In this wide ranging discussion I am joined by Dr. Alan Moran from Regulation Economics. Alan has an extensive career at the highest levels of government regulatory organisations and has a unique insight upon how government can impact a free market economy. He also has vast experience in environmental and infrastructure planning regulation.
Hey everybody, Jonathan Doyle with you.
Speaker:Once again, welcome back friends to the supply side podcast.
Speaker:So good to have the pleasure of your company.
Speaker:Welcome aboard.
Speaker:To another fantastic exploration of all things.
Speaker:Supply side macro in this episode, we're going to do.
Speaker:Some regulatory stuff.
Speaker:We're going to look at the impact of regulation.
Speaker:We're going to look at the impact of environmental regulation with
Speaker:an absolutely fantastic guest.
Speaker:I'm really pleased to be welcoming to the show.
Speaker:Alan Moran, who, what he does not know about Regulatory issues
Speaker:probably has not been written.
Speaker:He's had an extensive career.
Speaker:We know what makes him really interesting is that he has had enormous
Speaker:exposure to working within government.
Speaker:And now spends a lot of his time looking at the impact.
Speaker:Of government on the wider market and the wider society.
Speaker:So I went to a full introduction here because we're going to do that.
Speaker:Live in the show.
Speaker:You're going to hear about his background and you're going to hear the great
Speaker:wisdom that he has to share with us.
Speaker:It's a, it's an interesting topic.
Speaker:Isn't it?
Speaker:This the way that a government intervention in markets can have
Speaker:all sorts of unseen effects sitting here on my desk, in the studio is.
Speaker:Thomas Sowell's, famous, basic economics.
Speaker:And he always talks about trade offs.
Speaker:That the, when government gets involved, there are all sorts
Speaker:of trade-offs that take place.
Speaker:And sometimes things that are.
Speaker:They come with good intent.
Speaker:They can end up.
Speaker:Having all sorts of impacts down the line.
Speaker:So that's enough for me.
Speaker:Let's get into this episode with Dr.
Speaker:Alan Moran, please make sure you've subscribed.
Speaker:And if you like what you hear today.
Speaker:We'd love it.
Speaker:If you could share it with other like-minded people.
Speaker:So let's do this.
Speaker:Welcome aboard again to the supply side podcast welcome to
Speaker:our interview with dr Alan Moran.
Speaker:Alan, Moran, thank you so much for joining us on the supply side podcast.
Speaker:Really appreciate your time.
Speaker:Yeah, you're welcome, gentlemen.
Speaker:Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.
Speaker:I there's a couple of key articles that you've written recently.
Speaker:I think people are going to be very interested to hear your perspective
Speaker:on, and as I've gone through some of your background, I think you've
Speaker:got, you're writing so much you're writing well, and the sign much that
Speaker:I think you've got to share with us.
Speaker:I'm just going to spin people quickly through a little walk down memory lane.
Speaker:We're going to look back at some of your journey in in government
Speaker:policy and the public sector in in areas of regulation environment.
Speaker:So educated in the United Kingdom and a PhD from the university of Liverpool in
Speaker:transport economics, and also degrees from Salford university of salted
Speaker:and the London school of economics.
Speaker:And as I often say to my kids, whoever dies with the most degrees wins.
Speaker:So you've you've done well there.
Speaker:And your professional lives included 18 years as the director of the
Speaker:deregulation unit at the Institute of public affairs, you've been a senior
Speaker:official at the productivity commission.
Speaker:And then the director of the Commonwealth office of regulation review.
Speaker:And when I found that out, I thought we definitely need
Speaker:some review of regulations.
Speaker:So we're looking forward to hearing you talk about that you've published
Speaker:widely you're writing continually.
Speaker:Your latest book is called climate change, Trump and policy.
Speaker:It's sorry.
Speaker:Climate change treaties and policies in the Trump era.
Speaker:So here's my first question.
Speaker:When I was in high school, I wanted to either fly, fit fighter jets, or be a spy.
Speaker:What led you into this journey of of this amazing professional journey?
Speaker:What were you always interested in some of these global economic trends?
Speaker:Tell us about your journey.
Speaker:It's not all that spectacular.
Speaker:I worked in the energy area.
Speaker:Yeah, but I shouldn't have to get my PhD in the UK actually worked for something
Speaker:called the gas council, which is an umbrella organization involved in gas.
Speaker:And I worked in the motor industry in the UK as well.
Speaker:I came out here cause I saw what looked like at the time, quite an
Speaker:attractive job, which is the scenery economist and the department of trade.
Speaker:And I progressed through the through the bureaucracy in various ways for about 13
Speaker:or 14 years before realizing that a bullet was heading to me, his labor was in power
Speaker:and they were gradually isolating me from.
Speaker:Various policy areas.
Speaker:And I joined I think tank one first called the Tasman Institute.
Speaker:I worked a little while again, later in the Victorian government,
Speaker:when they were privatization, the energy assets was taking place.
Speaker:And then as you say, worked in think tanks in the Institute of
Speaker:public affairs and now my own organization, regulation, economics.
Speaker:And I drifted into the area of a regulator issues and and how governments
Speaker:were stymieing the efficiency of the private sector and and continuing to do
Speaker:cause it's an interesting journey because to have spent,
Speaker:you've seen both sides here.
Speaker:You've had a long journey in the public sector and that's informed
Speaker:a lot of the work you're doing now.
Speaker:Do you, would you describe yourself as having a particular being a member
Speaker:of a particular economic school?
Speaker:I guess the SU the school would be called supply side, if if anything, and
Speaker:essentially it's a, it's an emphasis on the ability to produce things for the
Speaker:economy enables us to have high living standards and that's often forgotten, the
Speaker:dominant paradigm in economics is Ken's Keynesian or managed risk, whatever.
Speaker:And the end, it basically having people as fixers, having people, trying to
Speaker:manipulate the economy into doing better than it is and in doing so, they
Speaker:generally make it far worse than it is.
Speaker:And th there's a kind of a, an obliviousness to the importance of a
Speaker:reinforcing our ability to produce things.
Speaker:Cheaply, which means more capital investment means more R and D and better
Speaker:training of labor force, et cetera.
Speaker:There's a a seeming inability to understand that this
Speaker:is the cause of growth.
Speaker:And essentially what treasury departments do is a, is stimulating the economy
Speaker:and that's music to the ears of politicians, of course with additional
Speaker:expenditure and in doing so they undermine the production capabilities.
Speaker:Of the economy.
Speaker:And we were seeing that very much to the present time.
Speaker:Yeah, we had a great conversation last week with Nathan Lewis.
Speaker:Who's been on the show a couple of times who writes brilliantly on classical gold
Speaker:standards and in his latest analysis, he has he writes he's quite funny.
Speaker:And he has this line where he says, he's talking about MMT.
Speaker:And he said that what I meant is the process by which governments spend
Speaker:huge amounts of money, which is enormously popular until it isn't.
Speaker:I liked that line because there's, there's definitely a
Speaker:teleology, there's a trajectory.
Speaker:I think that we're on and let's get into that because there's two articles
Speaker:of yours that I want to talk about.
Speaker:The first one you wrote back in January, 2020, and.
Speaker:When I went back through it today, it's that weird sense of this was
Speaker:just before COVID really kicked off.
Speaker:And I looked at the date and I thought, gosh, if I knew what markets were
Speaker:going to do two months after you wrote this, I'd it'd be a different life.
Speaker:But you wrote a great article called wealth will.
Speaker:We can ask if we ever yield to populism and to give people some
Speaker:background you were writing here about Stanford's Mont Pelerin society.
Speaker:Which was obviously, set up post-World war two as a kind of intellectual
Speaker:sell on Contra, Marxist, dialectic and scientific materialism.
Speaker:But you writing this article, that what you're observing is a shift in
Speaker:confidence from that broad capitalist model, the ability of capitalism
Speaker:to lift people out of poverty.
Speaker:And you're sensing a loss of confidence in that, which is obviously being played
Speaker:out by so much of what we're seeing.
Speaker:Can you take us through some of that?
Speaker:Just walk us through what compelled you to write that?
Speaker:What what you're thinking in that area?
Speaker:I just think it's, we've seen, we saw the period of.
Speaker:Micro economic reform.
Speaker:We called it in Australia in the late eighties and the nineties,
Speaker:when we saw privatizations in place, we saw competition policy and this
Speaker:basically brought about a much.
Speaker:Deeper productivity gain in the economy as a whole.
Speaker:And we're still basking in, in, in living standards as a result of that.
Speaker:But there was a loss of confidence.
Speaker:I think in as as on the part of the people as a whole, maybe the politicians
Speaker:didn't explain what was going on very well, but one way or another there was
Speaker:this feeling that we ought to actually.
Speaker:Intervene in capitalism more because the rich were getting richer and
Speaker:the poor were getting poorer.
Speaker:The same sort of of dialogue came out of Marxism.
Speaker:Not exactly true, but nonetheless that there was this feeling that
Speaker:there was a lot of unfairness around the wheel to actually intervene.
Speaker:To ensure that we get a fairest splitter and this this I percolated of course,
Speaker:into the political class itself, because after all, they just reflect what people
Speaker:are saying to, to a very great degree.
Speaker:And and it's resulted in as as clogging up the works of capitalism because it's all
Speaker:very well to say we ought to get a better.
Speaker:Better division of the spoils is being achieved.
Speaker:But every time you do that has some disincentive effects on the
Speaker:people who are creating the wealth.
Speaker:Then the more you do it, of course, the more that disincentive effect is in place.
Speaker:Yeah, and this was becoming apparent in indeed in that Stanford conference
Speaker:in the us where there was a feeling that the w there was a great deal,
Speaker:more intervention coming through.
Speaker:And I was writing basically to say, this is a great pity, and unless
Speaker:we do something about it, we will see much more sluggish economies.
Speaker:And of course since then we've seen far greater interventions in the economy,
Speaker:partly through COVID but COVID has just been an excuse, a massive interventions
Speaker:and indeed we now face quite serious, more serious re repercussions as
Speaker:a result of the ensuing debts and the debilitation of the incentive
Speaker:to invest in productive matters.
Speaker:What do you think it gives the ultimate intellectual epistemological
Speaker:engine behind this kind of shift?
Speaker:Like people, often will talk about for co this, reducing everything to, the
Speaker:dialectic of power and that, some of the stuff in that first article you're
Speaker:talking about the aggregate share of income for the rich has grown rapidly.
Speaker:Middle-class in heavy decline and a port, the paws had a marginal decline.
Speaker:And you write here that really, what this is going to drive is increasing
Speaker:levels of social division, even violence.
Speaker:Can you, what do you think is ultimately at the heart of it?
Speaker:What do you think is driving the shift from the belief that
Speaker:capitalism was transformative?
Speaker:It was going to keep contained.
Speaker:It did lift people out of poverty.
Speaker:What if you had to pick one or two key drivers, what would you pick?
Speaker:I don't know that there are key drivers.
Speaker:I think there is something essentially capitalism does
Speaker:reward the greatest producers.
Speaker:By the greatest amount.
Speaker:If it, I liken it a bit to a lot of other things for example, pop
Speaker:music the difference between the rolling stones and some other group
Speaker:who was, who playing is not great.
Speaker:However, the rolling stones earn a hundred times as much as there's this other group.
Speaker:And you can see that in terms of the earners in the it industry as well.
Speaker:There is a kind of that those people who are running the most who are producing
Speaker:the most, tend to earn the most as well.
Speaker:And this actually does create an envy on the part of.
Speaker:A lot of people, even though other people, as we've seen in our society
Speaker:are basically enjoying massive increases in standard of living themselves.
Speaker:They're not as high as those are the top.
Speaker:And there is an end with that as a result.
Speaker:And there is a feeling that if only we could get some more of that income
Speaker:from the top to the bottom or the middle we'll all be better off.
Speaker:And there is this th this thinking that essentially that.
Speaker:The wealth will be created anyway, that we don't understand that the wealth is
Speaker:created because people have actually gone out that seized opportunities,
Speaker:invented things, and then then sold them to the rest of us and in doing so
Speaker:th they are in high incomes, but there is then a trickle down and trickle
Speaker:down has become a sense of an odious
Speaker:Yeah, it's almost pejorative.
Speaker:And yet that is the way that is the way we enriched ourselves in the first place.
Speaker:And that is the way we continue to enrich ourselves by ensuring that know,
Speaker:that there is sufficient incentive for people to go out there invent new
Speaker:new things and risk their own savings.
Speaker:Be parsimonious in terms of their consumption and say more
Speaker:themselves and thereby generate higher incomes for themselves
Speaker:and parole of those around them.
Speaker:You take on your, take on something.
Speaker:I read a couple of years back, which was that when you look at the gray, the gilded
Speaker:age, and I read a fantastic biography on Rockefeller a couple of years back, when
Speaker:you look at that, at the Rockefellers and John Paul Getty and wise guys that
Speaker:huge growth in wealth, the argument was that it also created a lot of employment.
Speaker:So as railroads rolled out, there was a lot more employment.
Speaker:And obviously there was an investment in infrastructure that the railroads created.
Speaker:One argument came across was that the modern tech giants
Speaker:are simply not employing.
Speaker:The numbers of people and also the cash that they're making is
Speaker:tending to sit in war, chest.
Speaker:It's tending to sit on balance sheets and not end up.
Speaker:Is, have you got any thoughts on that?
Speaker:Is that a significant difference compared to the kind of explosive
Speaker:growth of the gilded age?
Speaker:Is it, or is it similar?
Speaker:I'd say it's more similar than you'd think.
Speaker:And of course the gilded age, you saw.
Speaker:Oil fields and you saw railways and you saw things you could touch
Speaker:and things, which is less so in the mobile it age, but the it area does
Speaker:employ lots and lots of people.
Speaker:I suppose 10% of the employment in one way or another employed lots of
Speaker:people and the practice, that if it creates well, that well will be spent
Speaker:it, if it sits on balance sheets, you can't really hide wealth under your
Speaker:bed, some balance in a bank somewhere.
Speaker:And the bank then has got end.
Speaker:It's lending the money out to other people.
Speaker:The answer is that, there's been an enormous increase in GDP as a
Speaker:result of of the people of the apples and the the face of this world and
Speaker:almost increasing well, and that, it.
Speaker:It has made not negative books for the people involved, but it's trickled
Speaker:down to the rest of us as well.
Speaker:I said to Nathan, last week on the show, there's a brilliant, recent
Speaker:discussion between Jordan Peterson and a guy that runs a, I think it's human and they're tracking.
Speaker:Things like, over the last 50 years, the number of people who've moved out of
Speaker:absolute poverty the changes in infant mortality, the, changes for women.
Speaker:There's actually about 10 or 20 major indicators that things
Speaker:are actually surprisingly good.
Speaker:So I get confused every day.
Speaker:When I look at global macro guy, was the world coming to an end?
Speaker:Is it better?
Speaker:Or, sometimes it's hard to know.
Speaker:A couple of other things from this first article you mentioned either, obviously
Speaker:what we're seeing is a huge increase in government size and this big increase.
Speaker:And you write about this a fair bit in terms of environmental regulation.
Speaker:For American listeners, w we have a column on here and you mentioned this Adani that.
Speaker:Took nine years to be approved.
Speaker:Tell us a little bit about that.
Speaker:The shift from the idea that it was the capitalism was about
Speaker:growth and development, and you are identifying a big shift.
Speaker:Now, are you seeing increasing government increase in regulation?
Speaker:Yeah, there's been possibly partly understandable anyway, that a shift
Speaker:away from as Reveling in the increase in taming nature, if you like taming nature
Speaker:and making nature productive to us.
Speaker:So actually saying no, we've got to do the opposite.
Speaker:We've got to turn it back.
Speaker:I mean that you, we, we can see that with the environmental impact statement
Speaker:as being required, the Adani case, which was had a trivial really, truly
Speaker:trivial effects on the environment.
Speaker:But which we S.
Speaker:Faced massive amounts of protests and great and a great deal of environmental
Speaker:legislative barriers as well.
Speaker:All of which is costing us a lot of money.
Speaker:It'd be thinking in terms of, I think in terms of say basic.
Speaker:Projects, which were built 30 years ago or something by Western mining,
Speaker:they discovered a nickel deposit.
Speaker:They thought, Oh, that's pretty good.
Speaker:Within two years it was up and running.
Speaker:Now, that the contrast now with Adani and everything else is quite stark.
Speaker:And in fact, we, even though the laziest budget, yeah, we essentially, the national
Speaker:party is saying what a great idea.
Speaker:We, what we'll do we'll have the subsidies to farmers essentially just
Speaker:stop farming and a little prouder is the administer that for farmers
Speaker:essentially saying we'll take w it doesn't quite say this, but what it means
Speaker:is we'll take 16% out of the farming.
Speaker:Acres that we have in Australia, and we'll have that as carbon capture and
Speaker:storage with a few incentives, et cetera.
Speaker:This is basically we're, de-rating our economy and we've seen that elsewhere.
Speaker:We've seen it in terms of the Murray river the irrigation there, essentially,
Speaker:this is a river, it's a working river.
Speaker:It's a great, it's a fine river.
Speaker:It can never be the same as it was as it was 200 years ago, but he's fine.
Speaker:The river there was working well, but.
Speaker:The w we have groups of activists will come in and say no, they,
Speaker:the river gums need a drink, or this needs to drink or whatever.
Speaker:We've got to take money from these irrigations and let
Speaker:it go into the environment.
Speaker:So we've taken sort of 20% of the water from the irrigator, which
Speaker:basically means we've got considerably less productivity in that area.
Speaker:We see very significant area.
Speaker:The Murray-Darling is about 30 or 35 or 40% of our agricultural
Speaker:production is in that area.
Speaker:Most of it.
Speaker:We were, de-rating the economy in response to activist, environmental
Speaker:claims that we're all going to the dogs.
Speaker:Whereas in fact, in terms of the what used to be.
Speaker:The criteria for environment, clean air, clean water, clean, et cetera, where
Speaker:it's massively improved that than what it was when the only thing that you can
Speaker:point to conceivably where it's not is the increase in carbon dioxide emissions,
Speaker:which is driving this massive debate on energy and other things globally.
Speaker:You don't strike me as someone given to hyperbole.
Speaker:So what do you make of, is it a cultural death wish like, it's like here we
Speaker:have all this productive land and is.
Speaker:I think I'm correct in saying the most advanced economies tend to
Speaker:have the best environments because we deploy the best technologies
Speaker:for looking after the environment.
Speaker:Is it a cultural death wish?
Speaker:What do you thinks behind it?
Speaker:I don't think there's a cultural death wish, but there is a self harm
Speaker:as a result of focusing on particular facets, which you think I've not been
Speaker:looked after it enough, if people, would people talk about deforestation?
Speaker:Quite frankly, we've got we have as much forest in Australia now as we did
Speaker:in the year 1900, because we could cut a lot of the forest down in the early
Speaker:none directly it's been grown again.
Speaker:And the law is language has been some marginal has grown trees on it.
Speaker:Some, but only a little bit is because of set-asides, but from the national parks.
Speaker:If you look it up just about any different, any environmental.
Speaker:Measure and I think this is what's behind your question there it's
Speaker:gotten better and it gets better all the time and capitalism.
Speaker:That's what capitalism does.
Speaker:It makes us richer and allows us then to see select things, to be preserved
Speaker:that otherwise wouldn't be preserved.
Speaker:And quite frankly, it?
Speaker:is moved way beyond what is reasonable in terms of that at the present
Speaker:stage in Australia and in Western ma many other Western countries.
Speaker:Referencing back to that Jordan Peterson interview on the indicators of things,
Speaker:improving in the world, the data they were quoting from the UN, which doesn't tend to
Speaker:see the light of day, this piece of data.
Speaker:That the planet can reasonably sustain somewhere North of eight to 9 billion.
Speaker:And then they're suggesting there'll be a gradual population decline.
Speaker:So all those Malthusian predictions of, mass starvation haven't don't
Speaker:seem to have eventuated at this point.
Speaker:No matter what we do in the economy, we do an awful lot of things.
Speaker:For example, we re were forcing synthetic gasoline through, through
Speaker:essentially through taking out produce from corn, et cetera.
Speaker:And no matter what we do, the crop yields increase, but yeah, we were
Speaker:getting better at it year by year.
Speaker:This, the whole idea of famine, which was, We set new humans all over the world.
Speaker:Every so often.
Speaker:It's a to San Francisco is just absurd.
Speaker:Now there couldn't be any family.
Speaker:The only farming is created by warfare or whatever.
Speaker:There's no farming possible anywhere in the world at this juncture,
Speaker:unless we suddenly go backwards and prevent agricultural production.
Speaker:Yeah, so true.
Speaker:I remember reading a book on the currency crisis in Zimbabwe and you get starvation
Speaker:in places like that when you get.
Speaker:Complete currency collapse and Malad maladministration.
Speaker:It's interesting you say with the famines, I'm showing my age a little bit, growing
Speaker:up as a kid, you can re I can remember seeing the footage of famines in Ethiopia.
Speaker:And again, this what I was listening to last week, there's just saying you
Speaker:just don't see them like that anymore.
Speaker:There are a handful of places in the world, North Korea, for example,
Speaker:where it can, it still happens.
Speaker:But so I wanted to ask you.
Speaker:It's very easy to have a broad brush and say, we need massive
Speaker:deregulation and just open slider.
Speaker:But I, my sense with you is that with all your background in the regulatory sphere,
Speaker:there obviously is a place for regulation.
Speaker:Where do you see regulation being useful and effective?
Speaker:I think the, some elements, certainly when when.
Speaker:This is what economists call externalities or side effects of things, clean air
Speaker:for example the measures to prevent pollution of of sulfur and other things
Speaker:and led, et cetera, are all pretty good.
Speaker:I These things, people make profit off, but the, but they then have
Speaker:adverse implications on others.
Speaker:The regulations in those kinds of areas I think quite beneficial.
Speaker:There is a suggestion there is a case for regulation, whether
Speaker:there's monopoly as well.
Speaker:There's less of a convincing case to me because whenever a monopoly
Speaker:exists the monopolies of course, price gouges, is quite normal.
Speaker:And in that, that also then attracts things which break the monopoly.
Speaker:And, you mentioned earlier that the Rockefellers, et
Speaker:cetera Essentially Rockefeller.
Speaker:I don't think he was price gouging, but he was certainly a lot of
Speaker:money and it did create an awful lot of new comes into the market.
Speaker:And by the time that Rockefeller standard oil was broken up, it was
Speaker:far from monopoly probably only had about 30 or 40% of the market.
Speaker:So others, it shell, et cetera, shell and BP Amoco, et cetera, come in.
Speaker:But Texas had come in basically to undermine the monopoly.
Speaker:And we've found that also in some of the others, the daughter was on railroads.
Speaker:Railroad is as a monopoly.
Speaker:And suddenly you found other railroads being built when the monopoly that
Speaker:the railroad was acting as a price gouger it did attract opposition.
Speaker:And we found that generally.
Speaker:In areas of economy I can't really see much of a case.
Speaker:There is intervening the areas where we might intervene are in in areas of
Speaker:environment, maybe issues of public safety, and food and things like that.
Speaker:There is a case for doing, putting it in there because the argument is that
Speaker:if we didn't have that of course firms.
Speaker:Made their reputation by not poisonous poisoning is with the food and
Speaker:therefore they take considerable steps, but is arguable that they
Speaker:wouldn't take as much without.
Speaker:There was some sort of of requirements on the part of governments who to
Speaker:investigate things before they're done.
Speaker:Yeah, it's a pretty effective marketing tool to not poison your customers.
Speaker:I think it's keeps them coming back.
Speaker:It's fascinating to listen to you.
Speaker:I, you, you said a moment ago that.
Speaker:Outside of these few key areas, you don't see a huge need for intervention.
Speaker:And listening to that, we're in this incredibly interventionist moment.
Speaker:I've often quoted a line from Murray Rothbard's book.
Speaker:The case against the fed, where he argues that there's only three.
Speaker:Three places a government should be involved only three.
Speaker:And that was the the guarantee of private contracts.
Speaker:So enforcement of contracts, the national defense and the protection
Speaker:of physical and personal property.
Speaker:I was, it was quite striking just because yeah the amount of intervention and
Speaker:and regulations quite extraordinary.
Speaker:Now those were,
Speaker:those rough, that was rough by tenants out of the key tenants.
Speaker:Most people wouldn't regard that as regulation.
Speaker:Although of course it is regulation because it's state control, but the
Speaker:regulation is that it comes over and above those basic frameworks,
Speaker:which hold society together.
Speaker:Yeah it's, I've still got three young children and I find myself
Speaker:so constantly saying things like, no, we're not allowed to do that.
Speaker:We're not allowed to do that.
Speaker:Now we can't do that.
Speaker:We're not allowed to do that.
Speaker:And it's just fascinating.
Speaker:It's yeah.
Speaker:Yeah, look.
Speaker:The other thing I wanted to talk about is this second article, which you might,
Speaker:which is where I first reached out to you.
Speaker:You wrote an article early in the week called enjoy the sugar hit
Speaker:as we flirt with economic ruin.
Speaker:And I'll just give you an interest.
Speaker:The opening line you wrote, he was very good.
Speaker:You said economic growth requires political stability.
Speaker:And secure property rights.
Speaker:Its drivers include a low taxation and educated, skilled workforce
Speaker:and technological innovation, but the overwhelming influences
Speaker:investment in business activities, roads, and other infrastructure.
Speaker:So you make a point that historically in Australia, for example, at
Speaker:our best 20 to 25% of GDP has gone into business investment.
Speaker:We're now down around 10 surrounding Asian nations are over 20.
Speaker:Take us through your thesis in that article.
Speaker:What are you trying to tell people on this side of, on this issue
Speaker:of investment in business and business investment from government?
Speaker:Yeah I think the thing to direct me and Problem is right in the Arctic
Speaker:was the budget and looking at it where the government was printing.
Speaker:As I was saying that we basically don't extremely well in COVID our
Speaker:society, our economy is roaring head with and we clever for doing it.
Speaker:The thing that.
Speaker:Th that struck me is what is basically the reason why we're
Speaker:recovering from COVID is because the government has taken the brakes off.
Speaker:COVID wasn't like a wall where we've actually destroyed capital investment.
Speaker:We've destroyed an awful lot of things, and we're all going to
Speaker:be poor as a result, essentially.
Speaker:It just forced many of us to take a year off.
Speaker:The basic structure of the economy was the same.
Speaker:So as soon as the breaks would taken off by the government, then we recovered and
Speaker:w who could have, and today, anything other than that, we bounce a recover.
Speaker:Of course, that means it didn't mean a lot of people may made financial
Speaker:losses, and that was terrible for them.
Speaker:But essentially the structure of the economy remained the same.
Speaker:But what didn't remain the same and is the government's intervention.
Speaker:The government's massive increase in spending this combined with
Speaker:other policies that they've put in place in terms of energy.
Speaker:And in terms of, we talked about London before elsewhere as actually
Speaker:may have been a great December, this stimulus to investments.
Speaker:And we've seen investment now probably pretty much at the lowest level
Speaker:it's been certainly for 50 years.
Speaker:As a share of GDP and one of the things that failed to be recognized
Speaker:by treasury departments who have the economic models and the basically say,
Speaker:Oh, can, if you increase government spending or investment spending or
Speaker:consumer spending, it all increases GDP, which of course doesn't, you've
Speaker:actually get to get, got to get back to.
Speaker:And that this can go back to my philosophy.
Speaker:In economics, the supply side you can always stimulate the economy
Speaker:and that will mean more income.
Speaker:But it may not meet, but it's unlikely.
Speaker:I More, more real income.
Speaker:I Just inflation.
Speaker:And if we've stimulated the economy now with 7% deficits with quite a
Speaker:very big increase in the money supply over recent years through the gut
Speaker:through government borrowing and just through government injection
Speaker:of money into the banking system.
Speaker:But this is not supporting.
Speaker:Oh, has not been supported by increased investments.
Speaker:And this means in the end, we must have placed lower standard of living.
Speaker:Certainly low standard of living than we would have had.
Speaker:If we, once we were investing that much money we Australia had.
Speaker:As a result, of taxation policies and various other thing, quite a low
Speaker:savings rates compared to other cancers.
Speaker:And we've always imported capital investments on quite a considerable scale,
Speaker:about 10% of savings, which probably means about 20% of business savings or business
Speaker:investment comes from overseas, which is.
Speaker:Is quite unhealthy for an economy, which is quite rich.
Speaker:We're importing savings from India, from China, cutting economies.
Speaker:We set a much face a lot of poverty still, but, and certainly not as rich as we are.
Speaker:So basically we have been importing a lot of capitals to supplement our savings.
Speaker:And now what we're not even investing, we're not investing
Speaker:in it, like as much as we should.
Speaker:And really it comes back to the gov, the government seizing a lot of income,
Speaker:but it's own spending and therefore not investing when government?
Speaker:doesn't invest it.
Speaker:They tend, it tends to invest in, in low returning.
Speaker:It tends to be involved in political type investments rather than than
Speaker:maximizing profit, which is a key tool to efficiency investment.
Speaker:I'll listen to you.
Speaker:And I keep thinking of George Gilder's, his book, knowledge and power, this sort
Speaker:of information theory of capitalism.
Speaker:That, what capitalism does it at its best is coordinate these vast amounts
Speaker:of interactions and human motivations.
Speaker:And it's, the invisible hand perhaps, but it's when you read it and you
Speaker:think about it, it's an extraordinary, it's an extraordinary thing.
Speaker:And this idea that government can.
Speaker:Figure all that out more effectively than people, left to work that out.
Speaker:I often say on the show that the the us federal reserve system.
Speaker:Has over just short of 1500 PhDs on staff across the different reserves.
Speaker:And you look at the boom bust, boom, bust the deficit, and you're going,
Speaker:they're not getting a lot of value out of some of the PhDs at the moment.
Speaker:So it's interesting to see what happens when this in this moment we're in
Speaker:historically, you also say in the article, it really struck me that 15
Speaker:years ago, Australia was debt-free.
Speaker:And now I think we're running just North of 40% which comparatively, I think
Speaker:the U S is pushing 130% of debt to GDP.
Speaker:Now the other thing you mentioned is that the government's getting in
Speaker:the business of picking winners in terms of some of those rebates for, I
Speaker:think you mentioned biotech medical.
Speaker:Is that a similar thing that, that, that government is just, I think you
Speaker:say that they're not as sophisticated as merchant bankers are picking winners.
Speaker:And that's a.
Speaker:It may well be backside is a great area for growth and probably
Speaker:is a good area for growth.
Speaker:But, I find it somewhat offensive when governments are saying, okay,
Speaker:we're going to give these people a stimulus because we think that they
Speaker:are the areas which are going to be gung ho and going to lead leaders
Speaker:out of poverty in the years to come.
Speaker:We've seen governments in Australia do this for.
Speaker:Almost forever.
Speaker:I knew he was going to be textiles and motivationals, and then we
Speaker:had this great idea that we were building all these wind farms.
Speaker:So we'd we'd invest in wood blade factories, windmill blade factories.
Speaker:You probably went bust as soon as the money was laid out.
Speaker:I, he's much better.
Speaker:I think if the government doesn't do any of this thing, it doesn't try to be
Speaker:selective in terms of forming investment.
Speaker:It doesn't know.
Speaker:Things that over and above What the entrepreneurs know the public servants
Speaker:themselves as you quoted that then they're not Macquarie bank bankers
Speaker:that basically just guys like me, maybe you who know a little bit but
Speaker:haven't got their own money on the line.
Speaker:And so they tend to pick the winners, but th the winners more
Speaker:often than not tend to be losers.
Speaker:What do you think MMTs going?
Speaker:MMT, which Jim Rogers says is he says it stands for more money today.
Speaker:I've been the last week going deeper into M and T and just trying to
Speaker:understand the intellectual underpinnings of it, but I still can't get past.
Speaker:The conversations I have with my own children that you can't
Speaker:magically create base money without product, without a productive,
Speaker:without it coming from production.
Speaker:So where do you think it's taking us?
Speaker:It's taken us?
Speaker:a long way at the moment, in terms of the way government policies moving, even
Speaker:though most governments, most officials.
Speaker:And certainly most politicians would tend to say that it can't work.
Speaker:They are trying to make it work.
Speaker:I mean there are of leveraging their own political futures off of it.
Speaker:And the people who are failing MFC say what's your problem basically
Speaker:w we're doing pretty well.
Speaker:We've increased this.
Speaker:We were spending money and we don't have that inflation, which you forecast.
Speaker:And the, and that, that appears to be the case.
Speaker:That was certainly Indications that the inflation may take off over
Speaker:recent weeks, the U S inflation rate went up 4.2% last month.
Speaker:And there are various people who are are now saying, there, there isn't a
Speaker:place and the others are saying the in placement is there really be, can't say
Speaker:because it's in bricks and mortar and houses and various things like that.
Speaker:You've got to, you'd have to say in the end even though the relationship
Speaker:of money supply and real wealth and inflation it's very difficult to
Speaker:detect very difficult to scientifically determine the cause and effect.
Speaker:It's got to be that if you actually dump a lot more money on the
Speaker:economy without producing the goods, that's gotta be in place.
Speaker:And in the end, when it's being prevented or being stopped at the moment, because
Speaker:people are holding a lot of money in bank balance in more money than they used to.
Speaker:So hold You can't see that's going to happen forever.
Speaker:But when it does take off, it may take off slowly and yeah.
Speaker:And gradually governments, I'll penny, penny back and prevent it happening.
Speaker:But it may take off very rapidly.
Speaker:It has it, as it has in various countries in the past.
Speaker:You finished that article where you're saying that the outcome of all of what
Speaker:we're talking about, at least for this country and probably for a few developed
Speaker:economies is you say that see the slow Latin American decline or an abrupt crash.
Speaker:What you've got feeling on where things are heading as
Speaker:you look into the next decade.
Speaker:I would say the former the low there is likely to be a low decline.
Speaker:I If there's a crash that has some benefits, he certainly wipes.
Speaker:A lot of people are very painful, but a crash does suddenly have this.
Speaker:Major understanding that, we can't continue like that.
Speaker:We've got to go into austerity, we've got to do this and wine back payment systems
Speaker:and things and and stop stop impeding People's decisions making in terms of
Speaker:efficiency, but th that crash that often leads to to poor policies as it did in the
Speaker:United States, for example, in the 1930s.
Speaker:And it takes a long time to get over.
Speaker:But the worst thing is the slow decline that the boiling frog
Speaker:sort of thing, and the Argentinian conundrum, we started over a hundred
Speaker:years ago when Argentina had about.
Speaker:Some like per capita income to Australia in the United States.
Speaker:And there's now calls itself as has done for many years now, a third world country.
Speaker:So you know, that, that is the tragedy that, that may well unfold,
Speaker:that we'd continue along the lines we've been continuing and.
Speaker:Because Australia is, has got some phenomenal natural wealth
Speaker:is unlikely to go with sort of Bangladesh or Ethiopian roots.
Speaker:But nonetheless, it's going to be a lot poorer than than it would be.
Speaker:Yeah, listening to you.
Speaker:It just sounds a lack of of stewardship in a way.
Speaker:I quoted last week, Krista Muth from the Hudson.
Speaker:Institute in the U S I read a paper of his, and he said that for the 191 years
Speaker:in the U S 191 years, right up until the closing of the gold window in 71.
Speaker:The U S essentially ran balanced budgets, 181 years.
Speaker:And his theory was that basically there was a kind of moral imperative.
Speaker:There was a sense of, George Washington said that it was anathema for any
Speaker:generation to create debt, that it couldn't pay off in its own lifetime.
Speaker:And she has to see where we're at now with, Like the U S Def
Speaker:deficit in, the Ford obligations.
Speaker:It's like a big historical shift, right?
Speaker:It is.
Speaker:And the the people would take a contribute and say look, people are going to be
Speaker:much richer in the future than we are.
Speaker:Watching the night pay, pay more If you could, if you can get away with it and
Speaker:then not that's that makes a bit of sense.
Speaker:But as you say no economists really thought in terms of
Speaker:deficit financing until Keynes.
Speaker:Governments were doing a bit of it now and again, before Keynes in 1936,
Speaker:the general to his general theory now.
Speaker:Any economists who you just don't agree with.
Speaker:It couldn't get a job in treasury there isn't, we ha we have the treasury we
Speaker:don't know that we got 1500 PhDs and the Australians are treasured that we've
Speaker:got a lot that are on the reserve bank.
Speaker:And they all think that.
Speaker:It's great.
Speaker:W we can do this and maybe we just going a little bit too far.
Speaker:Now the treasury secretary said yesterday, perhaps we've got to wind
Speaker:back at some stage in the future, but, he's been encouraging the government
Speaker:to spend ever since he was appointed.
Speaker:It sounds like a little bit of pregnancy, maybe we've gone too far.
Speaker:It's I think once the hand has been put to the plow, it's funny now, living
Speaker:here in Canberra, I I'm a very committed cyclist and I'd ride a huge amount.
Speaker:Every Thursday morning.
Speaker:One of my rides finishes literally out the front of the treasury building.
Speaker:And I always stop there and I put my headphones on and put
Speaker:some stuff on for the ride home.
Speaker:And yeah, it's funny sitting there and I was saying this to one of my kids.
Speaker:There's essentially a room in there where with a computer screen where
Speaker:somebody is typing in zero, zero, zero, zero, and hitting enter.
Speaker:And it's like magical unicorn money.
Speaker:He just came into the world and I'm like, when you explain it
Speaker:to a five-year-old and they go.
Speaker:But you can't do that.
Speaker:I'm going.
Speaker:Yeah, I know.
Speaker:So I wanted to ask you a couple of final things.
Speaker:I know you've got a TV interview to get to, and want to ask you a
Speaker:couple of favorite questions of mine.
Speaker:Can you ever see the reestablishment of a gold standard and what do you
Speaker:think it would be a good thing?
Speaker:Yeah, I think it would be a good thing.
Speaker:I think it certainly would be a good thing.
Speaker:Can be reestablished.
Speaker:Maybe Bitcoin will be the gold standard in the future.
Speaker:Maybe that's.
Speaker:This is going to have teething troubles.
Speaker:If it's going to go up and down I think there will be.
Speaker:It's essentially, although governments will always steal your
Speaker:money and they can't do it So much.
Speaker:And there's a gold standard that people will look for ways in which they can
Speaker:avoid having the government take their money and maybe gold will be in there.
Speaker:Another other assets like that.
Speaker:So to do so w we'll get something like that for perhaps forced on government.
Speaker:Because people will leave the national currencies, which we should
Speaker:depreciating vis-a-vis gold or Bitcoin or whatever else is in invented.
Speaker:So I know that your focus isn't necessarily on cryptos, but I just
Speaker:finished a bunch of study at Oxford in their crypto economics program.
Speaker:And my.
Speaker:My conviction is that there is no way in and there is no way in hell that central
Speaker:banks and sovereign governments again, to let private cryptocurrencies win.
Speaker:I just think central bank, digital currencies, if they don't.
Speaker:If they don't win, then the entire order of nation States and, Senora
Speaker:regional, all that stuffs collapses.
Speaker:So do you have any thoughts on that?
Speaker:I know that, crypto is not a big necessarily focus for you, but I
Speaker:can't see how governments don't use central bank digital currencies, just
Speaker:to wipe out private cryptocurrencies.
Speaker:People would have to have confidence in the central bank, digital currency.
Speaker:I any companies that, we all have superannuation.
Speaker:I know the government's going to steal the superannuation eventually and we'd
Speaker:already has It so it's going to it's going to steal that no matter what sort of
Speaker:assurances it gave in the first instance.
Speaker:And I guess if they, if the central banks bring in their own cryptocurrencies,
Speaker:then they will be successful.
Speaker:If people think they are bonafide and they will keep to them otherwise.
Speaker:People will see to buy gold or buy a Bitcoin or private sector things.
Speaker:And it's typical to see how the government stops that happening.
Speaker:Governments globally would have to come to some sort of agreements
Speaker:and policing mechanism in ways that are difficult to envisage.
Speaker:It makes me think of that line.
Speaker:Trust us.
Speaker:We're from the government.
Speaker:We're here to help.
Speaker:You can trust us with that new cryptocurrency.
Speaker:This time will behave.
Speaker:Last couple of things.
Speaker:We don't give investment advice on the podcast, but can you suggest.
Speaker:In terms of hedging or just the global macro outlook over the next decade.
Speaker:What sorts of things would you suggest people should be thinking
Speaker:about in terms of protecting wealth?
Speaker:I guess the traditional answer is bricks and mortar and houses
Speaker:and all that sort of stuff.
Speaker:There, there is a problem in Australia in that respect because houses are inflated
Speaker:in values of results of regulation.
Speaker:After I'd done a lot of work in the course of my career on housing policies,
Speaker:and essentially we were very efficient producers of housing in Australia.
Speaker:We have a very dispersed system non-union and all that sort of stuff.
Speaker:But what we do is ration, Lund arrest and land uses.
Speaker:If somebody on the outskirts on the new South Wales border beyond Canberra has got
Speaker:a farm it might be worth $2,000 a hectare.
Speaker:If suddenly that farm is rezoned for housing, it's worth $200,000,
Speaker:but per hectare or more, more maybe.
Speaker:So essentially we've Got very high housing prices in Australia, simply because of
Speaker:regulation through government preventing land subdivisions, and therefore that by.
Speaker:Creating a shortage so that's an area where you could say that would be great.
Speaker:And it may still be great, but it's not as good as it might have been given the
Speaker:government's decisions over the years.
Speaker:But so I guess those sorts of areas you'd think in terms of the better
Speaker:areas to go maybe areas in terms of it.
Speaker:Obviously there's going to be improvements somewhere, like in
Speaker:the 1920s and 1930s were clearly automobiles were the thing to do.
Speaker:And if you got it right, you were dead.
Speaker:But lot of automobile companies went bankrupt.
Speaker:So it was we'll see that in it as well.
Speaker:Yeah, it's interesting.
Speaker:You say that.
Speaker:Cause I'm building out a blockchain consultancy, not cryptocurrency,
Speaker:but actually the blockchain stuff behind it in terms of helping
Speaker:businesses with youth use cases.
Speaker:And we're still very early in that.
Speaker:That tech phase of blockchain and decentralized ledgers.
Speaker:Cause it's you try to explain it to people as this glazed look over
Speaker:their eyes nah, not getting it yet.
Speaker:So I think we're a few years away from the mass adoption.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Last thing is when COVID hit and basically seeing this vast, monetary
Speaker:and fiscal stimulus globally, I think there's now North of 30
Speaker:trillion and excess global liquidity.
Speaker:If you had a magic wand, what would you have done differently if you were the
Speaker:prime minister or, had said to you, Hey Alan, am I going to give you the case?
Speaker:We're going to just give us a policy response.
Speaker:What would you have done differently?
Speaker:Even if it was painful?
Speaker:I think there's the COVID response in Australia was a mixture of less
Speaker:protect people who suddenly become.
Speaker:Vulnerable as a result of the policies we've put in place to protect others.
Speaker:That is, so we've got to Have a sense of adult being given to people.
Speaker:But then in addition to that, there was always the idea that we ought
Speaker:to stimulate the economy as well.
Speaker:And I wouldn't have done any of that.
Speaker:Certainly there, there was a case for putting in some temporary respites
Speaker:funding for people, but the government went a lot further than that.
Speaker:And it, and he talks about, we need to stimulate, we need to do things
Speaker:over and again, over and above that.
Speaker:And indeed in the U S the Democrats now talking about we've got to replace it,
Speaker:but replace it with something better.
Speaker:So it's using the COVID as an excuse to totally dismantle the note, what
Speaker:they consider the noxious parts of of the economy and replace them by others,
Speaker:which basically is, a socialistic.
Speaker:So I think that there was always a case that you have to do something about
Speaker:COVID if you are going to, unless you're going to let it run rampant, which
Speaker:probably would have never been possible.
Speaker:Yeah, you have to do something to protect those who you've created as
Speaker:casualties but that's all he needs to do and you don't need to start so
Speaker:stimulating the economy because as we've seen the economy will come racing back.
Speaker:Because you haven't destroyed anything.
Speaker:All you've done is put it on ice.
Speaker:At the root of all of that, is it simply a question of political economy?
Speaker:It's that politician?
Speaker:a, It's a, there's an interplay here.
Speaker:Isn't there because if you look at Jude, Wanniski is the way the world works.
Speaker:And you mentioned this at the start that politicians are responding to
Speaker:what they are sensing people want.
Speaker:And that's a quite a wineskin idea.
Speaker:Do you think as a populace, there's just this increasing
Speaker:expectation for government large.
Speaker:So there's an independent tradition here that the people expect government
Speaker:to provide more and more, and the government is happy to keep doing it
Speaker:because they're relatively, for most politicians it's four to eight years
Speaker:and then you're doing something else.
Speaker:Is that the dynamic.
Speaker:I think it is.
Speaker:It's the same dynamic.
Speaker:it's always been there.
Speaker:I mentioned it on a couple of articles, the American revolutionaries, I mean
Speaker:that they understood this and they understood how democracy could kill
Speaker:the Republic because basically, people will vote themselves more money.
Speaker:And that's why the whole idea, the American constitution, which
Speaker:is the same as the Australian constitution essentially.
Speaker:Was it in place?
Speaker:To prevent governments actually doing that sort of thing to to give them
Speaker:much, much less leeway than they would want to actually seize money
Speaker:from other people and give it to those who are gonna vote for them.
Speaker:And that's why the American constitution served us so well for so long.
Speaker:There are signs that.
Speaker:They're more than the science.
Speaker:We've been discussing that essentially is no longer serving that purpose, that once
Speaker:the government decides that it no longer is going to balance a budget that, again,
Speaker:who's suddenly with that, we're suddenly departed from those principles that,
Speaker:that, that were that to allow democracy to work in a way, which didn't destroy the
Speaker:very which has given them the prosperity.
Speaker:I can't remember if it was Alexander Hamilton or Benjamin Franklin that said
Speaker:that if the people don't understand basically the value of their freedom,
Speaker:he said, then the fault is ours.
Speaker:And it's our job as politicians to remind them of the importance of
Speaker:their freedom and not to take it away.
Speaker:So it's it was interesting idea.
Speaker:In all of this, my, my second master's I did was in philosophical anthropology and.
Speaker:This idea of ontology, that there are certain inalienable, if you will, aspects
Speaker:of personhood that people need to work.
Speaker:There's an inherent dignity in work and production.
Speaker:That's what attracted me to supply side of, I was like, We need to
Speaker:produce stuff we need to work.
Speaker:And if you create a context, either through universal basic income or transfer
Speaker:payments where people are disincentivized, it's not just an economic question.
Speaker:It's a question around human dignity and human, just how culture develops.
Speaker:So for me, I'm starting to see we're in a very pivotal moment about what
Speaker:we think it means to be a culture.
Speaker:Last question.
Speaker:Are you optimistic?
Speaker:I, in the dismal science, are you a, what are you, what are your, as you
Speaker:look ahead, what are you thinking?
Speaker:I think that I'm optimistic in terms of, we'll see, continue to see
Speaker:technology showing us improvements in living standards, et cetera, but
Speaker:I'm quite pessimistic in terms of the ability of governments to corral these.
Speaker:Animal spirits that we have as individuals and to actually ensure that we don't steal
Speaker:the money from those who are producing the well that we're all enjoying.
Speaker:And we don't suppress those incentives that they have.
Speaker:I'm quite pessimistic that there will, we will see a turnaround
Speaker:back to the level of, more rampant capitalism, if you like than we've.
Speaker:We've been seeing in recent years.
Speaker:Yeah, I think when you look at the 2008 bile out, I said to my kids the other
Speaker:day that it wasn't, it's not really capitalism when the central bank prevents
Speaker:the actual, the natural functioning of a, of an ecosystem and refuses to
Speaker:allow failure to happen, then you know, it, we're seeing something emerging.
Speaker:That's quite different.
Speaker:So we're going to let you go.
Speaker:Cause I know you've got to, you've got to get.
Speaker:It's a cross town, but I've absolutely enjoyed this.
Speaker:We're going to send people across to your work at regulation,
Speaker:We're going to put those links in the show notes, but want to thank
Speaker:you for sharing your wisdom with us.
Speaker:And I just want to encourage you to keep writing cause I'll be looking out
Speaker:for those articles in the months ahead.
Speaker:Thanks Jonathan, and keep televising as well, because it's very important
Speaker:that the message gets out and abouts and a great piece of work doing that.
Speaker:Thanks so much.
Speaker:Thank you.
Speaker:Appreciate you joining us.
Speaker:Hey everybody, Jonathan, back with you once again, just to
Speaker:wrap up, I really hope you got a great deal out of that interview.
Speaker:With Dr.
Speaker:Alan Moran, he had to finish up quickly and get across
Speaker:town to do a great interview.
Speaker:Which we watched on television last night.
Speaker:Really appreciate the work he's doing.
Speaker:So much common sense, trying to help people understand the impact of excess
Speaker:regulation on retarding and distorting.
Speaker:What takes place in markets that we would all probably hope were a
Speaker:little bit more unregulated and free.
Speaker:So that's it for this episode, please make sure you go and check out.
Speaker:Alan Moran at regulation,
Speaker:And you can reach out to them.
Speaker:There it's a, it's an amazing site.
Speaker:There's a huge amount of riding on that site.
Speaker:So if you want to go deeper.
Speaker:Into his work.
Speaker:Please do that last bit of housekeeping for me, please
Speaker:make sure you've subscribed.
Speaker:To the podcast.
Speaker:That's a big help wherever you're listening.
Speaker:And is we're only really getting started your help in
Speaker:sharing this with other people.
Speaker:If you're on social media, posting this on your Twitter feed.
Speaker:Is a big help letting people know that a supply side.
Speaker:Is not, has not gone missing that.
Speaker:There is so many amazing men and women around the world who.
Speaker:Still have a strong sense that when good men and women
Speaker:produce good goods and services.
Speaker:It's a bit of a tautology there then.
Speaker:Our economies have the best chance at thriving.
Speaker:Don't you feel?
Speaker:We're in a very interesting moment of global history.
Speaker:It really does feel like the script that we were all reading off is being
Speaker:rewritten almost on a daily basis.
Speaker:So stay tuned, friends.
Speaker:We'll keep trying to bring your guests to unravel what's happening.
Speaker:On a personal level I'm taking my recent study at Oxford in
Speaker:blockchain and crypto economics.
Speaker:Into a service offering.
Speaker:So if you were interested in finding more about how we can help you with blockchain
Speaker:business cases and, simply understanding blockchain, I think there's a big sense
Speaker:of people, they hear about cryptos.
Speaker:They know a little bit about cryptos.
Speaker:But really what's you.
Speaker:Incredibly powerful as the technology behind it, the blockchain technology,
Speaker:which I've been beavering away at for the last couple of years.
Speaker:Stay tuned.
Speaker:We'll keep you posted on where I'm heading with that, but that's it for this week.
Speaker:We have James McIntosh from the wall street journal on coming on Tuesday.
Speaker:And then hopefully we've got a very famous global investor guest coming
Speaker:on the next couple of weeks, so really hoping we can make that happen.
Speaker:So stay tuned.
Speaker:Make sure you've subscribed my name's jonathan doyle this has been the
Speaker:supply side podcast and we'll have another episode for you very soon.