One of the most challenging aspects of insurance planning is determining how much coverage you need. Buy too little insurance and you won’t have enough to get through a tough situation when you actually need it to do its job the most. Buy too much insurance and you’re wasting money every month on premiums when you could be saving more for retirement or another long-term goal.
In this episode, Mike Zhang, our Insurance Specialist, shares the must-have insurance you need at the different life stages (yes, they vary at every stage and hence it's important to do an insurance review regularly) as well as key considerations to take before you purchase your next insurance policy.
Meanwhile, stay tune for the next episode where Mike shares his expert opinions on a relatively debatable topic - Investment-linked Policies (ILP)!
The host, Isaac Ong, is Associate Adviser at Providend, Singapore’s First Fee-Only Wealth Advisory Firm.
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