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S1E10 Gun-Totin’ IRS Agents and Cuttin’ Trees for Rap Sheets
Episode 107th November 2022 • The Constitution Commandos • Chris Williams and Patrick Williams

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Gun-Totin’ IRS Agents and Cuttin’ Trees for Rap Sheets

I  pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

We're back and we're glad you're joining us today because this episode is perfect for the ride home and a great beginning for your weekend. After the show is signed up for our monthly newsletter so we can keep you posted on changes. We'll be making upcoming events and special purposes. My name is Chris Williams and my brother and co-host are Patrick Williams and you're listening to The Constitution Commandos.

Hey, have another cigarette. I wouldn't see. Oh, thank you. I think I'll. Oh me. Oh me. I was talking about something. See, I gotta get back to my thinking. That was funny though. That was very funny. Um, yeah, there it went. Gone again. That'll be all. I, we'll just add to conjure up. Something to wander into.

I think my, I think my mind went on lunch with the IRS. Oh goodness. Irs. I mean, now, first of all, first all, the IRS is not even a government institution. Nope. It, it's a private entity that was only started. So that we could fund our war efforts in World War ii. Correct. This being said, it was also supposed to be disbanded after World War ii.

So why is it now we are turning the IRS into an executive branch with 87,000 armed IRS agents who must be, by the way, this is part of their job description. ? Must be. And willing to use deadly force if necessary. Now, I'm just curious, bring about the need by the IRS for deadly force?

Oh man, that answer's right. I got that right now. I got it. Ooh, people, people are screwing up their tax returns. Ok. All hold. ' another here. Let me get it, have another try at this. Hold on a second. All right. The answer to that is, this is my assessment. Okay. Now, this assessment is based on a little research.

The IRS Falls really hand in hand with the Fed. Okay. So the Fed. They print money. The treasury, you know, they print money. Cause remember that's a private organ. I mean that that, that ain't government. Alright. That's correct. They print money by the trillions. It's a fiat currency. Nothing backs it.

Well, especially now, it used to be backed by oil. Uh, but when we left the gold standard, the oil that was backing our dollar was the  Arabian oil, not the. That right? There's pretty much gone to the wayside now since Saudi Arabia and the BRI Nation, or actually with Russia, they're backing their, they're backing back in them with gold.

Alright, now get back to my original thing. The IRS is nothing more than the enforcement. Of the treasury. Okay. So the treasury gets reckless with the printing of money. They go out and they give all these bailouts to the banks. You know, they're buddies that do corrupt dealings that you know, you gotta pay a monthly fee for them to take your money into a bank so they can finance, I mean, invest it.

They make profits. Wait, they're making money off of my money. ? Yeah. Okay. Well, then they turn. , Somebody has to collect this money because the only way the machine can survive is to eat. So the IRS is going around, which by the way, another sidebar note taxation is theft. Okay? Period. Especially tax or without representation.

Remember the Declaration of Independence? Correct. And a Boston Tea Party. Oh. But anyway, the average in this country. I mean, if you really believe in the 20% cash bracket or 18%, you're,    misled. I mean, Wake up, and smell the freaking roses. Everything you do is taxed. You go to work, your labor is taxed.

Mm-hmm. . You buy a gallon of milk, and that milk is taxed. You buy a car, it's taxed when you buy it.

Every freaking year you're gonna pay a tax so you can get that shiny little sticker on a tag to say that you can drive it on a road, which is also taxed by the fuel that you buy to put in that car, which is also taxed. But then, then you get to go buy yourself some and some socks. I know your socks and your shoes are warned to fuck out.

Your car broke down because you were taxed so damn much. So you gotta walk everywhere. Well, now you go buy some socks and shoes as a cheaper form of transportation and fuck if they don't tax that. But wait a minute, wait a minute. Hold on now. You missed something in there, and I know you were trying to hit all the details, but the fuel you buy to put in your car to get to work on the roads that you're taxed, You're paying taxes already, just cause it says $6 and 99 cents at the pump, and that's all you paid.

Doesn't mean you didn't pay  '. You're accidentally paying taxes on fuel that's already been taxed. Yeah, yeah. No, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And all the products that you purchased from whatever store that you choose to go to, you're taxed on something that's already been taxed.

Okay. And. The realization that people seem to not think about, is they only get paid, you know, taxed  18%. Well, you're 18% and I'll raise you another 35%. You're taxed about 50 to 60% of everything you make in a year is going the freaking, and that is bullshit. It's going to Ukraine

Yeah. Wait, wait, wait, And that's coming back to the government. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. That's coming back to the people in government. That's right. It's not coming back to us.  all, all the American people are we are the greatest. For the gears of the machine that is known as a Ponzi scheme.


That's it. Our money loops those wheels and, we feed the.

Wow, that sound a little too must be speaking the truth. How houses don't wanthouses. And  I got two green lights.

Oh my. I just hope, goodness. I just hope I don't get a blue light in a minute. Now, wait a minute. Hold on. I just thought, about something. Actually, no, I didn't just think about it, but what you just said. That means we're paying the deep state to Remus really well.

I knew I was. I knew I was in the wrong line of work. I've asked all these years, where could I go to be the top of the food chain? That's where I need to be in it. I don't know, man. I think if I were to run, you know what? I could probably get elected. All I would have to. If there was like a resume that you could submit, you could just submit your arrest record and then that.

Hey man, we'll just, well, yours in mind, yours in mind together wouldn't be enough to make it on tickets, so might as well hang it out. I am dunno. I am dunno, man. I had a, I had a desk sergeant one time they need to down more trees for mine, Now. Now, mind you. Now mind you, that was, Crackerjack, cop,  swear to FBI, must have been looking for him.

But I'm gonna remind everybody out there. 99% of my arrest record is because I was young and foolish and I used to, man, I'd get a ticket after getting a ticket. I mean, I would leave one ticket, get another one, and I'd be damned if I was gonna pay it. That was my money to go to Mexico or to trap over. Go to South Padre.

I wasn't gonna, my. But when they had arrested me, I wouldn't, I'd get into booking and I'd have to pay my arrest. My, I'd pay my warrants, my tickets, uh, do you know, what they tax those things too? Yes, they do. They tax them dearly for it. Don't even wait several years before you pay 'em, because you're not gonna get the old rate.

 Gonna get the new rate plus the new tax rate. Yeah. But I did wanna make that abundantly. 99% of my arrest record is from traffic warrants. So I'm not some, I don't know to be fair what he says the young pool is. He actually is probably, um,    the more of the by far. And I don't, I don't think you really ever just, I don't know how many speeding figures did you get?

You that. Oh yeah, I got many of them. You must get those in Texas than when I left, but, oh yeah, because I know you got a lot of other tickets in Texas. Cause that morning we were leaving that one job to go to the next was like, yeah, that was bss.

Every time I drive to Fort Worth, I'm kinda nervous. . So that means you turn your blinker on more than a hundred feet before the turn now, right? ? Oh no. Nowadays I just drive down the freaking highway with my blinker on. Oh yeah. You're not gonna tell me I failed to turn my blinker on. You up failing to turn it off.

Yeah. You ain't doing that no more. . Oh wow. Oh. Hey, you know what I just thought of too? This is so off-talking man. I must be getting schizophrenic. When, uh, when - you about dad reading that report that says, the report said Texas is the most corrupt state in the union and he doesn't wanna listen to Info Wars because Alex Jones is in court.

First of all, everybody doesn't know Alex Jones is not in court cause he lives in take to say, but correct. , but, and that really is the gist of why Dad won't watch Info Wars, but I'm just, I   and I first moved to Texas, now granted it's, it's a whole different state now than it was then, but especially Austin, where we were, I don't know if you remember this, but one of the first second days we were in Austin, of course, we meet some really cool people and the whole time I was confused because has and noticed, I said, called the hospital hospitality.

We get to Texas, it was like people were just so friendly. We were like, what's going on here? Something's not right. . Yeah. But that was back in the nineties, man. Austin back then was pure. It was purely a utopia. Mm-hmm. . It was, I absolutely loved the city, and Yep. The people were great. Now,  we didn't also get into, political, talk.

We were right. I mean, had nothing to do. We were, yeah. Yeah. We weren't gonna damn anybody for their views. We were actually very open-minded. We'd sit down and have debates with people and I - at a podium. Most of it was, most of it was about music, and Yeah. Outdoor activities. Yeah. I mean, the best way to tune your, carburetor, or, I mean, right.

The best licks to play on the snare. Or who could cook best on the grill? I mean, look, we had, I mean, it was really good times, but I remember the first day or two, we were there, we're walking with somebody to the store and this car rides by us and throws a beer box out. And the guy we were walking with, Departed from us rapidly to grab the beer box, chased the guy down at the red light, threw it back in the car, and told Mess with Texas

Yeah, and I was a little blown away by that because I just thought the slogan was just a slogan, but back then, yeah, apparently it was not just a slogan. , I'll tell you, in my first days there, I mean, it was, well, I already had a bus ticket, so I'd been working I guess, but I wasn't. I'm walking through the bus stop.

You remember where we were living, right? By Denny's? Mm-hmm. , right? And, uh, yeah, we were vagrants. You know, we, we, uh, not for long, for no very short time. I mean, we left here when we left Mississippi with $11, 20, nothing. And yeah, we were in our own place very, very quickly. We just. We what we had to do too.

But , I'm walking. One of the first things I bought was a bus ticket bus. . I'm walking on the bus. This Mexican guy never saw him again, man. He walks up to me. There was that little stop-go in that neighborhood. Yep. And, uh, on that cut-through - and, uh, I'm at that intersection. A Mexican guy walks over there and he is like, Hey man, you smoke.

I'm like, yeah, I smoke. I was gonna give him a c. That wasn't water, man. Yeah. You smoke. Multi, multi. I'm like, Hey. Heck yeah. I smoke multi-man. He pulled out a bag, and twisted one up. We smoked it all - the bus station. Mm-hmm. And he gave me the rest of the bag. Yep. I'm like, holy cow. Where in the world do you go?

Where did this happen? I've never met. Yeah, just smokes a joint with you then. Gives you the bag now. Yeah. , I'm not advocating smoking weed. I'm not advocating drugs of any sort. This was my younger days, so. Well, I hope there's no, well, I don't know. I do want kids to get some knowledge, but. I'm a little crass at times, so I don't really want kids.

I would, I even say the same stuff in front of me then I find myself getting backhanded by my wife, or I'm biting my tongue. So whichever comes first or both at the same. Yeah,, I can try to conceal it, but it just comes out. I can't help it but is a cop-out loss.

Whoa. That was fun. I hope you enjoyed that as much as we did. You can let us know your reaction in the comment section below, or leave us a review at a social platform. Did you, we'll be back Monday morning, but until then, have a safe, relaxing weekend. On behalf of my brother and myself, we are the constitution commandos, and we're signing off.



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