Dr. Joseph Sallustio is the chief operating officer of Claremont Lincoln University, a fully online graduate institution offering degrees focused on ethical leadership. He’s also the co-founder of the EdUp Experience Podcast. When the pandemic hit last year and Dr. Sallustio found himself working from home like the rest of us, he started putting more work than ever into his LinkedIn profile. Now he’s sharing his top tips for the platform!
How do you use LinkedIn - Do you create and post your own content? Or are you more of a lurker? Whatever your online presence entails, Dr. Sallustio has tons of great tips for making the most out of it.
In this episode, you’ll learn about some lesser-known features that can really help you up your LinkedIn game, from allowing others to follow you to utilizing the “featured” section. Today, the internet is more integral to the way we do business than ever, so there’s no better time to hear Dr. Sallustio’s tips!
In this episode
- [2:01] Dr. Sallustio shares the story of how he got to where he is today and we discuss the power of online school.
- [5:23] We dive into Dr. Sallustio’s one big tip, which is all about utilizing LinkedIn; he first discusses the importance and/or creating and sharing content on the platform.
- [7:55] Dr. Sallustio tips listeners off to a lesser known LinkedIn feature - you can change your “connect” button to a “follow” button!
- [11:22] Are you utilizing the “featured” section on your LinkedIn profile? Dr. Sallustio says it’s a great tool!
- [12:50] What sort of content will get you the best engagement on LinkedIn? Dr. Sallustio says it’s all about authenticity.
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