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201. Can You Really Send Too Many Emails? How Sending More Quality Emails Builds Trust and Connection
Episode 2018th October 2024 • Mama Turned Mompreneur - Visibility, Lead Generation, Podcast Monetization, & Non Social Media Marketing Tips for Moms • Andria Singletary | Visibility Strategist for Moms
00:00:00 00:23:09

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Hey, Mama! One topic that comes up a lot about email marketing is can you send too many emails. Far too many moms in business either delay starting their email list or don't fully engage with their subscribers because they are so worried about bugging their email community. In today's episode, I address the mindset drama that so many business owners deal with when beginning their email marketing journey and share why you should send more quality emails to your list.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why it's not possible to send too many emails when you create quality email content
  • Why you should email your list more
  • The mindset drama around emailing your list at a higher frequency and how to navigate it

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Andrea Singletary:

Hey mama.

Andrea Singletary:

Are you tired of feeling stressed and overwhelmed trying to grow your online business with your babies at home?

Andrea Singletary:

You desire more flexibility in your day, allowing you to pour into your family, yourself, and your business without running yourself into the ground.

Andrea Singletary:

Mama, you can build your dream business and do it in a way that fits your current season of life.

Andrea Singletary:

And I'm gonna show you exactly how.

Andrea Singletary:

Welcome to the Mommatur Mompreneur podcast.

Andrea Singletary:

I'm your host, Andrea Singletary, daughter of the king, wife, mama of two, and life, and business coach for mompreneurs.

Andrea Singletary:

On this podcast, you will learn business strategies made for mamas just like you who desire to be successful CEO's and fully present mommas without stress or overwhelm.

Andrea Singletary:

So whether you're an entrepreneur who transitioned to a mompreneur or a mama turned mompreneur, I am here to support you.

Andrea Singletary:

So grab your coffee notebook and pen, put in those earbuds and let's dig in.

Andrea Singletary:

Hey, mama.

Andrea Singletary:

So before I get into this episode, I just want to share that my voice sounds weird because two weeks ago, me and my family got hit with COVID My lovely husband brought it home to us.

Andrea Singletary:

And crazy enough though weekend that I got sick with COVID was also the weekend I was supposed to batch record these episodes and so that couldn't happen.

Andrea Singletary:

Thankfully, we're all on the other side of it.

Andrea Singletary:

Like, the kids, they were totally fine, which is crazy.

Andrea Singletary:

They really didn't experience too many symptoms, but for me, I still have like some of the congestion and the cough.

Andrea Singletary:

So that's why I sound kind of like nasally.

Andrea Singletary:

At least that's how it sounds to me.

Andrea Singletary:

So anyways, I just want to give a heads up that probably, like, the next few episodes will sound like this.

Andrea Singletary:

Don't worry, I'm okay.

Andrea Singletary:

Just recovering.

Andrea Singletary:

Anyways, we are going to be talking about, you know, can you send too many emails?

Andrea Singletary:

And I wanted to talk about this because I've been seeing a lot of posts on threads where people are asking, you know, how many emails do you send to your list per week?

Andrea Singletary:

What is your preference as someone who's subscribed to someone's email list?

Andrea Singletary:

And I tend to see a lot of people kind of like, take pride in the fact that, oh, I only email my list like once a month or every other month.

Andrea Singletary:

Like, they don't really email their list that much.

Andrea Singletary:

And so I really wanted to talk about this as someone who truly does leverage email marketing in her business.

Andrea Singletary:

Like, email marketing is a pivotal part of my business and really kind of help you like, if you've been someone who's been struggling with, you know, either emailing your list consistently or even just starting an email list because you don't want to feel like you're bugging your list or, you know, junking up people's inboxes like this episode is for you.

Andrea Singletary:

So the first thing I want to say is that that hesitation to email your list weekly or even more than once a week or even just to start an email list is honestly 99% mind drama.

Andrea Singletary:

It is the lies that you're telling yourself.

Andrea Singletary:

You're telling yourself, oh, I'm bothering people if I email them weekly or more than once a week, and that results in you either not starting your email list or only emailing your list maybe like once a month, even if that, you know, some people, they do quarterly, some people do every other month.

Andrea Singletary:

And the thing is, is that this mind drama is really keeping you from sending an email because you think no one cares about what you have to say.

Andrea Singletary:

You feel like you don't have anything important to share with people, and that's not the truth.

Andrea Singletary:

Like, our stories, even those things that we think are mundane or we think are unique to us, people relate to those stories.

Andrea Singletary:

They connect with those stories.

Andrea Singletary:

People want to hear from you.

Andrea Singletary:

So the thing is, is that if you really want to leverage email marketing as part of your marketing and sales strategy, you have to send emails and it has to be more than once a month.

Andrea Singletary:

It needs to be, at minimum, weekly.

Andrea Singletary:

I say show up more, especially if you're again, really leaning into email marketing for nurturing your audience, connecting with them and selling to them.

Andrea Singletary:

You got to send more emails.

Andrea Singletary:

Like, there's no way around it.

Andrea Singletary:

And so what I want you to do is stop believing that you are bugging your email list when you email them, you are not bugging them.

Andrea Singletary:

You know, as long as you are sending emails that provide value, emails that are insightful, gives them a mindset shift, you know, really helps them in some type of way.

Andrea Singletary:

You are not bugging them.

Andrea Singletary:

They want to learn from you.

Andrea Singletary:

I want you to think about it this way.

Andrea Singletary:

You know, nobody complains about people posting, you know, 20 Instagram stories, a reel in a carousel every day.

Andrea Singletary:

No one complains about, you know, promo emails, like, from Amazon.

Andrea Singletary:

Amazon has been sending us a lot of emails reminding us that their prime day days are coming up.

Andrea Singletary:

Nobody's complaining about it, but they're doing it because they want us to remember, like, hey, if you want to buy something, you know, we have our prime day deals coming up.

Andrea Singletary:

Wait till then.

Andrea Singletary:

You know, something along the lines that, like, nobody's tripping off of that kind of stuff.

Andrea Singletary:

So why are you feeling like you can't take up space?

Andrea Singletary:

Why you can't send emails to your people?

Andrea Singletary:

The people who they joined your email list because they want to be there again.

Andrea Singletary:

As long as you're creating email content that is valuable, that your community wants and needs.

Andrea Singletary:

Mama, send those emails.

Andrea Singletary:

Like, please do.

Andrea Singletary:

Your people want to hear from you.

Andrea Singletary:

They value your thoughts and your opinions and your expertise.

Andrea Singletary:

They want to learn from you.

Andrea Singletary:

And those who don't, they're going to unsubscribe.

Andrea Singletary:

They know where the unsubscribe button is.

Andrea Singletary:

They will hit that unsubscribe button, and that's okay.

Andrea Singletary:

Like, you do not need anyone taking up space on your email list who doesn't truly want to be there or isn't interested in, you know, working with you in some capacity, learning from you.

Andrea Singletary:

Like, those people don't need to be there.

Andrea Singletary:

Now, I do want to take a side note here because I know another factor that kind of holds people back from sending more emails is they're worried about people unsubscribing.

Andrea Singletary:

And so when it comes to people who unsubscribe, let's talk about what to do about this.

Andrea Singletary:

So my coach, Kay Hillman, she talks a lot about on her podcast, the law of replacement.

Andrea Singletary:

Now, I believe she recently broke this down in episode 318 of her podcast, moms do business different.

Andrea Singletary:

I'm going to link it in the show notes, but essentially it's this thing as people are, or leads, so to speak, are going out.

Andrea Singletary:

You need to be bringing more in to replace those who are leaving.

Andrea Singletary:

The reality is that, yes, with every email you send, you will most likely see unsubscribes, whether it's one, whether it's ten, you're going to see unsubscribes.

Andrea Singletary:

And not everyone who joins your email list is going to be a good fit in general, or they may not be a good fit right now.

Andrea Singletary:

You know, personally, I've had people join my list, leave it, and then eventually come back again.

Andrea Singletary:

Not every lead is going to be a good fit or a qualified lead.

Andrea Singletary:

You need to be consistently, though, getting visible so that you can generate new leads to replace those people who are leaving.

Andrea Singletary:

This is that law of replacement.

Andrea Singletary:

And this is why I'm so passionate about visibility and doing it in a simplified way like we do in the social media detox club.

Andrea Singletary:

For every person that unsubscribes from my email list each month I am able to replace them and more because I consistently get visible at least two to three times a month.

Andrea Singletary:

And I do it through one collaborations but also with my podcast, really leveraging SEO and just sharing about the podcast and driving more traffic there.

Andrea Singletary:

But I'm consistently getting new people into my world.

Andrea Singletary:

So that way I'm not worried if people unsubscribe, like, it's not a big deal to me.

Andrea Singletary:

I'm at peace with it.

Andrea Singletary:

I actually, like, I send three emails a week and I actually think it's a good thing in that, like my list is kind of consistently scrubbing itself because the people who don't want to be there, they leave.

Andrea Singletary:

So you really have to have that mindset shift around, you know, people unsubscribing but also having something in place to ensure that you are replacing those people who are unsubscribing.

Andrea Singletary:

And so again, that is exactly what we do inside of the social media detox club.

Andrea Singletary:

We are consistently getting visible and we're not showing up every single day.

Andrea Singletary:

Like I said, for most of me and the mamas inside of the membership, we are leveraging anywhere from like two to three collaborations per month.

Andrea Singletary:

Some people do way more because they have more of the capacity to do it.

Andrea Singletary:

But for those of us who don't, two to three times per month, whether that is a bundle, collaboration, guesting on podcasts, speaking engagements, email swaps, that gets new people into our world.

Andrea Singletary:

So we're constantly replacing, placing or filling those spots in a sense that have been empty due to the people who decided to leave our email list.

Andrea Singletary:

Okay, so that was my little side note there, but back to what I was talking about, you know, when it comes to sending more emails.

Andrea Singletary:

So the last couple of launches that I did for the social media detox hub, so I've done the initial one and then I did another kind of like email launch only.

Andrea Singletary:

Like email only launch.

Andrea Singletary:

But I sent anywhere from 20 to 25 emails total for each of those launch.

Andrea Singletary:

And each time I only had 1% or less of my email list unsubscribe.

Andrea Singletary:

And I even gave people the opportunity to opt out of receiving those launch emails.

Andrea Singletary:

bout eight people out of over:

Andrea Singletary:

So I share this to say, like, do not be afraid to email your list.

Andrea Singletary:

Like the last launch I did, I sent four emails a day.

Andrea Singletary:

But even with that, like my emails, I like to provide a lot of value and I make them good.

Andrea Singletary:

I make them interesting.

Andrea Singletary:

I make them emails that people actually want to read.

Andrea Singletary:

And so I didn't feel bad about sending those many emails.

Andrea Singletary:

You know, people were reading them, they were enjoying them and everything.

Andrea Singletary:

But also it was during the launch, so I was selling the membership and the results speak for themselves.

Andrea Singletary:

You know, I had people join the membership and everything.

Andrea Singletary:

And so you have to really, again, just kind of shift your mindset around it and everything.

Andrea Singletary:

When it comes to sending more emails, it gives you the opportunity to say your message in different ways.

Andrea Singletary:

And that's one of the reasons I really love email marketing, is that for those of us who maybe we struggle to condense our message for like, you know, captions for social media posts and even for threads, like threads, I'm always long winded on threads.

Andrea Singletary:

But email, like, I can say a little bit more and fully express myself and it be okay, right?

Andrea Singletary:

But it gives you the opportunity to really look at like, okay, how can I share my message in a different way?

Andrea Singletary:

And this is something like a skill that we really have to learn because the core of your message, unless you're pivoting in your business or something like that, like your core of your message, it's going to be the same.

Andrea Singletary:

And so you have to find new ways to say it, find new ways to share that message.

Andrea Singletary:

And so sending more emails is allowing you to work that muscle and gain that practice in saying your message in different ways.

Andrea Singletary:

The other thing is that sending more emails gives you more opportunities to connect with and engage with their community.

Andrea Singletary:

I love getting replies from the mamas on my list.

Andrea Singletary:

Anytime I send an email, it's so nice, like hearing what they thought about the email and just having that back and forth and everything.

Andrea Singletary:

It's just a really great way, again, to build deeper connections with these women on my email list.

Andrea Singletary:

And then the last thing is that it gives you more opportunities to sell your offers.

Andrea Singletary:

This is so important because the reality is that if you are not making sales in your business, it's because you're not talking about your offers enough.

Andrea Singletary:

And I know people tell you, oh, it's your messaging or you need to tweak your offer and different things like that.

Andrea Singletary:

I'm sorry, but at the core of it is that you're not talking about your offers enough, you're not selling enough.

Andrea Singletary:

Because I see it all the time.

Andrea Singletary:

We see the people who are the loudest, who are showing up the most, who are talking about their offers the most.

Andrea Singletary:

Those people are making money and their offer outside looking in, it looks mediocre.

Andrea Singletary:

It doesn't always look different than a lot of the other offers out there, but they're constantly talking about it, they're constantly selling it.

Andrea Singletary:

So if you're not selling your offers enough and you need to be selling your offers daily, and I know for some people that's uncomfortable, but the reality is that you are a business owner, you have a service, a skill set that people need, and they're not going to know about it if you're not talking about it.

Andrea Singletary:

So yes, sell daily and if you're more comfortable with doing it, like via email, baby, send emails every day if you have to.

Andrea Singletary:

Like, you just, you need to sell.

Andrea Singletary:

You need to sell.

Andrea Singletary:

If you want to make money in your business, you need to sell.

Andrea Singletary:

So when you email your lists more, you can sell your offers more and you can make sales.

Andrea Singletary:

Like it's, it's really that simple.

Andrea Singletary:

And again, I know it's uncomfortable, but you have to step outside of your comfort zone, especially you want to be a business owner, you want to make money in your business, you're going to have to do the uncomfortable things.

Andrea Singletary:

So to wrap this up, I thought I would share a little bit about like kind of like how I do my email marketing and then I wanted to touch into, because I do participate in collaborations and part of collaborations is that you have to send promo emails.

Andrea Singletary:

So up until this month I was sending about two emails per week.

Andrea Singletary:

And part of that I would like, if I was participating collaboration, I would swap out one of those emails for the promo email that I needed to send for that collaboration.

Andrea Singletary:

I've now shifted it this month and I'm sending three emails per week.

Andrea Singletary:

And the reason why is that one I have lots and lots and lots to say.

Andrea Singletary:

Like I said, I really love email marketing.

Andrea Singletary:

I love writing my emails.

Andrea Singletary:

I get so excited when I'm writing emails.

Andrea Singletary:

It lights me up so much.

Andrea Singletary:

Like I have so much fun with it and so I'm like, let me lean into this strength.

Andrea Singletary:

Let me lean into this way of marketing my business and selling my offers that I thoroughly enjoy.

Andrea Singletary:

The other thing is that a lot of the mamas on my list, they tell me how much they love reading my emails.

Andrea Singletary:

Like, I actually had a few of them post on threads about how much they love my emails.

Andrea Singletary:

And so that was like, that was the encouragement I need.

Andrea Singletary:

I was like, oh, you love them.

Andrea Singletary:

Let me send you more, baby.

Andrea Singletary:

Let me send you more.

Andrea Singletary:

But I, like I said, I really do love writing emails.

Andrea Singletary:

Like, it's so much fun to me.

Andrea Singletary:

It lights me up so, so much like it's one of my favorite ways, like outside of the podcast, but one of my favorite ways of really connecting with my community.

Andrea Singletary:

And so I was like, you know what, let me up the number of emails, give them what they want and do something I love.

Andrea Singletary:

And I've been consistent in emailing my list.

Andrea Singletary:

Like that's one thing about me.

Andrea Singletary:

Every week you're going to get emails from me.

Andrea Singletary:

Like I don't skip weeks or anything like that.

Andrea Singletary:

Like I'm consistently showing up in my people's inbox.

Andrea Singletary:

And so because I, you know, I had gradually, like I had started out with sending out weekly emails and then I bumped it up, up to two and up to three.

Andrea Singletary:

But I think because I've, you know, been consistent in this, my email community is used to the number of emails I send per week and so it's not a surprise to them when they get more and everything.

Andrea Singletary:

And I have pretty good open rates.

Andrea Singletary:

My open rates average anywhere from like 48% to 50%.

Andrea Singletary:

And that's really good for industry standards and everything.

Andrea Singletary:

So I have a decent open rate and everything.

Andrea Singletary:

Now, like I said in the past, I would swap out one of my weekly emails for a promo email for a collaboration I was part of, but I'm not doing that anymore because my list loves receiving my emails.

Andrea Singletary:

And so I'm going to send them the emails that I've written and I kind of look at like the collab promotion emails just as a bonus.

Andrea Singletary:

Like if it's something that, you know, they're interested in, they want to, you know, sign up for the summit or sign up for this bundle to access some of resources, different things like that.

Andrea Singletary:

But I've just found that this system has worked really well for me.

Andrea Singletary:

And again, it's been pivotal in my business growth.

Andrea Singletary:

Like I've been able to monetize my email list and it's felt really good.

Andrea Singletary:

And again, because I've leaned into this, I'm not having to rely on socials, you know, Instagram.

Andrea Singletary:

Like I said, sometimes I'll post stuff in stories.

Andrea Singletary:

Like especially, like recently we had a guest speaker inside of the social media detox club and I shared, you know, a picture of her leading the training and shared about that.

Andrea Singletary:

But I don't feel this pressure to create or plan content for Instagram.

Andrea Singletary:

I feel really good in my marketing, my sales, my visibility, like the system, the ecosystem I've created and how I'm showing up.

Andrea Singletary:

And it's working for me.

Andrea Singletary:

I'm seeing the results and it's not taking a lot out of me.

Andrea Singletary:

You know, it's, it's working really good for me.

Andrea Singletary:

So that is it for this episode.

Andrea Singletary:

Like I said, I just, I really wanted to record this because I'm just so, I don't want to say tired, but I just, I feel so sad seeing so many people thinking negatively about sending emails to their people when their people want to hear from them.

Andrea Singletary:

Especially, like, you can guarantee that your email is ending up in people's inboxes, but you can't guarantee that people are seeing your social media content.

Andrea Singletary:

So you literally, that content you're creating for social media, you can repurpose it and send it out as an email.

Andrea Singletary:

So that way you know that a significant number of people are going to see that email.

Andrea Singletary:

They're going to get that good, juicy content that you're creating.

Andrea Singletary:

So just having that peace of mind.

Andrea Singletary:

So that is it.

Andrea Singletary:

I did want to say one more thing.

Andrea Singletary:

So as I hinted at back in episode 200, I am launching a new offer.

Andrea Singletary:

And I'm not like, announcing it, announcing it per se.

Andrea Singletary:

This is a secret way to get in before I announce it publicly.

Andrea Singletary:

But if you are someone who you really want to lean into email marketing and podcasting for your business so that way you can stop relying on social media, I want you to either send me an or send me a DM on Instagram.

Andrea Singletary:

My handle is Mama termompreneur and I will send you the details about this offer.

Andrea Singletary:

This offer is specifically for Mamas who really want to get serious about their email marketing and podcasting.

Andrea Singletary:

If you really want to start leveraging these platforms to attract, nurture and convert people into your specific offers, this offer that I'm launching is perfect for you.

Andrea Singletary:

There's only eight spots available.

Andrea Singletary:

Three spots have already been claimed.

Andrea Singletary:

So again, I haven't made a public announcement yet.

Andrea Singletary:

I'm not going to make it until a little bit later this month.

Andrea Singletary:

But if you're listening to this episode and you want to learn more about this offer, just send me an email or send me a DM and I will send you the details.

Andrea Singletary:

Alright, Mama, that is it for this episode.

Andrea Singletary:

I will talk to you later.

Andrea Singletary:

Well, Mama, that's a wrap on today's episode.

Andrea Singletary:

Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to hang with me.

Andrea Singletary:

If you enjoyed today's episode, will you do me a favor and follow the podcast and leave a review?

Andrea Singletary:

Hitting that follow button and sharing your thoughts about the podcast are the best ways to ensure that other mamas like you find this show.

Andrea Singletary:

Your review also lets me know if you're enjoying this podcast, so make sure to share your thoughts before you go.

Andrea Singletary:

All right, mama.

Andrea Singletary:

I'll catch you in the next episode.




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