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13. Be More Do Less - EFT Tapping, ADHD & Anxiety with Theresa Lear Levine
Episode 1318th October 2023 • Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself • Meredith Ochoa
00:00:00 00:34:58

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Be more & do less. What does that actually mean?

How do you slow down to get more done? And what the hell is emotional freedom or EFT tapping?

Find out the answers on this very special 1 year anniversary episode as we discuss the subconscious secrets of an ADHD entrepreneurial mom.

Before we dive in, I want to thank you for having the bravery to face your shit and heal yourself.  

I also want to thank everyone that’s been liking (Apple), sharing (Spotify) and subscribing (Youtube) & a big thank you to everyone who is listening for the very first time. 

Please share with everyone who you think would benefit from listening.

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So who am I and why did I decide to create this show? Well, after unraveling all of the medical & pharmaceutical lies I had been told about my endometriosis, I educated myself, and I was able to heal myself after 17 years of debilitating pain.  On this show, whether it's endo or any other disorder labeled as 'chronic', we expose the lesser-known solutions that can heal your mind, body & spirit. 

My experience inspired me to actually live my art, so I created an ongoing art series about it called, Every Phase––where I powerfully illustrate how I healed myself as I live by the phases of the female hormonal cycle. The artwork shows what's happening in the brain and the body during each phase and reveals how to biohack & leverage this energy in your life. 

I am actually living the art, so it's about more than just healing. The writing and art discuss truth, freedom & our current financial & healthcare system slavery–and the way out.  Learn more by subscribing at

While you’re there, check out my NEW $50 Limited Edition Bite Size Art Acrylic Block pieces capturing all of the images from the Every Phase Series + be sure to pick up a signed copy of my award-winning augmented Reality (AR) interactive book, Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself.

Even though I was lied to for years by big pharma, I was able to find experts who helped me achieve the impossible. This space introduces them to you.

Today we are chatting with EFT Master Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, Theresa Lear Levine.

Theresa's battles with past traumas, high-functioning anxiety, and ADHD trapped her in a recurring groundhog day of dis-ease, distraction, and dissatisfaction. A transformative pivot came when exhaustion, insomnia, and the struggle to be present in her own abundantly blessed life broke her down.

Driven to embrace life's potential and achieve aligned success, Theresa delved into decoding her nervous system, the law of attraction, and the subconscious mind. Through Emotional Freedom Techniques, Hypnotherapy, and a fresh perspective on energy and manifestation, Theresa swiftly shed negative emotions and expanded her consciousness. This restoration brought back calm, clarity and confidence that became a foundation of success.

Theresa's book, "Becoming More Me: Tapping into Success - Subconscious Secrets of an ADHD Entrepreneurial Mom" was born out of her passion to help other likeminded women on their quest to ditch anxiety, limiting beliefs, and past trauma. Readers are guided through reclaiming their power and stepping into a new paradigm rich in self-trust, groundedness, and uplifting beliefs that empower them to manifest their greatest dreams and desires.

Theresa is the Founder of Becoming More Me and host of the Becoming More Me Podcast. She lives near Washington, DC, with her husband, Jeff, their 4 boys and 2 yellow labs.

Check out her work at...

Theresa's Website + check out our tapping session mentioned in the episode.

If you'd like to experience what it's like to do EFT Tapping with Theresa, you can access her Private Sessions Resource absolutely free by going to

You'll receive access to over 60 tapping session videos, including one that we did together, that are jam-packed with breakthroughs, tips, nervous system regulation, and expert guidance!

Theresa's book, BECOMING MORE ME: Tapping into Success – Subconscious Secrets of an ADHD Entrepreneurial Mom is available for purchase on Amazon. 

More ways to connect with Theresa:

@theresalearlevine on Instagram Theresa on YouTube Theresa's Facebook page @theresalevine on X


00:00 Introduction

7:05 #1 Facing her shit with tapping

10:31 #2 EFT Tapping + Borrowed benefits

16:38 #3 Start + Stop this for Emotional Freedom

22:21 #4 ADHD + Anxiety

26:37 #5 Be more & do less

30:56 #6 Emotional Freedom Biohacking with Art

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If there is a woman you know who is struggling with period pain, the foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.

👉Use my code MEREDITH12117 to get 50% off your first month of her life-changing Cycle Syncing Membership Link here

You can also pick up a signed copy of my printed book with a list of resources and doctors that helped me, and remember, as always...

The truth will set you free.

ALL art + photo services

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art insta = @meredithwochoa



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[00:00:10] Theresa: It was amazing to me how much more I actually got done. moving slower. it's one of those examples of like, when you're going really fast, you just don't have the same traction.


[00:00:40] Theresa: Be more and do less. What does that actually mean? How do you slow down to get more done? And what the hell is emotional freedom or EFT tapping? Find out the answers on this very special one year anniversary podcast episode as we discuss the subconscious secrets of an ADHD. Entrepreneurial mom. Before we dive in though, I want to thank you for having the bravery to face your shit and heal yourself.


[00:01:39] Theresa: After unraveling all of the medical and pharmaceutical lies I had been told about my endometriosis, I educated myself and I was able to heal myself after 17 years of debilitating pain. On this show, Whether it's endo or any other disorder labeled as chronic, we expose the lesser known solutions that can heal your mind, your body, and your spirit.


[00:02:32] Theresa: I am actually living the art, so it's about more than just healing. The writing and the art discuss truth, freedom, and our current financial and healthcare system, slavery, and the way out of it. To learn more about it, subscribe on my website, MeredithOchoa. com. Even though I was lied to for years by doctors promoting big pharma, I was able to find experts who helped me achieve what I thought was impossible.


[00:03:38] Theresa: Driven to embrace life's potential and achieve aligned success, Teresa delved into decoding her nervous system, the law of attraction, and the subconscious mind. Through emotional freedom techniques, hypnotherapy, and a fresh perspective on energy and manifestation, Teresa swiftly shed negative emotions and expanded her consciousness.


[00:04:28] Theresa: Readers are guided through reclaiming their power and stepping into a new paradigm rich in self trust, groundedness, and uplifting beliefs that empower them to manifest their greatest dreams and desires. Teresa is the founder of Becoming More Me and host of Becoming More Me podcast. She lives near Washington, D.


[00:04:57] Meredith: Teresa, welcome to the show. How has your day been so far?


[00:05:10] Meredith: I totally feel you. We were chatting a little bit off air about my horrific move, Yeah.


[00:05:22] Theresa: Yeah, today feels like it's been one of those going, going, going days that is going to keep going long after we're done recording, so I'm just happy to be pausing in this moment to have some fun conversation with you.


[00:05:45] Theresa: Oh, well, I have the same thing that I have pretty much every morning for breakfast. I'm very much a creature of habit in that respect. Somebody asked me what my favorite food was the other day and I made my breakfast was what I gave them because I'll eat it. All the time. I had a slice of toasted orange label Ezekiel bread with some chunky organic peanut butter, some raw honey, and some coconut oil slathered together on top of it, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.


[00:06:09] Meredith: my gosh, so good. I've had something similar. I go through phases of you know, like the Ezekiel, the coconut oil, just season, different seasons, So yeah, that's definitely been one for me. I love the Ezekiel bread.


[00:06:28] Theresa: It's pathetically boring, I suppose, but sometimes I put some banana or some strawberries or something on top, but.


[00:06:55] Meredith: Leading you to become this phenomenal, emotional freedom technique, EFT, tapping, master practitioner.


[00:07:05] Theresa: Yes. So there's many points in our lives, as you know, from facing your own shit and healing your own stuff. that. We have these pivots, but I would say that the most significant pivot for me was somewhere around seven years ago, which is right around the same time as my fourth son was born.


[00:07:46] Theresa: So that pivot was around that time. And that is the premise for which I wrote my new book also becoming more me tapping into success, subconscious secrets of an ADHD entrepreneurial mom. And it. Pretty much goes back to that point. Although I go way back because we have these foundational faults to I mean, there's fingers I can point at all different things that have happened in my life from, the beliefs that I was raised to have to, my, my first marriage to all different things.


[00:08:38] Theresa: Wow.


[00:09:06] Meredith: And it's like, well, yeah, if you're standing out in the middle of the rain, guess what, you're going to get wet. You're just going to make it harder on yourself unless you like go inside and do what you need to do. Yeah, nobody's


[00:09:28] Meredith: No, it's not. And like you were saying, it's part of the foundation of our lives and everything that we really, truly desire to be able to help that come to fruition and come into reality. We have to take care of the foundation, which is us the power source of. Everything else that we give life to, which, you know, with law of attraction, I know you talked a little bit briefly about, how you're a law of attraction coach and like energy strategist, how then this is such a hot topic right now, as always, because people are always like, oh, cool.


[00:10:27] Meredith: So they can attract what they really desire.


[00:10:31] Theresa: Yeah. So. I don't think I'd even heard what is now seeming to be a buzzword, nervous system regulation. I feel like everybody talks about it now and very few people really understand what they're talking about, but I don't think I'd even really thought about it until probably sometime in that seven years ago timeframe.


[00:11:26] Theresa: And you focus on whatever the negative emotion is, voice it. Allow the emotion to move and it can be used effectively on anything that is causing dis ease in our life. Whether that is a physical dis ease like a headache or an emotional thing like a past trauma. Or something that you're future pacing, anxious, worrying about, something that's happening right here and now.


[00:12:09] Theresa: When we're doing tapping, the messages get sent directly to that little walnut shaped part of our brain, almond shaped, it's like a nut, that is in charge of our fight, flight, freeze, flee, fawn responses. instead of just like talk therapy, which is happening on a completely conscious level, and oftentimes we can understand things logically or rationally, and not Actually get the change to happen in our life.


[00:13:01] Theresa: You know, not just, you might be working on a headache, but suddenly you're feeling a little better about everything afterwards. I know that for me, that was honestly how I got hooked when I went to this workshop back before COVID and I think I had COVID at the workshop, but it was so new. It was like February of that year and like, I didn't really think it was here yet.


[00:13:36] Theresa: Now. The reason that this is important is because EFT really favors specificity. Like when we do a round of tapping, the more specific we can get, the better. So sometimes group work can seem to dilute things, but also EFT has a really cool benefit called borrowed benefits, which means when one person works on something, other people benefit.


[00:14:16] Theresa: I also noticed my head was clearing, my throat was feeling better, and I didn't feel like going and crawling in a hole and sleeping for the rest of the day. And that lasted with me for hours. I felt significantly better for a significant period of time.


[00:14:41] Meredith: so key what you were saying too about how cortisol stress is the foundation of so many different ailments, diseases. So


[00:15:02] Theresa: It's like a seesaw. If one side's up, the other side is going to be down and vice versa. So when we make room by lowering the cortisol, we can have more of the stuff that feels good lifting us up and supporting us.


[00:15:23] Meredith: hormone replacement or like taking like these things that completely bypass the actual like root cause of it, which is your own stress and anxiety and the shit that you need to face in your life. so it's just, it's really phenomenal tapping. I've been definitely interested in it and tried it just a little bit, nothing to the level that you have, like with your clients, but I have.


[00:16:15] Meredith: Exactly. And I say, I think that's really key for people to even begin to have the willingness to heal and the willingness to try some of these things as to, view themselves as it's not that you're broken, your body's giving you a message.


[00:16:36] Meredith: bad?


[00:16:38] Meredith: Absolutely. Speaking of, one thing you could recommend. All people start today and then one thing they should stop or you would recommend that they stop today to help them achieve emotional freedom.


[00:17:11] Theresa: com. They'll be able to get not only our session, but like dozens and dozens of sessions. So you'll be able to find something that applies to you and try it because it's one thing to like hear Meredith and I talk about it. It's another thing to get your hands on and actually feel that energetic shift and change in yourself.


[00:17:47] Theresa: It's very regulating and it'll allow you to work through anything that's coming up that bothers them in the conversation without it becoming an energetic blockage and being a problem for you later on. So I would just say like whatever you're going through something like that, even just one point, whether it's like the karate chop point on the side of your hand, which you just use one hand to tap the outer side on your pinky of your hand, or that spot I just mentioned, the like the collarbone area on the chest, both of those spots are real easy go tos that, you can relieve a lot from yourself, regulate a lot and get a lot of mileage out of just by doing what you're already doing, having the conversation and moving through it and allowing your body to process it along with your mind.


[00:18:45] Theresa: You are always right where you need to be. And. That's it. so the worry never serves us. The only place that we can have any power is right here in the present moment. So when we're worrying, we're diluting our power to do anything or be what we want to be in the moment where we have the power, like when we got on here and you're talking about all this stuff going on with your move.


[00:19:26] Theresa: I can't do anything about any of that. So I think when you're feeling that, when you're feeling that anxiety, just being a little bit more aware about it. And that's something that, using the techniques I embrace fully like emotional freedom techniques, like hypnotherapy, really help people to become more aware and to catch themselves.


[00:20:05] Meredith: lot less.


[00:20:28] Meredith: Don't worry. Don't worry. It's like. You're what you resist, persist is just such a beautiful proof of that 'cause I've done that so much. I definitely, love the tapping method. I can totally see that as circumvent, preventing even getting to that space. 'cause it's definitely something that I struggle with worry.


[00:21:11] Theresa: I mean, our worries, our fears, they all have something to offer us. So it becomes a matter of meeting them compassionately, of listening to them, seeing what they have to offer. They're a part of us, so to speak. So if you can even just talk to the worry and see what it has to offer you, almost like you might talk to an inner child, another inner version of yourself or what have you, meet that worry where you are and, okay, worry, what do you need me to know?


[00:21:57] Theresa: To make it comfortable and that's a lot of what I work with people to is to make the unfamiliar familiar and the familiar unfamiliar, whatever the,needs to be done and that's where we can grow in really in doing that and allowing our subconscious mind to relax around the ways that we want to change and grow that we are resisting and holding on to.


[00:22:21] Meredith: So speaking of worrying journals, worrying all the fears and, speaking to our inner child, those weaknesses are perceived weaknesses, right? Things that we perceive as, not necessarily our strengths. I know that you've talked on your website and some of the methods you employ, with clients, how to sort of release resistance around those things.


[00:23:10] Meredith: Something I look forward to and really being my superpower of how I tune into myself. What are some of the most effective techniques you've found to help that process of those perceived weaknesses? Not really being as much of a pain in the ass for people


[00:23:40] Theresa: So I work again a lot with ADHD. I work a lot with high functioning anxiety. So for instance, with ADHD, a tendency to be impulsive is very common. And so when I either, use hypnotherapy or emotional freedom techniques, I can calm down more easily. I can slow my thoughts. I can get to the root of what it is that's causing the impulsiveness.


[00:24:40] Theresa: And so I might, I might be upset about my poor time management. Maybe I thought I was going to get a heck of a lot done during this day that I had, free or what have you. And instead I have very little to show for the day. And maybe I'm feeling really frustrated as I get to the end of that day and my kids are getting ready to come home and I know that I can't do anything more now.


[00:25:15] Theresa: But then also as I'm doing the tapping and I'm working through the main eight points from the top of the head down to under the arm, which you guys will get to see if you watch the video that Meredith and I are going to do, I'm going to express myself, I am going to let my inner critic loose and I'm not going to try to sugarcoat stuff.


[00:25:48] Theresa: Because. Only through doing that will I get to the point where I'm going through those points maybe a second or third time and I'm saying something like I'm open to the idea that maybe I needed this rest today, or I'm open to the idea that things are turning out just the way they're supposed to and Maybe I'm, wasn't ever in control of it to begin with, you know, just letting kind of a calm clarity come over to me, a new perspective that I'm okay right where I am.


[00:26:37] Be more & do less


[00:27:01] Theresa: Well, as a former captive to my to do list and someone who was always looking to just check off and cross off some more things during the day without.


[00:27:30] Theresa: That was definitely me. And I'm ambitious. Like I won't, I'm ambitious as fuck, but,I unapologetically, but. There's also like an energy that comes with hustle and strive that does not serve any of us. And there were beliefs in there that only working hard could be rewarded in the way that I wanted to be rewarded.


[00:28:18] Theresa: Like before I go to sleep at night, I might ask my mind something like, what would it take for me to accomplish whatever goal tomorrow? And then I go to sleep and I don't worry about it again. And my mind figures out the answer. I'm not working hard on it. It is,asking good questions of my subconscious mind, adjusting my energy, spending more time meditating and spending more time slowing down.


[00:29:11] Theresa: I embrace that as I was writing my book. I embrace that in my marriage. I embrace that with my kids. Just everything was just about like, how can I slow it down a little bit, and just. It was amazing to me how much more I actually got done. moving slower. I really feel like it's one of those examples of like, when you're going really fast, you just don't have the same traction.


[00:29:53] Meredith: Exactly. Totally. We never get to anyway. So glad you said that. It is something we have to consciously think about. Going slow, because in our world, it's like anything yin, feminine, slow, it's just been deleted, you know, so it's like we have to actually make an effort to say, okay, I need to slow down because the world we live in is just not balanced that way.


[00:30:26] Theresa: say, slow is the new fast. I love


[00:30:37] Meredith: absolutely. That was the title


[00:30:51] Theresa: It's one thing to say like, oh, I consciously get that. It's another thing to actually do.


[00:30:56] Meredith: 100 percent beautiful. And we are now slowing down into our finale. biohacking with art. Question, are you ready?


[00:31:14] Meredith: scenario? I love it. So if you could create what it looks like to achieve freedom with your emotions, how would you make it?


[00:31:54] Theresa: yeah, that's, you know, reminds my


[00:32:12] Theresa: It sounds familiar, but I can't picture


[00:32:15] Meredith: It's like photographing the energy of food. It's like on, you can put different things on a plate. Yeah. And all of this like light and like different colors comes from like, they've done this with organic fruits versus GMO. It looks completely different with people. And so like an aura. Yeah, yeah, it's really interesting.


[00:32:46] Theresa: Yeah, if there was one thing I would enjoy more time to do, it's probably create in really bizarre and interesting ways. So as I slow down more, I'll probably bring more of these things to life in different


[00:32:57] Meredith: Tell me about it. We need more weird in this world. We need absolutely more weird and I just love how real it's been today Chatting with you, just being raw talking about the shit talking about moving through it talking about our perceived Weaknesses and how they're actually our superpowers Tell us where people can find you and learn more about your work.


[00:33:39] Theresa: com and you'll get that resource also.


[00:34:10] Meredith: And remember, as always, the truth will set you free. We will see you all next time.


[00:34:39] Meredith: YouTube or on Apple Podcast and pick up a signed copy of my book about how I healed myself from endometriosis on my Instagram at Meredith w Ochoa. Thank you so much for listening and for having the bravery to face your shit and heal yourself.




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