41: Building Staff Loyalty with Christian Chasmer
18th December 2018 • Create Your Own Salary (previously Business Breakthrough) • Estie Starr
00:00:00 00:53:07

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Want your business to be an asset instead of a job? That’s Christian’s specialty. This 26-year-old has already created and sold two 7-figure companies by systemizing leadership. In today’s episode he teaches us how to free ourselves from the “job” shackles that entrepreneurship can sometimes place by building the best, and most loyal, teams who act as if they were us in the field due to the systems put in place.


My Guest: Christian Chasmer

Christian Chasmer empowers entrepreneurs to live their best life so that they can impact the world. At 26-years-old, this young entrepreneur has already built two successful 7-figure companies.

Starting in college, he built a franchise from $0 to $1.2 million in annual revenue. He then co-founded the real estate development company CC Solutions and grew it to $6 million in revenue in under 2 years. He’s also the author of the #1 best selling book Lose the Limits: Break your limiting beliefs, become a more productive you, achieve everything you want in life.

The secret to his success lies in the systems he uses for both his personal life and his businesses.


Pivotal Moments:

Raised by a single mom in a small town in New Jersey where you had to become a banker or lawyer if you wanted to make money.
Was applying to law school in his junior year of college when he got flyer on his desk from an internship franchise company, Student Painter, opening up the idea to become an entrepreneur.
Enrolled in the internship and created his own franchise, painting exterior walls in South Carolina’s summer heat, a very hot experience which taught him how to run a business.
Moved up to Boston and created a division there, using systematic leadership to bring it up to $1.2 million in ten months.
Wanted to get into the big leagues so left Student Painters and started CC Solutions, a real estate development company.
Sold his real estate company to his partner and opened his own company, Elevate, which helps entrepreneurs to build companies using systematic leadership.


The Advice:

Christian’s five steps to becoming an effective leader:
  • Step 1: Recognize the Weaknesses: When something goes wrong in your business, realize that in order to be an effective leader, you need to recognize the difficulties and inefficiencies that result from your weak leadership.
  • Step 2: Shift the Mindset: Instead of focusing on yourself, or on the business, focus on your people and put them in a position to develop their personal goals and ambitions. Talk to them about themselves, their personal development, their purpose, values and goals to create a loyal workforce that will perform better for your company.
  • Step 3: Create Structures: Document and systemize every part of your process so that your staff are informed and have a clear structure to follow.
  • Step 4: Measure Performance: If it doesn’t get better, it doesn’t get done. Every part of the process needs to be measured so that it is clear where things are going wrong and where extra training is needed.
  • Step 5: Move Up: Work on constantly improving your systems and processes. Eventually you will be systemized out of the front line, allowing you to work with the managers on the development of the business while everyone else is following the system.

People are loyal to those who care about them. If you don’t want your people to leave, treat them so well that they will never want to leave.

Small businesses need to be modularly profitable. Big businesses can afford loss leaders, but small business owners need to make money from every part of the business. Figure out the fastest way to the profit with the lowest risk, so that you don’t go months without cash. Picture the journey like crossing a jungle – you want to take the biggest leaps with the smallest risk so that you can get out as fast as you can, without risking your life.


The Struggle:

Christian opened his new company, Elevate, about 5 months ago and he is still trying to figure out how to brand his firm. He struggles with verbalizing what he does so that people can immediately envision what they will be getting from him. It’s easy to imagine what you will be getting from an ice cream store or a lead generator, but it’s much harder to imagine what you will be getting from a coaching company. What tagline can Christian use to get his message across is a clear and catchy way?


The Breakthrough:

The tagline that fits Christian’s main offering to entrepreneurs is:
“Turn your business into an asset instead of a job”
Many entrepreneurs struggle with making their work a worthwhile and profitable endeavor without it taking over their life. This tagline is therefore as enticing to entrepreneurs as ice cream is to a child and is a great way to brand his business and help potential customers visualize what he is offering.


Resources and Links:

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