In this episode, Kellan talks about the fourth of 5 commitments - Energize. Kellan defines Energize as “to endow with desire.”
Kellan reminds us that we are often unaware of people’s circumstances. As we become more aware of those things, we have the opportunity to Energize them to endure and overcome adversity.
In order to energize someone else, Kellan tells us that we need to be energised; we can’t give away something we don’t have.
Kellan challenges us to pick 3 people, and to figure out how we can endow them with desire. By energising others to also add goodness to the world, you’re on your way to creating Your Ultimate Life.
Key Takeaways:
“We can have desires that are uplifting and create good and helpful stuff, and we can have desires that are selfish and unkind or even cruel.”
“The ultimate life is not created in isolation. It’s created by building your own reservoir of love, and pouring it out freely all over the place in unreserved measure.”