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Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp, VP of Content and Engaged Learning at and this is the Work in Sports podcast...
Before we get into our new favorite segment, the stat line, quick note -- the final part of our four-part series on social justice in sports told through the eyes of our young diverse aspiring sports professional Wednesday.
I hope you have been listening. If not. Do it. Start with part 1.
After this series is complete we’ll get right back into our weekly sports industry interviews -- with a returning champion, Joan Lynch. Joan is the Chief Content Officer for WorkingNation, which means she studies the job market and has incredible advice.
Her first podcast episode, last year at this time, was one of our most popular of all-time. Like, way more downloads than Leigh Steinberg, but not quite as many as Mailynh Vu. Which puts her in rockstar status.
We’ve already recorded this interview and I have to say, I think it’s some of our best work -- Joan knows her stuff, and I get all fired up, and then she brings insightful data, and I rant and rave -- we are like a perfect yin and yang. So plan on tuning in, next Wednesday.
Alright… let’s get into
The stat line…
The total number of jobs on -- the number one job board for the sports industry -- 17,286 -- pretty much flat week over week.
We added 2,093 new jobs in the last week, an average of 299 fresh sports jobs per day during the last week. That’s a lot of fresh activity.
Three cool jobs --
The South Carolina Stingrays are hiring a Marketing Coordinator - great entry-level job -- I’ll wait a few seconds for you all to google search to figure out what sports the South Carolina Stingrays play.
If you guessed Minor League Baseball as I did, you’d be wrong, this is an ECHL hockey team - minor league sports are a great career starter, check this one out.
Go, Jamie Harrison!
The Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs are hiring a Director of Digital Media and Communications -- The Iron Pigs President and GM Kurt Landes was on this show...and the Iron Pigs, the Triple-A affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies are just 20.8 miles from my house. So if you get this job, let’s hang out.
And job #3…
Fox Sports in Charlotte is hiring an Associate Producer for Marketing -- so this is the creative side of marketing, the process of developing on-air promotions, in conjunction with the marketing team and creative directors. Very cool
Check those three and 17,000 or so more, on right now...
And that was the stat line…
So, rifling through the email, the LinkedIn, the private Facebook group...looking for great questions, and rising to the top this week is Jemele from Florida -- I wish this was Jemele Hill, I’d love to have her on the podcast, but alas, I don’t think this is.
“Hi Brian, I’m Jemele and I’ve been listening to your podcast for the last year, the advice you share is so easy to act on, so logical, but at the same time are all things I definitely was not doing, so thank you. I feel like I’m making smarter choices now that will prepare me for my future… on that subject, I’m a college junior and I’m trying to get my internship set up for the spring semester. Obviously, these are weird times, but let’s forget that for a second and just focus on standin...