In this episode I share how I manage my own Options portfolio.
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Learn how to generate continuous income, use diversified options portfolios, and apply advanced strategies like the options wheel, credit spreads, and using margin to enhance returns while managing risk effectively.
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Welcome to the Invest Like a Pro podcast, teaching you diversified
Speaker:investing with a simple set and forget approach to stocks and options.
Speaker:Build inflation beating wealth for your future and recurring income for today.
Speaker:And now your host, former J.
Speaker:Morgan investment manager, Manish Kataria.
Speaker:I'll talk about how I look at my portfolio and really the strategy I
Speaker:use to, to run my income portfolio and my set and forget portfolio too.
Speaker:The great thing about creating smarter portfolios, in the way
Speaker:I see them is two things really.
Speaker:One is that they are much simpler to manage.
Speaker:They're a lot more passive.
Speaker:secondly, they tend to provide much better returns over the longterm.
Speaker:And actually a third one is also that actually limits your downside
Speaker:losses in the event of a downturn.
Speaker:Okay, so, let me show you how that works.
Speaker:Central to any options strategy is the concept of delta.
Speaker:No serious options investor would ever consider, investing with options
Speaker:without, Taking account of Delta.
Speaker:Now Delta is a relatively simple approach, simple concept, but it makes
Speaker:the world of difference in terms of risk management, in terms of continuous
Speaker:income creation using, options.
Speaker:So let me show you how that works.
Speaker:So you might have been, using something called Keltner channels or
Speaker:Keltner bands, to provide signals.
Speaker:For when you should enter or exit trades, when you should enter into
Speaker:an options trade, for example.
Speaker:So here's just a quick example using Keltner Bands for the S& P 500 Index.
Speaker:Okay, and this is a chart for 2024.
Speaker:Now, you can see the blue line is the S& P 500 index, and you can see the upper
Speaker:and lower Keltner, channels, right?
Speaker:So the first thing to mention here is, as you can see, it very
Speaker:rarely hits the lower band, right?
Speaker:I can only see one here.
Speaker:and one here.
Speaker:So it's only been twice in the space of almost one year.
Speaker:That is, it has hit the lower band, which is, seen by many people
Speaker:as a signal to enter the trade.
Speaker:Now, that's one thing.
Speaker:So if you're relying on this signal to provide opportunities to enter
Speaker:the trade, well, you've missed out on quite significant gains because
Speaker:your money would have been sitting on the sidelines doing nothing.
Speaker:The second thing is, it provides a lot of false signals.
Speaker:That's the other thing to observe from this.
Speaker:So you see how many times it has hit the upper channel.
Speaker:and historically that has been, for some people, a signal to sell short.
Speaker:your position or to sell calls on your position.
Speaker:And that would have actually ended up losing money because, despite
Speaker:the fact that it's hit the upper channel, it has continued to go
Speaker:up throughout this period of time.
Speaker:So for me, it's not something I use.
Speaker:It's not something I have seen, other professional investors use.
Speaker:far better and with more risk management and with higher
Speaker:returns is a concept called delta.
Speaker:Just to recap using keltner channels in this way Most of the time your
Speaker:money's sitting there on the sidelines because the signals are just not
Speaker:there when you use delta https: otter.
Speaker:So here, let me just show you what, Delta looks like from an options platform.
Speaker:So here's interactive brokers, and Delta's pretty easy to find on an
Speaker:options chain for any underlying stock.
Speaker:So there is, that's your Delta.
Speaker:think of Delta like a probability probability of, the stock price
Speaker:hitting your strike price, or the probability of being assigned, or in
Speaker:other words, a probability of profit.
Speaker:Okay, so you can see here you selected delta and it provides you on this
Speaker:platform, an indication of what the probability of profit would be.
Speaker:Okay, so that's a very handy, signal, an indicator to have.
Speaker:And also, actually, you should be mindful of all the Greeks, in particular delta.
Speaker:Gamma to an extent, and also theta, okay?
Speaker:But delta is by far the most important one, especially when you
Speaker:are trading options for income, okay?
Speaker:So please don't, consider, investing in options without
Speaker:even understanding what delta is.
Speaker:Once you get to know it, it's a pretty simple concept,
Speaker:but a very powerful concept.
Speaker:concept to be aware of.
Speaker:Okay, so going back to our chart.
Speaker:So instead of having your money waiting on the sidelines, as it would
Speaker:have done, Delta gives you the strike prices, the safe strike prices to
Speaker:be putting on your options trades.
Speaker:So every month you can see there were opportunities.
Speaker:This is what, myself and my investors were doing.
Speaker:We were earning income continuously because we were using Delta.
Speaker:Below the current market value, the current price, these were the strike
Speaker:prices which were below, providing a margin of safety for investors, okay?
Speaker:So you can see there were continuous opportunities, so instead of earning
Speaker:income twice in a year, we were earning income, all throughout the year.
Speaker:So this is on the S& P 500 index.
Speaker:to create a diversified options portfolio, which you should do if
Speaker:you're doing options in a serious way, don't just look at a handful
Speaker:of commodity stocks or metals.
Speaker:you want to have sector ETFs.
Speaker:We look at these all the time.
Speaker:We want quality blue chip stocks, which we'll talk about in a minute.
Speaker:How do you identify them?
Speaker:dividend stocks, high dividend paying stocks.
Speaker:yes, gold, silver, oil commodities.
Speaker:This should be part of your mix, not the entire portfolio.
Speaker:And crypto, we have opportunities to invest in crypto related ETFs and stocks.
Speaker:and then different strategies.
Speaker:So those are the underlyings.
Speaker:Different strategies.
Speaker:These are long term, securities which enable you to, gain control of your chosen
Speaker:underlyings at a fraction of the price.
Speaker:very powerful strategy.
Speaker:Strangles enable you to, create double your income by
Speaker:selling both calls and puts.
Speaker:At the same time, okay?
Speaker:And, credit spreads are another very powerful strategy.
Speaker:they do two things.
Speaker:One is they give you a higher, much higher ROI.
Speaker:And secondly, they provide you some downside protection, a
Speaker:downside, built in downside hedge, okay, to your options positions.
Speaker:So, it's a very powerful strategy there as well.
Speaker:and we can deploy all of this using margin, which, moderate margin,
Speaker:which multiplies your income.
Speaker:Now, you'll all be familiar with the options wheel strategy.
Speaker:Many of you will be.
Speaker:This is my core strategy and, everything we've mentioned so far using margin
Speaker:and using all of those different underlyings, using delta, that can all
Speaker:be applied to, what's actually quite a vanilla options wheel strategy.
Speaker:So instead of earning the sort of regular 1 3 percent per month, if you employ
Speaker:all of these enhancements, you can be creating, multiples of that one to 3
Speaker:percent per month when done properly.
Speaker:So just to remind you of the wheel strategy, it looks like this.
Speaker:You acquire a blue chip stock.
Speaker:And you rent it out and which is covered calls.
Speaker:You receive income for that.
Speaker:Then your shares might get called away, but you get capital gains for doing that.
Speaker:And then you go back and seek to acquire more blue chip stocks.
Speaker:You buy selling a put option, okay, then your shares might get assigned
Speaker:and then you rinse and repeat.
Speaker:You earn income continuously throughout this wheel, at enhanced
Speaker:levels of income and with built in risk management by using delta.
Speaker:And using, other sort of hedges as part of credit spreads, for example.
Speaker:So very effective and powerful strategy with the different sort of bolt ons
Speaker:that you would, add on to your regular sort of vanilla, Options wheel strategy.
Speaker:There are so many opportunities to enhance your income.
Speaker:Think about it in terms of properties.
Speaker:When you buy a property, think about all the ways in which you can
Speaker:optimize and enhance your income.
Speaker:So options work in the same way.
Speaker:So, you can get much higher income using margin.
Speaker:so, think about, the property analogies, other people's money.
Speaker:Getting a mortgage, right?
Speaker:Margin and that enables you to, create higher income by borrowing
Speaker:moderately, using, capital that has been provided to you by the platform.
Speaker:Okay, so, so that's using margin that magnifies your returns.
Speaker:Yeah, Advanced strategies.
Speaker:So we've talked a little bit about strangles and credit spreads.
Speaker:Think about that as creating a multi let.
Speaker:Multi let out of a single let in terms of the property analogy.
Speaker:So with options you can do the same thing by applying all of these advanced
Speaker:strategies to multiply your income levels.
Speaker:And, and think about, more active asset management.
Speaker:So again, you own a property.
Speaker:Property portfolio, commercial property portfolio.
Speaker:if you are active in
Speaker:terms of
Speaker:actively managing your assets, asset management, you can
Speaker:do the same with options.
Speaker:So instead of letting things expire, you might roll them, in a strategic way,
Speaker:before expiry.
Speaker:that again
Speaker:enhances your.
Speaker:Levels of income.
Speaker:So, and there are so many of these strategies to enhance your income.
Speaker:I've created a whole load of, risk management rules, which
Speaker:allow you to enhance your income with downside protection.
Speaker:And the great thing is none of these have ever resulted in any permanent
Speaker:loss for me or for my investors.
Speaker:Because, we deploy these with, strict, controls, which are actually
Speaker:pretty simple to, to manage.
Speaker:so, there are a whole load of these risk management rules, which
Speaker:can, you can get from, the step by step options guide at options.
Speaker:Or you can scan this QR code and you'll get a copy of that, options guide.