy Belmont:And those of you who are then listening when you're walking or driving and you've got sort of short commute, you're not going to get halfway through this episode and then have to find your place all over again.
Suzy Belmont:So we're going to do the first four in this episode and then the second eight in the following episode.
Suzy Belmont:Okay.
Suzy Belmont:Law number one.
Suzy Belmont:Law number one is the law of Divine Oneness.
Suzy Belmont:This is really the foundation stone for all of the other laws because it states that absolutely everything in our universe is interconnected.
Suzy Belmont:It derives from quantum Theory which suggests that there is connection in all creation.
Suzy Belmont:And this law is becoming more and more recognized.
Suzy Belmont:In fact, the Amazon Channel Guidance AIA has programs with leading scientists now talking about this to show that this is true.
Suzy Belmont:This means that your choices, your thinking, your beliefs, your actions are all interconnected with everything around you.
Suzy Belmont:With other people, with other things, with the environment that you are in, and so on.
Suzy Belmont:So just think about this.
Suzy Belmont:Have you ever had a moment when you are sitting in a room and you feel something behind you only to turn around and find someone there?
Suzy Belmont:It's like you are connected to their energy.
Suzy Belmont:It's the same for example, when you have a really weird dream about something or someone only to find out that the thing actually happens a few days later.
Suzy Belmont:That's happened to me loads of times.
Suzy Belmont:Just starting with this point is so huge for those of you who are on your entrepreneurial journey.
Suzy Belmont:Because once you realize that everything that you do, everything that you think you say or you act is connected to other things in the universe, to other people, to your circumstances, to what's going to happen, you realize that you're not just operating in a vacuum.
Suzy Belmont:Whether success comes to you or not is going to be affected by this law.
Suzy Belmont:You are in an interconnected universe in your life and in your business.
Suzy Belmont:So if you know that the customers you want to attract, for example, are interconnected with who you are, it becomes a case of harnessing that to your advantage.
Suzy Belmont:There is no your customers versus you, them versus you.
Suzy Belmont:And just knowing that that alone can make you more compassionate and more accepting of your customer's point of view.
Suzy Belmont:Imagine that when you're on the end of a phone call with a really difficult customer, knowing that everything is interconnected, how you're acting is affecting how they're act.
Suzy Belmont:And how they act affects how you act.
Suzy Belmont:And this law really plays into energetics and frequency as well.
Suzy Belmont:I have a phrase I use a lot about energy and that is that like energy attracts like energy.
Suzy Belmont:So as you think about how you are showing up in life and business, what does it look like?
Suzy Belmont:If you are showing up complaining and not investing in yourself, are you going to attract people with similar energy to you?
Suzy Belmont:Yes.
Suzy Belmont:You can't expect to be complaining and angry and whining all of the time and never investing in yourself or your business or your self development and then attract people who are completely opposite to that, who are very high frequency and spending their money investing in something or investing in you, it doesn't work like that.
Suzy Belmont:They're not going to be an energetic match for you, because you are in a completely different energetic place to them.
Suzy Belmont:So as I often say, understanding you and how and why you are showing up in ways you do is so vital because ultimately you are little more than a mirror.
Suzy Belmont:And what you see externally in your business and in your customers and in your finances is just a reflection of who you are internally, in your thoughts, in your beliefs, and in, most importantly, in your energetic state.
Suzy Belmont:So that is law number one.
Suzy Belmont:Law number two is the law of vibration.
Suzy Belmont:And what this law says is that all matter in the universe, literally everything is made up of particles that vibrate at a certain frequency.
Suzy Belmont:This means literally everything is vibrating at some kind of frequency.
Suzy Belmont:Your thoughts are vibrating at a frequency, your actions are at a frequency.
Suzy Belmont:The shoes where you're sitting, your table, your car, they all have their own specific energetic frequency that's interacting with other frequencies or other things around it.
Suzy Belmont:So your thoughts, for example, whether negative or positive about something, will vibrate at a frequency that has a certain energy.
Suzy Belmont:Those vibrations will then be attracted or repelled from other particles, depending on how similar or distance those vibration frequencies are.
Suzy Belmont:That means that things that are vibrating at the same frequency are likely to be attracted together.
Suzy Belmont:They're likely to resonate and pull towards one another, another.
Suzy Belmont:Now this is one of the laws I wish I had known about way, way, way a long time ago when I used to get into a really negative spiral with a situation at work.
Suzy Belmont:Maybe something didn't go the way I wanted it to, or maybe something was really difficult to handle my vibration, my frequency would have been reduced to a certain level without then consciously or subconsciously changing that.
Suzy Belmont:I would then attract other things at that low level too.
Suzy Belmont:And at the end of the day, your energetic frequency is everything when it comes to who you are, are to what you manifest in your life, in your business.
Suzy Belmont:And so thinking about what frequency are you vibrating at, what energetic state are you in, Are you in a low energetic state or high energetic state?
Suzy Belmont:Not only is that what is being attracted to you, but it's also producing your actions.
Suzy Belmont:If you are in a low frequency, you're going to do things differently to when you're in a high frequency.
Suzy Belmont:And that's really important to take on board.
Suzy Belmont:It also leads me onto law number three, and that is the law of attraction.
Suzy Belmont:This law expands on the law of vibration and says that like attracts like.
Suzy Belmont:So if you want to have more of the things that you desire in your entrepreneurial life, you have to work out how to vibrate on the same frequency as those Things you have to learn to become an energetic match for what it is that you seek.
Suzy Belmont:And that means becoming an energetic match right now, not after you have received the thing that you seek.
Suzy Belmont:So take money.
Suzy Belmont:Take money.
Suzy Belmont:Money has got its own unique frequency.
Suzy Belmont:Let's imagine for a moment that's quite a high frequency.
Suzy Belmont:So if you spend your days focused on lack, focused on not having enough, focused on scarcity, on anger, on shame, on res, which are all very low frequencies, then you're going to be constantly vibrating yourself on a low, negative frequency.
Suzy Belmont:Do you think then that you're going to attract money or you're going to repel money if it's a higher frequency thing in the universe?
Suzy Belmont:Now, I'm not advocating for some kind of fake positivity here.
Suzy Belmont:That doesn't work.
Suzy Belmont:That's not true either.
Suzy Belmont:That's not the right thing to do.
Suzy Belmont:But one of the things that I ensure that I do with my clients is get them to really deeply understand how this works from an energetic perspective.
Suzy Belmont:And if you're one of my clients listening, you'll know that that's a big part of how I first get you to with me, I get you to understand in a very deep way how all of this works.
Suzy Belmont:Let me give you another example here, because you see this outside of your working life too.
Suzy Belmont:If you know someone in your world who is constantly negative, constantly complaining, constantly pessimistic, do they tend to attract people and things into their world that are positive?
Suzy Belmont:No, they don't.
Suzy Belmont:They tend to attract more of the same, more negativity, more complaining, more downward spiral.
Suzy Belmont:They dig a hole and it gets deeper and deeper, deeper.
Suzy Belmont:Conversely, if you focus on you and your inner journey when you're building your business and you are grateful, you're trusting, you're authentic, you're proactive, and you look at why things are happening for you, not why things are happening to you, even your mistakes.
Suzy Belmont:And then you can also let that ripple into how you view other people.
Suzy Belmont:You tend to attract more of this same higher frequency thing, people who are grateful and trusting and proactive and taking the steps that match the kind of steps that you're taking, taking, you tend to be out of the drama circle because it just doesn't show up as much in your world because that's a much lower frequency.
Suzy Belmont:And again, I can speak really personally here in my world behind the scenes.
Suzy Belmont:I have a handful of clients I work with on a one to one basis, not many as I tend to work on digital programs.
Suzy Belmont:And whilst I've been working on My masters and various other things.
Suzy Belmont:I've kept a lower level of client work, but every now and again someone pops up and they are a really good fit and I do almost no marketing for this.
Suzy Belmont:These people almost always reach out to me, not the other way around or someone I've worked with tells them about me and they reach out to me that way.
Suzy Belmont:And I firmly believe that this is a frequency thing.
Suzy Belmont:When I get a DM or an email or a form completed for my one to one, I can really tell whether someone is really, really wanting to work with me.
Suzy Belmont:Because I'm looking for those people who are action takers, those who want to step into their next level, those who need a coach and a mentor to hold the space for them and keep them in a higher frequency to facilitate next level growth in their business.
Suzy Belmont:And it means I almost always end up not only clients who have massive personal and business transformations, but also clients who are also determined to be self empowered and just wanting to know more about how to empower themselves.
Suzy Belmont:They learn that they are able to rise on an energetic level and an energetic frequency level where they are in control and then they learn to lead themselves through obstacles that they have in their life and in their business.
Suzy Belmont: rsely, if I go Back to around: Suzy Belmont:And back then I used to fall right into it and I'd spend time analyzing and working out what it was all about and I used to read the comments and then I talk about them with other people saying what do I do about this?
Suzy Belmont:And I kind of generate energy around that and I think about how I handled that situation then and how it would be so different now if that happened.
Suzy Belmont:Now honestly the first thing I would do is ask myself what frequency am I on in my body business?
Suzy Belmont:Am I bitching?
Suzy Belmont:Am I being negative?
Suzy Belmont:Am I being judgmental?
Suzy Belmont:Am I posting judgmental comments?
Suzy Belmont:Because if I am, I'm going to attract people in exactly that frequency.
Suzy Belmont:And I see this quite a lot on social media.
Suzy Belmont:People post things like, you know, what really pisses me off or you know, what really annoys me and then they seek support for their point of view in the comments.
Suzy Belmont:I've done it myself many times and it's particularly if I'm tired or my vibration Drops.
Suzy Belmont:Although I almost never join in conversations online based on comments like, you know what most annoys me?
Suzy Belmont:Because those kind of comments, they're like energetic Dyson sucking all of the life out of you on a quantum level.
Suzy Belmont:So I just avoid those and curate my feed so that I don't see those very much.
Suzy Belmont:But imagine I was.
Suzy Belmont:Imagine I was getting involved.
Suzy Belmont:Or imagine it's you and you're getting involved.
Suzy Belmont:Imagine you are posting and getting involved in really low energy jabs and arguments online.
Suzy Belmont:What would you have done if you did that?
Suzy Belmont:Your vibration and your frequency would be lower and then maybe 100 people would comment on the post, agreeing or disagreeing, and your energy and vibration would adjust to match it.
Suzy Belmont:And then it's like a magnet attracting more and more of the same and before you know it you're proclaiming, oh, I hate Facebook, or I hate TikTok, or I hate Instagram.
Suzy Belmont:It's also negative, but you know that it isn't really.
Suzy Belmont:You just have to be really intentional on how you curate your own feed and whether you're going to get pulled into a lower frequency and get pulled down by that, because it's going to change your actions.
Suzy Belmont:Allowing any energy into your space isn't great.
Suzy Belmont:You have to learn to set boundaries, asking yourself, how is this going to work for me?
Suzy Belmont:And if it isn't going to work for you in any way, the boundary is to walk away.
Suzy Belmont:Now, sometimes there are bigger issues that come up online, but it's still the same thing.
Suzy Belmont:This is not about false, toxic positivity.
Suzy Belmont:It's not about ignoring people.
Suzy Belmont:This is about you deciding where your boundaries are and choosing how you want to show up in every space and whether that identity is one that is an energetic match for what you're seeking.
Suzy Belmont:You don't have to get involved in conversations that don't match where you want to be.
Suzy Belmont:It's all a choice.
Suzy Belmont:And you won't always get this right.
Suzy Belmont:I don't.
Suzy Belmont:I'm not perfect.
Suzy Belmont:And sometimes I do post things at a lower, energetic frequency.
Suzy Belmont:Especially if there's some kind of external influencer like tiredness or illness that's impacting me.
Suzy Belmont:But that's okay.
Suzy Belmont:There are no ultimate mistakes.
Suzy Belmont:It's all just a journey to learn what works and what doesn't for you.
Suzy Belmont:And ultimately, it's also a journey for you of self mastery.
Suzy Belmont:Remember, self mastery is not about perfection.
Suzy Belmont:It's about choice.
Suzy Belmont:It's about awareness and choice.
Suzy Belmont:Okay, so law number four.
Suzy Belmont:This is the law of correspondence.
Suzy Belmont:And this next law is sometimes Called the law of patterns.
Suzy Belmont:That's how I remember it.
Suzy Belmont:And this law says that patterns repeat throughout the universe.
Suzy Belmont:Universe.
Suzy Belmont:You see this in everything from ripples on water to patterns on magnets with metal chippings, to patterns in flower and nature.
Suzy Belmont:And on that note, if you have never watched the water videos, the videos of water patterns responding to music, it will absolutely blow your mind.
Suzy Belmont:Dr.
Suzy Belmont:Mazuru Emoto did some patterns or did some experiments on water molecular structure and showed that patterns made at molecular level could be influenced and changed by positive and negative words or even positive and negative thoughts and intentions, quite literally.
Suzy Belmont:Depending on whether there were negative or positive words or intentions, the water crystals would change from looking beautiful and symmetrical with positive words and really awful and non symmetrical and kind of toxic looking with negative words.
Suzy Belmont:And if you haven't seen that, you kind of got to see it.
Suzy Belmont:I will locate a video for this and I will add it to the blog post on my website or the show notes for this podcast episode so you can go and find that over over on my website.
Suzy Belmont: ill be podcast episode number: Suzy Belmont:Have a look at that and think about if that's happening on a kind of molecular level with water and you are almost entirely made of water.
Suzy Belmont:What's happening inside of you when you are using negative words or when you're hearing them from other people and how much would that change if you just changed your self talk, for example, so that it was more full of gratitude, it was more full of positive thoughts, it was more full of not fake positivity but authentic gratitude, how that might change your molecular strength structure.
Suzy Belmont:It's funny because this makes me think of the phrase that my nana used to use when I was little and she would say sticks and stones would break my bones, but names would never hurt me.
Suzy Belmont:She would talk like that when I was being bullied at school or people were calling me names.
Suzy Belmont:It turns out she wasn't right on that one when she said sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you.
Suzy Belmont:As the water experiments show.
Suzy Belmont:Words, matter and harmful words really affect your molecular structure and the molecular structure around you on a quantum level.
Suzy Belmont:Go have a look at the videos on the blog post and you'll see what I mean.
Suzy Belmont:I will also add a link to a book because there's a book called Hidden Messages in Water and I'll add that on the same post so that you can see and read about this if it interests you.
Suzy Belmont:Now I've gone a little bit off topic as I was talking about the law of patterns and how patterns repeat through the universe.
Suzy Belmont:But what about you?
Suzy Belmont:This law says that on a personal level, what is happening on the outside in your life and business is a direct reflection of what is going on on your inside.
Suzy Belmont:In other words, as within, so without out, as above, so below.
Suzy Belmont:And this is the very reason I refer to my business work as inside out.
Suzy Belmont:And this podcast is called the Inside Out Entrepreneur.
Suzy Belmont:You see, I feel so strongly about building a business from the inside out that I really believe that if your inner world is in turmoil and in a mess, your outer world will be too.
Suzy Belmont:And so if your life and your business are in chaos on the outside, it's because there is fear and chaos on the inside.
Suzy Belmont:Conversely, when everything is calm and grounded, it is reflecting a more calm and grounded inside.
Suzy Belmont:Which is again the very reason I work with my, my clients on this inside approach first, before we do any additional work on the outside side of their business or if they are working on the external stuff.
Suzy Belmont:If you as a client are working on the external strategy, my work on the inside ensures that you actually show up and implement it as it's always your inner world that stops you getting the results, stops you taking actions on your strategy.
Suzy Belmont:It's never the external stuff.
Suzy Belmont:When you build your business from the inside out, prioritizing your inner world, learning as much as what you're doing for your external strategy means that everything starts to flow as real success in business and money is found in who you are, not what you do.
Suzy Belmont:When you know who you are in business, everything starts to flow, it becomes easier, there's less resistance.
Suzy Belmont:And when the resistance or fears do rear up, my clients in my programs, my clients that I've worked with one to one, know exactly how to handle it so it doesn't derail them and they don't fall into the trap of losing their way, self sabotaging, or even destroying what they've done.
Suzy Belmont:Now, I'm going to stop here for this episode.
Suzy Belmont:I think you've kind of grasped what I'm talking about here.
Suzy Belmont:And we're covered four of the Universal Laws of success so far.
Suzy Belmont:The next eight will be in the next episode, which I will release pretty much at the same time as this one.
Suzy Belmont:So if you want to go straight onto that one, you can listen to that.
Suzy Belmont:Now if you don't, you just listen to it next time you pick up the podcast.
Suzy Belmont:See you next time.