The Pact & Boon is an actual play D&D 5e show set in the home-brew world of Calignos! In a world plagued by a mysterious lethargy, humanoids and beasts twist into monstrous forms across the continent of Rel. Amidst this chaos, an unlikely band of adventurers unite in the fiery depths of the 9 hells, fighting for survival against unfathomable odds.
Check our other podcasts out at:
Join our discord (The Guild) for behind the scenes, tips, and a community of dungeon masters:
Like the music and sound effects in our episodes? It is thanks to our sponsors: Monument Studios who support us with their new app Fantasy+!
Fantasy+ is an amazing application that allows dungeon masters to set the tone of their world with hundreds of hours of music, ambience, and sound effects. Check it out now for only $4.99/ month! Use code BETTERDM for 10% off your first month.
Need some source material? Use our discount code PACT&BOON10 for 10% off your purchase for Roll & Play Press!
Another special thanks to Painting Fantasms, who is another sponsor of the show that provides us with dope custom miniatures. Check out his work here:
Check out Sterling Makes for cool handcrafted D&D supplies like our death save tray:
Mentioned in this episode:
Check out Our other Show How to Be a Better Dm
Well, that could have gone better… You might have thought that while cleaning up after DMing a session in your D&D campaign.
It’s ok. We’ve all been there. That’s actually why we created our other show, How to Be a Better DM. We wanted to share weekly tips and techniques to make every session better, and make DMing more fun and easier for everyone. If you want that kind of help along the way, go to and make your session easier, cheaper and more fun. Make every session great.
How to Be a Better DM
You can Get the Minis We Use On The Show
Did you know that you can fight the very monsters we fight here on The Pact and Boon.
Go to and give some love to our friend Charlie Reeder who has been so kind to custom make us the minis that we use in our show. Thanks Charlie and to the rest of you, what are you doing? Go get those creepy scary disturbing minis to play in your own campaigns at home so that we’re not the only ones with emotional scars.
Go to and get yours today.
We're taking a Small Break
Hey There Boonies
We just wanted to let you know that we will be putting a pause on releasing new episodes for a short period until August 16th 2024.
Make sure to join our free Discord to get notified when new episodes are released.
Brought to you by Session 0 Studios
For more information, visit