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Robin Sherman - Freeing Mid-lifers to Break Limits and Find Fulfillment
Episode 2246th February 2024 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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In this insightful episode, we meet transformational coach Robin Sherman. Robin emphasizes the transformative power of meditation, particularly through primordial sound meditation. She highlights breaking free from negative thought patterns and the ripple effect of personal change on individuals and the world.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Robin Sherman. Robin is a transformational.


Coach and a happiness trainer. She's all about getting happy from the inside out.


She helps Midlifers break free from self, defeating habits, limiting beliefs, unhealthy thought patterns, and enabling them to find their missing pieces and enjoy deeper fulfillment and thrive like never before. I like your term mid lifers never that before.


Welcome to the show, Robin. It's nice to have you here.


Thanks for having me, Jill. I'm happy to be here.


So how did you get?


Started in all of this, tell us your story.


Gee, you know.


It started as a as a child, I always was intuitive and you know, just my whole.


My whole childhood from, you know, childhood through my adolescence, into much of my adulthood, you know, it all followed me. Some of the neglect that I grew up with, and I was always somebody that.


You know, early on I used to seek out self help books and always had an interest in holistic health.


And I started out in the corporate world for 15 years because that's where I went to so I could leave home and make money. And I did. I was very successful. But it just wasn't for me. And then I got into body work and I was a neuromuscular. My official body worker. I helped a lot of people.


You know.


I should back up a little before that. Umm, when I was in the corporate world and here I was so successful. I thought, you know, there's something missing.


And I went and I found a therapist. I interviewed a couple different ones until I felt like 1 resonated with me.


And I was actually with him for years, and he helped me to understand what had happened.


And it was great. It was very good therapist. And I did get a lot out of it, but I always felt that there was something missing and.


I started meditating years ago with Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey and their guided meditations. And you know, when I did it, it was great and I was inconsistent. And as my our son got older, I decided.


And I also had surgery and became partially paralyzed on my left side. It was hard for.


Me to do.


Body work. I decided there has to be more to meditation and I still felt that, you know, I would still notice patterns that didn't feel good to me.


And so.


I ended up, you know, taking a meditation course through Deepak.


And then became certified and.


The significant changes in my life.


Really opened my eyes. It's a powerful tool.


And that led me into Ayurveda and then coaching.


And so here I am, and I've always loved to help people. I mean, that's why I was in body work for so many years. I helped a lot of people avoid surgery.


You know, and I just, I love to help people and I have my own life experience.


What kind of body work were you doing?


I don't think I've ever.


Myofascial and neuromuscular, you know, deeper neuromuscular work. Do you ever hear of trigger point therapy?


What does that mean?


Pretty much, you know you're working on deep muscles and trigger points. Myofascial fascia is if you've ever cut open a chicken and you see that thin membrane. Well, that's fascia and that covers everything in our body. All of our organs and.


It, and if it's just like if you would pull a sweater at either end, it distorts it.


And when your fascia is tight.


It distorts everything in your body. I mean so.


It puts thousands of pounds of pressure on organs and muscles and that's why people have so much pain often.


And so releasing that and releasing those trigger points in the muscles and right near the tendons makes a big difference, you know.


How would you know if?


You had type Asha.


Most people, most of us do, I mean just by.


Our everyday living and our body mechanics and the way we walk. And how would you know?


If you have chronic physical pain, often it could come from your from the fascia and your muscles. You know, even sometimes people who think they have arthritis can get a lot of relief. Sometimes they don't even have arthritis. It could be caused from, you know, muscular pain. And from the fascia because it pulls in all those.


Joints I mean.


How do you know? How do our bones move? You know, through our muscles.


And if they get restricted?


If things aren't, aren't.


Aren't working aren't flowing.


I've never heard of that. It just looks so fascinating to me so.


You know what and.


The thing is, when you work with body work.


People come in and most people with body work. There's a lot of emotional stuff that comes up with that.


And so I felt like I was coaching way back then before I ever even knew what a coach do.


You know, and I had also been through therapy, so it followed suit that, you know, it led me down to the road to the meditation and coaching.


So does your coaching now how? How do you do your coaching? Is it in groups or is it one-on-one?


It's about.


OK. And it's mostly online, right?


Excuse me.


It's mostly online, correct?


Yes, most of the Coachings are online and I do teach meditation. I just got done teaching. Of course, in person I just got done teaching a master class in person.


So I am going to be doing more of that, but I prefer to do the coaching online.


OK. And so you're just.


You're teaching just meditation. Or is it like?


How does your coaching look? Let's ask it that way.


I could look. Let's see. I start off. I blend the tools that I use, which is meditation, IR beta and then I have 4 cornerstones.


That that I work with and I start off with, you know, for your purpose, you know, what's your true north? What are your real desires? What are your values and what you know, what's your mission in life? And so I start off, we start off with that and I and then we also start off with.


The meaning, you know, what kind of stories?


Are you telling yourself?


What are your thought patterns? You know what's not serving you and what is serving you right now. So we try to, you know.


Free my clients from the endless mind chatter that doesn't serve them.


And learn how to do that.


And now we have 60 to 80,000 thoughts a day.


And did you know that 90% of those thoughts we've had yesterday, the day before the week before or the month before and 80% of those are negative?


So, you know, learning how to free yourself from that is.


It makes such a huge difference. It's just the art of catching yourself when you're.


Running into that loop.


Like there's triggers that we all have that cause us to start down paths that don't serve us, don't serve anybody. They're just this negative.


Energy thing that we.


Just kind of find ourselves in if we're not consciously looking to change those habits and they're really just thought habits.


And those thought habits? Yes, there's thought habits can make.


Our lives miserable.


You know and.


The way I look at coaching and meditation and you know when we take care of ourselves.


Not only do we take care of ourselves, we take care of those we love and we take care of the world. Because when we have those thought patterns, you know how we behave and the choices we make reflect.


From that.


So it's very important.


To learn how to.


Be able to, you know, stop those.


Thought patterns and replace them.


Yeah, it's.


It's amazing. I've seen first hand how much it changes.


Just how you feel if you have negative thought patterns they affect your relationships, they affect your health, your organs.


Just everything about who you are is controlled by your thoughts, and if you if you change your thought the way that you think and.


The opposite can happen. You can have phenomenal health and you can have like opportunities that.


I was, I would say that you can't imagine, but if you can imagine them, those opportunities can happen for you. And there's a lot of science behind that. It's it sounds woo, but it's really it's really science it's like.


It's so much of those modalities that people.


Scoff at are.


Coming up with more and more evidence.


To prove that.


It it's what forms reality for you. What you think about forms your reality.


Certainly does. And you know, I think one way to bring presence to it is to think.


Of it this.


Way you know certain thoughts you're having or ways choices you're making, or ways that you might be behaving. Does it make you vibrate low or vibrate high?




And feeling that you know the connection between your brain and your gut, just like how is, how is the rest of my body feeling with this decision or with these thoughts? Because they are our emotions create chemical reactions in our bodies that create a physical response.


Every time it's not like some of the time it's every time, you know, sometimes we cry. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we shake uncontrollably and don't understand why.


It's hormones. They're doing something for you. They're wanting you to behave in a different way. They're trying to evoke something from you or teach you something or.


Yes, there's so many lessons that we, you know, we don't pay attention to it.


If we really do.


If we pay attention to some of these signals, you know it leads us down the path we're supposed to go.


And where most people have been trained to just go talk to their doctor when they're not feeling right or when something is hurting or causing them discomfort. And most doctors aren't really trained to look at the underlying.


Cause of why you're experiencing these things, they can just give you chemicals that will mask it so you can get on with doing whatever you were doing that was.


Causing these problems.


To begin with.


Most doctors are trained that way, you know, with the protocol. Unfortunately, now there are some, you know, functional doctors out there. Some.


That, you know, want to look at the whole body and they realize the emotions have.


And your thoughts have almost everything to do with what's going on.


Yeah. When they tell you it's all in your head, they're absolutely right. It is all in your head. It starts there and it can be causing.


Any number of physical issues in your body, it's probably can be directly related to your thoughts, your thought patterns, the way that you think about things in life in general and.


Just like.


It makes me excited because I see so many coaches coming forward and providing support to these people and it I just know first hand how much it can change someone's life if they just get control of the way they're thinking and meditation is.


The line.


It's powerful. It is powerful because I went through that before coaching and.


I was just absolutely amazed and amazed that you know, here I live in the house with my husband and son who were not meditating, but because I was.


It started to change then.


Because it was changing dynamics and then, you know, I taught them meditating and.


They don't do it as much as I do, but they do. And my sons in college and you know, he has found it helpful, but it's a it is a powerful tool.


I am so thankful.


That you know, my path led me to that.


Enter the code.


They can help you.


Yeah, and it can help you in in areas that are.


Like you might not think about it, but even.


Since I've been meditating, my sleep has been able to be improved because you can you can take yourself to a place.


Where you can recognize what's happening in your brain wave patterns and you.


Can shift it.


So that you can relax and just fall asleep, whereas when you just live.


When you're just living and I use that term loosely because I don't really think people that go through life unintentionally are really living to their fullest extent, they're just existing. But if you can TuneIn to what's going on in your head.


And control some of that. And meditation is a great way to just get in touch with what's happening up there just to stop and it's not.


Not so much. Not thinking of anything.


Though that's part of it, but.


Your brain to.


Focus on something.


1.1 thing breathing.


Is that what kind of meditation?


You do. You follow breath.


Sometimes I do that, sometimes I do guided meditation, sometimes I.


Times I just sit still and listen and see what comes up like.


There's so many ways to do it.


So how do you how do you work with people as far as meditation goes? Is it guided? Is it still? What are? What are?


My I got certified through Chopra and it was it's called primordial sound meditation and.


Your thoughts on that?


I always call it Mont silent mantra meditation and what's happened is you are given.


Your specific mantra based on the day you were born, the time you were born and where you were born.


And it's in Sanskrit.


And there's, you know, there's.


Three parts to the mantra. And when you, you know, Sanskrit is like a vibratory.


Alphabet, so to speak, and it's been around for thousands of years. And when you silently repeat this mantra, it's more of a vibration primordial sound. So it's the sound that the universe was making at the time. And what you that you were born and where you were born.


And this is all very true. So many people think it's pokey and it's not primordial sounds. Are the vibration of the universe. And so what's that that does is as you, you know, realize that you're thinking thoughts are making a shopping list when you're meditating, you just gently come back to your mantra.


And it helps to calm down your nervous system.


And the thought being from the sound, the universe was making when you were born to bring you back to your unconditioned self.


And then you know.


It's very interesting. I love teaching the class and the people that show up for the class.


Are I really enjoy them?


You know, people are ready for change when they come to that.


And there's something to be said for having clients that are ready.


They're your people.


They are. They are my people.


That's fascinating. I never knew that about.


The vibrational part.


There is a special and I've been trying to look for it. It was on Netflix.


Or Amazon. And it was about primordial sounds, and it was very interesting. It's a documentary.


And I can't find it. We it was, I don't know, maybe three years ago that it was out there and it has to be there somewhere.


I'll go look that up, too. It's so fascinating. I know that vibrations can heal organs and your body in general or in your thoughts. And it's just because everything is vibrations. It's all energy. Energy is vibration by definition, and it's all electrons.


Which is.


Vibrations and it's how everything is put together. It's how everything interacts and everything is always vibrating. And we talk about, you know, high or low vibrations, but.


It's a real thing. It's. It's how your molecules that create the physical physicality.


Of who you.


Are, are interacting with each other which?


In turn is generating energy through your whole body, and if you can control that through meditation and using the mantra is like if that's what mantras are and I never knew that. It just looks so fascinating, Robin, you've just taught me so many new things today.


You know and for.


People who think it's hooky, I want, like, you can think of it like this.


When somebody yells.


How does your body feel? Do you, you know, constrict yes. Do you want to run away? Yes. And when somebody laughs or says I love you or you know there's joy.


How does your body feel? Talk about a vibration?


And so anybody thinks it's hokey. I want them to take a look at it. Think of that and.


Think of it that way.


And then there's the.


The work that UM.


Oh, I can't remember his name, but he, the Japanese gentleman who did all the.


Work on water.


And talking to water nicely, it forms one way, and if you talk to water and in a different way it will suck or it forms really.


Ugly crystals.


And there's the stuff about plants. When you talk to plants, they grow and flourish. And if you yell at them, they shrink and die. It's because they're mostly water and human beings are mostly water. So whether you talk to yourself or other people are talking to you, it's really important that you're around.


People that are speaking.


Positive things into the world because it really does affect how you how you feel and.


Yes, and you know that's how.


We can all make a difference by taking care of ourselves, because then how we come out into the world changes the world that way.


Yeah, and your example with your.


Our work so important.


It is really important and you know, just changing one person changes the people around them and those people change like your son. He's in college now. He's interacting with a whole different circle of people. But because you changed yourself, his interactions are going to be different.


And your husband? If he goes to work, you know, the people that he's around, he's changing.


And so, and then they're changing, and the next people are changing. And it just like mushrooms out in such a.


Such a cool way that's really.


It really does.


And just what you're doing, you're bringing, you know, all these transformational, you know, coaches and leaders into your podcast. So people can listen and hear. And so you're changing the world.


You know, I love this work.


I love it too. It's just to me it's.


It's. It just speaks to the possibilities.


That the world.


Really can be kinder, gentler and more sustainable for us all if we would just all take some time and do what's best for us.


OK. Because if we change ourselves, we're changing everything, which is just like.


So cool.


You know, it reminds me of in the end of meditation, there was 4 intentions that I say and. And, you know, I was.


Taught this and one of them is it's my favorite one lightness of being.


Right. Because we tend to get.


Put so much meaning and be so serious over so many things that don't really matter and aren't even really true.


And it's just a good reminder, lightness of being.


I love that. And you're right. So many things that we focus on that cause us to become stuck in our lives, there's not even real. Nothing is really real unless we create it with our imaginations and.


If what you're experiencing isn't the life that you dream of, then you need.


To start imagining better.


And get the guidance to help you too.


Right, right. Because it's available now and it hasn't always been the case, you know, just like five years ago when I was looking around trying to get help, I couldn't find anybody.


I live in a small community, but I couldn't even find a therapist. There just was no one and you couldn't find people online because, you know, coaching really wasn't.


It wasn't a thing five years ago. Not like it is now.


Yeah, I didn't believe I was. I heard of it and I thought, well, what's that? But. And I had had therapy for a lot of years, and I did have a good therapist. And I have to say therapy and coaching is very different.


Yeah, they are.


You know, therapy, to me, this is my the way I.


Look at it.


Is therapy helps us, helps us understand how we got where we are and coaching helps us get to where we.


Want to go?


Yeah, I like that. It's so true because.


And well, I think you do need to.


Look sometimes out.


How you got?


In this situation, so you don't get there again.


Absolutely, absolutely. I think both are good. It just depends where you're at and what's needed at the time.


Yeah, and hiring a coach is.


It's a no brainer if you if your car is having problems and you're not a mechanic, you take it to the car shop because they're an expert in that area and it.


You need help with, you know, your mental health.


If you're not happy, you've got mental health problems, I'm sorry.


That's just reality for me.


And I think most anybody could use.


Help along the way and there was nothing weak about getting help. That means that shows strength.


And I think more people see that now then you know, like you said, five years ago or even when I started therapy years ago, that was sort of like a, you know, yeah, exactly.


There's something wrong with you that you need help.


And even if you did go to a therapist like I can remember going to a.


Therapist and a couple of different times in my life. But I didn't even know what to do with them. It's like I don't.


I am so lost. I have no idea or what I need to ask you or what to do and I didn't really get the feeling that.


They knew either like, OK.


So I'll just stay stuck in this spot.


The one was when I first gotten divorced and I was just like.


I think.


That was really lost.


Yeah. You know, when I.


Went to look for a therapist. Years ago. I clearly remember I went to a couple different ones, you know, and they usually you would have a session of complimentary session to see if you would work together. And when I came across this therapist David.


He we were talking about, you know, a little bit about my childhood.


And I said something and he responded back and it was like the first time in my life that I felt that somebody understood.


And I totally connected and I knew that he was the therapist for me and I didn't have to think about.


What would? What would I say or what do I talk about it just, you know, when I it just happened. It was very validating for me and which is why you know miss, all coaches including myself have a complimentary session because it's important to see.


You know, if you're a fit, if you can work together.


It it's really important and.


And it's for both sides. You know, the person coming to you may not feel you're a great fit or may feel that you're a great.


Fit, but you might feel like.


No, this person's not my person.


And but you can give them you know.


Other options too, but it is a great way to see whether you can act.


Or not. I know that you have.


A guide that you give to people, it's called.


Happiness habits you want to.


Talk about that for a minute.


Yeah. So I took a class, became certified through Marcy Shimoff from for Happy New for no reason. And so this happiness checklist that I have is, you know, a checklist about different happiness habits that you can start to.


That help your inner happiness, because our inner happiness creates our outer happiness, you know.


It's all about.


You know, when people think of happy, they think of, you know, a lot of money or all the external things and you know.


It's great to have those things, but it's great to have them when we all and when we're already happy from the inside out, because then we bring our happiness to that rather than, you know, those are not long term happiness. So that's what this happiness checklist is about.


That's great and people can find it on your website.


Yes, if they go on to my website and they e-mail me, I will send them a copy.


That's wonderful. And your



And we'll put that in the show notes. So Robin, what's the one thing you want to leave the audience with today?


Well, I guess I would like to say, you know.


If you think that your situation, if things will never change, I'm here to tell you that that's not true.


You can there are options in life and you can choose the options that you want and you can change your life.


A lot of things happen to, you know, a lot of people that are hard.


And unfortunately, that is life.


That, but we can we can change.


You know we can evolve.


And we can even be happy in the midst of this chaos.


And you can release a lot of those feelings that you think you never can get rid of.


Just that there's.


That's still a powering.


There's options for people and.


You know, I would just like to, I want to inspire people to.


Be able to you know.


Grab those options, allow themselves to feel a little discomfort.


So that way they can release it.


That makes.


Makes total sense. It's an empowering, empowering thought that everyone has options and.


You have.


The power to make changes in your life and helps available if you need it.


Yes, there's a lot of different lot of great.


Avenues and a lot of great coaches and therapists.


And just start somewhere little by little.


Yeah, but do start.


Yes, start moving forward is the best way.


To get unstuck.


To just, you know, make a choice and take.


That it is.


One baby step at a time.


Thank you so much for joining me today, Robin.


Thanks for having me. This was wonderful.


It was.



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