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Lew Weiss with the Manufacturing Talk Radio
5th January 2022 • The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie • The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie
00:00:00 00:38:15

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On this week's Industrial Talk we're talking to Lew Weiss, Founder and Host of the Manufacturing Talk Radio about "The current state of Manufacturing and Marketing Strategies".  Get the answers to your "Manufacturing" questions along with Lew's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview! Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Why You Need To Podcast” for Greater Success in 2022. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!


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SUMMARY KEYWORDS manufacturing, people, lew, industrial, manufacturers, world, talk, marketing, years, canary yellow, problem, market, reality, approach, podcasts, making, forged, deliver, country, disruption 00:00 All right on this episode of industrial talk, we are talking to a manufacturing legend who is passionate about you. passionate about education, passionate about getting that word out about how wonderful manufacturing is, and delivering passion. That is on this episode of industrial talk. Let's get cracking 00:25 Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go 00:43 Alright, once again, thank you very much for joining industrial talk a warm and fuzzy platform that is dedicated to celebrating you industrial heroes. Because you are bold, you're brave, you dare greatly. Absolutely, you innovate. You're solving problems each and every day. And you're making my life, your life, the world a better place. That's why this celebration platform is dedicated to you industrial heroes. Alright, we are also we've got three sponsors, by the way three sponsor for this particular episode, TX one, cybersecurity, you cannot. If you're if you're venturing in to this digital transformation, you better get on your cybersecurity and look into that TX one delivers a very nimble, easy solution, as well as Neil, you know, the community of the future. They're putting their money where their mouth is. They're deploying all of this great technology. Neil Neil comm and a vitally because of supply chain because of logistics, because of all of those challenges. Boom. Cap logistics, you need them in your corner, definitely. For all things shipping, contact them, go to capital Alright, in the hot seat, Lou Weiss. Now you're saying yourself, Scott, who is Lou? Absolutely. He is a He's the president of all metal forge group. Yes. But more importantly, he is also the co host of the manufacturing talk radio. So he knows a lot more. And he's forgotten a lot. I mean, he's amazing. So let's get cracking. Yeah. Have you ever had those conversations where, you know, oh, my gosh, I don't know as much as I should. And individuals like Lou, and what he's been doing, he's been doing, I'm looking out on a stat card out here. Right? His, so if you want to find them, it's Louis le Wi SAYWEIS. S. And I've been doing this, this thing for three, four years, whatever, what we call this media. He's been doing this over eight years. He was a pioneer when it comes to manufacturing and saying, hey, I want to deliver I want to be able to highlight, communicate and and talk to other professionals. Within manufacturing. He's been doing it he's, he's seen the changes. It's an amazing conversation. That guy's got mad mad skills. It's, it's so much fun. All right. So I've been a tootling around, noodling around, whatever you want to call it with some ideas. And one of the things that I've been driving toward is, I'm very attracted to things that are approaches that disrupt, that could be technology that could be managerial type of strategies or approaches. And, and in that disruption in that pushing the envelope approach, be able to really advance in a positive way, whatever that might be. And so I've had a great conversation with Catalyst constellations, with an S, by the way, by the way, they have an event go out to industrial, an event on a January 11, right around the corner, January 11. And it's a virtual event. It's free, and it all talks about catalysts. And if you think you, you're saying you don't know what a catalyst, you need to go to that thing because it's, it was eye opening for me they do a great job. That's catalyst constellations. And that is their event to call the catalyst Summit. Yeah, I think that's what it's called. Find out, go to industrial There's a link there bump, boom, no big deal. 04:41 Anyway, that disruption that focus on disruption, especially in today's very fluid, sort of squiffy type of world that we live in don't know. We still have to be successful. We still have to be able to close deals, and we still have to deliver goods and services. So when I start talking about disruptive, disruptive management approach, it's things like catalysts, and others, because I think we have to rethink, we have to constantly rethink the way we approach our market. The other area that I'm intrigued with is because we, we talk about all this great innovation. And it is, don't get me wrong, I geek out in a jet second. But when we start talking about this, my concern is always this is great. How can we make it available, sort of that democratization of the technology so that everybody, and everybody around the world because it's global, can participate, can benefit can see their communities, making leaps in a positive direction. And so if we have disruptive management styles that are just saying, Hey, we're going to have to change the way we think, and and do that, and then be able to take the innovation that is out there and think it through it, and it's all great. But making it cost effective, so that more and more people, more and more companies can take advantage of it. And then of course, removing or trying to drive down that risk. I'm just sort of in that mode right now. Because I think that there's a lot so I I heard a quote, which is pretty cool. Now, listen to me on this one, no one has gone broke by helping others. Okay, here, you can say, well, I don't know what you can, but you get the gist. And I think there's a there's a way of being able to sort of deliver that compassion, deliver that generosity, that purpose behind helping others succeed, being charitable, in whatever you do. And think about that. So that everybody succeeds in some way, shape, or form. That that I'm I'm all geeky about right now. So there's going to be more to follow. And I think it's good business. I think if you start talking about being that vulnerable, charitable, individual, give of yourself, give your be at the other focus, talk about disruptive type of management approaches, get everybody on board, but have to be disrupted. I just, I will, I will push away that standard conversation about and this is how we do certain things. I think that right now, disruption is a beautiful thing. And that goes with technology and making it available to most and many and everybody, why not? I don't want to leave people behind. Do you want to leave people behind? I don't want to leave people behind. Alright, let's get on with the interview. Again. Lou, don't go by and Lewis don't go call. I would imagine he doesn't even respond to Lewis. I don't know. But he he responds to Lou. And Lou is a great stat card out there. But doing it forever. Sage, manufacturing sage, and it was a wonderful conversation about where are we going? What are we doing? How do we get that message out? What's the next step? Where's, you know, what is that tipping point? Bear guy I use that? That is that is on the docket. Enjoy the conversation with Lou. Lou, welcome to industrial talk. Thank you very much for finding time in your incredibly busy schedule to talk to the listeners of industrial talk the best listeners in the world. 08:40 Thanks. Thanks for having me. Appreciate that. 08:43 Wow, that it's it's all it's all on this side of the camera, man. I mean, it's a it's an honor to be able to talk to somebody that's been in not just manufacturing, but in the media space for so many years. And you've seen a lot of changes taking place. And you're one of the leading podcasters out there in the manufacturing space. So I'm all honored big time. Now for the listeners, Lou. And I just call them Lou is give us a little background little 411 on on Hulu his outside of the fact that he's handsome. If you're, you know looking out on video, but give us a background. 09:19 Well, it's all started out with the canary yellow Sport Cup. 09:25 Which you're sporting today. Yeah, 09:27 only only caught Yeah, which I spotted all the time. I've been in the industrial metals industry for 60 years, and manufacturing and so on. And about eight years ago, I was looking for a way to reach out to more manufacturing and how to do it other than just running ads and magazines and catalogs and so on and so forth. So I came up with manufacturing talk radio And we now have five podcasts all about manufacturing, I'm really enjoying it. We haven't made a nickel with it, but I am enjoying it. And I've learned a lot. And you know, I meet people like yourself, and we share stories and experiences, and so on and so forth. And I'm just loving what we're doing. It's funny how you bring up a good point. And the reality is, is that I'm living a dream because I get to interview people like you and others who are just at the cutting edge of thinking or whatever it might be, because I believe it's important that we continue to educate and collaborate to to properly innovate going forward. And and what's interesting is, 10:45 I realize I'm not the smartest or the sharpest tool in the shed, because there are a lot of people out there thinking about a lot of big things. And I'm definitely going to impact the world in a positive way, if not doing that as we speak. All right. Go ahead. 10:59 I what I've learned over these last eight years, aside from the 60 years in manufacturing, is that there's a lot of people in manufacturing, who they know how to make things. They know how to sell things, but they don't know how to market it correctly. And that that's really a major issue. And so part of our mission has been to get information out to the public, my public to manufacturing public, and let them know that there are better ways to do things than what they're doing right now. 11:38 Brilliant, because you're absolutely right. I, I think especially in the digital world that we live in today, there are many ways of being able to get that message out to resonate with your market to be able to communicate your value proposition in such a way that brings out the human side, right? Yeah, you don't want to be a ShamWow guy when you got a great solution yet. It's just show your your human side, which is pretty doggone cool. Now you have the manufacturing talk radio, which is pretty. I mean, you've been around for a long time, I've only been around, well, maybe about three years or so. But you've been around eight years, is pretty. That's significant in the world. In the world of podcasting, and problem, you've seen a lot of changes. I mean, I just realized when I started I, I just started cold. And I just said, I need a mic. I need something I needed it. You know, I didn't have a clue. But nowadays with podcasts, because of the pandemic, podcasts really sort of exploded. And the solutions are a little easier to find. But back when you were starting out, that's that's far forward thinking my friend forward thinking, 12:50 well, we we started eight years ago. Yeah. And again, the whole point of it was, how am I going to market to my market? differently? Yes. My competition. Yeah. And we now have, I don't know, but 700 shows under our belt. Yeah. And we're on multi platforms. And, you know, we're, I think that we're doing a really good job. In terms of getting the message out. I'll give you an example. We did a radio show this morning, with a company that invented or promoted a device that you can point it at a piece of metal and it tells you the chemistry get its amount. I mean, that's incredible. 13:42 Shut the front door. Man. That's, that is amazing. 13:45 Yeah, six years ago, we had to send it to a lab. It took a week, it took two weeks, it costs about $200. And now they have a device that you pointed at a piece of metal, and it tells you the chemistry. It's truly terrific. And not a lot of people know about this. So we're out there telling the message and educating the public. 14:10 That is innovation off the charts because i i i I can't even imagine what tacky resides in that little handheld thing. I say, Yep. That's the the makeup of that metal. i There's a lot of brilliant people out there. Alright, we're gonna have to at least dive into manufacturing. And the reason we want to talk about that is there's a there's a lot of scuttle but a lot of buzz out there. And and especially when we start talking about challenges that manufacturing manufacturers face today, supply chain resources, you name it, and how to manufacturers leverage technology to help them create a business of greater resilience. You touched on the marketing aspect and and their woeful capabilities of being able to get that message out. If you look at the manufacturing market today, Lou, what? What is your number one top, whatever focus that is creating some pain out there? Wow. 15:24 How long do we have 15:26 hours and hours, just kidding. 15:30 The situation that exists today in the marketplace, not only here in the United States, but really all over the world, as supply chain is a mess. worker shortage is a mess. It goes on and on and on. We don't have proper governmental involvement and trying to fix the things that are going on right now. And it's really, really traumatic. And nobody's really doing a whole lot to try and, quote unquote, fix what's going forward. 16:10 Yeah, you're right. It's, it's a bit frustrating. From my perspective, I try to be somewhat optimistic, but it is frustrating when you start to look at, you know, I can't find people, and that if I had a nickel every time when somebody says, I've lost people can't find people. And that impacts your ability to produce one. I can't I can't get the parts or the the feedstock or whatever it might be for my manufacturing process. So that impacts I can't, I can't do XYZ and and the reality is, is if you need to innovate, you need to be a sustainable business, because that's capital outlay. I understand. Do you think the possible solution or like I can't we talked about this? What's the first step? Go ahead. 17:04 I don't, you know, I'm having my personal problem. And you said it before is that you're trying to be optimistic. I'm having a hard time being optimistic, because every time I turn around, there's another obstacle that comes up a new headwind that screws us up. And it's really problematic. And I'm having me personally, I'm having a problem with that, because things are not going the way they were. Some time ago, you know, forget about COVID. Again, about work shortage. Forget about the baby boomers forget about the Gen. Z years. And Gen. The Gen.   17:50Y's X, I don't read that age group, young, whatever, by the 17:56 Yeah. And, you know, I was actually reading an article today about the college versus trade school. And part of the problem with that is that families, mothers and fathers have been pushing their kids to go to college. Well, that's not really maybe the greatest solution. Maybe they should be going for trade school, learn how to make things, but going to college wind up with a 200,200 $50,000 debt. I mean, there's 44 million people in this country that have a college debt. That's insane. It's just insane....



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