Episode Summary: This episode of the "Unconventional CEOs Podcast" revolves around the concept of authentic leadership. Gwen and Latrice discuss their personal definitions of authenticity, the challenges they face as authentic leaders, and the importance of staying true to oneself in both personal and professional spheres. They share experiences of disappointment due to their authenticity, the struggle with advocating for themselves, and the impact of their leadership styles on their relationships and businesses. The episode provides deep insights into the personal journeys and beliefs of Gwen and Latrice, highlighting their commitment to authenticity and the complexities it brings in leadership and entrepreneurship.
- Defining Authentic Leadership: Gwen and Latrice define authentic leadership as congruence between one’s public persona and private actions, emphasizing the importance of values guiding all aspects of life.
- Challenges of Being Authentic: They candidly discuss the difficulties they’ve encountered by being authentic, including disappointing experiences and being taken advantage of in business.
- Navigating Relationships: The conversation shifts to the importance of reciprocity in relationships and the challenge of being overly giving or people-pleasing, especially as women business owners.
- Impact of Childhood Experiences: Latrice shares how childhood experiences shaped her approach to relationships and leadership, highlighting the role of vulnerability as a strength.
- Role Models and Inspiration: They discuss their role models for authentic leadership, mentioning figures like Iris Apfel and Cardi B for their unapologetic authenticity.
- Self-Advocacy and Leadership: Gwen talks about the importance of advocating for oneself, especially in leadership roles, and the ongoing learning process involved in this.
- Neurodiversity and Business Challenges: They address the specific challenges and strengths of being neurodivergent leaders, such as the tendency to downplay their abilities or overthink situations.
- Building Authentic Connections for Success: Both hosts agree on the importance of authenticity in building lasting connections and achieving success in business.