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29 - Get Ready for the Year of Joy
Episode 2919th September 2022 • Greenbook Podcast • Greenbook
00:00:00 00:49:52

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After years of studying consumer behavior, two insights industry leaders are on a mission to empower others to lead a more joyful life.

Andrew Cannon and Debby Schlesinger-Hellman join the GreenBook Podcast host, Lenny Murphy, to discuss their project that will leverage the reach of the insights industry and positively engage people with the gift of joy. Andrew and Debby walk us through their holistic, four pillared approach that will help others take control of the joy they can bring to themselves and others.

Many thanks to Debby and Andrew for being our guests. Thanks also to our producer, Karen Lynch, and our editor, James Carlisle. And to Tremendous, for sponsoring this episode.




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