60 minutes:
1) I enjoy Wednesdays because it gives me the opportunity to teach the classics. As I've often mentioned, teaching classics sometimes involves delving into less pleasant areas of life. We must be individuals who seek truth rather than simply hearing what pleases us. Today's discussion will focus on a very real adversary who harbors a deep hatred for us.
2) While exploring various interpretations of the Book of Revelation, it's impossible to ignore that Chapter 12 clearly outlines the origins of warfare. We have multiple testimonies throughout the scriptures - the Gospels, the Book of Acts, the Pauline Epistles, and the General Epistles - that confirm our battle with Satan, the powers of darkness, his demons, and all who align with them. The choice is simple: light or darkness.
3) It's important to understand that one of the enemy's tactics is to distract us from our simple devotion to Christ. Much of the warfare we experience with Satan takes place in our minds, not in physical battles. It's crucial to apply the truth in our minds and hearts. As we know, the truth will set us free, and fortunately for us, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
4) We'll spend some extra time examining Jesus's experiences and confrontations with Satan. By understanding the enemy's tactics and our Lord's strategy, we can find ample strength to stand firm in our faith. Let's praise God for His protection.