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117 - why you should be kind to yourself
Episode 11722nd April 2022 • Living Fearless Today • Coach Mike Forrester
00:00:00 00:10:32

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For many of us, being cruel to ourselves comes easy. We say or think mean and hurtful things, stuff we wouldn't consider saying to someone else, yet it's okay when it's directed at ourselves. So I would encourage you to be kind to yourself, say and think the things you wish someone would say to you and speak the encouraging and positive things you want to be true about us. While it won't change completely overnight, give it a try, so how you feel and if things around you change.


be kind to yourself



So I was hurting myself in the process, but I was removing the opportunity for you to hurt me. Now you may look at that and go, Mike, that makes absolutely no sense. And you're right. It doesn't make any sense, except when you're hurt really bad. And you're missing the fact that you're, you're being cruel to yourself.

nto something that you would [:

You know, or you'll just never get anywhere. You know, those messages where you don't feel like you're supportive to yourself, you're not encouraging yourself. Almost as if something good happens, you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. And that was very much where I was, you know, you'll hear me talk about your and, and how I was, you know, uh, a hybrid between ER and the.

ot financial stress and, you [:

But the thing about being kind to yourself is. You first need to set that precedence. And oftentimes we look back, we're going to see that other people haven't been kind to us. So we don't see that our value or worth in that area exists. We don't think that we're worthy of being kind to, and so we're cruel to ourselves in that way.

ore it becomes ingrained and [:

And that's not something you want to do. If you want to, you know, put something in your head and really have it take, take root and grow. You want it to be something positive, you know, like, Hey, I am a fantastic. Whatever you're wanting to do, you know, being a dad, being a husband, being a man, um, I'm great at my job.

You know, those kinds of things are what you want to take root. Why am I so resilient? Why am I so persistent instead of why can't I get this right. Why do bad things keep happening to me? You know, when we focus on those things, we're going to see that come about because we're expecting it. And so we're, we're only.

ing to start more arguments. [:

And so, which would you rather have, would you rather have thoughts where you're putting yourself down you're being cruel and unkind, or would you rather have thoughts? Are supportive and encouraging and, and just positive in nature. You know, they bring you joy that are uplifting, that give you that courage and strength to continue pushing through everything that you know, you're facing both as a man, a husband, a father, uh, you know, working, you know, whether it's your business or your career.

ead of putting yourself down [:

Um, you know, lift yourself up and see things differently. Hey, that, you know, when, when something goes right and say, Hey, that was a great job. Oh my gosh. Look, that was fantastic. Give yourself encouraging things. The friend you would want or want to be, be that person, that friend to yourself. Right? If, if you wouldn't want.

t experienced most recently, [:

How would I want to encourage my, and you know, have you given yourself that same space? Are you saying those same things to yourself? Or are you putting yourself down and being hypertensive? So just watch your thoughts. If you start seeing that, Hey, I'm going along this line. Um, I'm saying this about myself.

I'm thinking this bust in there and go. No, that's, that's not true. You know, interrupt. Um, don't let those thoughts. Occur and go on, interrupt them, bring it about the truth, how you want to see things, the positive things that you want said, what would you want as an encouraging word to come from me or any of your other friends?

ing forward? You know, that, [:

And once you begin treating yourself with respect, you're going to see a whole slew of things change. You will change, and the way people treat you will change as well. Is it going to happen over. No, it's going to take some time because you really need to begin believing it. That was like one of my, my biggest challenges was honestly going, okay.

didn't get to where we're at [:

Don't be cruel as well, you know, in going, why can't you get this? Give yourself some grace, give yourself the space to continue learning and working for it. So I'm happy to. You know, have shared this with you. If you've got questions, feel free to drop me an email at or reach out to me on Instagram in the DMs.

And I'm happy to talk more about this. And, uh, this is one of the pivotal things. When we begin changing how we see ourselves and talking about ourselves to ourselves, but everything changes from there. So have a great one, my friend, talk to you soon. Bye.




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