Life is designed to help you master the 7 areas of life:
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You don't make a difference fitting in, you make a difference standing out.
Speaker:And having the courage to stand out, that's what this is about.
Speaker:I'm a firm believer that any area of your life you don't empower,
Speaker:other people will overpower.
Speaker:So my topic today is the seven areas of life that you're here to empower.
Speaker:So you can have mind mastery over your life mastery.
Speaker:So if you have something to write with and write on,
Speaker:you may want to take some notes or you may want to listen to this more than
Speaker:once, many people do because I speak sometimes fast
So first of all,
Speaker:I'm first outline the seven primary areas that I've been in focused on.
Speaker:Since I was 18 I wanted to master my life and I started to
Speaker:coordinate what I considered a full life and I divided life into seven areas,
Speaker:from my reading and from different people's models.
Speaker:But I believe that we have a spiritual quest,
Speaker:and that an inspired mission is the empowerment of the spiritual quest.
Speaker:We have a mind development quest, which is waking up our genius, innovation,
Speaker:creativity and original thinking in that area,
Speaker:making a contribution in the world, intellectually,
Speaker:and having great understanding in our life and wealth of knowledge in our life.
Speaker:In business, it's about making some sort of contribution,
Speaker:building some business that serves great numbers of people so you can be
Speaker:rewarded in life serving. And finances, it's about financial independence,
Speaker:the empowerment of financial independence.
Speaker:And in relationship it's having a loving and intimate and fulfilling
Speaker:relationship, a partnership that you feel is fulfilling,
Speaker:being with somebody that you feel is a compliment that's helping you fulfill
Speaker:your dreams. And then on relationship,
Speaker:I mean in social it's about empowering your life there and having an influence
Speaker:and waking up your leader that you have inside.
Speaker:Everybody has a leader inside if they're living authentically.
Speaker:And then the last one is how to develop a healthy
Speaker:mindset to be able to have physiological wellbeing.
Speaker:I believe we want to maximize our physical potential and have a vital energized
Speaker:body. You know, I knock out 17, 18 hour days pretty consistently,
Speaker:sometimes 20 hours in a day and I have full of energy.
Speaker:I'm not having a lack of energy. And how do you do that?
Speaker:So that's what the seven areas are, and so again,
Speaker:maybe you want to write down some notes here.
Speaker:I'll start with the mental area and we'll go all the way to the spiritual area.
Speaker:You, whatever's highest on your values,
Speaker:you know I don't ever do a talk without talking about values,
Speaker:but in your life you have a set of priorities, a set of values,
Speaker:things that are most to least important in your life, a hierarchy of values.
Speaker:Whatever is highest on your value, you're spontaneously inspired to fulfill.
Speaker:And whatever's highest on your value is also the area that you excel
Speaker:in knowledge.
Speaker:Your epistemological pursuit of knowledge is mastered and
Speaker:mastered in that area. So anytime you want to learn something,
Speaker:you want to ask how specifically is whatever the content that I'm learning,
Speaker:helping you, or helping me and you're asking yourself,
Speaker:helping me fulfill what I value most, what I feel is my mission?
Speaker:Whatever your highest value is, is your mission in life,
Speaker:your teleological purpose in life.
Speaker:It's also your ontological identity in life and it's your epistemological
Speaker:pursuit of core competence of knowledge that you're going to develop.
Speaker:Whatever's high on your value,
Speaker:you filter out of your reality whatever it is that helps you fulfill that.
Speaker:So that's why you maximize your awareness and learning potential in that area.
Speaker:So ask yourself, the quality of your life is
Speaker:based on the quality of the questions you ask, ask yourself;
Speaker:how specifically is the content, the topics, the book I'm about to read,
Speaker:the magazine, the article, the YouTube video,
Speaker:how is this information going to help me fulfill what is highest on my values?
Speaker:If I do that, I will absorb that, I will retain that, and I will apply that.
Speaker:And you'll maximize your learning capacity. I've been
Speaker:I really didn't learn that particular topic though until I was about 23.
Speaker:But 23, 45 years ago,
Speaker:I learned how valuable values were and how to master the learning process,
Speaker:which allowed me to learn how to read vast amounts of material.
Speaker:30,700 something books now, and allowed me to do that.
Speaker:And it's because I asked how specifically is whatever content I'm about to
Speaker:absorb, how's it helping me fulfill what's most meaningful?
Speaker:You've probably read in your life and sometimes you read and it puts you to
Speaker:sleep and sometimes you read and it awakened you and you didn't want to go to
Speaker:bed. When it's engaging in you and you don't want to go to bed,
Speaker:that's because it's helping you fulfill what your highest value is.
Speaker:When it's not, it's putting you to sleep,
Speaker:the reticular activating system is calming you down because it's going 'boring,
Speaker:I can't see how I'm relating to this,
Speaker:I don't see where it's going to help me in my life.' It shuts you down.
Speaker:So ask yourself,
Speaker:how specifically is studying this content helping you fulfill what's highest on
Speaker:your value,
Speaker:your mission to help you fulfill your most authentic identity and to fulfill
Speaker:what's meaningful to you? If you do that, you'll maximize your learning.
Speaker:If you're communicating to somebody, if you're talking in their values,
Speaker:they're going to learn it more. When you're doing that,
Speaker:you're going to learn it more.
Speaker:So whether at work or at school or whatever way you need to learn,
Speaker:ask that question.
Speaker:The quality of your life is based on the quality of questions you ask.
Speaker:In the second area in your business,
Speaker:just know that nobody goes to work for the sake of a company,
Speaker:they go to work to fulfill what they value most.
Speaker:If they can see how the job description and the primary mission, vision,
Speaker:and goals of the company are helping them fulfill what they value most,
Speaker:they're engaged, they're inspired,
Speaker:they are people that can't wait to go to work.
Speaker:They tap dance to work as Buffett said, but if they can't see it,
Speaker:they're going to want to take a break, they're going to want to escape,
Speaker:they're going to want to go on YouTube, they're going to want to go and and eat,
Speaker:they're going to want to take an escape route and they're going to want a
Speaker:vacation and a retirement instead of an engagement.
Speaker:People that are engaged in what they do are more productive, more inspired,
Speaker:the day goes by quicker. They're more, they don't age as much.
Speaker:They have eustress, not distress.
Speaker:So ask how specifically is this job duty and the mission of the company helping
Speaker:me fulfill what I value most? That same question is gold,
Speaker:whether you're learning something or whether you're taking action.
Speaker:See you have sensory perception interneurons that
Speaker:neurons for action. Sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neurons, perception,
Speaker:decision and action. If you link all those to what you value most,
Speaker:you maximize your awareness and potential in life.
Speaker:That's been the thing I love doing. In the Breakthrough Experience program,
Speaker:which is my signature program, I love helping people do that.
Speaker:To master these seven areas. That's the whole purpose of the program,
Speaker:to help people break through whatever the limitations are that they have in
Speaker:their mind,
Speaker:show them how to reframe the perspective so everything that's in the way is now
Speaker:on the way,
Speaker:and they can see how whatever they're doing in their work or whatever they're
Speaker:studying is helping them fulfill what's meaningful to them,
Speaker:so they maximize the input and output in their life,
Speaker:which increases their productivity.
Speaker:I have a new book called The Productivity Factor on just that topic on how to do
Speaker:that. Also when you look at that,
Speaker:just know when you're communicating in your business,
Speaker:if you're a leader or a manager, an executive or salesperson, whatever,
Speaker:whoever you're communicating,
Speaker:whether it's an employee or it's a customer or to anybody,
Speaker:if you care enough about the other individual to find out what they value and
Speaker:communicate what you value in terms of what they value,
Speaker:you automatically maximize the respect and communication and dialogue.
Speaker:You don't have alternating monologues where people turned off while you're
Speaker:talking and vice versa, you're having dialogue.
Speaker:So you can empower your business by asking quality questions.
Speaker:How specifically is what I'm about to do in my career or my action steps,
Speaker:my job description and the mission of the company,
Speaker:how's it helping me fulfill my highest value?
Speaker:And how is it whatever I want to say to somebody,
Speaker:how's it helping them fulfill theirs? If you take the time to master that,
Speaker:which is what I outlined in the Breakthrough Experience
Speaker:programs I'm doing in life,
Speaker:I assure you that will give you a competitive advantage in life.
Speaker:Onto the third area, financially, look, whoever,
Speaker:the hierarchy of your values dictates your financial destiny.
Speaker:If you don't have a wealth building mentality and you don't have a desire to
Speaker:grow wealth, it's not going to happen. I've interviewed thousands of people,
Speaker:I've interviewed over a hundred billionaires and
Speaker:from one extreme to the other, and there's no question left.
Speaker:I'm certain that the hierarchy of your values is dictating your financial
Speaker:destiny. If you don't have a value on wealth building,
Speaker:you automatically are going to end up spending your money on things that are
Speaker:more important than wealth building. And that's perfectly okay.
Speaker:There's no right and wrong about it,
Speaker:it's just if you say you want to be wealthy and
Speaker:don't have the value on it, you're going to end up beating yourself up.
Speaker:Because anytime you set a goal that's not aligned with what you value most,
Speaker:you're going to beat yourself up.
Speaker:So if you'd like to know how to transform the hierarchy of values so you
Speaker:increase the probability of wealth building, I show you how to do that,
Speaker:and that's basically stacking up how is doing the various action steps proven to
Speaker:build wealth, how specifically is it helping me fulfill my highest value?
Speaker:I outline this and explain this in the Breakthrough Experience and I show you
Speaker:how to do it in the Breakthrough Experience and
Speaker:the associations you make in the brain so you have a wealthier mindset.
Speaker:And sometimes it's as simple as that to transform.
Speaker:And all of a sudden now you see opportunities,
Speaker:you take advantage of opportunities and you start investing in buying assets
Speaker:instead of liabilities.
Speaker:People that don't value themselves don't value serving people and don't value
Speaker:wealth, they buy things that go down in value, people that do,
Speaker:they buy things that go up in value and they appreciate in themselves,
Speaker:their life, and their wealth.
Speaker:So you can empower that area by the quality of the
Speaker:exactly how to do that in the Breakthrough Experience and also in other programs
Speaker:and products that I offer. But on the fourth one, the relationship area,
Speaker:just know that the person you're with, the individuals you're with,
Speaker:they have a set of values, whatever's highest on their value,
Speaker:their identity revolves around, whatever's highest on your value,
Speaker:your identity revolves around.
Speaker:If you can't see what they're dedicated to is serving what you're dedicated to,
Speaker:you're going to want to change them. They don't want to be changed,
Speaker:they want to be loved for who they are. So if you're trying to change them,
Speaker:you're undermining the relationship, they're trying to change you,
Speaker:they're undermining the relationship.
Speaker:And many people who are not living by priority, who are disengaged,
Speaker:who are in their amygdala,
Speaker:who are addicted to their pride and think they're right,
Speaker:project values onto you and you're doing that to them and you create clashes and
Speaker:then you wonder what's going on in the relationship.
Speaker:In the Breakthrough Experience I show how to dissolve that,
Speaker:how to equillibrate the process.
Speaker:But right now I'm just going to say that if you would love to have a more
Speaker:respectful dialogue between somebody you care about and somebody you love,
Speaker:you ask; how specifically is what they're dedicated to,
Speaker:their highest value and the actions that they live every day,
Speaker:how's it helping you fulfill what you're dedicated,
Speaker:what's highest on your value and what you're living every day?
Speaker:If you can link those and keep writing down the answers to that back and forth,
Speaker:I guarantee you, all of a sudden your respect for each other will go up.
Speaker:Your communication skills will go across more fluently. I've done this,
Speaker:I've taken thousands of people through my values applications training and in
Speaker:the process of doing it, I've shown them how to do it.
Speaker:I had 66 people in Japan one time and they were going through the Values
Speaker:Training Program and when they were doing that, 66 pairs,
Speaker:which is actually 33 pairs, 66 people,
Speaker:27 of them did business with each other afterward, because they saw that they,
Speaker:they had such a value and respect for each other.
Speaker:So ask yourself how specifically is what they're dedicated to,
Speaker:what their life revolves around,
Speaker:how's it helping you fulfill what you're dedicated and what your life revolves
Speaker:around, your highest values? If you do that and keep linking that 50, 60,
Speaker:100 times, 200 times, the more you link,
Speaker:the more you appreciate and respect the other individual and the greater the
Speaker:relationship dynamic becomes. When it comes to leadership,
Speaker:just know that to the degree that you live by your highest values and you're
Speaker:congruent with who you are, your identity, the more integrity you have,
Speaker:the more you expand your space and time horizons and give yourself permission to
Speaker:play a bigger vision, the more you automatically walk your talk,
Speaker:the more self-worth goes up, the more you're able to discipline,
Speaker:be reliable and focused and the more you're able to pursue challenges that
Speaker:inspire you to wake up genius. Leadership is basically congruency.
Speaker:It's the integrity of walking the path of congruency, doing what you really,
Speaker:really love, doing what you're inspired by, what's deeply meaningful to you,
Speaker:what you feel is your purpose in life.
Speaker:I've been a leader in the area of personal development,
Speaker:self-help area you might say, and that's because it's been my focus,
Speaker:it's my highest value, it's my life's mission and I just do it every single day,
Speaker:seven days a week. I love it.
Speaker:I can't wait to get up in the morning and do it When you can't wait to get up in
Speaker:the morning and do what it is that's highest on your value and you structure
Speaker:your life and delegate lower priority things and get on with the highest
Speaker:priority things, you automatically wake up a leadership role. It's there.
Speaker:Everybody has a leader sitting inside them,
Speaker:but it's dormant because they usually are subordinating to outer people that
Speaker:they admire, injecting values, clouding the clarity of their own mission,
Speaker:trying to be somebody they're not ,beating themselves up wondering what's wrong,
Speaker:thinking they have limited beliefs and sabotaging when in fact those are just
Speaker:feedback systems to get them back to authenticity, to wake up their leadership.
Speaker:So leadership is asking what is that's highest on my priority and what is the
Speaker:highest priority actions I can do to help me fulfill that?
Speaker:And then delegating the rest away.
Speaker:And giving yourself permission to be the leader.
Speaker:We either are basically following people in the culture or we're leading a
Speaker:culture. I'd much rather lead the culture than follow the culture.
Speaker:I'd rather be an individual that makes a difference than somebody that just fits
Speaker:in. You don't make a difference fitting in, you make a difference standing out.
Speaker:And having the courage to stand out, hat's what this is about.
Speaker:That's what I do in the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:I show people exactly how to power all these areas and what to do and how to use
Speaker:the Demartini Method to dissolve the distractions and all the baggage that you
Speaker:accumulate and get on with what's priority according to the values that you
Speaker:really hold and what your life demonstrates really you're committed to.
Speaker:Many people think they know what's important to them
Speaker:go down and go through the Breakthrough Experience and discover, whoa,
Speaker:no wonder they keep not achieving what they say they want to achieve.
Speaker:They're pursuing something that's not really truly their authentic mission.
Speaker:So if you'd like to get clear about your mission,
Speaker:please remember at the Breakthrough Experience is where we focus on that.
Speaker:Also in health,
Speaker:your physiology is creating signs and symptoms,
Speaker:signs that you can see, symptoms that doctors can see,
Speaker:and you can actually,
Speaker:those signs and symptoms are feedback mechanisms to let us know when we swayed
Speaker:in our perceptions and we have an imbalanced perspective.
Speaker:If we're impulsively infatuated with somebody or instinctifully avoiding
Speaker:somebody and resenting somebody, we're not seeing reflectively.
Speaker:We're too humble or too proud to admit what we see in others inside ourselves.
Speaker:We don't have equanimity within ourself,
Speaker:we don't have equity between ourself and others.
Speaker:We have a judgment which leaves us empty and makes us avoid,
Speaker:which makes us feel unfulfilled and it creates signs and symptoms in the
Speaker:body. Physiological, epigenetic signs and symptoms,
Speaker:autonomic signs and symptoms,
Speaker:to try to make us aware that we're not seeing the whole,
Speaker:we're judging other people in completely and we're judging ourselves indirectly
Speaker:the same way. And those signs and symptoms, if knowing
Speaker:which is one of the things I talk about in the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:what the body is trying to reveal to you,
Speaker:then you realize that if you actually live by priority and live authentically
Speaker:and ask how is no matter what's happening in my life,
Speaker:how's it helping me fulfill my mission, my highest values,
Speaker:the thing that I'm most inspired by and deeply meaningful? If you do that,
Speaker:then all of a sudden your wellness quotient goes up. You have eustress,
Speaker:not distress.
Speaker:Distress is when you're trying to go and seek a one-sided world and get smacked
Speaker:by the other side and you have a fantasy and you get hit by a nightmare.
Speaker:Eustress is when you have an objective and you embrace both sides of life.
Speaker:And this is what happens when you live by your highest value.
Speaker:That's why I have people in the Breakthrough identify their values,
Speaker:clear out the emotional baggage, get focused on what's inspiring to them,
Speaker:and help them live a purpose-filled life. So they have meaning in life.
Speaker:The thing that distinguishes us from the animals is meaning.
Speaker:So I'm a firm believer that if we go through and prioritize our life,
Speaker:it makes a huge difference in our outcome in life.
Speaker:I've been doing that all these years.
Speaker:When I finally got realization of how important values were back at age 23,
Speaker:I've been on focus on making sure I live by priority every day.
Speaker:I delegate everything other than what is inspiring.
Speaker:Anything that requires outside motivation to get me to do, I delegate.
Speaker:Anything that's truly inspiring, I stick to.
Speaker:And that allows me to go and build momentum,
Speaker:incremental momentum that becomes unstoppable. Also under spirituality,
Speaker:when you're living by your highest values,
Speaker:you're spontaneous are inspired to act. You don't need motivation to act.
Speaker:I don't need motivation to do my research and teaching every day.
Speaker:I would need motivation to maybe cook or drive, but I delegate those.
Speaker:Anything that I need outside motivation,
Speaker:reminding or incentives or punishment and rewards or whatever to do or not do,
Speaker:man, I'm delegating. I'd rather find somebody who would love to do that,
Speaker:that is inspired to do that
Speaker:so I'm surrounded by people and giving job opportunities to people that are
Speaker:inspired, and so I can go on and do what I'm inspired by.
Speaker:An inspired life doesn't come from desperation doing low priority things.
Speaker:It comes from living by priority. So that the way you live an inspired life.
Speaker:And spirituality,
Speaker:there's no reason to say that a person who's dedicated their life to raising a
Speaker:family is not just as spiritual as somebody who's a monk sitting on some
Speaker:mountaintop. It's all spiritual as far as I'm concerned.
Speaker:Whatever inspires you, whether that being in sports,
Speaker:whether it's growing wealth, whether it's growing a business,
Speaker:whether it's going and sitting and chanting in meditation, doing yoga,
Speaker:whether it's doing art,
Speaker:whether it's going out and being a socialite or politician,
Speaker:anything that's truly authentic to you that inspires you intrinsically
Speaker:and taking and living by that priority is a spiritual path and it
Speaker:inspires you and you given exemplification to other people.
Speaker:So all of those areas of life is what I'm interested in empowering.
Speaker:That's why I wanted to take the time in this little webinar to talk about the
Speaker:seven areas of life and how you're here to empower them.
Speaker:That's why I teach the Breakthrough Experience nearly every week.
Speaker:I do what I can to try to take that information that
Speaker:these 50 years and disseminate to as many people and pass the torch to people so
Speaker:they can go and live an extraordinary life.
Speaker:I've been blessed to live a very amazing life because I've applied these
Speaker:principles and I get to do them on a daily basis and help other people do that.
Speaker:It's extremely rewarding.
Speaker:And you can have a rewarding life doing what you love and you know,
Speaker:no matter what it is that you would love to do,
Speaker:there's a way of empowering all seven areas doing it.
Speaker:And it's about the questions you ask.
Speaker:If you know how to ask the right questions, you can do that.
Speaker:In the Breakthrough Experience I'm teaching you those questions,
Speaker:teaching how to go and empower those seven areas of life.
Speaker:I really want you to be able to do it because any area of your life you don't
Speaker:empower, people are going to overpower.
Speaker:If you don't empower yourself intellectually, you'll
Speaker:If you don't empower yourself mentally or in vocation in your career,
Speaker:you'll be told what to do. If you don't empower yourself financially,
Speaker:you'll be told what you're worth. You don't empower yourself in relationship,
Speaker:you'll be told honey do this stuff around the house you don't really want to do.
Speaker:If you don't empower yourself socially,
Speaker:you'll be told propaganda and misinformation,
Speaker:which is loaded in the society today. If you don't empower yourself physically,
Speaker:you'll be told what drugs to take and organs to remove.
Speaker:If you don't empower yourself spiritually,
Speaker:you'll be taught some antiquated idea,
Speaker:an Aristotelian geocentric world instead of a cosmological picture for your
Speaker:life. If you want to go and do something inspiring,
Speaker:make sure you go and empower the seven areas of life.
Speaker:And that's the quality of your life based on the quality of the questions.
Speaker:I just gave you some very powerful questions.
Speaker:In the Breakthrough Experience I give you way more.
Speaker:I give you the Demartini Method on how to dissolve the baggage that you may be
Speaker:accumulating in your life because of the going through and not taking the time
Speaker:to empower it,
Speaker:and how to be clear about your mission and clear about your purpose and your
Speaker:highest values. It's a gold mine of opportunity for people.
Speaker:It's 26 hours with me. You spent 20 or 30 minutes here,
Speaker:but 26 hours of intense focus on the mastery of life and to empower these seven
Speaker:areas of life.
Speaker:I'd love for you to join me at the Breakthrough Experience because I love
Speaker:watching lives transform. I ask people at the beginning of the weekend,
Speaker:how many of you learned something, at the end of the weekend,
Speaker:how many of you learned something this weekend that you could have gone your
Speaker:whole life and if you hadn't have been here, you wouldn't have learned?
Speaker:Every hand goes up. I ask people,
Speaker:how many of you had a story that you came in with and that story's out the door?
Speaker:A new story of your life and a new trajectory is now
Speaker:If you're ready to go and have that type of transformation and you want to go
Speaker:and empower the seven areas of life and you want to have mind mastery and life
Speaker:mastery, come and join me at the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:Take advantage of listening to this little video again and again,
Speaker:but join me at the Breakthrough Experience so I can actually, for 26 hours,
Speaker:do what I can to impart the information that has transformed my life and the
Speaker:lives of thousands. I look forward to seeing you at the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:Thank you for joining me for this little webinar.
Speaker:I hope that you are able to take the notes. If not,
Speaker:listen to it again and again. I know I speak a bit fast sometimes,
Speaker:but just know that, that when you're inspired, you're
Speaker:you love what you do, you're certain about it, you're present with it,
Speaker:It's a magnetic force that allows you to draw people, places and things,
Speaker:ideas and events in life to do something extraordinary.
Speaker:So come and join me at the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:Take advantage of the opportunity. I'll see you there. Thank you for joining me.